Diacetyl is a molecule that is linked to lung damage. What levels are critical and what specific diseases are debateable, but it clear that Popcorn lung is not the only one. Since 2009-2010, its been well known in the vaping community that Diacetyl should not be used, to the point where marketing was done on many websites saying they are Diacetyl Free. Dr. F (well known published scientist) did a crowd funded study on how previlant Diacetyl is in juices. It turned out essentially 3 out of every 4 tested had Diacetyl or Acetyl propionyl (AP) in them. What the study also showed was the Diacetyl and AP are essentially the same molecule with nearly the exact same risks. This was actually more critical than the counts, because vendors could say Diacetyl free, when they simply replaced it with the AP.
Russ of Click Bang did some testing of Suicide Bunny e-liquids on his own, he said he chose Suicide Bunny only because they were more dodgey than the other three companies he asked. As it turns out the others were more dodgy, because he is still waiting from information from them. At first Suicide Bunny only tested for Diacetyl, then they tested for AP too. The test came back the same, Diacetyl essentially zero, and AP at some levels.
Pip of SB said that Diacetyl is not the devil its made out to be, and pointed people to various published results. The problem was those tests only were checking for Popcorn lung, not Emphysema or COPD. Dr. F stated the interpretation of Dicetyl and AP and ONLY popcorn lung was not a correct way to examine that specific study. So the tests were the same, except for what levels of AP in SB juices.
The Dr. F study had a problem for vapors, in that it did not give a guide to how they can solve the issue in ordering. 3 out of 4, bad odds, Claims of Dicacetyl free, without talking about AP, Flavor companies saying they are Diacetyl free, when they are not. A few companies test, like Mountain Oak, The Vapor Bar, Nicquid, and a few others. But nobody really knows because Diacetyl free has been be proven to be BS in so many cases. The study also found that 25% are clean, but nobody knows who they are, and how they taste. Likely they taste good, but we don't know what we don't know.
If we knew what the Flavor companies were doing, we could know.
The Aspire dangers at this point are pretty much bullshit. Silicosis has been talked about for years, and silica wick has been essentially dismissed by most of the old threads are having real risk. Read the posts on ECF from years ago. Also some of the temperatures to be concerned about are way higher than Vaping is ever going to hit with a wet or even dry wick. A toaster can make chards of burnt to black toast. But nobody is dumb enough to eat black burnt toast. Similarly you can have a totally dry wick, but you are not going to vape at it. Temperature test on youtube exist, and a new study is going to go after high heat too. Dr. F again, and again crowd funded by vapers. A magnifing glass does not tell you what something is made of. It can, but a 50x magnifying glass saying it looks like chopped up something is total BS. 50x is a toy microscope. A real one is less than a used provari in cost.
http://www.amscope.com/40x-2500x-le...-camera.html?gclid=CPGSv-TC7cICFUVgfgodiHUA7w 300 bucks, so consider that when someone says they studied it at 50x. Saying that Aspire is lying and it proven that its Silica, it total BS. Saying Ready X wick looks like heat treated Ekowool, is also BS. Aspire has started to respond, and if they are shown to be lying it will be important. But is BS pure crappola to say that its PROVEN that Aspire is using Silica.
Suicide Bunny said for a long time to specfic question if their juices had AP, had said they did not. They do. Ask Pip, she says same now, but she also says they are very low. What is the end risk, nobody knows. One thing for sure, is the FDA, not going to be happy with Diacetyl and AP. The UK has banned them, at least the largest vendor in the UK recalled and pulled the shit from the shelves.
Anyone saying anything was done to personally go after SB or any other vendor is just wrong. Why? 3 out of 4, out of 162 tested. You can buy SB in basically every State locally. If you are going to do one check, not a bad bang for buck choice, and Pip responded to the challenge. The why me, is deflection. I would like Pip to say she was wrong, and for her not to have deleted the FB posting where she answered the question.
Pip responded in the end, which is very good. But I have made the choice to avoid all Diacetyl and AP liquids. I don't care if its safer than smoking, which it is, I don't need a flavor choice so much I can not just simply avoid it. And I also know that some vendors make them. Some flavor companies make them too. Like Flavor Art inhalation line since 2011+
That's where its at, and it sucks.