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Brophmantooth is Mechanical King and a Thief


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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If he used a veteran to get a PIF...hope he burns in hell...

Sent from a very cloudy room

Fucker plays the vet card whenever possible when begging or making excuses for not upholding his end of bargains

It's a pity VU deleted most of his begging posts when he was first exposed - he even used it as an excuse for why he couldn't ship :eek:

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if he's a case of stolen valor either
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Fucker plays the vet card whenever possible when begging or making excuses for not upholding his end of bargains

It's a pity VU deleted most of his begging posts when he was first exposed - he even used it as an excuse for why he couldn't ship :eek:

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if he claims stolen valor either
Hes an ass....i take that vet/military serious....lost my little bro in 06....fkin asshole

Sent from a very cloudy room


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Hes an ass....i take that vet/military serious....lost my little bro in 06....fkin asshole

Sent from a very cloudy room

I think its the reason one of his first posts - which was to beg for free juice - was not shouted down like usually happens when some loser pops up begging right away

It pisses me off too (I did not serve in the military BTW) because it can take away from those who did or are

There was this one fuck who PMed me and posted on my wall when he saw I'd sent some stuff to an active duty person - saying he was about to be deployed to Japan (a true hardship post no doubt) and If I was still in a giving mood....

I don't normally report people no matter how bad they act, but when I went to check out his profile and saw he was in active conversation with someone else I totally reported him


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This prick said he was going to send a MOD to a person I had connected him with who was and still is going threw a Medical Nightmare, but one kind sole sent her one which made life just a but easier~! She called her an angel and that person knows who they are so I will refrain from mentioning her name.


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I said Social Media I did not say the VU. Here he is posting in other areas like Hardware to get around any restrictions you have levied.
Well steve the mods have been working with me today ...actually since last night... But thats y i said we could use a vaping predator sticky in the trades section so its like out in the open

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Sounded like you meant VU :p

Some of my previous reports did but I have not checked to see if it has been corrected. I reported his offers in the Hardware section and such but they stayed at the time. I could care less to be doing the work of the Moderators to see if something has finally been done.


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Some of my previous reports did but I have not checked to see if it has been corrected. I reported his offers in the Hardware section and such but they stayed at the time. I could care less to be doing the work of the Moderators to see if something has finally been done.
Well just thought id let u know they r on this ...and I thank you for your info as well.... i like vu the most out of all thw forums im on...Good People GOOD Advice... so the best we can do is screen our selves and be active too

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I wouldn't do any trades with anyone that hasn't been a VU member for at least a year. I'm not going to do trades anyway because i'd rather buy new and giveaway stuff I don't want


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What a piece of shit. OMG. I was wondering about him after I read somewhere here on VU where someone was trying to pin him down a little and he went batshit crazy. Don't even remember where it was, but probably on the PIF thread. I did see that he was posting in the veterans' thread(s) too. He's a scheming, lying, remorseless predator. And I'd believe he's shipping stuff now when I held it in my own two hands. Bullshit he is.


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I wouldn't do any trades with anyone that hasn't been a VU member for at least a year. I'm not going to do trades anyway because i'd rather buy new and giveaway stuff I don't want
I understand and thats totally your choice but i have not been here for a year...am very active...and have several trades and buys under my belt ...with some vouches as well...i lost but learned and am thankful for it...i think the whole forum is learning from this ouster...

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I did see that he was posting in the veterans' thread(s) too.

He needs to be reported to Veterans Affairs or whomever deals with scammers claiming to be a Veteran or taking Donations for them.


Member For 4 Years
Idk about everyone else here, but blacklisting a dude who is an established scammer is going to slow him down for the 45 minuets, or so, that it takes him to establish another identity. Post his PO Box, so he at least has to rent another one.

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Idk about everyone else here, but blacklisting a dude who is an established scammer is going to slow him down for the 45 minuets, or so, that it takes him to establish another identity. Post his PO Box, so he at least has to rent another one.

Hmmmmmmmmm new member or is it him showing how no one is monitor IP Addresses? But you are giving him more credit then his past actions have shown. Meaning he isn't that smart~!

@Admins or @Moderator? @SMOKIE , @Countrypami , @Huckleberried @KingPin! maybe yo guys should check this guy out?


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A lot of shady stuff, all previously mentioned - PIF box, juice for vets, etc..
I even PIF'ed him some juice .. he didnt even say thanks.
Oh well.. live and learn..

Would reporting with the Report link at the end of his responses do anything?


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He is the type to post a comment and brag.........................


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Does he have a PO Box and was it mentioned here that he does......

I don't think that is allowed with the few minor rules here but maybe a Moderator will comment and say if it can be posted.

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I don't think that is allowed with the few minor rules here but maybe a Moderator will comment and say if it can be posted.
Yeah, not post it. Just wondering where the thought came from...to post PO Box. Saying yes or no that someone has a PO Box should be ok. I never sent him anything so I don't know. But I've read every post in this thread and I don't recall anyone saying they sent him something to a PO


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If the ops have his PO box, methinks "mail fraud" might stir USPS - let them use those armed inspectors.


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If the ops have his PO box, methinks "mail fraud" might stir USPS - let them use those armed inspectors.

Yeah I thought of that months ago but no money was involved so....................


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Well he has already been branded a Thief for what it is worth


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I don't believe "Fraud" requires money change hands; as long as it's goods/services - FRAUD - and the usps was used - he can be ruined.


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@Rebullque I am sorry for what has happened. Let the KARMA do the due task of balancing.
But I’ve a humble request to you and all, let’s not change our attitude towards those who are actually in need. I will keep doing per my capability whatever I can and urge the same from all of my fellow members here. Let one fish not make the whole pond dirty.

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