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I love debate of almost any kind, exegesis included, so I would welcome that. However, good debate requires structure and rules, lest you know what, and that would appear to stray what may be possible here. Prayer comes closer to a common language and I suspect will prove more inclusive.

That said, I am primarily interested here in the spiritual life and spirituality of others, religious or otherwise, and am full of those kinds of questions. Just lemmie know if I ask too many.


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Never too many questions, often too few. I am trained in Socratic rhetoric.

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On the subject of prayers and praying:

When we have difficult time...or need a helping hand, we often call upon a friend. We vent, we cry, we make promises, we accuse, we forgive, we do a great many things....but one thing we DO know, is that a good friend who loves us will always listen, and at times, forgive.
This is the very same quality that we can find in prayer. We confide in our best mates because we feel strongly that we can trust them....when it comes to advice, we strongly feel that they will guide us in a good direction (often times they just help us look at a situation from a fresh perspective). We seldom need to feel ashamed, or that we are asking too much of our close friends, because we also feel strongly that they would do the same for us....this is the very fabric of friendship!
A relationship with God (regardless of how He/She is named or envisioned) is NO different!!!
For the sake of continuity...lets just refer to God as..........Roger.
Roger loves us to a degree that we cannot fathom.....Roger made a sacrifice on our behalf that we as mere mortals can in no way pay back. But the cool thing about Roger, is that he asks only one thing....the SAME thing that our friends ask of us.............TRUST ME.
Now our friends DO have limitations on what they can deliver....Roger does not. Our friends...even when those limits have been reached...and in the view of our pain and the very least....sympathise and have that compassion that helps us feel like we are not alone.
What happens when we just don't HAVE friends like this? Well, we have Roger...we will ALWAYS have Roger. Fact is...sometimes Roger feels abandoned and lonely! The same feeling we get when someone out of the clear blue shows up and cares for what we think and feel.....Roger gets when this happens to HIM. Only difference being....Roger knows us already, and has been waiting with a broken heart for us to come back and have a wee chat!
That is all that prayer is....a wee chat. Some people prefer to think of prayer as this highly formatted, somber, head bowed....lots of "Thy's" and "Thou's" and other such formalities....and it certainly can be...but lets just leave that for Church shall we? The best prayers are when we just stop wherever and whenever...and say "Hey Roger! I need to get some shit off my a minute?" And just let it out! Speak normally, speak softly or TRUE emotion (we get pissed off at friends...and are fully allowed to be pissed off at Roger). Roger always listens....Roger knows us better than we know ourselves....Roger will always act upon what we truly need (we seldom have any clue as to what that is).....Roger will weigh out wants, and act on them accordingly. Roger is not some Gandalf looking dude on a cloud chucking thunderbolts and killing babies. Roger is a father to millions and millions of kids (Roger needs Tylenol)......and loves the fuck-ups as much if not MORE than the ones that seemingly have a clue (stress "seemingly"). Roger wears bowling pants. Roger sometimes needs a shave....Roger looks like and sounds like whatever YOU want Roger to look and sound like.

Ever use words like like "wish" and "hope"? are praying! Ever just THINK about Roger? are praying!
It is quite alright to get fully fucked off at Roger!! Roger can handle it. Roger understands that whilst He did a perfect job making you....he INTENTIONALLY made you much so, that you just CANT "get it" all the time. Roger sheds tears for you all the time, because like any parent.....Roger has to take you by the ears when you lose the plot. Roger hates doing that....but it is almost always for your own good.

That brings me to the key here.....Roger is a parent, YOU are the child. Children always think they have it all figured out....and a good parent knows better and would like to always protect you from yourself.....but sometimes we just have to let our kids fall. This hurts like hell....but we have the wisdom of our years to help us understand that sometimes that is the ONLY way a lesson can be taught. We know this, and Roger knows it best of all.

Simply put....we get the Grace of knowing that we decided to shift the focus off of the world for a wee bit....and onto Roger! We get the satisfaction of knowing when we pray for others...that not only have we given a gift to THEM...but also to Roger!
I am an Evangelist....I pray for is what I do. Some others enter monastery....some take Holy Vows.....some are missionaries in faraway places.....all very important jobs when it comes to helping brothers and sisters find the peace that a child finds in the arms of it's parent. Bringing people to Roger.
Most important and difficult job of all??? Prayer.
One of my favourite sayings is: "The best prayers are the ones we say when we really don't want to.

LASTLY: (yay)
When we pray...we are giving someone a gift that transcends anything physical we can give. Who doesn't like being thanked for a gift?
When someone prays for us....we have been offered a gift beyond measure. Who would not thank someone for a gift like that?
All prayers lead to Roger.....Roger enjoys a thank you for your life and faith that makes it possible for you to pray.....and returns that thank you by listening to those prayers....and acting upon some of them.
Always thank someone when they offer to pray for you to Roger!

Pax Et Bonum.
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I love saying this around my fellow Friars and Priests: Once I was approached by a young man who wanted me to grant him absolution....WELL, I am not ordained so I can not perform a Sacrament...but I did ask him in front of several Franciscans WHY he needed to confess. "Brother, I am an AWFUL son....I am so bad and disrespectful to my parents!!!"
I told him "Aww, it cant be that bad! Jesus was the worst son ever!!!" (I could actually hear three Priests faceplaming behind me...)
"He was always hanging out with the boys....sleeping outside and missing meals. He would be gone for weeks at a time and not even bother telling his mom where he was going or when he would be back! ONCE when he was only nine years old....he snuck away from his parents to go preach in Jerusalem...and they didnt even know he was not with them until they were halfway back to Nazareth (90 mountainous miles away)! The sad part is...all his mother wanted, was for him to bring home a nice Jewish girl...WHAT DOES HE DO??? Brings home a hooker!!!!"
LOL if you can't laugh at that you got problems!


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I do not do somber and pious very well.
LOL I've got a feeling that you would have better luck catching an unruly flock being a little on the less somber and pious side.


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LOL I've got a feeling that you would have better luck catching an unruly flock being a little on the less somber and pious side.
True! So many have strayed from Abrahamic religions because they feel a distinct "us vs THEM" attitude. The Bible clearly illustrates that Jesus was Incarnate for no other reason than to be one of US (Immanuel = God Amongst Us). The Apostles were given the gift of "Tongues", meaning the gift of foreign languages, so that people could relate to what they had to say, from ordinary sinning people. As a street preacher...I need to be just "plain folks" so that I will even be listened to....tattoos....slang....the occasional fuck and shit. If I were to go out in full habit...I would be switched off on sight. Strictly conservative Catholics (including the ArchDiocese) would probably like so see me excommunicated....but that is why I operate under NO authority or "blessing" from the Church. In short...I do not sell religion....I make introductions to a way that makes people feel I am just as jacked up as they are.....because I AM......if not even more so.


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Sure! Why not lol
There is a method to my madness. I do not want to make this thread compliant to ANY religion........and since there was nobody to name God...we use the term God (capital G) as a reference. In Hebrew it is Adonai or Elohim...which mean "Lord" and "I am".


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I love it!!! I always thought his/its name was Fernando, but I can't give a reason as to why.
Fernando it is! I like to refer to God as He/ do all of my Charismatic Catholic colleagues, because again....God was not born of is neither female or male! (this really gets up the Holy See's kilt.....I LOVE IT!!!). God did not have a gender until Christ....but in the Trinitarian still 1/3 of a whole.


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or אֱלֹהִים
I have no way of taking a picture...but that is tattooed on the base of my neck (rear). I am a work of art in the hands of my I any work of art....I needed to be signed.


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Ok...this took three attempts. SUCCESS!


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Fernando it is! I like to refer to God as He/ do all of my Charismatic Catholic colleagues, because again....God was not born of is neither female or male! (this really gets up the Holy See's kilt.....I LOVE IT!!!). God did not have a gender until Christ....but in the Trinitarian still 1/3 of a whole.
Roger is good, too. Please don't change it on my account. I like your thoughts about..."Ever use words like like "wish" and "hope"? are praying! Ever just THINK about Roger? are praying!" It reminds me how I dislike when people wish me luck. In the back of my brain, I get this inkling that they're implying I need luck in order to succeed. My partner tells me it is more of a sign of showing faith in someone.
You really have that tattooed? Isn't that against Jewish law? Though you seem not to follow conventions. =)


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This is what is below that. NOTW = Not Of This World (reference to John 17:16)


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Roger is good, too. Please don't change it on my account. I like your thoughts about..."Ever use words like like "wish" and "hope"? are praying! Ever just THINK about Roger? are praying!" It reminds me how I dislike when people wish me luck. In the back of my brain, I get this inkling that they're implying I need luck in order to succeed. My partner tells me it is more of a sign of showing faith in someone.
You really have that tattooed? Isn't that against Jewish law? Though you seem not to follow conventions. =)
It is against Jewish law for women to be tattooed (seldom observed) for men, if it represents faith, it is alright. They DO HIGHLY PREFER if the tetragammaton lettres are formed correctly. I had mine inspected by a Rabbi for accuracy!


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@franciscan I think what you are offering here is great. I myself am a Heathen and have many Rogers.


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dear friar foggy,

could you please pray that i survive this plague i have? i feel like someone smited me. thank you for your consideration. i will crawl into a ball now.

p.s. abba is my guilty pleasure


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dear friar foggy,

could you please pray that i survive this plague i have? i feel like someone smited me. thank you for your consideration. i will crawl into a ball now.

p.s. abba is my guilty pleasure
Already did....hours ago.


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Look at all of us different religions getting along talking openly with no hate and animosity . Maybe we need to get all the world leaders on VU.


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Hey...why not?
It is my intent for this to be a service for those that would appreciate some prayer power. Some have loved ones that are ill....some are just having a tough go of it. Some are falling in love.....or have lost a love. Regardless, sometimes we just need it.
I network with all faiths, and this is meant to be a non-denominational thing. Requests can be public, or private through message. Whilst I am not an ordained Priest....I do belong to a religious order. I do not intend to make this my personal pulpit...but all questions will be answered with candor, love, honesty. I may feel from time to time that something inspirational needs to be posted..and I will...or you may. Religious debate is not what this is for...and I will not respond to it unless it's spirit is informational and friendly. SO HERE GOES! You may not know me...but I desperately want to listen to you.

*Dominus pacem, et cum spiritu tuo*
Great words mucho needed for myself. However, I do have a request will you please explain all of Ezekiel 1 to me please? so I can get past it. ;)


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dear friar foggy,

could you please pray that i survive this plague i have? i feel like someone smited me. thank you for your consideration. i will crawl into a ball now.

p.s. abba is my guilty pleasure
hmmm I will think about it... but the idea of you being in a ball sounds interesting. :) yes Kelli I will say a prayer for you but only this once...


Vapid Vapetress
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hmmm I will think about it... but the idea of you being in a ball sounds interesting. :) yes Kelli I will say a prayer for you but only this once...

thanks mr. scary person and happy birthday. :)


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I think we are all blessed to be here and while we are. Any prayers for my wonderful wife who is struggling with graves disease would be greatly appreciated.


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I think we are all blessed to be here and while we are. Any prayers for my wonderful wife who is struggling with graves disease would be greatly appreciated.
Consider it done! Seriously....I just did! :p
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Fry.. My hats off to ya. I like your style thanks for hanging in.
How bout a prayer or something for my little bro. He's handicapped ya know. I used to be his keeper, when I was a child. I taught em everything he knew, till maybe 20 yrs ago. Now he's under the care of the state, and I have no say in anything.
He has some seriously bad physical ailments that need to be addressed. The problem is, because he's full grown, and only limited by lack of speach, if he refuses to see a doctor, they can't make him. So they do nothing.
Sorry TMI, thanks in advance bubba.
We'll send him some from ours as well.


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I think we should all pray for all the drunks and fools (along with those that encounter them) on the road tonight.
Unfortunately I have to pick up my brother and sister in law at the airport at 9pm.
I don't want to be out there. :(


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I think we should all pray for all the drunks and fools (along with those that encounter them) on the road tonight.
Unfortunately I have to pick up my brother and sister in law at the airport at 9pm.
I don't want to be out there. :(
Why would you pray for a drunk? see I have a different view I will pray they do not kill someone an innocent but I will not pray for them because they are not attempting any penance at all they are purposely and knowingly putting others in harms way... Even though @franciscan and I may not agree on this theological quorum
my thoughts on it they have chosen Evil (Demonic control) and only they themselves can be released through Christ ;)


Vapid Vapetress
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i am almost ready for last rites, friar dear. Tired smiley.jpg

(not really, i am feeling a bit better)

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