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As to your signature normally hit their prime at a certain age...normally late 20's, early 30's. Women hit their prime numerous times....they become the most sexually dangerous after 50! Lucky the younger lad who is in the crosshairs of a 55 year old lioness that has not been properly serviced in 20 years!


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My Testimony:

I feel it is critical for anyone that undertakes the Vocation of a Lay minister in any capacity, to relate their testimony of what brought them to God. Then to back that up from time to time with their Witness of His work through them!

I really have to start at the end of my first marriage, which ended in 1998.
I had what at best was a loveless marriage of 9 years to the mother of my two kids. The only reason we married was because we were irresponsible and she became pregnant. At the time I was full of the false notion that marrying her was the "noble" thing to I did. It was not all horror show...but we just were NOT friends. Eventually, in the last year of our marriage, she decided to sleep with everyone BUT me...but in all honesty, I has no interest in her anyway. I found out, and dropped the bomb. I was still a good person at the time, and felt that injustice had been done to me...and that I needed her to be gone from my much as possible, with us having children together.
Soon after, she met a man who was almost the opposite of every way. I did not bother to mourn the breakup, and had busied myself fucking every female that would lose the clothing. But inside, I really hated that I lost I looked at this guy (who I might add was a friend of mine at the time they started their affair), and thought "Hmm...if I want to find a woman like her again...I need to be like HIM!". I changed every aspect of myself...looks, habits, name it...complete 180 from the person my parents raised me to be. I became a liar and a fraud...for no reason other than to garner the wealth of attention that I felt I deserved. time, everyone see's through the bullshit...and I lost everyone.

Fast forward:

I never really returned to ME....and after a number of failed physical relationships...and another marriage of 11 years....I just was detached from reality. The last woman that I've been with...emotionally and physically.....I had met and fell in love with before either of us were fully divorced from out neglectful spouses. Hers beat her and cheated on her relentlessly....mine had become a drug and alcohol addict. I guess we were exactly what we THOUGHT we fact, we just wanted an escape.
After a year and a dawned on her that she just could not love me......not that I did anything wrong necessarily....but because she had no idea what love even IS...I say IS, because she still has no idea. Subsequently, she had no idea how to accept love. We were doomed, and she had the wisdom to stop the train before it went completely off the rails. I hated her for it...but in time, I came to realise that she made a heartbreaking decision that was probably more painful for her, than me.....but at the time, I was selfish and more than willing to be the martyr.
I was devastated!!!!! What did I do wrong???? Was I too old (she is 19 years my juniour)? Was I too disabled? Not wealthy enough? Too ugly? Not sexy enough??? WHAT WAS IT???? I felt strongly (still do) that I am too old and broken to be marketable any longer.....Pride Rock is a distant memory, and I had objectified too many women and had used up my last chance.
I was at the end of my rope and so depressed I had stopped eating and never left the house....BUT ALAS!!!! I found the answer!!!!
OMG, she was so beautiful!!!! Perfect body.....flawless!!! She felt so perfect in my hands, and asked nothing of me, except for me to slip my rock hard magazine deep into her perfectly accommodating frame!!! She was black with a nickle silver slide...and her name was Sig Saur!

One night whilst caressing her and telling her all of my troubles (she is an amazing listener)...I gently turned her face to mine...pulled back her hammer...and pressed her lips to mine.

What happened next makes no sense...not even now.

I thought to myself....well, this will not will solve the problem.....but will destroy any chance of a normal life for my kids. LETS GIVE GOD ONE MORE CALL.

I prayed to God........NOTHING..........prayed again for Him to save me........FUCK ALL!!! Well shit, this is not working!!!!!! I was crying so hard that I was soaking my shirt. I was outside yelling at the trees, the moon....I'm thinking I may have yelled at a car...who knows.
Then I thought "HMM, I have seen these holy rollers waving their hands in the air looking like they just had an orgasm....why not give that a go?" So I did....I put my hand in the air and REALLY focused on what God must look like. I begged Him to help me....that I was not worthy to be alive, and CERTAINLY not worth helping.....but please.........please.......please.

I felt a hand slip into mine.

That scared the shit out of me, because my eyes were closed, and I thought someone was messing with me........but nobody was human was anywhere near me..............but a hand was in mine. I am not shitting you people...there was a fucking hand in mine!!!!!!!!!!

The first thing that went through my mind was "WAIT!!! HOLD ON A FUCKING SECOND!!!! You mean to tell me that this fairytale...this MYTH....this bullshit story that most of the world is buying into is REAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?????" But I could not deny...that there was a hand in mine...and it frightened me more than anything prior......but at the same felt like a warm blanket had been wrapped around me....y'know, like right out of the dryer in January.

Well that is some truly crazy shit! But so real!!! You just cannot keep something like this a secret....all of my sadness went away...all of my anger and stress...GONE! WTF?? Just.....GONE!

You can not keep something like this a just cant.

And I'm not.


Pax Et Bonum
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Oh yeah..what about that woman that broke my heart and almost drove me to suicide? Well, I broke my OWN heart...and she drove me to NOTHING...that was all me.
She and I are very close friends now. I respect her above most all other people in that she did a very difficult thing when she decided to be honest to herself and give herself the freedom to sort her life out. She was the final push that ultimately drove me into the loving arms of God....and I will be forever in her debt for that.
She has since become a Dedicated Single Person (which btw is a Lay Vocation within the Catholic Church) and has taken a vow of abstinence. I am very proud of her for what she has chosen in her life...and pray for her daily.
We are much better friends that we ever could have been otherwise. Our relationship was founded in sin, and God would never have Blessed such a union, and it would never have been Consecrated by Faith.
Sadly, it took me 45 years to grow up LOL.


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Hmm....I probably just shot myself in the foot by posting all of that, but I will never deny my Saviour....even if some may think I am nutters, or "Too much". Take me as I am.......or not at all.
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Vapid Vapetress
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Hmm....I probably just shot myself in the foot by posting all of that, but I will never deny my Saviour....even if some may think I am nutters, or "Too much". Take me as I am.......or not at all.

well you put it out there. have to admire that. dunno if i could do it. you are a friar with kahunas.


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I can't believe I'm the only one who gave likes to those posts do far. What person of faith - who actually wears the vestments - do any of us know would actually bare so much? C'mon people!!!


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I can't believe I'm the only one who gave likes to those posts do far. What person of faith - who actually wears the vestments - do any of us know would actually bare so much? C'mon people!!!
Meh, no biggie. I expect more flaming than likes if I'm honest. I am probably now known as a "Jesus Freak", "Bible Thumper", "Holy Roller"......or the popular pagan term "Fundie". What people may not realise....that IRL, I am quite normal and would never know unless I told them, or if there is a ministry moment. I have been in many conversations where I've dispensed Biblical knowledge and counseling, without the person even knowing that is what is happening. That may be why so many are under the misconception that I'm wise lol.


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well you put it out there. have to admire that. dunno if i could do it. you are a friar with kahunas.
No, those were shot off in The 'Nam.


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I will lead off with one of my favourite passages about is both encouraging and passionate.
It is from St John's first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 4-7

"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
I will admit I am not religious anymore. But when I was kid my mom was Baptist I remember this verse and I always loved it. It's very beautiful


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Thank you for sharing friar.

I know that I most likely will never share my testimony here.
But will continue to share it when the Lord leads me to.
It does take a good deal of courage to put yourself out there like that whether IRL or on a platform such as this forum.
I'm honored to have met you my friend and brother.

Now I'm gonna go see what kind of madness I can find and/or stir up else where ;)


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Thank you for sharing friar.

I know that I most likely will never share my testimony here.
But will continue to share it when the Lord leads me to.
It does take a good deal of courage to put yourself out there like that whether IRL or on a platform such as this forum.
I'm honored to have met you my friend and brother.

Now I'm gonna go see what kind of madness I can find and/or stir up else where ;)
When I am out and about doing the Lords work as an Evangelist, one of the first questions I am asked is "So, what has God done for YOU" in a very sneering way. My testimony is only PART of my answer. So many have had that "God moment", but it somehow wears off in a short time....I see this every year as I teach RCIA in my parish...then about 4 months after Easter Confirmation....they just lose the fire and stop attending Mass. Testimonials lend credence to ones feeling that they have made contact with God....BUT, ongoing Witness answers the other questions, such as "How does God affect your daily life?" or "What can God possible want with ME?" or "Have you ever seen a miracle?" and so on.
People want to know what "Street Cred" you have when you are not an Ordained Priest, and your credentials.....are God's work THROUGH you.
You have seen what I type...and unless I conclude something with a scriptural is from ME....or is it? It says in Isaiah 55:8 "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". What this means in regards to my words and actions are.....they are not mine! I can not tell you how many times I have said or written something and stepped back, going "Umm...where did THAT come from????". When I put my hand in the air and felt Him....I completely and forever surrendered all that I am to God...EVERYTHING. I gave my free will back to Him because the only will that is perfect, is HIS....history has shown...sometimes in very tragic ways...that my will is horribly flawed. I do not make plans anymore...I am a leaf blowing in the wind...landing where HE wills me to land. My words are not my actions are not mine...I belong to NO human, nor will I ever. I belong to my Holy Mother Mary, and her Son Jesus.
Now in the world, I am a goofball...I enjoy MOST aspects of my humanity...but this is only because I spend every waking moment, striving towards perfect Trust and Faith in just makes me THAT happy!
Yes, I'm a freak....a willing slave....and that is the source of my life! But I am still flawed...I still sin....I am unworthy of the abundant and eternal love and forgiveness that is mine...but I will never take my eyes off the Cross....if I do....I will die. My Holy Vows are very important to me.....but Holy Obedience does not mean that I have to be any less a human as anyone else....I just have a different set of personal rules.
Dont look at me as anything other than some lad in the world....please. I just have a passion that is a wee different than most that you will meet.

I watched "Hard To Kill" with Steven Segal tonight...and there is a line when he describes his childhood in China when we asked to be taught the martial arts: "So you want to learn how to hurt people? Before you learn how to hurt must first learn how to HEAL people".
I was a hurter
Now through the Grace of my Lord........I strive to heal people.

Pax Et Bonum


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thank you so much, that is very nice of you.
Kelli.....I need for you to do something for me. Your avatar.......look at it closely for me. Look at the angle of your head....your eyes...and your mouth. Now look at Mary

Cool huh? (Pieta by Michaelangelo)
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I look at you and I see myself.
We share the same nature as humans.
Not all of are partakers of the Divine nature though. And that is what sets us apart. It is the real reason why I call you brother.

Most folks see me as either a lunatic, a monster or a hypocrite.
But it is how our Father sees me that really matters.
He is the one and only that has the true ability to define me. I cannot even define myself.
Nor can I define another.


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I look at you and I see myself.
We share the same nature as humans.
Not all of are partakers of the Divine nature though. And that is what sets us apart. It is the real reason why I call you brother.

Most folks see me as either a lunatic, a monster or a hypocrite.
But it is how our Father sees me that really matters.
He is the one and only that has the true ability to define me. I cannot even define myself.
Nor can I define another.
I fully agree. I do not save people..that is my Boss's job...I am just a scout of sorts...a receptionist....matchmaker. I do not sell any particular religion...this is why I do not operate with the blessing of the Archdiocese. Most of the Roman Curia would have me drawn and quartered for not preaching the tenets of the RCC. I introduce people to God.....I LISTEN...I observe and engage. HOW someone worships is their business, not mine. It says that I am to sow seed....not tend the plant. Pope Innocent III instructed St Francis to "Rebuild the Church"....not literally with stone and timbers....but to bring the people to God......not some building or dogma.....but to the Lord.


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I will admit I am not religious anymore. But when I was kid my mom was Baptist I remember this verse and I always loved it. It's very beautiful
If you like would LOVE the entire Book of Solomon (Song of Solomon)


The Bride Confesses Her Love
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;
3 your anointing oils are fragrant;
your name is oil poured out;
therefore virgins love you.
4 Draw me after you; let us run.
The king has brought me into his chambers.

We will exult and rejoice in you;
we will extol your love more than wine;
rightly do they love you.

5 I am very dark, but lovely,
O daughters of Jerusalem,
like the tents of Kedar,
like the curtains of Solomon.
6 Do not gaze at me because I am dark,
because the sun has looked upon me.
My mother's sons were angry with me;
they made me keeper of the vineyards,
but my own vineyard I have not kept!
7 Tell me, you whom my soul loves,
where you pasture your flock,
where you make it lie down at noon;
for why should I be like one who veils herself
beside the flocks of your companions?

Solomon and His Bride Delight in Each Other
8 If you do not know,
O most beautiful among women,
follow in the tracks of the flock,
and pasture your young goats
beside the shepherds' tents.

9 I compare you, my love,
to a mare among Pharaoh's chariots.
10 Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments,
your neck with strings of jewels.

11 We will make for you[ ornaments of gold,
studded with silver.

12 While the king was on his couch,
my nard gave forth its fragrance.
13 My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh
that lies between my breasts.
14 My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms
in the vineyards of Engedi.

15 Behold, you are beautiful, my love;
behold, you are beautiful;
your eyes are doves.

16 Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.
Our couch is green;
17 the beams of our house are cedar;
our rafters are pine.

What that a man and his beloved could envision each other is such ways!! Indeed I was born in the wrong century lol.


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I fully agree. I do not save people..that is my Boss's job...I am just a scout of sorts...a receptionist....matchmaker. I do not sell any particular religion...this is why I do not operate with the blessing of the Archdiocese. Most of the Roman Curia would have me drawn and quartered for not preaching the tenets of the RCC. I introduce people to God.....I LISTEN...I observe and engage. HOW someone worships is their business, not mine. It says that I am to sow seed....not tend the plant. Pope Innocent III instructed St Francis to "Rebuild the Church"....not literally with stone and timbers....but to bring the people to God......not some building or dogma.....but to the Lord.
Yep, I don't consider myself as one who works for the Lord, but rather one who works WITH the Lord.
I'm a FELLOW laborer, not a sub-contractor lol
I try to see where He's doing things and then join in. Kinda like this thread. I see Him working and as His fellow laborer I want to be there with Him.
I'm very Reformed in my thinking but I tend to protest even the Protestants lol.
I'm no believer in universalism nor a person who says "worship God how ever you see fit". But as one who has truly experienced His saving grace I am one to say "He shall choose whom He shall choose". And in that I see hope for any human being.


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One of my favourite simple rules...was spoken by Christ as he re-entered Jerusalem before His Passion on that fateful Passover. Granted, this applied at the time to a coin...but applies in this world as well.

"And Jesus answering, said to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at Him." - Mark 12:17


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BTW....for any Bible experts that may come here....even though Mass in the ordinary form of the Latin Rite uses the New American Bible for the readings.....I quote using the Douay Rheims translation.


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Not sure if I'm familiar with that translation. Need too check it out.
I've always enjoyed the KJV and the NASB
I know people like to pick on the KJV but it's like poetry to me.
Spent thousands of hours in it LOL
But then again I had plenty of time to do so ;)


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I also love the NKJV (raised Anglican remember)....the Jerusalem Bible is also commonly used by the Friars and Poor Clares. I have a photographic memory and try to put it to good use learning Latin and memorising the Bible. At the friary...only Br Damien can out-quote me....(he is 92 and entered the Order at 17)


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One of the many things that I love about different translations is that no matter what one it may be ( even the ones I really disapprove of) there is the message of salvation in them all. And because it is the Spirit that gives understanding I've found that the "road" to salvation is illustrated in all of them,


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Tales of battle, of romance....good and evil. Tales of hope, of despair. Tales of great tragedy and greater salvation. It is every book ever written. Sadly, it is seldom used as it was intended. When people tell me they have read it cover to cover...the first thing that pops into my mind, is that they most likely "kept" nothing of it. Prayers are like that...often recited not knowing what they truly mean. That is why I love being a homilist...I can break down the entire Bible into everyday terms that are useful in the current, when you can apply them to YOUR remember them forever!!! This is especially true with the Gospels. One of the most critical parts of my Vows was "To live, Gospel to life, life to Gospel".


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Tales of battle, of romance....good and evil. Tales of hope, of despair. Tales of great tragedy and greater salvation. It is every book ever written. Sadly, it is seldom used as it was intended. When people tell me they have read it cover to cover...the first thing that pops into my mind, is that they most likely "kept" nothing of it. Prayers are like that...often recited not knowing what they truly mean. That is why I love being a homilist...I can break down the entire Bible into everyday terms that are useful in the current, when you can apply them to YOUR remember them forever!!! This is especially true with the Gospels. One of the most critical parts of my Vows was "To live, Gospel to life, life to Gospel".
Amen brother.


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Well my beloved brother...I need to get some sleep...I have a formal event tomorrow night, and need to make sure some things are sorted. Nite nite!


Vapid Vapetress
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Kelli.....I need for you to do something for me. Your avatar.......look at it closely for me. Look at the angle of your head....your eyes...and your mouth. Now look at Mary

Cool huh? (Pieta by Michaelangelo)

you may now address me as mother kelli.

Eric DeCastro

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as a God fearing Catholic, I must say I have a huge spot in my heart for Religion. At times i am moved and have been brought to tears with prayer. Thank you for doing this. such a great idea. thank you and God Bless you.


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God bless you as well my brother! Dominus pacem et cum spiritu tuo!

Eric DeCastro

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copied from
daily readings

Reading 1, Hebrews 3:7-14
7 That is why, as the Holy Spirit says: If only you would listen to him today!

8 Do not harden your hearts, as at the rebellion, as at the time of testing in the desert,

9 when your ancestors challenged me, and put me to the test, and saw what I could do

10 for forty years. That was why that generation sickened me and I said, 'Always fickle hearts, that cannot grasp my ways!'

11 And then in my anger I swore that they would never enter my place of rest.

12 Take care, brothers, that none of you ever has a wicked heart, so unbelieving as to turn away from the living God.

13 Every day, as long as this today lasts, keep encouraging one another so that none of you is hardened by the lure of sin,

14 because we have been granted a share with Christ only if we keep the grasp of our first confidence firm to the end.


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Thanks be to God.

You also might enjoy checking out the Universalis website...not only to the have the readings and responses for the Mass of the day....but also the hours of the Divine Office.


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Today is one of those days....this evening rather....that I'm just not feeling particularly Holy. Fortunately Confession is tomorrow, followed by Adoration. Time to emotionally clean house methinks.
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Vapid Vapetress
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you'll be fine :) you're a good friar.


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Member For 2 Years this a good place to ask you what you do? That probably isn't worded correctly as I am not trying to be a smart ass...ive seen you talk about it a bit in AU and I am legitamtely curious about you "religeon" or "denomintaion" or whatever you would like to call it...please forgive my lack of education on the subject


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I am a Roman Catholic, Secular Franciscan, Trained Apologetic and Catechist, Street Evangelist, Eucharistic Minister (This is why I dont have business cards). As a Franciscan of the Third Order...I have taken personal Holy Vows of Celibacy and Obedience...and a Public Holy Profession to live my life in accordance with the Gospels.

I was so much easier back in the day to say "Chef"


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In formal liturgical settings I am referred to as Brother Scott
I also am entitled to put O.F.S after my name


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I am a Roman Catholic, Secular Franciscan, Trained Apologetic and Catechist, Street Evangelist, Eucharistic Minister (This is why I dont have business cards). As a Franciscan of the Third Order...I have taken personal Holy Vows of Celibacy and Obedience...and a Public Holy Profession to live my life in accordance with the Gospels.

I was so much easier back in the day to say "Chef"
I'm pretty sure I actually understood that. I was raised in a non denomintinal, yet very very Christian school, while living in a very secular home. I did at one time have a very strong faith in God, but I kind of lost my way when my best friend died when I was 16. I didn't and still do not understand why God can take good loving and caring people who have a bright future ahead of them out of this world when there are so many horrid human beings that want nothing but to watch the world burn


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I'm pretty sure I actually understood that. I was raised in a non denomintinal, yet very very Christian school, while living in a very secular home. I did at one time have a very strong faith in God, but I kind of lost my way when my best friend died when I was 16. I didn't and still do not understand why God can take good loving and caring people who have a bright future ahead of them out of this world when there are so many horrid human beings that want nothing but to watch the world burn
I will address that momentarily. Face is full of food lol


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There is so much we dont/cant know about God's will. What I do know can be summed up as....mercy. Now you ask..."how the blazing red FUCK can taking an innocent life be merciful????". Let me tell you a story.
One morning, a young woman woke up to realise that her alarm clock did not go off. She had overslept an hour and was now late for work. "SHIT, I am late for work!!! God, how could you do this to me???" no answer....
She finally got herself dressed and ready to go, only to discover her tyre was flat!! "GOD...seriously? I am going to be even later!!!" no answer.
After a kind soul helped her with the spare, she was on her way.

Time to take another bite


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About halfway to work, she hits gridlock traffic!!!! "God, I'm sorry I am so pissed at you right now...but I am certain to lose my job" answer


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"It is so difficult to have faith in you, when you seem to let things like this happen to people"................God sighed and replied....."I am sorry about the alarm bit...but whilst you were still asleep this morning....Satan sent a demon to take your life...I had to send one of my Angels to fight him.....clearly my Angel won.....sorry, but I thought you'd like to sleep through that"
She answered "Oh....I didn't know"



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"Again..I feel real bad about your tyre.....but there was a tragic accident just down the my reckoning.....had you been there, you would have been killed. Fortunately your not being there saved the other drivers"
"Oh my goodness!!! I had NO idea"

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