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One of my favourite stories about second chances and forgiveness.


King Alphonsus of Leon and Galicia wanted all his servants to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, by saying the Rosary. So he used to hang a large Rosary on his belt and always wore it, but he never said the Rosary himself! However, the good example he gave by wearing his Rosary in public, encouraged his servants to say the Rosary very well.

One day the King became very sick. He went unconscious, and everybody thought he was dead! When he was unconscious, he had a vision, and found himself before the judgement seat of God. Many devils were there, telling all the sins he had committed, and Our Lord as the Judge, was just about to tell King Alphonsus that he was going to Hell!

Suddenly Our Lady appeared on the scene and asked for a pair of scales. She placed the King's sins on one of the scales and on the other scale she put the Rosary, which he had always worn, and the Rosaries that had been said, because of his good example. The Rosaries weighed more than his sins!

Looking at King Alphonsus with great kindness, Our Lady said, "As a reward for this little honour that you paid me in wearing my Rosary, I have obtained a great grace for you, from my Son, Jesus. Though you were supposed to go to Hell, you will be able to live for a few more years. See that you spend these years wisely, and do penance!"

When the King came to, he cried out, "Blessed be the Rosary of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. By her Rosary, she has saved me from the terrible fires of Hell!"

After the King recovered his health, he spent the rest of his life spreading devotion to the Rosary, and said it faithfully every day.


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If you're always wanting more, you will never be happy with the things you've got.

I see myself more of a buddhist for i am unable to believe in a higher power. I have, like almost all Finn's, studied the Bible quite a lot. I just felt more in common with buddhism and the wonderful mindset those guys have. I respect every religion and person because im certainly in no position to pass judgement, and try and live honest life. Has worked out so far.

Just Me

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One of my favourite stories about second chances and forgiveness.


King Alphonsus of Leon and Galicia wanted all his servants to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary, by saying the Rosary. So he used to hang a large Rosary on his belt and always wore it, but he never said the Rosary himself! However, the good example he gave by wearing his Rosary in public, encouraged his servants to say the Rosary very well.

One day the King became very sick. He went unconscious, and everybody thought he was dead! When he was unconscious, he had a vision, and found himself before the judgement seat of God. Many devils were there, telling all the sins he had committed, and Our Lord as the Judge, was just about to tell King Alphonsus that he was going to Hell!

Suddenly Our Lady appeared on the scene and asked for a pair of scales. She placed the King's sins on one of the scales and on the other scale she put the Rosary, which he had always worn, and the Rosaries that had been said, because of his good example. The Rosaries weighed more than his sins!

Looking at King Alphonsus with great kindness, Our Lady said, "As a reward for this little honour that you paid me in wearing my Rosary, I have obtained a great grace for you, from my Son, Jesus. Though you were supposed to go to Hell, you will be able to live for a few more years. See that you spend these years wisely, and do penance!"

When the King came to, he cried out, "Blessed be the Rosary of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. By her Rosary, she has saved me from the terrible fires of Hell!"

After the King recovered his health, he spent the rest of his life spreading devotion to the Rosary, and said it faithfully every day.

For those of us that are not Catholic would you explain the Rosary and what this means?
Thanks for all you do here, it is much appreciated!


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The Rosary is a devotional prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The format is based on beads that are arranged thus:

One begins with the Cross, Saying "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Then on the large bead closest to the medallion (round bit with the Cross) one meditates on the first mystery of the Life of Christ. (these mysteries are in sets...Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, Luminous. What set is used, is based on what day of the week.

Then you pay the Our Father (Lords Prayer) followed by ten Hail Mary's (one for each small bead). This series of Hail Mary's is called a "Decade". Whilst praying the Hail Mary's, one further contemplates the meaning of that mystery. After the final Hail Mary, you pray the Glory Be. The process is the same then for the remaining decades, beginning with the next mystery.

At the conclusion of the fifth decade, you pray Three additional Hail Mary's on the three small beads leading down to the Cross.....these are for your individual prayer intentions. The final large bead is for (normally) the final prayer called "Hail Holy Queen"...then a final In The Name Of.

There are numerous concluding prayers that can be used.

Now, MY BIT. The Rosary has various purposes...ranging from a beautiful repetitive meditation......prayer offering....distraction from sin or stress. IMO the only meaningful way to pray is SLOWLY....and to consider each Hail Mary to be a beautiful rose given in love and humility to Mary.

As a devotional (and I am speaking as a Marian here), it is a gift to Mary, and is not strictly for the Catholic faithful. We would not have Jesus without was God who chose Mary and kept her pure and hidden from the world, it was Mary that was chosen through the Holy Spirit to be the Mother of Jesus our Saviour....and it was Jesus, who as an infant, depended on Mary for His survival....and lastly, as the first was Mary who was most obedient to Jesus.

In my faith, Mary was the only other person to be assumed into Heaven...BODY and spirit. She is Queen of Heaven, our Mistress, Mother, Intercessor.

Conclusion: The Rosary is something for us to focus upon as we pray, to separate us from the material world. It is a blessed and Holy object of love and devotion.......and........AHEM.........NOT jewelry lol.


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It was somewhat of a struggle actually! I have not prayed the five decade Rosary in AGES. The Franciscans pray a seven decade one that is based on the "Five Joys Of Mary". Took me a while to remember the five decade one lol.


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Sorry to make it difficult for you! LOL
There seems to be a lot of the Catholic faith that is not part of other religions.


Diamond Contributor
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Sorry to make it difficult for you! LOL
There seems to be a lot of the Catholic faith that is not part of other religions.
The primary differences are twofold. Catholics acknowledge the Apostolic Succession from St Peter all the way to Pope Francis. As Christ charged the Apostles at Pentacost to go forth and build His Church..that Holy commission has been conferred through the ages in the form of Ordination of Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons. It is His Will that these members of Holy Orders faithfully and obediently convey the very same message that Christ conferred to Peter with the words "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18

The other is our faithful and unwavering devotion to the seven Sacraments....focusing primarily upon The Eucharist, where we believe that through the miracle of transubstantiation, the species of bread and wine, become the full presence of Christ's body and blood, in accordance with the first Eucharist, commonly known as The Last Supper. In the words of St Charles Borromeo, "The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life".

Just Me

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My oldest does wear his Rosary every where he goes, it is usually inside his shirt. It started when he was 10 and had a liver transplant, I gave him my grandfathers Rosary. When someone asked him one day why he wears it he simply said it makes him feel safe. For Christmas I went and picked him up a really nice silver one and the Pastor of my church said a prayer on it for him.
He was with a friend last year and was in a head on collision (the other car crossed over and cars were on the other side) He walked away without a scratch (his friend broke his neck). I told him he was so lucky to be alive and he replied no mom wasn't luck I was wearing this, he pulled out his Rosary.
People tell me its sacrilegious to wear one but honestly if it really makes him feel safe and he is still around after all he has been through whats the harm?


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My oldest does wear his Rosary every where he goes, it is usually inside his shirt. It started when he was 10 and had a liver transplant, I gave him my grandfathers Rosary. When someone asked him one day why he wears it he simply said it makes him feel safe. For Christmas I went and picked him up a really nice silver one and the Pastor of my church said a prayer on it for him.
He was with a friend last year and was in a head on collision (the other car crossed over and cars were on the other side) He walked away without a scratch (his friend broke his neck). I told him he was so lucky to be alive and he replied no mom wasn't luck I was wearing this, he pulled out his Rosary.
People tell me its sacrilegious to wear one but honestly if it really makes him feel safe and he is still around after all he has been through whats the harm?
It is not sacrilegious at all, when worn as an object of faith and devotion. When it is worn as a trendy MadonnaSuperCatholic way, it is at least disrespectful.....not unlike wearing altar host earrings or making lemonade with Holy Water.


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My oldest does wear his Rosary every where he goes, it is usually inside his shirt. It started when he was 10 and had a liver transplant, I gave him my grandfathers Rosary. When someone asked him one day why he wears it he simply said it makes him feel safe. For Christmas I went and picked him up a really nice silver one and the Pastor of my church said a prayer on it for him.
He was with a friend last year and was in a head on collision (the other car crossed over and cars were on the other side) He walked away without a scratch (his friend broke his neck). I told him he was so lucky to be alive and he replied no mom wasn't luck I was wearing this, he pulled out his Rosary.
People tell me its sacrilegious to wear one but honestly if it really makes him feel safe and he is still around after all he has been through whats the harm?
That is what gets me about most religions. When they say you HAVE to do "x,y,and z" or you are doomed to hell, I don't put much faith in anything they say. There is nothing wrong with him feeling safe and wearing it. We should all have something that makes us feel safe.


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That is what gets me about most religions. When they say you HAVE to do "x,y,and z" or you are doomed to hell, I don't put much faith in anything they say. There is nothing wrong with him feeling safe and wearing it. We should all have something that makes us feel safe.
Absolutely NO BODY is doomed to hell. Even the Good Thief...who had nothing to lose, and was about to die because of lifelong sin....was promised paradise because he took that final minute to trust in Jesus.

Smoky Blue

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fran, i am going to have fun playing catch up, once i get back online.. :p
keep me in your thoughts so i can hurry up and get back!

big hugs and hope you are doing alright..


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Absolutely NO BODY is doomed to hell. Even the Good Thief...who had nothing to lose, and was about to die because of lifelong sin....was promised paradise because he took that final minute to trust in Jesus.

I agree with you. Our God is a loving God and does not require a church. I understand church is a good thing for some but not everyone. I have tried many and always found worse things in the church than outside of it. Going to church is not a "free pass" to do as you please.


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fran, i am going to have fun playing catch up, once i get back online.. :p
keep me in your thoughts so i can hurry up and get back!

big hugs and hope you are doing alright..
I will pray fervently for you my beloved sister! I am doing well...the more I can proclaim God's love for us all...the happier I am!!


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I agree with you. Our God is a loving God and does not require a church. I understand church is a good thing for some but not everyone. I have tried many and always found worse things in the church than outside of it. Going to church is not a "free pass" to do as you please.
The Church is the people, not a building or a dogma. God created the universe and all things within.....subsequently, in His presence...there is NO place on earth or the heavens above, that you are NOT in my church!


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The Church is the people, not a building or a dogma. God created the universe and all things within.....subsequently, in His presence...there is NO place on earth or the heavens above, that you are NOT in my church!
I would like this again if I could. This is my belief as well.
I'm off to work now but will be looking for more good reads when I get home.
Have a wonderful day!


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I would like this again if I could. This is my belief as well.
I'm off to work now but will be looking for more good reads when I get home.
Have a wonderful day!
You have a lovely day as well...I look forward to your posts and our conversations! Ta.


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So I hadn't been praying on a daily basis, for a long time. Lately I have, maybe in part because I read this thread daily, and have been inspired. The lack of trolls seems to be a miracle of sorts. Okay, not a MIRACLE, but definitely extraordinary. Any how, I've been without work since a week or two before Christmas. If you knew me, you'd understand just how bad that cuts me. I ALWAYS am working, always. So I been praying and praying, and Monday I got a call, went and bid the job yesterday, started today, will be done by Friday. It's a God send. Don't ever let any body tell you prayer don't work. Can't believe I went so long after all I've been afforded in this life.


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So I hadn't been praying on a daily basis, for a long time. Lately I have, maybe in part because I read this thread daily, and have been inspired. The lack of trolls seems to be a miracle of sorts. Okay, not a MIRACLE, but definitely extraordinary. Any how, I've been without work since a week or two before Christmas. If you knew me, you'd understand just how bad that cuts me. I ALWAYS am working, always. So I been praying and praying, and Monday I got a call, went and bid the job yesterday, started today, will be done by Friday. It's a God send. Don't ever let any body tell you prayer don't work. Can't believe I went so long after all I've been afforded in this life.
Welcome home, it is NEVER too late to turn to Him!:)


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I started praying myself after many years of not because of reading this thread .
I am humbled beyond words. I am so glad I've been able, with the help of friends that I love dearly, to be of some help and inspiration! :)


Vapid Vapetress
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The Church is the people, not a building or a dogma. God created the universe and all things within.....subsequently, in His presence...there is NO place on earth or the heavens above, that you are NOT in my church!
did you like the movie "Dogma"?


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I could use a few prayers today.
I am finding it hard to pick myself up.
Although I know I will, I always do, it is very hard today. :oops:
Consider it done. I'm in the very same situation, for very different reasons I should imagine. Amazing how many tears the body can produce!


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I always get the "learning" ones.....but the lessons are well taught and reluctantly learnt.


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Attention thread lurkers and friends: Starting Feb 18th, I will be disappearing for 44 days. During this time I will be able to see email but not able to respond....I will not have internet, nor a phone of any sort. Feel free to continue posting, as I strongly feel that you all have a greater ability to help, support, and inspire eachother than I do. You are what makes this thread what it is. I planted the seed, but you are the fruit bearing tree that sprang forth. Tend this tree with love and compassion...trusting in God and each other.

Pax Et Bonum

Just Me

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Attention thread lurkers and friends: Starting Feb 18th, I will be disappearing for 44 days. During this time I will be able to see email but not able to respond....I will not have internet, nor a phone of any sort. Feel free to continue posting, as I strongly feel that you all have a greater ability to help, support, and inspire eachother than I do. You are what makes this thread what it is. I planted the seed, but you are the fruit bearing tree that sprang forth. Tend this tree with love and compassion...trusting in God and each other.

Pax Et Bonum


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Trust me, this is an annual thing. Truth is, ahmno certain that I can go that long...I love you guys very much.


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I shall compose and post a bit on what Lent means later today.

Just Me

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What will I do without you to keep my sanity!!!! All kidding aside Have fun!!

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