Despite the claims of those trying to corner the market and limit consumer choice for their own benefit, clones are simply replicas, being advertised as such. Unless being advertised as originals, they are NOT counterfeits.
Being a relative noobie to vaping, these anti-consumer actions of heavy-handed Profiteers only builds my resolve to never buy their overpriced hardware. I will vote on this issue with my money. As a matter of fact, I would build my own hardware from easily obtainable hardware supplies first. These are all relatively simple devices, and I'm sure that various workarounds would be all over the web by us sharing how to avoid paying $300 for what should cost much, much less (as proven by those making comparable devices at 1/10 the price).
Even if clones were banned outright, the foreign companies (that have refined their efficiencies by producing all sorts of goods for American companies for decades now) will easily be able to retain market share by making comparable devices for pennies on the dollar.
When I first became aware of the Anti-Consumer Choicers, they were complaining about mech mod clones. These are simply tubes with a switch and contacts, yet they felt consumers should have to pay them $300 ea for one. There is not an original idea in a mech mod - even the magnet switches have been used for decades in various devices. I understand why they try ($$$.$$), but this is against the best interests of us consumers who constitute the overwhelming majority of members in the vaping community, and against free market principles.