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Isn't surf monkey here too?

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yup signed up in feb last year but hasn't been on since October. I don't think he has even posted anything.


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The thing with the mud pit of ECF is it's a challenge dealing with the hopelessy socially retarded. They are sickeningly nice to each other one minute then trying to rip each others throats out the next. The idea is to "never give up", keep winding them up whilst having a good laugh to yourself at the same time. These guys are hardened trolls and the only way to combat them is to troll them right back like nothing else matters.

I prefer my own method of combatting them -- never engaging with them in the first place. I did have a look in the "Outside," and that's exactly why I never posted there -- I like my life, I like harmony and "live and let live"... I feel no need to engage with total fucking idiots -- there's way too many of them in the world who need to just be shipped off the planet. Certainly not encouraged! I don't have any patience with them, and I find it's best to just let them stew in their own juices, and keep myself out of their mess.



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Wow, sounds like a total clustershitfuckfire situation over there...guess I should be glad I was one of the early ship-jumpers, I'm still a member in good standing (last time I checked a few months ago), but I found this place a few weeks after the doors opened, kinda bounced back and forth until VU acquired enough members to start developing some robust discussion, then just...left. Only reason I could imagine for going back is that @Mooch rarely posts here, though other dual-users are generally kind enough to share his updates. We've already overtaken them in the DIY realm after their best posters moved over here, and I can't imagine any of their mod guys or coil guys are better than ours...except maybe their ProVape fanboi threads get better traffic than we do.


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I don't know why Smokey Joe lets those mods get away with half the stuff they do either. He needs to get a backbone and sort it all out once and for all.
take if from an ex moderator at ECF Smokeyjoe hereafter referred to as SJ. Is only a figurehead and owner , he basically is paying or, sold off the admin to a group of people who when they joined didnt even vape. they use two accounts there one is the mod / staff member the other is a regular member.


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pay what pay. at least there was none for me
I read an article somewhere that said the ECF mods were paid...I know over here all of us below admin level are in it for the love of the hobby, and good karma helping people quit tobacco is all the pay needed!


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Isn't surf monkey here too?

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I haven't seen him here. And judging by how long an arguement can go on between me and him, plus how often he posts there, i'm not sure if he has the time to post here too. This kind of forum wouldn't suit him. It's too easy to retaliate here. He prefers to push people over the rule boundaries. Not as easy to do here as it is in ECF.
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The outside forum needs more members. The clique of the outside could do with a regular arse kicking. Set yourself up for the long term, leave a little bait in the form of a new thread, and see what happens. A political thread will always get them riled up. Or you could post in the "Welcome new Members" thread, started by Surf Monkey. See how he responds to that !.


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I mean if you enjoy winding up trolls, like you might do here, then you'll find it'll work better over there because more restraint will be needed on their part when they don't know you're there to attack them, so the element of surprise is on your side. Having a preconcieved agenda could pre-empt any kind of defence they might employ and they'd probably crumple like a piece of paper. Going to ECF purely to piss off the trolls of the outside forum should be a lot of fun for you. Being prepared by knowing exactly how they are going to respond is a very valuable tool. They've no idea what your intentions are and won't see you coming. kind of like turning the tables by coming at them from their blind side.

I'll be honest. I've been locked out of the outside, hehehehe. I've got access to everywhere else, i just don't have access to the outside anymore. I don't know if it's permanant or not. All i do know is i suggested to Smokey Joe in the thread "damn" that the entire outside forum should be shut down, the next thing i know i'm locked out. I asked for it. It's been shut down, exclusively for me though !. :cool:


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Basically a new gang needs to form in the outside. A few people who can stick together so when the existing trolls do join forces, and they will, you'll be able to do likewise in an instant, and the best part is initially they will not expect it, especially if you're new to the forum. You'll just come right out of nowhere guns blazing.


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I read an article somewhere that said the ECF mods were paid...I know over here all of us below admin level are in it for the love of the hobby, and good karma helping people quit tobacco is all the pay needed!

I can remember three or four years ago i was in a real pickle with a few of the mods in ECF. I knew they worked for free so decided to illustrate how much advertising was being displayed and how the mods were being swindled by not getting paid. I think that got them thinking.


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Wow, sounds like a total clustershitfuckfire situation over there...guess I should be glad I was one of the early ship-jumpers, I'm still a member in good standing (last time I checked a few months ago), but I found this place a few weeks after the doors opened, kinda bounced back and forth until VU acquired enough members to start developing some robust discussion, then just...left. Only reason I could imagine for going back is that @Mooch rarely posts here, though other dual-users are generally kind enough to share his updates. We've already overtaken them in the DIY realm after their best posters moved over here, and I can't imagine any of their mod guys or coil guys are better than ours...except maybe their ProVape fanboi threads get better traffic than we do.

It's true there are often good threads to *read* over there -- Mooch's stuff, and some of the political stuff -- and I do sometimes go over and read some of that, just to stay current -- but I won't post there anymore, and give either classless or retarded1 any reason to suspend or rule-remind me.

I also never posted in "The Women's Room" over there... because classless runs it. That speaks for itself I think.



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Basically a new gang needs to form in the outside. A few people who can stick together so when the existing trolls do join forces, and they will, you'll be able to do likewise in an instant, and the best part is initially they will not expect it, especially if you're new to the forum. You'll just come right out of nowhere guns blazing.

Is that your purpose here, to form a gang to troll ECF? You've been bitching about them here for five months. 2 threads and 28 posts, every single one an ECF rant. But, you keep going back.

Most here are just happy they left ECF. I don't think you'll have much luck forming a gang or changing ECF. VU suits most of us just fine. Besides, low post count kills forums. Not epic trolling battles.


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Thank you Time.
I can't believe the self control I've had for days now to not say much the same.
Far less politely.

Kid needs a new song. :rolleyes:

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Thank you Time.
I can't believe the self control I've had for days now to not say much the same.
Far less politely.

Kid needs a new song. :rolleyes:
Maybe he is the monkey?


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I don't understand the "need" to run to another forum to bitch about another one. If it's so bad, wash your fucking hands of it and move on. It's the fucking internet, for Christ sake. Who gives a fuck about another forum?

Fucking twat waffles.....

John Q Public

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It's pretty simple. Some people feel the need to vent after they've gotten hosed. Let em vent.
I don't understand your "need" to bitch about peoples venting. If it's so bad, wash your fucking hands of it and scroll. *L*

This entire site was created because of peoples frustration with that place.
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John Q Public

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Now you made me go back and actually read the whole thread.

So he's trolling one of the asshole cliques, which is fine and dandy. But then he comes here and yaps about it.
I may need to change my ruling.


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I don't see any point in trolling the trolls -- you can't make people NOT be assholes; that's like trying to make an idiot smart -- just impossible. I'm in the club that had more than enough of that place and moved on-- I didn't get banned, I banned THEM. They can bite me -- or not: I DON'T CARE!



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It's pretty simple. Some people feel the need to vent after they've gotten hosed. Let em vent.
I don't understand your "need" to bitch about peoples venting. If it's so bad, wash your fucking hands of it and scroll. *L*

This entire site was created because of peoples frustration with that place.
See post #64 that Time made.

I don't give a fuck about ECF gossip. I don't give a fuck about ECF drama. Anyone that is obsessed with it, needs to get a life. The real world gives zero fucks about internet forums.
ECF makes absolutely NO difference in ANYONE'S life.


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Thank you Time.
I can't believe the self control I've had for days now to not say much the same.
Far less politely.

Kid needs a new song. :rolleyes:

I think that's the first time someone has suggested I have been 'polite' with one of my posts.

Now excuse me while I line up an orgy as it seems the world is coming to an end.:p


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Gotta live on the edge. If the world doesn't end, I'll just have to pay the cards if I did that. But, if I go the orgy route and the world doesn't end, it won't be so easy to square that with my wife.


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So if you think you can't insult anyone and be offensive to people in ECF you'd be mistaked. You can get away with being really offensive in the outside forum, you really can.
Sophistry. Don't waste your time. I tried for a brief while. Don't waste your time (did I say that already?).


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Well, shucks a section with people I didn't piss off.
Take your leave as a gift, this place is much nicer. They get the occasional douchebag troll; but, amazingly when said troll has their douchebaggery thrown back at them, they usually figure out that shit won't work here.
Kinda cool when the mods don't stop you from giving back.


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Is that your purpose here, to form a gang to troll ECF? You've been bitching about them here for five months. 2 threads and 28 posts, every single one an ECF rant. But, you keep going back.

Most here are just happy they left ECF. I don't think you'll have much luck forming a gang or changing ECF. VU suits most of us just fine. Besides, low post count kills forums. Not epic trolling battles.

Joined here a few months ago. Continued to use ECF over the last 6 months. Only came back here a couple of days ago after i got locked out of the outside forum. Total time spent here, about 2 hours. One hour a few months ago 1 hour over the last couple of days. Regardless of whether anyone goes over to the outside for a bit of fun i can't get in. If i could still get in there i wouldn't be here "bitching" about it, i'd be over there being a total pain in the arse.

Posting in the outside forum does not contribute to your post count. "Epic" trolling battles are something which doesn't happen in ECF. They do argue amongst themselves but nothing to write home about. I'm talking about creating a total shit storm of a magnitute they will struggle to recover from. If you ever find yourself in a bad mood and want to take it out on someone, give the outside forum a visit.

I thought a few here would be more than happy to go and hack off a small handful of trolls. It's a dream vacation !. All in one place with no mods to interfere the outside is desgned for trolling, it's why it exists. A trolls paradise where trolls live in complete harmony.
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well, after being banned for life from ecf a few times... I understand the need to vent your frustration. Even a few times. Maybe when you get that out of your system you can explore the forum and the people here who have figured out its a much nicer place than ecf ever was or could be; then, that empty void you feel can be fulfilled. I reall don't think youre going to have any luck in trying to draft an army of keyboard warriors though, life is to short to invest that kind of time.


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I think i'm being misunderstood here just a little
well, after being a banned for life from ecf a few time... I understand the need to vent your frustration. Even a few times. Maybe when you et that out of your system you can explore the forum and the people here who have figured out its a much nicer place than ecf, then that emoty void you feel can be fulfilled. I reall don't think youre going to have any luck in trying to draft an army of keyboard warriors though, life is to short to invest that kind of time.

And yet more than one window can be open at a time.

I don't expect anyone to respond telling me details of visits they may have made to ECF. I'm just pointing out the exact location of all the worst trolls on ECF. You want to attack trolls, why wait around for one to show up here. There's an entire community of them in the outside.

Like shooting fish in a barrel !.:)


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You want to attack trolls, why wait around for one to show up here. There's an entire community of them in the outside.
Not everyone that's here got banned from there. Some of us chose to come here and decided to stay. Troll trolling wasn't why I joined here. Trolls are part of everywhere, I can't imagine all that many people go searching them out or join a forum for that sole purpose. I've been wrong before, though.

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also... the last thing I think any of us need is an interforum war... ive been there, its pointless and all it will do is poison this place.
I respectfully ask you to stop.


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I think i'm being misunderstood here just a little
I think you need to find a new hobby.

You want to attack trolls, why wait around for one to show up here. There's an entire community of them in the outside.
If attacking trolls is you're thing, you don't really have to wait around here for long. They show up regularly.

In fact: You're behaving suspiciously like a troll, yourself.


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I have not bothered read any of the posts within this thread....

How is this thread still up?!

Honestly: don't pricks/arseholes/self righteous/knowitall/ jerkoffs ect ect GIVE themselves enough credit??

And yet... Here is a thread dedicated solely celebrating them.

Good job?!?!

Pointless foolery.



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Not everyone that's here got banned from there. Some of us chose to come here and decided to stay. Troll trolling wasn't why I joined here. Trolls are part of everywhere, I can't imagine all that many people go searching them out or join a forum for that sole purpose. I've been wrong before, though.
I've never been there, let alone had an account over there.

There are times here, that I think things get out of hand, and I speak my mind about it. However, I have no desire to go over there, nor see this place turned into some version of it HERE.

My honest opinion is that like Time's. I think this Taser person is trolling here, to build some fake ass army to troll ECF. Fuck ECF and fuck trolls. I don't give a fuck about either.


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I can tell you exactly what i'm doing, and i'll make it crystal clear.

I'm trying to boost the numbers of the outside forum of ECF.

To be able to deal with the existing members there are a number of things new users need to know. All of which i have mentioned in all of my previous posts.

Why go in unprepared. You know exactly what to expect.

These guys might well be trolls but a lot of the time they talk about current affairs. When disagreements occur the trolling begins. Rants, hot debates, controversial subjects and any iffy material happen in the outside. ECF rules do not apply in there.

The Outside is not for the easily-offended. Though existing members are all easily offended, go figure.

Posts made in this forum will not increase your post count.

Smokey Joe locked me out !, not a mod. I'm not trying to get any kind of revenge. I'm not bitter.

I'm simply trying to increase the numbers because there aren't enough members there.

Just don't say i didn't warn you.


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I can tell you exactly what i'm doing, and i'll make it crystal clear.

I'm trying to boost the numbers of the outside forum of ECF. To be able to deal with the existing members there are a number of things new users need to know. All of which i have mentioned in all of my previous posts.
Please go somewhere else to raise your army.

Smokey Joe locked me out !,
Can't say as I blame him. You appear to be a disagreeable individual.

I'm not trying to get any kind of revenge. I'm not bitter.
The evidence presented thus far, in this thread, strongly suggests otherwise.

VU is very tolerant of all kinds of behaviour, but that doesn't mean its membership has to be. Please go the fuck away and stir up your cross-forum war elsewhere.


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Those who enjoy hard talk will have already paid a visit.


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I do get the impression that some people like to create the illusion that if a person is a member of one forum they aren't a member of another. As if anyone who uses one forum doesn't use the other. I see that the underground is more popular but what i can't understand is why i'm being given the impression those who are members here aren't also members there too. Bit of a stupid and naive mindset.
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And maybe those that say they're not interested aren't, and that's their business. But imagine all those underground members that are. I'd imagine most underground members are more than likely members of ECF and other e cig forums too. Why would anyone use one e cig forum exclusively ?. And why would anyone think everyone does ?.


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Why would anyone use one e cig forum exclusively ?
Only speaking for myself here, but this one has everything I need. I actually am a member over there, and chose to be an active member here, back in 2014. Sure, I've peeked in. People here post links to threads there, I've clicked, I've read. Hell, even the owner of this forum has posted stuff from there, here. Try that at ECF, see what happens.

Do I think VU is better? ABSOLUTELY. Is VU the only forum for people? No, we're not everyone's piece of cake, but we have happened to manage snagging the Best Forum and Best OF 2 years in a row, one of which was the actual year VU even began.

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