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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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Friend has an alpaca ranch, about a dozen head. With 3 Great Pyrenees. Who love to herd & protect the alpacas, they're in heaven, quite a site to watch them do their self-appointed job :)

They're amazing, aren't they? It's scary sometimes how smart they are. We inadvertently locked the aforementioned Pyr (that's her in my avatar) in the barn last night. There was a thunderstorm, and she was apparently hiding back behind some hay bales when we left to go back to the house. Our boy stood out in the driveway near the house for quite some time afterward, barking "at nothing." Couldn't figure it out, but he NEVER barks at nothing. Then this morning when I went out to the barn to do chores, I found poor Kiara trapped in there! She shot out like a bullet! So all the barking last night was Jasper trying to tell the dumb hoomans that they should go let his girl outta the barn. I felt so bad... now we have a new rule. Check EVERYWHERE in the barn before shutting it up for the night.

Simply Red

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you sayin you have a big ass?

Nah. It's justa...


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I had to pull that one the other day with my Mr. He actually complained about about the clouds of my measly tootle puffing in the car - and he still smokes cigarettes!

youre a better person than me, i would have thrown the pack out the window

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just asking him if he wanted to go buy me some smokes instead shut him up. Sheesh, its been years since I felt compelled to tosh his shit out the window, lol.
when i was making the switch, the woman i was dating constantly smoked around me. then she finally decided to give it an honest try.
i threw her smokes out the window while we were crossing lake pontchartrain.. that was 2,5 years ago now, and i can still hear the screaming


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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when i was making the switch, the woman i was dating constantly smoked around me. then she finally decided to give it an honest try.
i threw her smokes out the window while we were crossing lake pontchartrain.. that was 2,5 years ago now, and i can still hear the screaming

I'm surprised you still have a nut sack -


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Mine is 28 yrs too, 29 in July... But we always keep each other informed about all purchases -- he informs me, because I'm the one who keeps the budget and gets the bills paid and keeps tabs on the bank acct balance; I inform him because, well, he worked for the money, so it seems only fair. :D I'm just glad he considers it OUR money, rather than his and I'm just a freeloader -- that was my ex's stance, which is just one of the many reasons he IS my ex. :D

My wife & I both have jobs & it's still our money!

Air Blower

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I adore homemade pizza. A couple of times a year we make a huge batch of dough then freeze it for easier pizza making later.
I do the same. Then they want focaccia every day until it's all gone:crazy:

Do you cook it on the BBQ?

I've found it works great with a pizza stone and allowed to heat to around 600F

Air Blower

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Something funny, well amusing anyway....

Long suspected our neighbors in a rental house have been selling something .... Not legal. 3am visitors for 5 minutes, that type thing. Cop friend told me theyll take a report, but nothing's really gonna be done. So borrowed the company van for a week, with the blacked out windows, and parked it on the street. Changed my router's broadcast name to "State of Texas DEA".

All 3am visits have stopped.
That's funny!
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