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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome though

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I like the scene when they are at Tommy's moms house. They got a body in the trunk, they stop by her house like at eleven at night, Tommy walks in with a bloody knife and tells her he used it to cut the hoof off of a deer and she makes them pasta Bwhahahaha!!


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I win!


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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This is a legacy my wife left me with when she took a job in the city.

I just called the other mother who ends up with this kid as often as I do and asked her if she'd be willing to sit with this woman and "have a little talk". We going over tomorrow after I drop my kid and this other kid off at school...yes, I even transport the kid daily.

What gets me is this mother has never even attempted to reciprocate our generosity to her child by having my kid go there.
She won't reciprocate. You're being gamed. This type of situation happened to a few families in my neighborhood. When my Son's were young, they were best buddies with a set of twin boys. The twins would often stay for dinner at our house, if we were busy, or at a game with my son's, the twins went over to another families house to play and eventually have dinner. This situation went on for a couple years! Finally the Mom's and Dad's put 2 and 2 together from off the cuff remarks and a general chit-chat. The twins had dinner at least 4-5 nights a week at other families houses other than their own. This was strange because the twin's parents were well to do, had expensive cars, and dressed in the latest fashions. They appeared to be parents in name only, outsourcing the feeding of their kids to neighbors who did so without seeing the overall picture. When we got wise to their game, the twins were ushered home during the dinner hour, by ALL the parents.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I was just tempted to hit the "Show ignored content" button but thought better of it.

Think I'll take a nice big drag off of my provari mini with its awesome Kabuki, and keep ignoring the BS.

And Puppy dear, Provaris are just another vape, great for some things, not others. Who effing cares, I mean really???


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ECF Refugee
At one point, I remember my husband and I having a conversation to the effect that if we had another child, we could actually get food stamps and suchlike. However, we thought that was a pretty crappy reason to bring another person into the world, and were responsible enough to continue contraception. Now I kinda wish we'd gone ahead with it. As an only child myself, I'm seeing the drawbacks of what happens when the parents get old and need help... and I sure wish I had some sibs to help me with them. Our son may eventually feel the same, about us.


Just how hard will it be to call the nursing home? :D


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ECF Refugee
Keeping up with this thread is a bitch! I get caught up, go to work. Get off work and see 5 pages plus. Read them, go to sleep, wake up and five plus more pages. Dayam!

And seen in the news that due to the amount of GFY's yesterday that the nations supply of Viagra has dropped to critical levels. The FBB (Federal Bureau of Boners) ask to curtail the amount of GFY until production of VIagra can be increased. That is all...... :gaah:


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I was just tempted to hit the "Show ignored content" button but thought better of it.

Think I'll take a nice big drag off of my provari mini with its awesome Kabuki, and keep ignoring the BS.

And Puppy dear, Provaris are just another vape, great for some things, not others. Who effing cares, I mean really???

Yeah, I have one. I just liked my mechs better.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Keeping up with this thread is a bitch! I get caught up, go to work. Get off work and see 5 pages plus. Read them, go to sleep, wake up and five plus more pages. Dayam!

And seen in the news that due to the amount of GFY's yesterday that the nations supply of Viagra has dropped to critical levels. The FBB (Federal Bureau of Boners) ask to curtail the amount of GFY until production of VIagra can be increased. That is all...... :gaah:
Good Morning everyone! So I'm not supposed to tell everyone to GFY today? I'm having a hard time keeping it straight.


VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Good Morning everyone! So I'm not supposed to tell everyone to GFY today? I'm having a hard time keeping it straight.
Not on Fridays. Its Friday:xD:

Thats for Monday and Wednesday. Oh and Tuesday because its close to Monday.............and Thursday because sometimes they can suck too..............And Friday I guess if you have a bad day....... Ah fuck it!!!! GFY!!!
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