My own holidays have been sad and empty, which I suppose was only to be expected.
I've also returned to stressing over money, and apparently the couple years of not doing that have not impeded my ability to remember how.
Suppose that's a lot of my concern too, money and what lacking it cannot at present afford us. I am having a great deal of trouble as well in trying to get myself knuckled under as is said to actually doing something. I have done so many different things in life already and return to the expression, 'do what you love' as work. Well, I love my wife, love my boyfriend although he is moving on a bit, which is fine. I love them but not sure I have ever really loved anything doing as far as work.
I enjoyed collating mail and helping do up print job orders in the mail room at the protected work place. I had no problem in doing that, it was read the letter salutation, match to the envelope, stuff, seal and put into appropriate tray. Yes, odd as it sounds my multitasking and zipping around mind loved the tranquility of stuffing envelopes. The only real way to botch it up was to not pay attention to the task at hand. It gave me focus.
Difficult finding such a job now. That job also let me bundle magazines using a 'stripper' bailing machine. I would load mail sacks allegedly no more than 40 lbs, most weighed over 70lbs *chuckles*. The sacks I would then put into rolling 'cages' for the mailman to pick up the next morning. I would also do some basic data entry in things, work what they called the mangler, the letter and materials folder. They even had a stuffing machine I could run once in a while, we had to be behind for that, or have it okayed by the client.
I liked that work. It was not stressful. There was only 1 supervisor who basically ran around gathering up jobs from clients, stopped in every once in a blue moon and spot checked us a little. He was really sweet too and mellow. If we had more than three errors in a day we had to go out of mail room for a week as punishment. I seldom ever even had one error a day. Joked with him that I could not read. He swore he was going to choke me.
Might need to look into some of these work from home 'schemes' involving such again. Might not make too much at them but at least it would be something coming in. Wife once fussed that such a job is pure tedium. Well, it might be for some of you folks what do those other jobs, the "big world" jobs. Some of us have done "big world" stuff long enough despite not really ever having been meant for it, we know the "big world' stuff is well, shitty too. Our "little world" jobs are more geared for us what see things different, or need to have more frequented exhaustion, get a drink, stretch, breathe breaks. "As long as it's getting done, gradual or like a jet, just get done it's okay." Think I need that very basic structure in my life again.
I once stopped to think, then forgot to start again.

And that might be part of it.

scared me into taking my brain out so i would not be easy

food, now i gots no brain left to do them big world jobs and put up with twenty or thirty big world job bosses all telling ya how to do it twenty different ways, none right.