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I used to love dunking sausage links in the yolk. Nom nom nom. But my gallstones apparently prevent me from properly digesting cholesterol -- I can only eat the very leanest beef, or that makes me sick, too. No more yummy burgers from DQ. :mad:

My gallbladder has been gone for 22 years. After he removed it, the surgeon said it should've came out 10 years earlier. That's a surgery I'll never regret.


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I used to love dunking sausage links in the yolk. Nom nom nom. But my gallstones apparently prevent me from properly digesting cholesterol -- I can only eat the very leanest beef, or that makes me sick, too. No more yummy burgers from DQ. :mad:

Andria girlfriend has the same problem with the gallbladder. I've seen here laying fetal position in pain....not good.


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For a long time, I did without burgers, period, because the 93% lean ground beef makes really hard, dry burger patties... but I finally figured out, I add a few bread crumbs like for meatloaf, and a couple teaspoons of olive oil, and the super-lean burgers come out GREAT!!!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My gallbladder has been gone for 22 years. After he removed it, the surgeon said it should've came out 10 years earlier. That's a surgery I'll never regret.

I just keep telling mine to hang on until I finish paying the surgeon for my (2014) appendectomy. Still owe the bitch almost a grand, though I'm down to only about $150 to the attorney who bought the debt to the hospital.



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My gallbladder has been gone for 22 years. After he removed it, the surgeon said it should've came out 10 years earlier. That's a surgery I'll never regret.
Mine is gone too, along with half of my pancreas.....that was the toughest thing I've ever had to do, being in ICU for two weeks....what a living nightmare. Pain was unbearable, nothing they gave me even put a dent in the pain.


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For a long time, I did without burgers, period, because the 93% lean ground beef makes really hard, dry burger patties... but I finally figured out, I add a few bread crumbs like for meatloaf, and a couple teaspoons of olive oil, and the super-lean burgers come out GREAT!!!

Good idea, never thought of that method.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years girlfriend has the same problem with the gallbladder. I've seen here laying fetal position in pain....not good.
The night before mine came out I was on the floor on all fours begging my mother to shoot me. It hurt that bad. And that was 30 minutes after returning from the ER where they said it was just very bad indigestion so they gave me a GI cocktail. When we went back, my husband insisted that they do something so they knocked me out with Toradol.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years girlfriend has the same problem with the gallbladder. I've seen here laying fetal position in pain....not good.

If mine throws a fit, I'm almost the opposite -- I almost try to bend backwards, trying to ease the pain. But it never lasts very long, 30 mins tops, and I';ve only had that a coupel times; usually, if I eat something I shouldn't, it's just 3-4 days of nausea and diarrhea. Which is WORSE, in my opinion; the only thing worse than nausea is what it leads to!



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years girlfriend has the same problem with the gallbladder. I've seen here laying fetal position in pain....not good.

That's what I thought it probably was, especially because my mother is only 16 years older than I am and she had to have her gall bladder removed about 15 years ago, so it made sense


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Two eggs slightly past over easy, on top of a nice pile of crispy hash browns. Them yolks pop & run into them taters.... & a nice bowl of grits with butter & a touch of salt. Mmmmmmmmmm
now yur talkin! I have always said if I have taters and eggs I have a meal. Love to mash the runny yolk over fried taters. and that's just how I do mine also. Not quite over medium. Want the white fully cooked, the yoke runny, but where you get just a touch of the eggy almost custard consistency with some of the yolk. And good brown yard eggs when I can get em.

Yay!! I have satellite and internet again!!

For a long time, I did without burgers, period, because the 93% lean ground beef makes really hard, dry burger patties... but I finally figured out, I add a few bread crumbs like for meatloaf, and a couple teaspoons of olive oil, and the super-lean burgers come out GREAT!!!
have you tried doing like a black bean burger, or something like that? If you can do mushrooms, get a big portobello. You can put some butter and herbs on it, then roast's not beef, but they're pretty meaty. Makes a great sammich

Lucy if I'm not prying is this something temporary, or permanent?


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Morning and GFY everyone. :) :hug: :wave:

Wish us luck this morning. We go at 10:00 EST to have a hearing to contest our dogs being taken. We're hopeful to get them back. Our pen has been upgraded via some jerry rigged extra fence panels to discourage jumping over the fence & a jerry rigged wired shut gate with panels and weights to avoid coming out the gate. The gate is temporary until we buy/build a new gate to put on. The fence is likely temporary as well, until we can hopefully wrangle some company my wife mentioned to install better fencing.

Damn shame when a family of farmers cannot put up a little fencing what will keep dogs inside. Well, actually I am understanding why we couldn't, we was/is more like me alone or with only the wife's help. She does a fair piece to be helpful doing her tomboy acting, yet ultimately she's a girl and still has some girl troubles in doing the rough work. Besides that a voice inside myself keeps yelling at me, "you're better than that, don't let her have to help!"

Even so, if others here might have helped me in putting up the fence better/properly I think this whole mess ought to have been avoided. There are two other adult men here, one who ought to have plenty of experience putting up fence and the other at least able to provide extra hands a bit more grunting for the purpose. Of course, I was doing plenty of grunting as things went. Not much more to say on that, figure any more I said would not serve the being nice mandate. It just is what it is.

Today, I need to keep myself leveled out. Yes this whole situation has frustrated me, I've felt angry about it. That cannot though be present when we contest it. I think for the most part the wife, being her girl self, can be the diplomatic spokesperson of our family at the hearing.

Apologies for the :tldr:, sometimes we need saying what needs said. Well, y'all run 'er slow. :) :hug:


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Did I read the part right? Where she wanted to remove the button off a button top battery?????:eek:
She had the battery in her legs (holding it with her legs) pointing to what she wanted to remove, to be honest, I didn't go there to take the piss, I went over to try an avoid her blowing her dam flaps off LOL......Ya know, best intentions an all....Blunt maybe but everyone was thinking the same anyways, maybe Rixy's balls have dropped too low :)

Yes. I'm sitting in my little cubicle. Feels good to be out of the house.
Glad your feeling better


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She had the battery in her legs (holding it with her legs) pointing to what she wanted to remove, to be honest, I didn't go there to take the piss, I went over to try an avoid her blowing her dam flaps off LOL......Ya know, best intentions an all....Blunt maybe but everyone was thinking the same anyways, maybe Rixy's balls have dropped too low :)

Glad your feeling better
No. Someone NEEDED to say something. I think she has a small child! I was just shocked when I read the part about removing the button. :eek:
I did reply to your "wine" remark though. hehehehehehe
And yes, I'm soooooooooo much better. :blowkiss:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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have you tried doing like a black bean burger, or something like that? If you can do mushrooms, get a big portobello. You can put some butter and herbs on it, then roast's not beef, but they're pretty meaty. Makes a great sammich

To be honest... a burger made from beans of any kind? Sounds positively vomitous. And I've never really liked portobellos, much as I love the regular white mushrooms. But! I have sometimes made a "mushroom meatloaf" -- instead of the usual peppers, onions, and ketchup, I use just a tiny bit of chopped onions, and when I take the 'shrooms out of the pkg, I take all the bitty pieces and chop them very fine, and add those to the mixture along with the breadcrumbs, chopped onions, and a smidge of beef gravy -- then cook, and when I serve the meatloaf, I saute up the rest of the 'shrooms, and serve it all up togther with mashed potatoes and the rest of the beef gravy, with a bit of the 'shroom broth in it -- it's a great meatloaf variation!



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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now yur talkin! I have always said if I have taters and eggs I have a meal. Love to mash the runny yolk over fried taters. and that's just how I do mine also. Not quite over medium. Want the white fully cooked, the yoke runny, but where you get just a touch of the eggy almost custard consistency with some of the yolk. And good brown yard eggs when I can get em.


have you tried doing like a black bean burger, or something like that? If you can do mushrooms, get a big portobello. You can put some butter and herbs on it, then roast's not beef, but they're pretty meaty. Makes a great sammich

Lucy if I'm not prying is this something temporary, or permanent?

Preliminary is nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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