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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yeah same here I would just die I suppose...

That's pretty much how I feel when I hear people talking this weird "low carb" BS... I'd freakin starve to death! I have to eat low fat, almost-zero cholesterol... that doesn't leave much room for anything EXCEPT carbs. :huh: I just try to make sure they're mostly complex carbs -- whole grains and lots of fiber... been working on cutting down my sugar consumption for many, many years... mostly because I love sugar, so I never want to have to do completely without it.



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I really, really need to change my eating habits. By being on a 2nd shift job, I rarely eat breakfast and that's a big no no for a hypoglycemic, so then I'm starving by the time I get ready for work so without fail, I hit a fast food place to basically eat the only "meal" I eat all day. At work I'll eat peanut butter crackers because we only have 20 minutes and then it's around a 2 minute walk outside to vape. It's starting to tell on me because I have no energy whatsoever.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I really, really need to change my eating habits. By being on a 2nd shift job, I rarely eat breakfast and that's a big no no for a hypoglycemic, so then I'm starving by the time I get ready for work so without fail, I hit a fast food place to basically eat the only "meal" I eat all day. At work I'll eat peanut butter crackers because we only have 20 minutes and then it's around a 2 minute walk outside to vape. It's starting to tell on me because I have no energy whatsoever.

Yeah, got into a similar trap and it is what was making me gain weight, even though I wasn't always eating a lot


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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No, I have not - but might.

There are a great number of herbs, supplements and what have you I am considering

All I'm doing right now is fresh turmeric and vitamin D and B12 supplements

Will probably try to find an herbalist to consult when I go to see the gastro doc - whenever that occurs

Top consideration right now is milk thistle and a couple others. Need to make sure they are all compatible before I make what will likely be a humongous investment in supplements, remedies and whatall :p


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No, I have not - but might.

There are a great number of herbs, supplements and what have you I am considering

All I'm doing right now is fresh turmeric and vitamin D and B12 supplements

Will probably try to find an herbalist to consult when I go to see the gastro doc - whenever that occurs

Top consideration right now is milk thistle and a couple others. Need to make sure they are all compatible before I make what will likely be a humongous investment in supplements, remedies and whatall :p
Personally, I believe you'll find a cure to your problem much faster with a herbalist, than a doctor.


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Even considering going vegetarian again

This around where I have ended up. I consume meats to the slogan of
meats is treats. May behoove me more to be full vegan, yet it is
difficult unbinding oneself from cultural tradition.

I really, really need to change my eating habits. By being on a 2nd shift job, I rarely eat breakfast and that's a big no no for a hypoglycemic, so then I'm starving by the time I get ready for work so without fail, I hit a fast food place to basically eat the only "meal" I eat all day. At work I'll eat peanut butter crackers because we only have 20 minutes and then it's around a 2 minute walk outside to vape. It's starting to tell on me because I have no energy whatsoever.

From experience, do not let yourself too much. Found me in a hospital
bed for four days until I could finally go poop. My GI tract had shut
down completely from a minor obstruction. It was ruled diverticulitis. I
did not exactly enjoy that stay.

Personally, I believe you'll find a cure to your problem much faster with a herbalist, than a doctor.

Agree with that strongly. :) Witches, prescribed tea made from foxglove
for heart troubles for thousands of years prior to modern medicine
finding digitalis purpeleria (sic), found in foxglove, helped to limit chances
of having heart attacks.


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Well, seems our neighbors are indeed doing as I thought. They are acting as bullies. These neighbors are spearheaded by our nearest one.

These are the couple what bought the corner off my wife's grandfather. Not yesterday but the day before he spoke to me, actually spoke and was not in a cussing blur of rage and hate. He said we had three days to move the dog pen and hut away from his fence, two strands of what he hopes I suppose to put electric to for an electric fence.

Granted my pen is right close up against the 'line'. It is though where her grandfather, her father both from looking at the deeds and surveyor maps figured where it ought to be, to be fine. Well, a portion of the hut roof does hang over just a few inches. There's no trees or electrical line near the roof of the hut, his only problem is it is ours and it hangs over.

We as a family do intend to move that pen and hut a full four to six feet forward away from where it is at now. That noted it has also put down quite a good bit of rain this year. The bottom area where the pen and hut occupy is nothing short of being soup. Any heavy equipment we could use to move it would sink in, tear up ground more so.

Her dad told me to tell the neighbor if he says anything more regarding it, that he needs to talk to him on the matter and explain further our position. It is not that we will not move it, we simply cannot in the demanded three days. Our hut and pen were there well before his fence and nothing was ever said, the same as it was never said of the alleged sixteen to twenty chickens our dogs killed. *shaking my head*

They never had that many to start with. I know of twice that yes, possibly my dogs got chickens. Both times I walked over and offered to make amends, pay, both times I was told to not worry over it. After that I figured "fine, I'll not worry over it". They also never said anything of their garden 'destroyed' by our dogs. We got all kinds of wild critters round not to even consider the deer. Yet somehow it was all due to our dogs, and our dogs alone.

I am not denying the possibility that yes, our dogs might have done some damage. In all fairness I cannot as I did not monitor our dogs like a vengeful hawk 24/7, I had life happening otherwise. By the same token, I know my dogs. They are good dogs. Talking sternly to them sends the away, knowing they did wrong. They will then usually not do the wrong again, except move toward doing it as a test.

Once the boundary is set though my dogs behave. My dogs are also not mean and would not wantonly attack people. Yet apparently they did and we never heard of it either. They also scratched up cars while chasing them, never heard of that.

The prosecutor asked if I knew the dogs dug to get out if it would be logical and common sense to not think they would elsewhere. I concurred but also explained that it ought to common sense too that if neighbor's dogs were causing all these troubles, some neighbor ought to go to that neighbor and say something. And by that I was not meaning come at a person in a flying cussing rage that was not understandable and tuned out. He just shook his head, but the onus is on you for owning the dogs.

Possibly so and perhaps I ought to have done better. We are doing the best we're able for what life tosses us. The dogs are not mistreated, beaten, abused, neglected. They eat and sometimes better than I do. The dogs do indeed have discipline too. I do discipline, I do do it as correctly, calmly as I can accordingly to Cesar. I though am not quite him. Dogs are dogs too, they are going to do as dogs do regardless and you have to balance discipline with leniency and understanding. If not it could end up being abuse.

Family consensus regarding neighbors, they're being bullies. So, my father in law told me to let the spearheading one know to talk to him regarding moving the pen, if he says any more to me. And that was a slight relief yesterday evening. I know it's not fully over, but I at least also see it might not be as bad as I'm 'feeling/sensing'.

Boggle. Sorry. Y'all run 'er slow. :hug: :) :wave:


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ECF Refugee
Well, seems our neighbors are indeed doing as I thought. They are acting as bullies. These neighbors are spearheaded by our nearest one.

These are the couple what bought the corner off my wife's grandfather. Not yesterday but the day before he spoke to me, actually spoke and was not in a cussing blur of rage and hate. He said we had three days to move the dog pen and hut away from his fence, two strands of what he hopes I suppose to put electric to for an electric fence.

Granted my pen is right close up against the 'line'. It is though where her grandfather, her father both from looking at the deeds and surveyor maps figured where it ought to be, to be fine. Well, a portion of the hut roof does hang over just a few inches. There's no trees or electrical line near the roof of the hut, his only problem is it is ours and it hangs over.

We as a family do intend to move that pen and hut a full four to six feet forward away from where it is at now. That noted it has also put down quite a good bit of rain this year. The bottom area where the pen and hut occupy is nothing short of being soup. Any heavy equipment we could use to move it would sink in, tear up ground more so.

Her dad told me to tell the neighbor if he says anything more regarding it, that he needs to talk to him on the matter and explain further our position. It is not that we will not move it, we simply cannot in the demanded three days. Our hut and pen were there well before his fence and nothing was ever said, the same as it was never said of the alleged sixteen to twenty chickens our dogs killed. *shaking my head*

They never had that many to start with. I know of twice that yes, possibly my dogs got chickens. Both times I walked over and offered to make amends, pay, both times I was told to not worry over it. After that I figured "fine, I'll not worry over it". They also never said anything of their garden 'destroyed' by our dogs. We got all kinds of wild critters round not to even consider the deer. Yet somehow it was all due to our dogs, and our dogs alone.

I am not denying the possibility that yes, our dogs might have done some damage. In all fairness I cannot as I did not monitor our dogs like a vengeful hawk 24/7, I had life happening otherwise. By the same token, I know my dogs. They are good dogs. Talking sternly to them sends the away, knowing they did wrong. They will then usually not do the wrong again, except move toward doing it as a test.

Once the boundary is set though my dogs behave. My dogs are also not mean and would not wantonly attack people. Yet apparently they did and we never heard of it either. They also scratched up cars while chasing them, never heard of that.

The prosecutor asked if I knew the dogs dug to get out if it would be logical and common sense to not think they would elsewhere. I concurred but also explained that it ought to common sense too that if neighbor's dogs were causing all these troubles, some neighbor ought to go to that neighbor and say something. And by that I was not meaning come at a person in a flying cussing rage that was not understandable and tuned out. He just shook his head, but the onus is on you for owning the dogs.

Possibly so and perhaps I ought to have done better. We are doing the best we're able for what life tosses us. The dogs are not mistreated, beaten, abused, neglected. They eat and sometimes better than I do. The dogs do indeed have discipline too. I do discipline, I do do it as correctly, calmly as I can accordingly to Cesar. I though am not quite him. Dogs are dogs too, they are going to do as dogs do regardless and you have to balance discipline with leniency and understanding. If not it could end up being abuse.

Family consensus regarding neighbors, they're being bullies. So, my father in law told me to let the spearheading one know to talk to him regarding moving the pen, if he says any more to me. And that was a slight relief yesterday evening. I know it's not fully over, but I at least also see it might not be as bad as I'm 'feeling/sensing'.

Boggle. Sorry. Y'all run 'er slow. :hug: :) :wave:
3 days???? What a total ASS. My sister had a dog that got out once and it killed some chickens. The neighbor came over, took the dog and shot it. :( Now, I agree people should keep their dogs on their own property, but things do happen, and to be neighborly, they could have asked if you needed some help!


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Member For 4 Years
Well, seems our neighbors are indeed doing as I thought. They are acting as bullies. These neighbors are spearheaded by our nearest one.

These are the couple what bought the corner off my wife's grandfather. Not yesterday but the day before he spoke to me, actually spoke and was not in a cussing blur of rage and hate. He said we had three days to move the dog pen and hut away from his fence, two strands of what he hopes I suppose to put electric to for an electric fence.

Granted my pen is right close up against the 'line'. It is though where her grandfather, her father both from looking at the deeds and surveyor maps figured where it ought to be, to be fine. Well, a portion of the hut roof does hang over just a few inches. There's no trees or electrical line near the roof of the hut, his only problem is it is ours and it hangs over.

We as a family do intend to move that pen and hut a full four to six feet forward away from where it is at now. That noted it has also put down quite a good bit of rain this year. The bottom area where the pen and hut occupy is nothing short of being soup. Any heavy equipment we could use to move it would sink in, tear up ground more so.

Her dad told me to tell the neighbor if he says anything more regarding it, that he needs to talk to him on the matter and explain further our position. It is not that we will not move it, we simply cannot in the demanded three days. Our hut and pen were there well before his fence and nothing was ever said, the same as it was never said of the alleged sixteen to twenty chickens our dogs killed. *shaking my head*

They never had that many to start with. I know of twice that yes, possibly my dogs got chickens. Both times I walked over and offered to make amends, pay, both times I was told to not worry over it. After that I figured "fine, I'll not worry over it". They also never said anything of their garden 'destroyed' by our dogs. We got all kinds of wild critters round not to even consider the deer. Yet somehow it was all due to our dogs, and our dogs alone.

I am not denying the possibility that yes, our dogs might have done some damage. In all fairness I cannot as I did not monitor our dogs like a vengeful hawk 24/7, I had life happening otherwise. By the same token, I know my dogs. They are good dogs. Talking sternly to them sends the away, knowing they did wrong. They will then usually not do the wrong again, except move toward doing it as a test.

Once the boundary is set though my dogs behave. My dogs are also not mean and would not wantonly attack people. Yet apparently they did and we never heard of it either. They also scratched up cars while chasing them, never heard of that.

The prosecutor asked if I knew the dogs dug to get out if it would be logical and common sense to not think they would elsewhere. I concurred but also explained that it ought to common sense too that if neighbor's dogs were causing all these troubles, some neighbor ought to go to that neighbor and say something. And by that I was not meaning come at a person in a flying cussing rage that was not understandable and tuned out. He just shook his head, but the onus is on you for owning the dogs.

Possibly so and perhaps I ought to have done better. We are doing the best we're able for what life tosses us. The dogs are not mistreated, beaten, abused, neglected. They eat and sometimes better than I do. The dogs do indeed have discipline too. I do discipline, I do do it as correctly, calmly as I can accordingly to Cesar. I though am not quite him. Dogs are dogs too, they are going to do as dogs do regardless and you have to balance discipline with leniency and understanding. If not it could end up being abuse.

Family consensus regarding neighbors, they're being bullies. So, my father in law told me to let the spearheading one know to talk to him regarding moving the pen, if he says any more to me. And that was a slight relief yesterday evening. I know it's not fully over, but I at least also see it might not be as bad as I'm 'feeling/sensing'.

Boggle. Sorry. Y'all run 'er slow. :hug: :) :wave:
This is just so wrong!!! Your neighbors are total asses!!!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I agree with you Lucy. If I had to change my diet and live or continue with the old eating habits and die, I'd be living off of salad if that's what it took.

Yeah... the reason for my own weird eating habits isn't really that I just love being weird (I'm that way whether I want to be or not!), but to me, nausea really IS a Fate Worse Than Death. If avoiding eggs and fatty beef keeps me from suffering it so much... no problem!!!!



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Yeah... the reason for my own weird eating habits isn't really that I just love being weird (I'm that way whether I want to be or not!), but to me, nausea really IS a Fate Worse Than Death. If avoiding eggs and fatty beef keeps me from suffering it so much... no problem!!!!

Yep! I'm the same way with certain foods. And some folks just don't like eggs period. I, myself will only use the very lean beef in things like spaghetti sauce, chili, sloppy joes etc. If I'm making burgers I have to use the 80/20 beef. Otherwise to me it doesn't taste like a burger. If I'm going to make a hamburger it has to taste like a hamburger.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yep! I'm the same way with certain foods. And some folks just don't like eggs period. I, myself will only use the very lean beef in things like spaghetti sauce, chili, sloppy joes etc. If I'm making burgers I have to use the 80/20 beef. Otherwise to me it doesn't taste like a burger. If I'm going to make a hamburger it has to taste like a hamburger.

I use the 93% lean beef for everything -- but I sure am glad I figured out that trick with the bread crumbs and olive oil, so I CAN have burgers!!! I usually also add a bit of worcestershire, so they're like "steakburgers". :D

Oh, another food trick I had to learn, due to being STARVING for pizza after 3-4 yrs without it -- tomatoes of any kind give me ungodly digestive problems -- gas mainly, but not so much the stinky kind, as the PAINFUL kind -- with pizza I've learned to use a knife to drag out a good portion of the tomato sauce... and also, those pills like "Beano" -- before and after the pizza (though I use the generic walmart brand). But at least now I can have pizza again! I still avoid spaghetti and lasagna, they're not worth the risk, to me... but pizza definitely is. :D



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I use the 93% lean beef for everything -- but I sure am glad I figured out that trick with the bread crumbs and olive oil, so I CAN have burgers!!! I usually also add a bit of worcestershire, so they're like "steakburgers". :D

Oh, another food trick I had to learn, due to being STARVING for pizza after 3-4 yrs without it -- tomatoes of any kind give me ungodly digestive problems -- gas mainly, but not so much the stinky kind, as the PAINFUL kind -- with pizza I've learned to use a knife to drag out a good portion of the tomato sauce... and also, those pills like "Beano" -- before and after the pizza (though I use the generic walmart brand). But at least now I can have pizza again! I still avoid spaghetti and lasagna, they're not worth the risk, to me... but pizza definitely is. :D

Mama Mia I love Pizza Too!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Mama Mia I love Pizza Too!

One weird thing, though, since I switched from smoking to vaping: I always got pepperoni, mushrooms, italian sausage.... but since my tastebuds started waking up, I can't abide italian sausage anymore; it tastes "gamey" or something, really foul. :( So now when we call Dominos we ask for "mushrooms, pepperoni, and mushrooms" -- just telling them "double mushrooms" doesn't work, I think they may add ONE extra mushroom -- but if you actually order mushrooms twice, it's more like double mushrooms. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Hey lookie, I went over $5500 "saved". :D So I guess that means I've spent about $1500 on vape stuff, and about $4k on all the other junk. :D Like FOOD! Water heater! 48" Smart TV! Security system for the house! New Truck! My husband's coin collection! Mobile phones! Oh, and this i5 laptop in the spring of '15! :giggle:



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And hello everyone, busy bee today x
Hey lookie, I went over $5500 "saved". :D So I guess that means I've spent about $1500 on vape stuff, and about $4k on all the other junk. :D Like FOOD! Water heater! 48" Smart TV! Security system for the house! New Truck! My husband's coin collection! Mobile phones! Oh, and this i5 laptop in the spring of '15! :giggle:

Excuse my ignorance but don't you call them Cell Phones across the pond, I though it was only us that called them mobiles ?


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^ Yes this was me, I hijacked his account, he should sign out when he's finished right hehe.

Anyhow, hello everyone, I'm a busy bee today

Had a friend who had that happen to him and you are a LOT nicer than his girlfriend was.

She got on their computer one day and found out he forgot to log off of face book so she decided to have some fun. She played like she was him and came out as being gay. From there it got totally out of control. :giggle:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Had a friend who had that happen to him and you are a LOT nicer than his girlfriend was.

She got on their computer one day and found out he forgot to log off of face book so she decided to have some fun. She played like she was him and came out as being gay. From there it got totally out of control. :giggle:

Hahaha - that happened to someone I know very recently

It was hilarious


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
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Member For 5 Years
Morning fugee's and GFY

Been a fairly busy morning wrassling with a Rascal :D

I never really had any problem doing no carbs and kinda like that kind of diet but vegan, not sure I could handle that,

I can do vegetarian (no meat) with little hassle - except really missing bacon.

Now Vegan, that is another matter - no animal products at all, is too far . No honey, no eggs, no jello.....

Way too far

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