3 days???? What a total ASS. My sister had a dog that got out once and it killed some chickens. The neighbor came over, took the dog and shot it.
Now, I agree people should keep their dogs on their own property, but things do happen, and to be neighborly, they could have asked if you needed some help!
I kept building and fixing the pen quite a while even before he had his
"fence" up. The backside of the dog hut is about six inches away from
his fence.
We had to sit through his FIL in the magistrates hearing telling us
there were 16 to 20 chickens killed. I knew of possibly two. I went and
asked what we needed to do to make right, twice.
No one said anything about their garden torn up, nothing about anything
else, cars scratched up from being chased. If all this had been going on
with the severity they're espousing, why did not they not approach us
calmly and speaking clearly to say that?
Well the prosecutor "playing devil's advocate", "are there not places
you steer away from due to feel ill at ease about the owners?" I
concurred but also stated that we're rather approachable as other people
do stop from time to time, asking directions, saying hey or what not.
Shoot we live right next door to these neighbors, not like they needed
to do more than ask us to talk.
His wife even runs our postal route. She never said a thing further
either. He may have said more than I recall. I do not pay much attention
to someone continually flying in a rage cussing at me. I learned to
block it out, to not respond because I know if someone is that angry
they'll not hear anything you say anyway. So, there was no real
discussion regarding anything near about the severity they're alleging.
Tomorrow will be day three. If I see him and he says anything, I'll tell
him he needs to speak to my FIL. I will not engage him any further than
that. "___ said he needs to talk to you about this, please talk with
him. Thank you."
I figure it is as family says, it's a run on be bullies. They got
designs to have all her granddad's land more than likely. Sorry but
coming at it from me and the dogs as an angle is not going to happen. I
might not exactly be capable of pulling off prick, but there are people that
make that a living and call themselves .. oh, lawyers, police officers.
I won't do this, go to his level. I have other options. It is just a
pain that I need to get wound up inside. Trying not to do that. I'm looking
at actual freelance writing jobs, playing a puzzle game here and there,
piddling with a few other things, firewood, house work.