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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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This has not been a good week for me. Sick, and now this tooth thing. Now, I feel like I have a fever again. Sorry, just needed to vent. :( Guess I need coddling. :( But there's none for Atcha. :(


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yea, Andria got me on the coolfire kick and I'm lovin it!

For the originals, I've got silver (the first one), bought a purple one from @Skullzz and put a wrap on it... and of course my red and pink that have "Andria" etched into them; for my 75w-TC-18650s, I've got red and blue.

The originals do have good battery life, I've always thought, but you know how I vape -- 10w or less, 5ml a day, so a little goes a long way, with me. :)

I have to admit though, I don't use the Coolfires much anymore, since they can do 9.5w or 10w, but nothing inbetween, and I usually prefer to vape 9.6w-9.8w -- so I use my Minibooks and iPV Minis more these days. At least I won't wear the Coolfires out. :)



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I love a lot of music from that era, Been listening to that type of music most of the day.

We have that album, my husband is a HUGE 10 Yrs After fan. But I actually remember when Donovan and The Zombies were current, on the radio. I REALLY LOVE "Sunshine Superman", Mellow Yellow, Hurdy Gurdy Man, Atlantis... but Season of the Witch always left me cold. How about Herman's Hermits? My maiden name was Brown... my dad's last name, so it was my mom's last name too, till she married my stepfather... "Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter" was one that she would sing to me. :D (off-key... she was completely tone deaf!)

The Zombies were recently in the running for the RnR Hall of Fame; I nominated them, but they didn't make it. :cry:



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Back in the day when I was a younger man I use to do a lot of picking and grinning and Im not talking about my nose here :eek:

I was never really good but I enjoyed it and played passable, About 20 years ago I tried to cut off my thumb one day while doing finish carpentry work and shattered the thumb bone. Had to stop playing for years and recently before the flood had a nephew over here who wanted to see my guitars. Found out then just how much I forgot about playing but a few times since then I picked one up and goofed around a bit.
Today I was going thru my bedroom closet and seen my acoustic guitar case. and damn it was heavy. Took it outside and opened up the case and the guitar was full of water and ruint :( It was a sweet Alvarez Professional model with the rosewood fret board. It was in pristine condition and I bought it new around 20 years ago, So I been kinda bummed about that all day,


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Member For 4 Years
Back in the day when I was a younger man I use to do a lot of picking and grinning and Im not talking about my nose here :eek:

I was never really good but I enjoyed it and played passable, About 20 years ago I tried to cut off my thumb one day while doing finish carpentry work and shattered the thumb bone. Had to stop playing for years and recently before the flood had a nephew over here who wanted to see my guitars. Found out then just how much I forgot about playing but a few times since then I picked one up and goofed around a bit.
Today I was going thru my bedroom closet and seen my acoustic guitar case. and damn it was heavy. Took it outside and opened up the case and the guitar was full of water and ruint :( It was a sweet Alvarez Professional model with the rosewood fret board. It was in pristine condition and I bought it new around 20 years ago, So I been kinda bummed about that all day,
I'm sorry Chop :( That bites!!


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Thanks. It was a rough night. I finally called their emergency after hours number and spoke with the oncall doctor. She sounded shocked that they didn't prescribe any antibiotics or pain killers. I'm in miserable pain. It'll take a few more hours, but I'll get some Tylenol 3

Wait until you graduate to what is called Tylex 5. It is still Tylenol, I think they might add a mild opiate to the Tylex end of Tylenol. Better still, wait until the opiates don't touch the pain any more. Not that I am doing the plateauing on opiates mind you, I only use them when pain is direly severe for me, instead the pain is that f~ing bad.

The worse part of it? I cannot imagine or recall anything I might have done to have brought it on myself. My GP, Lt. eb says that in't surprising though, we can simply bend, cough, sneeze, blink the wrong way and whack ourselves out of whack and get into the sling of pain. Her point being you don't need to do anything extreme, or beyond the ordinary for something to wind you up with pain like that.

Told her, "oh gee Lt, I guess there goes me 'living a life of danger' then, huh? No more dead lifting half of a three ton tractor to save a dog I guess. *sigh*" She just shook her and looked at me sternly. I could hear the "sailor, you're pushing your luck with me" in her look. Figure if I keep pushing she'll re-enlist me and have me dropped into Syria, Yemen, or part of the Congo. Guarantee my misses wouldn't miss, shooting me for getting sent off to get shot. *chuckles*


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Member For 5 Years
I'm tired as shit, after spending the whole day going thru my mom's ENORMOUS pharmacy and makeup and 40-lebben-dozen plastic bags that say "Patient Belongings". :facepalm: Didn't get to the clothes at all. *sigh*

But of course I can't sleep. I fully expected that grief would make me cry, make me rage, make me sullen... but I never imagined it would also rob me of my sleep. :headbang:



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*imitating Macho Man* "Oh yeah!"

Y'all can gfy if you think I'm going to play catch up now. I did see something though which needs responded to liberally.


Whew, that's better. :) Wait ... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:. Ahhh. Okay I think they're all out. ;) :) :wave:

Well minor update on neighbor issue. Did not see hide nor hair of anyone out and about over there the past three days. Could not convey my FIL's message. The world did not seem to end today. :) If they do anything I figure they'll try suing and say that I had agree to move the dog hut in 3 days time but did not move it. Well, I got them by the short hairs there. I said okay to him to acknowledge having heard him. There was no written contract for me to do as he asked. I acknowledged him only, as was my intent, as in "okay, I heard you." The I heard you was implied. So, we'll see.

Meanwhile little Lulu said, "they sell fresh eggs in China?"

Need to keep myself focused better. It is getting more difficult, not better. I use a bucket and fill it in our bathtub to water the dogs. Yesterday morning I tried to bring the bucket into our bedroom. This morning I tried walking back to our bedroom to put the milk back into the fridge.

When my dad took me for his visit, we stopped in to see my granddad on his side. I got woke around 2 AM an followed him to the kitchen. He got the milk out and sat his glass on the cooking stove. Then, he poured the milk into his glass that he though he sat on the counter.

My grandmother on my mom's side once fretting for three days. She kept turning their house near upside down. Pap had asked her and asked her what she was looking to find. It must have sunk in, she told him finally that she put up the Christmas money she had from selling walnuts. He walked back to his sock drawer in his room an brought out a cigar box full of that very money.

"You were up last week around one in the morning and come in, asked me to put it up safe. We agreed my sock drawer was the best place before you went back to bed," he told her.

Between that and winding up having a stroke I at times often wonder which the worser fate to be heading my way. Until then, figure I'll keep on keeping on. After all, at least I'm not in as bad a shape as some are presently. I thank whatever has spared me so far because I know at times I've not done any better than I could to spare me.

Aw, well think I'm seeing something of interest happening, for me at least in Perl. Might have to refresh my Lisp learning a bit and then get into learning the Perl more so. I think most of the languages used to program computers are harmonically converging upon themselves. Not sure if that is a "good" or "bad" thing yet.

Y'all run 'er slow. :hug: :)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Dam lady - you are up late :(

Some herbal tea and a good book?

Just finished a randy werewolf tale. :D So I popped for the 99 cent next in the series, which promises to be about a vampire (my favorite monster!). Drinking my 2nd mug of warm-milk cocoa. Took more sleepy pills (generic dramamine). I'll get there eventually, I don't have to get up early or be terribly productive tomorrow. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

I thought you were a computer geek who knows all these acronyms that everything digital ends up being called. :D Ah, touch typing is sweet after the hunting and pecking. :D But the forum is still a little slow, so I think I'm gonna head for bed and see if my brain is feeling more cooperative. :) Stupid thing thinks it's the boss of me. :giggle:



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I thought you were a computer geek who knows all these acronyms that everything digital ends up being called. :D Ah, touch typing is sweet after the hunting and pecking. :D But the forum is still a little slow, so I think I'm gonna head for bed and see if my brain is feeling more cooperative. :) Stupid thing thinks it's the boss of me. :giggle:


Well go fuck thyself - it actually being Sunday morning and all :D


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Speaking of fiddling with vapes. I just had to tune out a hot leg in my twin strand 30awg coil. Doing a bit different too. Still have the Odis top cap. It fits right onto the NaRDA base and doe fine. The difference being the Odis cap is a wee bit taller, gives more air in the chamber. I do and don't like that about equally, so it'll do. :)

Morning chop. :hug: Morning everyone. :) :hug: :wave:

:zombie: :coffee:
Last edited:


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*imitating Macho Man* "Oh yeah!"

Aw, well think I'm seeing something of interest happening, for me at least in Perl. Might have to refresh my Lisp learning a bit and then get into learning the Perl more so. I think most of the languages used to program computers are harmonically converging upon themselves. Not sure if that is a "good" or "bad" thing yet.

Y'all run 'er slow. :hug: :)

Lisp still has quite a cult following, but it's not something you usually find in commercial development (outside of maintaining old code). I'm not a fan of interpreters, but lately the hot thing has been Python. It's certainly becoming as ubiquitous as Perl. Then again Ruby went through the same trend a few years back and it didn't seem to last (I see less Ruby jobs come up as time goes on). Perl has definitely stood the test of time. It's a great language.

I personally think the convergence we see in higher level languages isn't great. In my experience it's motivated by a desire to enable non-developers to develop code (think HR folks 'coding' business logic in a WYSIWYG). I dislike this for a few reasons. A few are selfish. I get very tired of trying to explain CS concepts to non CS folks who lack the background to understand why their code behaves the way it does. I get sick of having to explain compile-time and run-time behavior to CS grads (seriously, how does someone graduate from a CS program without knowing anything about linking?). I also worry that as more and more laymen are given tools to produce code innovation will suffer.

On the good side, I don't see C/C++ going away anytime soon!


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I have no coddling but I give you rubber chicken edm. ;)

OMG that was funny. We shoot small rubber chickens at each other at work.
Not sure if I feel better or not. I'm sure it's just the infection making me feel bad and I have meds for that now so I'll stop all my whining.
Howdy yall. Been a while since I popped by to say hello! Hope everyone's been chugging along alright

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Hey Stuart. Good to see you!

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