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Back in the day when I was a younger man I use to do a lot of picking and grinning and Im not talking about my nose here :eek:

I was never really good but I enjoyed it and played passable, About 20 years ago I tried to cut off my thumb one day while doing finish carpentry work and shattered the thumb bone. Had to stop playing for years and recently before the flood had a nephew over here who wanted to see my guitars. Found out then just how much I forgot about playing but a few times since then I picked one up and goofed around a bit.
Today I was going thru my bedroom closet and seen my acoustic guitar case. and damn it was heavy. Took it outside and opened up the case and the guitar was full of water and ruint :( It was a sweet Alvarez Professional model with the rosewood fret board. It was in pristine condition and I bought it new around 20 years ago, So I been kinda bummed about that all day,
I had to quit playing the guitar when I shattered my left hand pinky. I loved to play and sing. Sorry about your guitar. I still have my grandmother's 1945 Gibson.


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I had to quit playing the guitar when I shattered my left hand pinky. I loved to play and sing. Sorry about your guitar. I still have my grandmother's 1945 Gibson.

You should try it again. If its been a long while since your injury you might be healed and able to now. That is the way it was with me. My left hand thumb I screwed up and the nail never did grow back right but I tried a few times those first couple years and it always ended up being painful to squeeze the neck for any amount of time. Now many years later I dont think it will be a problem.

Was thinking a lot about it last might and playing was always very relaxing to me and I was always able to shut every bad thing going on around me while goofing off and playing. Thought about it so much I found a nice Ovation online for an awesome price and went ahead and ordered it.



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You should try it again. If its been a long while since your injury you might be healed and able to now. That is the way it was with me. My left hand thumb I screwed up and the nail never did grow back right but I tried a few times those first couple years and it always ended up being painful to squeeze the neck for any amount of time. Now many years later I dont think it will be a problem.

Was thinking a lot about it last might and playing was always very relaxing to me and I was always able to shut every bad thing going on around me while goofing off and playing. Thought about it so much I found a nice Ovation online for an awesome price and went ahead and ordered it.

Wow what a beauty!
Maybe I should try it again. Playing is relaxing and you're right about it shutting out anything bad.


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Wow what a beauty!
Maybe I should try it again. Playing is relaxing and you're right about it shutting out anything bad.

Was looking around and seen there is a ton of video's on YouTube for playing many different songs. If I had that kind of resources available back when I first learned to play my playing would of been a lot more advanced than it was.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Was looking around and seen there is a ton of video's on YouTube for playing many different songs. If I had that kind of resources available back when I first learned to play my playing would of been a lot more advanced than it was.

YouTube has got to be one of the internet's greatest gifts to the world

Yeah, there is tons of gravel but it has saved me so much time, money and effort over the years it is not even funny

It has also helped to learn all kinds of fun shit like how to toss pizza dough like they do in pizzerias


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YouTube has got to be one of the internet's greatest gifts to the world

Yeah, there is tons of gravel but it has saved me so much time, money and effort over the years it is not even funny

It has also helped to learn all kinds of fun shit like how to toss pizza dough like they do in pizzerias

I love to ramble thru weird shit on the 'tube, like Nova documentaries and their ilk. Last week, I hit "Secrets of Death Valley," "Drain the Great lakes," and a couple others, equally strange. :D

Type in any weird combination of words... Youtube will try to find some videos that relate to it. :giggle:



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OMG that was funny. We shoot small rubber chickens at each other at work.
Not sure if I feel better or not. I'm sure it's just the infection making me feel bad and I have meds for that now so I'll stop all my whining.

Hey Stuart. Good to see you!

I saw that on TV when I was sick and it actually got a laugh out of me, glad it did the same for you. :)


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Hi ya Fugees, Hope all are well. Life has had me so busy that i havent had time to post lately. I have been busy also with mixing my own juices. and btw i have discovered a amazing juice that i recommend highly, havent bought a juice in a year till i tried this mr malts flurrys. Look it up. also a affectionate:



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Evening fugees, been a LONG mother was admitted to a hospital Friday with heart problems, I been there most of the weekend....she's doing MUCH better now. Her blood pressure was skyrocketing for unknown reason, this has been going on for a couple years, they can't figure out the cause. Giving her pressure medication makes her pressure dive dangerously low. Hope they figure out something soon, it's been a nightmare for her.


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Evening fugees, been a LONG mother was admitted to a hospital Friday with heart problems, I been there most of the weekend....she's doing MUCH better now. Her blood pressure was skyrocketing for unknown reason, this has been going on for a couple years, they can't figure out the cause. Giving her pressure medication makes her pressure dive dangerously low. Hope they figure out something soon, it's been a nightmare for her.

Good wishes headed to you and your momma.


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Evening fugees, been a LONG mother was admitted to a hospital Friday with heart problems, I been there most of the weekend....she's doing MUCH better now. Her blood pressure was skyrocketing for unknown reason, this has been going on for a couple years, they can't figure out the cause. Giving her pressure medication makes her pressure dive dangerously low. Hope they figure out something soon, it's been a nightmare for her.




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I personally think the convergence we see in higher level languages isn't great. In my experience it's motivated by a desire to enable non-developers to develop code (think HR folks 'coding' business logic in a WYSIWYG). I dislike this for a few reasons. A few are selfish. I get very tired of trying to explain CS concepts to non CS folks who lack the background to understand why their code behaves the way it does. I get sick of having to explain compile-time and run-time behavior to CS grads (seriously, how does someone graduate from a CS program without knowing anything about linking?). I also worry that as more and more laymen are given tools to produce code innovation will suffer.

Suffice it to say I think we could discuss this a bit. As a hobbyist layman whom dibbles and dabbles in a bit of everything, I perhaps could take umbrage at such harshness as saying innovation would die. Yes, I could. I do not though as oddly I can see how you might come to your point of view. What impresses me is that now it's learned Perl has auto-vivification, which to me seems to imply self awareness even if on a very rudimentary level. "Ah the programmer used this they'll need a,b,and c too I'll apply this for the programmer." It is also at that point I start to realize the downside to "teaching" "machines" to go faster, to think on their own even if only basic logical deduction via Occam's Razor. "Ah, humans make wars. Wars are bad. Eliminate humans, no more wars."

Then, I am merely a layman. Allow me that self depreciation as it is my means of being humble, as in actually being humble and as in appearing humble. I know that I know nothing at times and I'm alright with that. I can always ask. :)


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Evening fugees, been a LONG mother was admitted to a hospital Friday with heart problems, I been there most of the weekend....she's doing MUCH better now. Her blood pressure was skyrocketing for unknown reason, this has been going on for a couple years, they can't figure out the cause. Giving her pressure medication makes her pressure dive dangerously low. Hope they figure out something soon, it's been a nightmare for her.
Glad she's better. Sending prayers. :)


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Evening fugees, been a LONG mother was admitted to a hospital Friday with heart problems, I been there most of the weekend....she's doing MUCH better now. Her blood pressure was skyrocketing for unknown reason, this has been going on for a couple years, they can't figure out the cause. Giving her pressure medication makes her pressure dive dangerously low. Hope they figure out something soon, it's been a nightmare for her.

:hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: I hope you both get well, soon. Know that in the caring for the ailing those caring also get a dose of stress. Know that it can be a real problem too. :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug: :hug::hug:


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As a hobbyist layman whom dibbles and dabbles in a bit of everything, I perhaps could take umbrage at such harshness as saying innovation would die. Yes, I could. I do not though as oddly I can see how you might come to your point of view.

Thinking about the retort to the notion that laymen will kill innovation. I think the layman would rather be on the the front line of innovation. I am being inclusive though of the larger scope of technology in general. One example I have seen is the Liter of Light group who use plastic liter bottles to create lights for the poor in the Philippines & elsewhere. They also do incorporate the use of small solar panels into the making of these lights.

Another example is in Scotland striving to provide themselves with renewable sources of energy. There is also innovation in renewable energy with wind powered turbines that pick up and use even the slightest breeze and wobble, turning a crank to generate electricity. There's also thoughts of possibly adding in a means to use water condensation from these, creating electricity for a pump to a cistern of fresh drinking water.

Granted those examples are using technology in general and not exclusively computer programming or computer sciences. They do though represent the lay person thinking in different ways to solve problems with highly practical means. Give the lay person further access to more efficient technology, computers for example more can surely be done.

They could use say auto-cad to derive a good method of building rammed earth houses using 3d printing capabilities as well. They already have automated house builders in China doing similar using concrete and or bricks/blocks. They give the 3d printer the design and away it goes, building a house in six hours compared to six months. Again this ultimately is a likely result of a lay person asking "what if", "can it be done"?

Seeing this I also retort to the argument of military action being the only inspiration for innovation. It is not. There is indeed and in fact true altruism still alive and ever hopeful that we can use any and all tools at our disposal in helping to solve some of our greatest problems. You're also in a public forum discussing such a use of technology over the traditional selling of death for profit. People created an alternate way to use nicotine, one that is proven safer thus far. Yes, granted we've had a few stumbling blocks. Nothing though is perfect and even science, technology cannot eliminate the propensity for stupidity. :)

In short I am suggesting not counting out the lay person. Often, you'll find it is them dealing with a problem, like a systems administrator who writes up a shell script and cron job to run weekly backups, the lay person has to figure out how to keep an electric circuit open to run life saving equipment for a relative, a farmer needing a way to allow access to his farm to the poor of the community but no one else ... that brings innovations to light.

Edited: Cleaned up spacing and a few sloppily typed words. phrases.
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How's your mom, inspects? Inquiring minds want to know! :)

Doing good Andria, thanks for asking, They still don't know what is causing her heart rate to go nuts, but she hasn't experienced it since they admitted her to the hospital, EKG tests show normal operation. They are waiting for this to occur again so they can get an EKG while it's occurring. I guess if nothing happens by tonight, she is going home. The same thing has happened in the past, since she had a mini-stroke about 8 yrs ago.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I vaped after having a wisdom tooth yanked, healed perfectly, and FAST....!

Never vaped after an extraction - mine came out long ago, but I never heeded "no smoking" advice after dental procedures or anything else for that matter :blech:

Remember trying to wrap my lips around a smoke after novocain injections...:crazy::giggle::crazy:


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Never vaped after an extraction - mine came out long ago, but I never heeded "no smoking" advice after dental procedures or anything else for that matter :blech:

Remember trying to wrap my lips around a smoke after novocain injections...:crazy::giggle::crazy:
I remember trying to smoke out of a nostril! lol!
I vaped after having a wisdom tooth yanked, healed perfectly, and FAST....!
Hope they find out soon what's going on.


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You having problems with the extraction, Atcha?
Well, it was abscessed to begin with, then they pulled it and gave no antibiotics or pain killers so I had to call the emergency doc to get some (who was a little shocked I didn't get any). Then by last night, the fever started subsiding. I admit I was getting scared. I took a pic of the inside of my mouth and had small abscesses all around the missing tooth by Saturday night. :eek: I was pretty sick. Today, all through the day I've been feeling better and better.

The Cromwell

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Well, it was abscessed to begin with, then they pulled it and gave no antibiotics or pain killers so I had to call the emergency doc to get some (who was a little shocked I didn't get any). Then by last night, the fever started subsiding. I admit I was getting scared. I took a pic of the inside of my mouth and had small abscesses all around the missing tooth by Saturday night. :eek: I was pretty sick. Today, all through the day I've been feeling better and better.
Must have been a squid involved?


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Doing good Andria, thanks for asking, They still don't know what is causing her heart rate to go nuts, but she hasn't experienced it since they admitted her to the hospital, EKG tests show normal operation. They are waiting for this to occur again so they can get an EKG while it's occurring. I guess if nothing happens by tonight, she is going home. The same thing has happened in the past, since she had a mini-stroke about 8 yrs ago.

Had a buddy that happened to, He would be just fine then start feeling like shit. Check his heart rate and it would be 220-250 for no reason. Donctors tried all sorts of things including a CPAC machine for sleep apnea. Nothing worked. He was chatting with his sister one day and she told him she had some real screwed up weird medical stuff going on with her and she had tohave her gall bladder removed and all problems stopped instantly. My buddy went talked to his doctor and he blew him off so my buddy went and found another doctor and told him the story and also told him if he didnt want to remove his gall bladder he would keep looking around until he found a doctor who would. That doctor agreed to do it and after the surgery his heart rate problems never returned.


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Had a buddy that happened to, He would be just fine then start feeling like shit. Check his heart rate and it would be 220-250 for no reason. Donctors tried all sorts of things including a CPAC machine for sleep apnea. Nothing worked. He was chatting with his sister one day and she told him she had some real screwed up weird medical stuff going on with her and she had tohave her gall bladder removed and all problems stopped instantly. My buddy went talked to his doctor and he blew him off so my buddy went and found another doctor and told him the story and also told him if he didnt want to remove his gall bladder he would keep looking around until he found a doctor who would. That doctor agreed to do it and after the surgery his heart rate problems never returned.
Thanks for the info doc...I'll surely pass this on to my mother.


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Doing good Andria, thanks for asking, They still don't know what is causing her heart rate to go nuts, but she hasn't experienced it since they admitted her to the hospital, EKG tests show normal operation. They are waiting for this to occur again so they can get an EKG while it's occurring. I guess if nothing happens by tonight, she is going home. The same thing has happened in the past, since she had a mini-stroke about 8 yrs ago.

It really is scary -- I've been prone to fainting most of my life, which shows that sometimes my BP/heart rate just kinda goes bonkers. But in an older person, it's scary as hell! The docs think I have a hyper-sensitive vagus nerve -- one of the major CNS nerves. Maybe it's something like that with your mom?


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