But I don't like super airy vapes and am one of the world's few NarDa haters
Well, everyone has differing size rectums, differing perceptions, differing preferences,
differing opinions and guess what? ... That is one hundred percent fine and dandy. I'll
vape what I enjoy vaping and leave you doing the same on your merry way.
I am not proselytizing "the oh holy Narda, what I'll declare holy war over". In fact,
I would possibly be the last to proselytizing any notion, cause, thing toward anyone.
I merely said I'm enjoying using a Narda after a bit of fiddling. I enjoy and like peanut
butter ripple ice cream also, clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. So?
ETA: A little clarification ...
@JuicyLucy ,
I was not meaning this to infer being
smart with you, or disrespectful in
any manner, hon. What is simply is and that is what I was expressing
more so than anything. Saul Good, is a great author of life
at times
and I think he's writing the vaping experience for everyone.
times his editor F. Hell rips his work apart, leaving us to be reminded
of an axiom presented by Winston Churchill.
"Going through Hell? ... Well, keep going!"
Yesterday for me was a session with the editor and I've been
reminded, "it ain't over". For the life of me, wish I knew what
some think they gain by imposing on those having nothing.
Oh well, the wheel she a turns all a the time, non?
All we can do is do our best, keep going. This is what we're
trying to do too. I will eventually get a heavy bag, punching
bag and hang it in our barn. Figure if i can
let go on it
once in a while, stress might not cause me to stroke out.
Yes, I know sex can be a release. Due to privacy concerns
me and wife have only enjoyed that twice in near three years.
Doing the GFY kind of becomes well, underwhelming, ...
just going through motions and not worth the effort.
Hot showers help as well. So does growling loudly
in a car with windows rolled up and some good metal
on the blasting radio.
Meditation, too. I am simply
too dense at times to say, "
stop, I need to process
and cope."
That is very difficult for me to do. Not because it makes
me vulnerable, because I feel a need to be the
the perpetual gyroscope in motion, Of course, then I
wind up with everything inside & feeling ready to
explode. Quite a vicious circle for me, really.
Anyone got any straight lines? *grin*
Why did you have to surrender one of your dogs?
Hate to hear that, I like dogs better than most people....
We did not
have to per say. We thought it possibly the best thing given the dog is
meant to be for my nephews. They seem to have no interest in caring for the dog.
Their parents also did not seem to either, until this debacle regarding our dogs
began to foment.
Then of course, my wife could pay for him being neutered and given proper
vaccinations, to be paid back. It did seem that as he had not had this done
already, he took on the plight of attacking livestock & possibly people.
I don't mind
helping out family up to a point. My wife has been footing the
whole of the utilities for the past two years up until two or three months
ago. Granted me and her do make use of the utilities. We figure though
our use would be only 1/3 of what is currently used, if even that given
that her and I are inclined to energy conservation and such.
Ergo, the dog for the nephews was given up as our dogs were already
fixed, taxes paid, vaccinations up to date. We could not afford a fourth
dog and continue with what my wife is now busy trying to pay down,
a car loan. Gee, sorry we have lives as well merely being dog people.
I am also looking for actual work. This is kind of daunting with limited
skills. Bit forced to accept
general labor & entry level type of work.
There are also restrictions from the SS admin to what I am allowed
to work yet, they did not qualify me as disabled. I perhaps ought to
be classed as such but well, we all know how life goes with its
enjoyable people.
(grin & bear for b.o.h.i.c.a, b.o.h.i.c.a.)
I will interject, karma can be a real stinker and run over
dogmas. Ergo,
"what goes round, comes round". What
is due will be due and warranted out as due, I am sure it
I feel rather at the point that I am not quite up to par for doing
general labor kind of work. No, I wouldn't turn it down but I
do not think I would
make the cut to keep employment. Also, not
having been engaged in active employment for a good while,
employers shy away. I do comprehend why, not that I agree
fully or fully accept such reasoning.
In short life is what it is and for some that means falling
between cracks. We can look to solace in platitudes and
hope at times. Excuse me, need to attend some doing.