My son yesterday texted me from the Burger King where he was eating lunch, to the not-so-dulcet tones of a 5 yr old brat that wouldn't take NO for an answer and a mom who obviously didn't have a clue; he said "If I haven't told you lately, thank you very much for being a good parent and slapping the hell out of me when I told you 'no'".

But I had to reply: "Anytime you see a parent not doing their job, just remember all the bleeding heart libtards who would put that parent in jail for being a good parent, or worse, take the child away."
Oh boy. Our mom was quite simple in handling misbehaving boys out in
"[Boy Name], do I need to take you to the bathroom and let you get
yourself sorted out", she would calmly and quietly ask the offender.
We knew at that point we had better be flying right. She would whoop
us once we got the bathroom. Her open handed swats on the bottom could
sting like wet rat tails. But she would tell us we could not cry once we
left the bathroom, or we got brought in again.
Nobody at the time minded her obviously disciplining her "fine young
men". And yes, we were because mom would only tell us something twice
in a store. We would help her get her shopping done and not pester her
about the gimmies. We knew better. If we acted like her "fine young
men", we might get something as a treat, for birthday or holiday.
I did this in similar manner once with my eldest nephew. He to this very
day recalls the incident and to this day still actually thanks me for
pointing him in the right direction. Me, wife, her sister and nephew
were in the local 'greasy spoon'. I saw the 'regulars' there and noted a
sense of understanding. "Hey [Nephew Name], I need to take you into the
bathroom. you need to get yourself figured out, might be a little messy
on your shirt. C'mon."
He got two palm swats and he started to cry out. I put a finger to
his lips. "You can cry without hollering. Besides everybody out there
already knows I'm getting you back in line. You need be acting like
a good little gentleman for your mom. You weren't, so I'm reminding
you. Got it? Alright here's some tissue, get yourself cleaned up and
we'll go out be good gents, maybe we'll go get ice cream after while or
something. Never can tell." He dried himself up, we enjoyed our meal at
the greasy spoon, no one said one word to me, or his mom, or my wife.
One fellow asked him if I was his uncle. He replied I was. The guy
chuckled and told him I was a good one.
Children need to hear no as much as needing to hear yes. Though I
think a balance as with most everything, needs found. Can I say what's
wrong or right? Nope, would not even try either. I don't have human
children and possibly will never. What I know of parenting comes from
experiencing parenting growing up as well as experiencing abuse. Yes,
there is a vast difference. Yes, one can be exclusive of the other.
Choose well. Some of us grew a distaste of abuse, might happen to
discipline adults.