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Sir Kadly

Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Im the same way with certain celebs. Was scanning Amazon Prime earlier looking for a movie to watch and seen one that looked cool. As soon as I seen gwyneth paltrow was in it I said fuck that and kept looking for sumptin to watch. Ashley Judd is another I refuse to watch. Celebs can have their opinions and that is fine, but they are not entitled to shove their opinions down my throat. As for Shania, I never heard anything from her and dont even know her views on anything.
No, I just mean I'm no longer interested in looking, know what I mean Vern?
But on the subject of idiotic celebs shoving there opinions down our throats. Ted Nugent can shut his pie hole too.;)


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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No, I just mean I'm no longer interested in looking, know what I mean Vern?
But on the subject of idiotic celebs shoving there opinions down our throats. Ted Nugent can shut his pie hole too.;)

That was actually the thing that made me start liking Kid Rock, who I personally think is a goofy idiot who looks like Ed Norton from the Honeymooners in his goofy hat and who can't make up his goofy mind about whether to do country, rock, or rap... but he said "Why ask me about politics? I'm an entertainer, I dunno shit about politics, so don't ask me! I don't know!" If only all entertainers were that honest with themselves!



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ECF Refugee
Im the same way with certain celebs. Was scanning Amazon Prime earlier looking for a movie to watch and seen one that looked cool. As soon as I seen gwyneth paltrow was in it I said fuck that and kept looking for sumptin to watch. Ashley Judd is another I refuse to watch. Celebs can have their opinions and that is fine, but they are not entitled to shove their opinions down my throat. As for Shania, I never heard anything from her and dont even know her views on anything.

Wha? I blame Shania for all this gender befuddlement.

She started it. :D


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ECF Refugee
And what the heck is a Metrosexual anyway?

At least I think that the term is that the twerky singer used to describe herself.

Ask one of them gay Parisians


They probably know.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I thought Atlanta was the only place with a plethora of Peachtrees...
Peachtree St, Peachtree Rd, Peachtree Center, Peachtree Corners, Peachtree City, Peachtree Hills, Peachtree-Industrial Blvd, Old Peachtree... 'bout every other road or community is Peachtree-something-or-other.
Nope there's about a bizillion peach named roads/streets/avenues/whatever in Alabama as well.

But you don't find any actual peach trees north of about Macon... at least, not producing peaches.
Sadly this is true but what burns my biscuits is those weird shaped Peaches that taste like cardboard.Hell they ain't even the right color.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Nope there's about a bizillion peach named roads/streets/avenues/whatever in Alabama as well.

Sadly this is true but what burns my biscuits is those weird shaped Peaches that taste like cardboard.Hell they ain't even the right color.


They look more like nectarines.



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ECF Refugee
evening Fugees, Hope everyone is ok. I have been out of town down in Fla. checking up on my parents. the weather was great but is sucked coming back to NY in the cold. And of course my luck just as i am getting ready to head home my parents tv goes on the fritz, had to scramble to buy them a new one. Thank goodness for amazon Prime. Last time i was there it was there central ac.

and may i say affectionately;


People's Reviewer
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I'm not going to bring this up again after today but I wanted to tell my side of the story..I love my Pico and just totally fell in love with the resin ones. I wanted one of those worse than any mod I've ever had. I had intended to order one but after getting the news a couple of weeks ago that I may not have a job after next week figured I had better hold on to that money. So when Rixy said he was getting one, I asked him to please not post the picture of it which he did. Not only in the wompers thread but here and over at ECF in a thread that he knew I participated in. was a bit childish of me, I'll admit but I never thought that that kind of vindictiveness would come from it. There's nothing like having your nose rubbed into something you know you can't have. Anyway, for me, it's over and done.

Rixy and Emmy, I wish you both the best of all that life has to offer! And I truly mean that!

Peace :)
I wasn't going to reply to this but your implying that I was rubbing your nose in it isn't exactly true...

Asking me not to post pictures on the Womper thread ain't gonna happen, why should I, when you said that, I took it as a joke, I'm sure everyone did (who wouldn't)

ECF, If you go look at that post you will see I tagged Kat in it as it's a long standing joke between me and her about the Pico and I shouldn't really need to explain myself.

As for posting it in here, yup, I did that one on purpose after your strange outburst in the womps thread..

You see, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, what pictures I post, where I post them or who too, if you have a problem with that, then your on the wrong forum love. Members like to see new stuff, mods, tanks, builds, it's a vaping forum !

What am I suppose to do, not post a pic of every single mod I have that you may happen to want.

I won't have you making out it's my put it in perspective, it was a picture of a dam mod.

Anyway, that's it from me too...

(Sorry about the grammar, I'm a brit,init) :rolleyes:


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My son yesterday texted me from the Burger King where he was eating lunch, to the not-so-dulcet tones of a 5 yr old brat that wouldn't take NO for an answer and a mom who obviously didn't have a clue; he said "If I haven't told you lately, thank you very much for being a good parent and slapping the hell out of me when I told you 'no'". :giggle: But I had to reply: "Anytime you see a parent not doing their job, just remember all the bleeding heart libtards who would put that parent in jail for being a good parent, or worse, take the child away."


Oh boy. Our mom was quite simple in handling misbehaving boys out in

"[Boy Name], do I need to take you to the bathroom and let you get
yourself sorted out", she would calmly and quietly ask the offender.
We knew at that point we had better be flying right. She would whoop
us once we got the bathroom. Her open handed swats on the bottom could
sting like wet rat tails. But she would tell us we could not cry once we
left the bathroom, or we got brought in again.

Nobody at the time minded her obviously disciplining her "fine young
men". And yes, we were because mom would only tell us something twice
in a store. We would help her get her shopping done and not pester her
about the gimmies. We knew better. If we acted like her "fine young
men", we might get something as a treat, for birthday or holiday.

I did this in similar manner once with my eldest nephew. He to this very
day recalls the incident and to this day still actually thanks me for
pointing him in the right direction. Me, wife, her sister and nephew
were in the local 'greasy spoon'. I saw the 'regulars' there and noted a
sense of understanding. "Hey [Nephew Name], I need to take you into the
bathroom. you need to get yourself figured out, might be a little messy
on your shirt. C'mon."

He got two palm swats and he started to cry out. I put a finger to
his lips. "You can cry without hollering. Besides everybody out there
already knows I'm getting you back in line. You need be acting like
a good little gentleman for your mom. You weren't, so I'm reminding
you. Got it? Alright here's some tissue, get yourself cleaned up and
we'll go out be good gents, maybe we'll go get ice cream after while or
something. Never can tell." He dried himself up, we enjoyed our meal at
the greasy spoon, no one said one word to me, or his mom, or my wife.
One fellow asked him if I was his uncle. He replied I was. The guy
chuckled and told him I was a good one.

Children need to hear no as much as needing to hear yes. Though I
think a balance as with most everything, needs found. Can I say what's
wrong or right? Nope, would not even try either. I don't have human
children and possibly will never. What I know of parenting comes from
experiencing parenting growing up as well as experiencing abuse. Yes,
there is a vast difference. Yes, one can be exclusive of the other.
Choose well. Some of us grew a distaste of abuse, might happen to
discipline adults.


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Just use "yall" and its all good :teehee:

* lets the customary Southern three days pass, finds us on a flat bottom skiff trolling for catfish * ... Ayep, y'all fits in most anywhere in the continental united states, except up round new england way. Folks up yon be weird like that though. They ain't ever gonna see benefit to eating say possum pie for example. *smirking grin* Reckon they plum fickle on grits too, or pon hous. *chuckles*

I don't mind seeing vaping porn so much. Just what I say though, I'm kind sorted into being with Saul Good currently. Did order myself another Goon earlier this evening and few Goon specific squonk pins. I spent less than $16. My 'hardware' costs are tapering off, figure I'm spending less than $40-50 annually, possibly even averaging out to less than $20.

If I continue buying juice from Mt. Baker, from a second look I had recent, will prolly be shelling out $60 for 300ml.

Extrapolating that out for me, 4ml per day * 365 days = 1460ml, rounding I may as well say 1.5L per year I'll need.Rounding again, I would need to buy 5 of the 300ml size meaning a 1.5L a year juice habit would run me about $300 year.

I could also go flavorless and use 100% VG, even the Nicotine base and possibly squeeze out 4L from 1L of Nicotine and 1Gal of VG for a little under $60. That would also mean dropping my Nicotine off to 6mg per 1ml though, eh, hm. Saving $240 and getting nearly 3 years of juice, <mild sarcasm>gee, difficult call for sure.</mild sarcasm>

Need to check something on the mixing formula though. If I get the Nic solution already at 6mg, how does that fare per 10ml bottle? I'm keeping the math easy as well as in keeping with the bottle size for the CopperVape squonker. If it's just a straight 1 to 1 , I would need about what 0.60 ml of Nicotine per 10ml? I'm used to doing 100mg broken down for 1.8mg per 1ml, which if IRC breaks down 3.6 ml of nicotine per 10ml bottle of juice. Darn figures & formulas. *grumbling softly*

ETA: I concur with your view on Mrs./Ms. Shania Twain. I too get some very *ahem* "sick" imaginings looking at her. Matter of fact think I'm going to call my buddy Dean, we'll rent a van again, come your way with a person in tow. You figure a week ought to be enough to forget ourselves and not be the gentleman we were taught to be? ;) :) Much as I'm married Kad, I'm also human and can admit to seeing an attractive person. I think my wife might even go saphradoric for Mrs./Ms. Shania Twain, although do not quote me on that as it's only my speculation.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
And what the heck is a Metrosexual anyway?

At least I think that the term is that the twerky singer used to describe herself.

I think it means they'll have sex with metropolis sized cities. Oh wow, fucking cities even, damn everybody keeps finding fucking things. I possibly need to shut off a variable creation function ... somewhere. ... * goes and stands in Bob's workshop, looking at the peg board for the proper whachamacallit tool to wrench off that function, gets struck with a sense "awe willya lookat that" as he looks at the tools ... stands in awe just ogling and admiring ... puts his hands in his pockets, shifts back and forth obviously afixin ... whistles innocently ...*


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ECF Refugee
* lets the customary Southern three days pass, finds us on a flat bottom skiff trolling for catfish * ... Ayep, y'all fits in most anywhere in the continental united states, except up round new england way. Folks up yon be weird like that though. They ain't ever gonna see benefit to eating say possum pie for example. *smirking grin* Reckon they plum fickle on grits too, or pon hous. *chuckles*

I don't mind seeing vaping porn so much. Just what I say though, I'm kind sorted into being with Saul Good currently. Did order myself another Goon earlier this evening and few Goon specific squonk pins. I spent less than $16. My 'hardware' costs are tapering off, figure I'm spending less than $40-50 annually, possibly even averaging out to less than $20.

If I continue buying juice from Mt. Baker, from a second look I had recent, will prolly be shelling out $60 for 300ml.

Extrapolating that out for me, 4ml per day * 365 days = 1460ml, rounding I may as well say 1.5L per year I'll need.Rounding again, I would need to buy 5 of the 300ml size meaning a 1.5L a year juice habit would run me about $300 year.

I could also go flavorless and use 100% VG, even the Nicotine base and possibly squeeze out 4L from 1L of Nicotine and 1Gal of VG for a little under $60. That would also mean dropping my Nicotine off to 6mg per 1ml though, eh, hm. Saving $240 and getting nearly 3 years of juice, <mild sarcasm>gee, difficult call for sure.</mild sarcasm>

Need to check something on the mixing formula though. If I get the Nic solution already at 6mg, how does that fare per 10ml bottle? I'm keeping the math easy as well as in keeping with the bottle size for the CopperVape squonker. If it's just a straight 1 to 1 , I would need about what 0.60 ml of Nicotine per 10ml? I'm used to doing 100mg broken down for 1.8mg per 1ml, which if IRC breaks down 3.6 ml of nicotine per 10ml bottle of juice. Darn figures & formulas. *grumbling softly*

ETA: I concur with your view on Mrs./Ms. Shania Twain. I too get some very *ahem* "sick" imaginings looking at her. Matter of fact think I'm going to call my buddy Dean, we'll rent a van again, come your way with a person in tow. You figure a week ought to be enough to forget ourselves and not be the gentleman we were taught to be? ;) :) Much as I'm married Kad, I'm also human and can admit to seeing an attractive person. I think my wife might even go saphradoric for Mrs./Ms. Shania Twain, although do not quote me on that as it's only my speculation.

1500 ml for $300.......hmm................

Lets see here.

2 gals VG (essential depot) for $50 (2 gal deal on sale with free shipping right now)

1 L 100mg nicotine (myfreedomsmokes) $50

Otay, dont know what strength you vape at but lets say 10 mg for example purposes.

7500 ml VG
750 ml nicotine

8250ml or 8L 250 ml unflavored 10mg juice for $100. That is around 5.5 years worth using 1.5 L a year.

5.5 years at $300/yr = $1650. Take that $1650 and subtract the $100 already spent on VG & nic gives you $1550.

But you dont want to vape just plain jane flavorless juice for a year. Lets get some flavor concentrate.

Figuring it at %10 flavoring, that 8L 250 ml will need 750 ml of flavoring.

16 oz Capella flavoring bottles---- $46 16oz = 473 ml so will need 2...... say $100

Add that 750 ml flavoring to the mix and now you have 9L of juice

But say you dont want to vape just one flavor for the next 6 years..... Get a variety on smaller flavors bottles. The VG and nic alone gives you $1550 savings over this time period. If you spent just $550 on flavors you would still have $1000 in your pocket from savings.

And if you wanna get a bit fancy and make mixing extremely simple, invest in a decent digital scale. I use the LB-501 scale and it runs around $40. I can get my mixing weights within a gnats ass of target and I really dont care if when mixing a 480 ml bottle a single flavor is .04 off its target weight. It will be never noticed.

And you still have a $1K surplus to spend on new shnneys :D

So why are ya not mixing instead of buying juice?


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
1500 ml for $300.......hmm................

Lets see here.

2 gals VG (essential depot) for $50 (2 gal deal on sale with free shipping right now)

1 L 100mg nicotine (myfreedomsmokes) $50

Otay, dont know what strength you vape at but lets say 10 mg for example purposes.

7500 ml VG
750 ml nicotine

8250ml or 8L 250 ml unflavored 10mg juice for $100. That is around 5.5 years worth using 1.5 L a year.

5.5 years at $300/yr = $1650. Take that $1650 and subtract the $100 already spent on VG & nic gives you $1550.

But you dont want to vape just plain jane flavorless juice for a year. Lets get some flavor concentrate.

Figuring it at %10 flavoring, that 8L 250 ml will need 750 ml of flavoring.

16 oz Capella flavoring bottles---- $46 16oz = 473 ml so will need 2...... say $100

Add that 750 ml flavoring to the mix and now you have 9L of juice

But say you dont want to vape just one flavor for the next 6 years..... Get a variety on smaller flavors bottles. The VG and nic alone gives you $1550 savings over this time period. If you spent just $550 on flavors you would still have $1000 in your pocket from savings.

And if you wanna get a bit fancy and make mixing extremely simple, invest in a decent digital scale. I use the LB-501 scale and it runs around $40. I can get my mixing weights within a gnats ass of target and I really dont care if when mixing a 480 ml bottle a single flavor is .04 off its target weight. It will be never noticed.

And you still have a $1K surplus to spend on new shnneys :D

So why are ya not mixing instead of buying juice?

I am giving it some damn serious thought, especially as in doing so by weight instead of trying to figure the mls and conversion ratios so much as doing it via the syringe method. I was merely looking at Heartland Vapes prices. I see essential also has 4 gal deals on VG for about $50 too. Wow! Know that might not be an "all the time" thing but even if a person could average out 4 gal for $50 that's cheaper than dirt and would help defray cost of 100mg per ml nicotine concentrate/solution. Which I can do as 20% per a 10ml bottle and get rather close to ~18.5/19mg per ml, keeps it simple syringe wise 2ml of nic solution in the (target) bottle of 10ml, 200ml in a 1L bottle. And that isn't too far out of line for me as far as nicotine goes, so long as I steer way down from 24mg per ml, that shit gets real nasty to me.

As far as flavoring goes, have learned for myself I can cut to around 5% total flavoring & still be alright to taste whatever it is. Not that it'd make too much difference except for doubling end product quantity. I could likely get by with spending around $200 on flavors, if that. I like a mango & peach blend I'm currently hammering labeled M12, it's the M11 that has the extra tobacco flavoring added. I might add just a pinch of mint/menthol to the M12 base, probably preferring a spearmint.

Nic wise, I'm used to 18mg per ml not 1.8mg as I wrote earlier, damn sleepy eye buggies needed Juan Guy to brush them away with his mule. Been cutting back to 12mg with eventual hopes to go to 6mg but am finding out I'm nicotine dependent, not an addict but a dependent. And yep, there is a difference not exactly semantic either, one needs physiologically & psychological, the other only needs psychologically. Well I need it both ways. *chuckles* If I do it, I do it right. *grin and shaking my head*

At any given I see 1L nicotine would run only $66 and that's selected for me at the 100mg per ml level so as to dilute it down to the 18mg or 20% per 10ml/1L. $66 + $50 = $116 + $200 (flavoring) = $316 Average that to say $325 for shipping add-in. Someone explained to me they got about a gal from 1L of nicotine at roughly 4L juice per gal of courier juice/s PG/VG. Well, I think I'm going full on VG but the math would roughly the same 4L VG in a glycol cube, 1L of nicotine.

Damn right i can see the savings with DIY. i just hesitate to take that little step. Might be nudging me though. Well, had my :coffee: need to go feed, maybe if weather has fared well get to stripping out the final bit of fence last week stopped me from getting, maybe shave out more kindling, get firewood down, go haul 'chunks'. Maybe a laundry day too, not sure yet. Bah, this wheedle boy gotta git busy. Run 'er slow.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I love DIY for so many reasons! The best juices are ones you make yourself! And that is just a great comparison in price! Well done!

Also...morning all! GFY

Ja Ja Ja I agree tis a big eye opener price wise. "Jump around, jump around! Ja Ja Ja!" Still, to a degree I think I'm hung up on "well gotta help small business lest there's no business" but you know, seeing how big how quick the pricing can add up ... *nodding* "jump, jump Ja Ja Ja!" damn it! Ear worm!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ja Ja Ja I agree tis a big eye opener price wise. "Jump around, jump around! Ja Ja Ja!" Still, to a degree I think I'm hung up on "well gotta help small business lest there's no business" but you know, seeing how big how quick the pricing can add up ... *nodding* "jump, jump Ja Ja Ja!" damn it! Ear worm!

Mt Baker isn't that small of a business - remember last year it came out that they had over $50 MILLION in sales for 2015

Not that much different than buying your own DIY supplies from other companies that might be larger, maybe not


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ECF Refugee
I am giving it some damn serious thought, especially as in doing so by weight instead of trying to figure the mls and conversion ratios so much as doing it via the syringe method. I was merely looking at Heartland Vapes prices. I see essential also has 4 gal deals on VG for about $50 too. Wow! Know that might not be an "all the time" thing but even if a person could average out 4 gal for $50 that's cheaper than dirt and would help defray cost of 100mg per ml nicotine concentrate/solution. Which I can do as 20% per a 10ml bottle and get rather close to ~18.5/19mg per ml, keeps it simple syringe wise 2ml of nic solution in the (target) bottle of 10ml, 200ml in a 1L bottle. And that isn't too far out of line for me as far as nicotine goes, so long as I steer way down from 24mg per ml, that shit gets real nasty to me.

As far as flavoring goes, have learned for myself I can cut to around 5% total flavoring & still be alright to taste whatever it is. Not that it'd make too much difference except for doubling end product quantity. I could likely get by with spending around $200 on flavors, if that. I like a mango & peach blend I'm currently hammering labeled M12, it's the M11 that has the extra tobacco flavoring added. I might add just a pinch of mint/menthol to the M12 base, probably preferring a spearmint.

Nic wise, I'm used to 18mg per ml not 1.8mg as I wrote earlier, damn sleepy eye buggies needed Juan Guy to brush them away with his mule. Been cutting back to 12mg with eventual hopes to go to 6mg but am finding out I'm nicotine dependent, not an addict but a dependent. And yep, there is a difference not exactly semantic either, one needs physiologically & psychological, the other only needs psychologically. Well I need it both ways. *chuckles* If I do it, I do it right. *grin and shaking my head*

At any given I see 1L nicotine would run only $66 and that's selected for me at the 100mg per ml level so as to dilute it down to the 18mg or 20% per 10ml/1L. $66 + $50 = $116 + $200 (flavoring) = $316 Average that to say $325 for shipping add-in. Someone explained to me they got about a gal from 1L of nicotine at roughly 4L juice per gal of courier juice/s PG/VG. Well, I think I'm going full on VG but the math would roughly the same 4L VG in a glycol cube, 1L of nicotine.

Damn right i can see the savings with DIY. i just hesitate to take that little step. Might be nudging me though. Well, had my :coffee: need to go feed, maybe if weather has fared well get to stripping out the final bit of fence last week stopped me from getting, maybe shave out more kindling, get firewood down, go haul 'chunks'. Maybe a laundry day too, not sure yet. Bah, this wheedle boy gotta git busy. Run 'er slow.

BullCity flavors is the website ya wanna check out. And dont go spending $200 on flavoring right away. Get like $50 worth to experiment with and then you will know more about what you want after that.

I highly suggest FlavourArt flavors. Their white peach is outstanding. Have had FlavourArt melon flavors also. Their Cantaloupe and Honey Dew are both good. For tobacco flavors, I always found Hangsen to be best but Inawera is also not bad.

When you do start mixing remember this site it is as simple as can be. Plug in what you want and it figures out what you need to do, and you can save recipes too.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Meh. GFYs. Dunno if I've mentioned it, but I've been fighting being sick with some crud all week, and last night it really hit me hard, took hours and many ibuprofen to get my fever to break, and a fever makes it damn hard to fall asleep, since your body temp can't lower to an appropriate sleep-level. But I woke up with damp-ish hair, and feeling a *little* better, so I'm hoping I'm now on the up-side of this crap. It's really hard to say if it's sinus, or bronchial, or maybe just flu? Don't think it's just a cold, feeling too all-over achy and general malaise. I'm guessing the vector was handling money last week on payday, money is germy stuff. Or maybe the various grocery stores. God knows I hardly go anywhere, so there aren't a lot of choices as to where it came from. MJy husband's not sick, so he didn't bring it home from work.

It didn't occur to me at the time, but maybe this is why I've been wearing those crankypants lately. Fucking HATE being sick, even mildly -- the fever has only reached 100 at its highest point, so it's nothing really awful, just some crud that makes me feel like crud, especially at night when the fever gets up there. :sad:



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Meh. GFYs. Dunno if I've mentioned it, but I've been fighting being sick with some crud all week, and last night it really hit me hard, took hours and many ibuprofen to get my fever to break, and a fever makes it damn hard to fall asleep, since your body temp can't lower to an appropriate sleep-level. But I woke up with damp-ish hair, and feeling a *little* better, so I'm hoping I'm now on the up-side of this crap. It's really hard to say if it's sinus, or bronchial, or maybe just flu? Don't think it's just a cold, feeling too all-over achy and general malaise. I'm guessing the vector was handling money last week on payday, money is germy stuff. Or maybe the various grocery stores. God knows I hardly go anywhere, so there aren't a lot of choices as to where it came from. MJy husband's not sick, so he didn't bring it home from work.

It didn't occur to me at the time, but maybe this is why I've been wearing those crankypants lately. Fucking HATE being sick, even mildly -- the fever has only reached 100 at its highest point, so it's nothing really awful, just some crud that makes me feel like crud, especially at night when the fever gets up there. :sad:

Andria, this sounds a lot like what I had a couple of weeks ago. Many folks around here and at work had it. My niece had it for a few days around the same time I did and since she had open heart surgery as a baby, her mom took her to the doctor. Her doctor checked her over pretty good and after a flu test and checking her over pretty good without finding any reason for the symptoms put it down as viral.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Andria, this sounds a lot like what I had a couple of weeks ago. Many folks around here and at work had it. My niece had it for a few days around the same time I did and since she had open heart surgery as a baby, her mom took her to the doctor. Her doctor checked her over pretty good and after a flu test and checking her over pretty good without finding any reason for the symptoms put it down as viral.

That's kinda what I've been thinking, since the same night I first noticed feeling feverish, my neck and shoulders were stiff and achy, which is really a dead giveaway of cold or especially flu. And it came on pretty quickly too; bacterial infections are more slow and subtle in their onset, it might be a week or two before you can really say for sure that you ARE sick, rather than just a few days.

I have to admit being a little paranoid that it might have been some weird thing I picked up from my mom's clothes, but I started feeling feverish and achy the very next night, and that's much too quick an onset to be viable; it generally takes as least 3-4 days for ANY infectious agent to bring your immune system to the point that you can feel it -- and the immune response is exactly what makes one feel so awful, when sick. But the timing of payday on Tuesday, grocerying on Wednesday and Thursday, feeling feverish and achy Sunday night... that's an excellent fit. And I know that money is extremely germy, it touches so many hands -- prime vector for ANY infectious agent.



Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Mt Baker isn't that small of a business - remember last year it came out that they had over $50 MILLION in sales for 2015
Not that much different than buying your own DIY supplies from other companies that might be larger, maybe not

Yes, I know Mt Baker is doing quite well. Juice Mafia seems to be also, MFS, MVS, EcigX do well too.

Also know that what with 'regs' alleging themselves pricing has to adjust out. Read too there's a bill in the House to ban the FDA from banning vaping stuff, from enacting what they got passed. apologies not having a link to that atm, kind of got something else gnawing my skull.

BullCity flavors is the website ya wanna check out. And dont go spending $200 on flavoring right away. Get like $50 worth to experiment with and then you will know more about what you want after that.
I highly suggest FlavourArt flavors. Their white peach is outstanding. Have had FlavourArt melon flavors also. Their Cantaloupe and Honey Dew are both good. For tobacco flavors, I always found Hangsen to be best but Inawera is also not bad.
When you do start mixing remember this site it is as simple as can be. Plug in what you want and it figures out what you need to do, and you can save recipes too.

Yep, Wife's bro in law uses a lot of FA/PA flavors. He used to use Wizard Labs nicotine but last we spoke about mixing stuff he mentioned having found another supplier for it. He got a 'small shop' setup for mixing as he and someone were at one point attempting to hash out some business notion. It has not really taken off, he mixes a bit here and there for friends/family. Got the M12 from him as kind of a holidays' gift, but have given him $20 for a fair sized batch of unflavored. I'll jot that recipe site down in gnote or tomboy, or xpad, or vi, gvim, nano, emacs, geany, also will look to BullCity Flavors. ... * sighs, 'one of those' sighs *

I want to express a sense of anxiety here. I seek to do so in manner not disruptive, neutral of ideology, politics, bull dung. I want this read as objectively as human beings can read it. Well, here it is.

Read a 'news' article if there's any substance to what it 'reports', I have deep regret and fear we'll see it happen. I can recall some discussion from around 1996 with some very 'selective' types of bird wearing folks who indeed had 'been there, done that' more often than enough to know. The suggestion they put forward was what they called a suitcase, four six man teams. they had entered with a six pack once before and got ten miles in, got back out. They did so to deliver a clear message. "IT can be done conventionally, at any time chosen. Think about that."

The fear and regret I have lies in knowledge that if the U.S. opens with the first salvo in Asia, well, the world fares not well at all after that. The U.S. is looking to dig her own grave if this course is carried forward, possibly the world's grave as well.

Not being religious does not mean I fully disrespect religion. I respect it. Religion has it's place, with each individual person privately, as far as I am concerned. Believe, yes, believe something, I agree with that. "You need to stand for something or fall for anything." So, I ask if you are religious and feel the notion, might be a good time for prayer, meditation, positive spells & incantations, handling the serpents, forgiving your brothers and sisters of all human kind.

Also please set all the petty bickering over stuff what hold no weight to argue over. You're black, I'm white? So what? Does that make me any less me? Does that make you less inclined to love being human and humanity itself? Does the grave care either way? She's Liberal, I'm a moderate. Do we draw swords and hack one another to bits because she thinks her idea of collectivism rocks balls? Again, if we're all dust does it matter? See where I go? Yeah, we need to say "fuck that" to all that bullshit. It gets in the way of us knowing we're all one and one is all. The big wigs want fascism? Let's us the common people come together as a bundle of rods that remains unbreakable.

I doubt anyone wants any war, any hate, any fear. Well, let's end all of it. Vote with the 'money' the big wigs let us use. It seems us doing so expresses a loud "fuck that" to them in a form of 'polite' warfare in that it ends business, corporations that are false 'living' dead things. So yes, pray, meditate and do your religious thing. Lets try to not let this seemingly looming cloud darken our lives any more. thank you. :)

ETA: :snapoutofit: * kicks -----> :soapbox: out from under his feet and over to the wall * :love1: all of you. Run 'er slow, i need to go show off my bean growing rack. hehe Muhahaha hahamu! I will be the bean master, yes oh yes, i will feeds Mr. Chuck Norris my Trinity bean dish on an old '40 hubcap and he'll loves it. The rest of us might die. *shrugs*
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Meh. GFYs. Dunno if I've mentioned it, but I've been fighting being sick with some crud all week, and last night it really hit me hard, took hours and many ibuprofen to get my fever to break, and a fever makes it damn hard to fall asleep, since your body temp can't lower to an appropriate sleep-level. But I woke up with damp-ish hair, and feeling a *little* better, so I'm hoping I'm now on the up-side of this crap. It's really hard to say if it's sinus, or bronchial, or maybe just flu? Don't think it's just a cold, feeling too all-over achy and general malaise. I'm guessing the vector was handling money last week on payday, money is germy stuff. Or maybe the various grocery stores. God knows I hardly go anywhere, so there aren't a lot of choices as to where it came from. MJy husband's not sick, so he didn't bring it home from work.

It didn't occur to me at the time, but maybe this is why I've been wearing those crankypants lately. Fucking HATE being sick, even mildly -- the fever has only reached 100 at its highest point, so it's nothing really awful, just some crud that makes me feel like crud, especially at night when the fever gets up there. :sad:


Sugah pie, it be the "season" this year out here. Everyone here took a turn of "crud" stuffed up sinuses, watery eyes, aversion to noise/light, phlegm and bile vomiting, yucky mess where faces once existed. I even got hit but it hit me last. I don't really point fingers at any 'bringing' it in. Combination of rainy, mildew, mold, damp and sudden La La sunny weather plus tree pollen that comes early because it has been fooled into "thinking" its Spring, then Winter, Then summer, Then Autumn, Winter again finally. Fucking Air Force , airhead jocks "oh look we can whip up the weather how we want ...". look it up, on the 'books' since about 1992/94 'officially' but they knew it could be done at least by 1978. Air Force gots them a weather Division, wtf?

i wound up giddy drunk off her PawPaw's raspberry cordial today. Ha! Teaches me for drinking on an empty belly. :) Ran out of Mtn Dew, figured a little 'tonic' couldn't hurt but to help break up the rest of the 'crud' in me. And yes, i know i'm jangling your nerves in my writing talking in this tone. i somewhat apologize due to be tipsy. Did get something to eat. also know you understand this tone and know it's not meant as disrespect. why so? Well, you mamas ain't all what know things all cornered up, seems sons get that too.

yep i am avoiding something else. i don't even want to think it. gonna has me a :coffee:, veg out in front of the tube a rooba for a spell.

Got part way on the barb wire ripping out today. Found a few actual smaller to medium trees over the fence. sure I can play Kodiak but once i started to, found out that might not be the best idea. figured I'd let her bro in law chainsaw the fence free for me. The trees in question are walnut and i think poplar, both good to burn for firewood. Gonna clear that area anyway, may as well cut it up and pile it for split out later. I'll tend the barb wire though soon enough. was not that i shirked it off today. i got a bit of a fear using a chainsaw, otherwise I would have gotten it all done on my own. and yes, my fear is valid.

And no, that's not what i'm dodging and yes you know it. i gonna veg out before i go to bits over that what i dodge, closer home than Nkorea for sure. No, not anything twixt me and wife. i think she figured out I might have kind of been right, we both got mad over life being life presebtly. we seem okay now. we both hate shit beyond our control, much as we go without planning.


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Sugah pie, it be the "season" this year out here. Everyone here took a turn of "crud" stuffed up sinuses, watery eyes, aversion to noise/light, phlegm and bile vomiting,

Well, fortunately this is just nose/sinus mayhem, little bit of a tickle/cough, low fever, aches and pains and generally feeling shitty especially when the fever's up. Anything that brings on nausea/vomiting is not sick, that's CURL UP AND WAIT FOR DEATH, because it is a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH and NOT TO BE TOLERATED.

Oh, and FUCKING LEG CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamnmit motherfucker, I'd like to chop these fucking legs OFF! I'M SO SICK OF THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!! I guess it's because of the fever, kinda dehydrating, and god knows, my body doesn't need any help with THAT.

So, tonight, no matter how fucking awful I feel, I'm gonna drink an extra glass of coconut water, and chug as much water as I can manage, so I can try to sleep without MOTHERFUCKING LEG CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!


Darth Omerta

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I do too! It's nothing but institutionalized legal gambling! At the consumers' expense!!!


In fairness all institutional gambling (casinos, lottery, etc.) Is at the consumers expense. The house always wins and we just get an illusion of winning every so often.

Still companies are brutal.


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In fairness all institutional gambling (casinos, lottery, etc.) Is at the consumers expense. The house always wins and we just get an illusion of winning every so often.

Still companies are brutal.

Yeah, and we have so called "Cadillac" insurance

Wonder what kind of crap I'd be dealing with if it was a used Kia?


Diamond Contributor
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Well, fortunately this is just nose/sinus mayhem, little bit of a tickle/cough, low fever, aches and pains and generally feeling shitty especially when the fever's up. Anything that brings on nausea/vomiting is not sick, that's CURL UP AND WAIT FOR DEATH, because it is a FATE WORSE THAN DEATH and NOT TO BE TOLERATED.

Oh, and FUCKING LEG CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddamnmit motherfucker, I'd like to chop these fucking legs OFF! I'M SO SICK OF THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!! I guess it's because of the fever, kinda dehydrating, and god knows, my body doesn't need any help with THAT.

So, tonight, no matter how fucking awful I feel, I'm gonna drink an extra glass of coconut water, and chug as much water as I can manage, so I can try to sleep without MOTHERFUCKING LEG CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!


Well, I had no choice in the vomiting. I was locked up with gunk I could not breathe. Body reacted to expel whatever was stopping breath.

Try some visualization for those legs. Imagine your breath drawing in cosmic light/energy and then feel it go all through your legs and make the stronger but relaxed. if you need draw them up stretched out taut before you inhale, as you exhale feel the energy drawing out all the "bad" and tension in your legs and going out with your breath. Draw in another breath of good to put back into the legs.

Also might want to do something really different. Take a soaking bath with about a quarter cup of Epsom salts in warm as you can stand it water. Then, let the water cool and run in cold water to contract your muscles back to a relaxed state. Get out of the bath, go to bed.

Had a homosexual fellow in the navy teaching a bunch of us about warm and cold showers. He actually had a Ph.D in some high level sports medicine, physical therapy. We tried it a few times and it did seem to help. I know it took out shin splints and Charley horses, pulled hamstrings fairly well. Another doctor here in the world also suggest not using the hot/warm at all. Start out with the cold, ice it down to fully numb, then gradually 'work' it out.

I'm sure you know all the standard disclaimers apply and I'm not telling you how to do or how to live, just giving suggestions which seem to help me. Hell, I know some basic herbology, some rough survival medic-ing, being an E.M.T/Fireman, silly sticious folk tales and almanac wits/wisdom but that by far makes me no doctor of any kind. Funny though, I self diagnosed blood poison the other week or so ago. *chuckles* Of course, I self diagnose some of the mental stuff as well, but no, I am not a genuine 'certified' doctor, certifiable maybe. ;) :) But i ate my papers for that. ;)

Ah, and even you ain't sposed to has it, eats you some good table salt or sulfa pills. either one will help your body take in/on a bit more hydration in a useful way, if'n ye watch yeself, go easy wit it. I'm not saying go grab a full box of Morton's and shovel it in. Your body also needs the iodination from the table salt. There's a reason having to due with atmospheric/environmental radiation and slowing the 'half life' process down. Yeah, i know just a wee on radition 8ahem* had to pass nbc firefighting course for a 'night school' in service. Bare bones basic, "nuke" is yelled, i'm getting at least twenty to forty miles away real quick, swim, fly, run, whatever I need to do. Glowing in the dark jokingly is kind of fun, but candidly ... rather not be doing too much of it.


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Well, I had no choice in the vomiting. I was locked up with gunk I could not breathe. Body reacted to expel whatever was stopping breath.

Try some visualization for those legs. Imagine your breath drawing in cosmic light/energy and then feel it go all through your legs and make the stronger but relaxed. if you need draw them up stretched out taut before you inhale, as you exhale feel the energy drawing out all the "bad" and tension in your legs and going out with your breath. Draw in another breath of good to put back into the legs.

Also might want to do something really different. Take a soaking bath with about a quarter cup of Epsom salts in warm as you can stand it water. Then, let the water cool and run in cold water to contract your muscles back to a relaxed state. Get out of the bath, go to bed.

Had a homosexual fellow in the navy teaching a bunch of us about warm and cold showers. He actually had a Ph.D in some high level sports medicine, physical therapy. We tried it a few times and it did seem to help. I know it took out shin splints and Charley horses, pulled hamstrings fairly well. Another doctor here in the world also suggest not using the hot/warm at all. Start out with the cold, ice it down to fully numb, then gradually 'work' it out.

I'm sure you know all the standard disclaimers apply and I'm not telling you how to do or how to live, just giving suggestions which seem to help me. Hell, I know some basic herbology, some rough survival medic-ing, being an E.M.T/Fireman, silly sticious folk tales and almanac wits/wisdom but that by far makes me no doctor of any kind. Funny though, I self diagnosed blood poison the other week or so ago. *chuckles* Of course, I self diagnose some of the mental stuff as well, but no, I am not a genuine 'certified' doctor, certifiable maybe. ;) :) But i ate my papers for that. ;)

Ah, and even you ain't sposed to has it, eats you some good table salt or sulfa pills. either one will help your body take in/on a bit more hydration in a useful way, if'n ye watch yeself, go easy wit it. I'm not saying go grab a full box of Morton's and shovel it in. Your body also needs the iodination from the table salt. There's a reason having to due with atmospheric/environmental radiation and slowing the 'half life' process down. Yeah, i know just a wee on radition 8ahem* had to pass nbc firefighting course for a 'night school' in service. Bare bones basic, "nuke" is yelled, i'm getting at least twenty to forty miles away real quick, swim, fly, run, whatever I need to do. Glowing in the dark jokingly is kind of fun, but candidly ... rather not be doing too much of it.

If I had a slave to scrub my bathtub for me, a hot bath probably WOULD be very helpful. But I have no bathtub scrubbing slave, so I have to be happy with showers. Never been terribly wild about tub baths anyway; you have to shower first, just so you aren't sitting in your own dirt, which means showering, then scrubbing the tub, then tub bath. Fuck that noise!

I think it's just dehydration, coupled with the potassium-robbing of the salmeterol in my Advair. Anything I do that makes the dehydration even a LITTLE worse, and here come the damn leg cramps. So the coconut water, plus extra water, is really about all I can do.



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If I had a slave to scrub my bathtub for me, a hot bath probably WOULD be very helpful. But I have no bathtub scrubbing slave, so I have to be happy with showers. Never been terribly wild about tub baths anyway; you have to shower first, just so you aren't sitting in your own dirt, which means showering, then scrubbing the tub, then tub bath. Fuck that noise!

I think it's just dehydration, coupled with the potassium-robbing of the salmeterol in my Advair. Anything I do that makes the dehydration even a LITTLE worse, and here come the damn leg cramps. So the coconut water, plus extra water, is really about all I can do.

Can you find some quinine water? I had to drink a glass every night before I went to bed for my leg cramps. Worked like a charm!


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Can you find some quinine water? I had to drink a glass every night before I went to bed for my leg cramps. Worked like a charm!

No idea; I used to keep some "tonic water" handy, which contains quinine, but that shit is BITTER. I think I still have an old bottle in the fridge; probably flat dead, but I mix it with some ginger ale to make it palatable. Still though.. it's only symptomatic relief, not really addressing the problem, as coconut water plus additional water do.

I just got some new ginger ale, courtesy of this malady, so if they're bad tonight, I might try some tonic mixed into the ginger ale.



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No idea; I used to keep some "tonic water" handy, which contains quinine, but that shit is BITTER. I think I still have an old bottle in the fridge; probably flat dead, but I mix it with some ginger ale to make it palatable. Still though.. it's only symptomatic relief, not really addressing the problem, as coconut water plus additional water do.

I just got some new ginger ale, courtesy of this malady, so if they're bad tonight, I might try some tonic mixed into the ginger ale.

Yep! I forgot it's called tonic water now. The ex asshole that used to live here drank gin and tonic. :rolleyes:


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Awhile back, I backed into my daughter's car. There wasn't a lot of damage so I told her to file a claim with my insurance. They wouldn't pay. I was the cosigner of her car loan so my name is on her car and even though she doesn't live here and I've never shelled out a penny on the car, my insurance pulled this household exclusion out of thin air.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Awhile back, I backed into my daughter's car. There wasn't a lot of damage so I told her to file a claim with my insurance. They wouldn't pay. I was the cosigner of her car loan so my name is on her car and even though she doesn't live here and I've never shelled out a penny on the car, my insurance pulled this household exclusion out of thin air.
Never forget insurance companies are out to make money not to help us.


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Never forget insurance companies are out to make money not to help us.
Exactly! I've paid my homeowners insurance for almost 26 years. The one time I call them to use it, the adjuster said the damage was caused by poor workmanship, not the weather. I politely asked him, and these are my actual words, "why in the fuck am I paying for insurance when I can't use it?" I got this look from him then he left.


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Exactly! I've paid my homeowners insurance for almost 26 years. The one time I call them to use it, the adjuster said the damage was caused by poor workmanship, not the weather. I politely asked him, and these are my actual words, "why in the fuck am I paying for insurance when I can't use it?" I got this look from him then he left.

Sadly that is why lawyers are needed.

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