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The Cromwell

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I think both you and Morely need to come and spend a summer in GA if you really wanna know what hot feels like, while trying to breathe jello thru a sponge.

Have spent summers in Georgia spent most of a year in the North Atlanta area working with a software development project. And time In Moultrie as well.

Lived in Tampa Florida for 7 years.


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Have spent summers in Georgia spent most of a year in the North Atlanta area working with a software development project. And time In Moultrie as well.

The only other place I've *lived* for any extended period was Michigan, Detroit/Pontiac environs. And yeah, it can get hot there... for about 2 wks every summer. :D



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I think both you and Morely need to come and spend a summer in GA if you really wanna know what hot feels like, while trying to breathe jello thru a sponge.


I liked the heat the nine months I spent in Florida. It did not like me though. Got bad sun poison and sick for three days. Knocked out all three. My back was nothing but a welt.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I liked the heat the nine months I spent in Florida. It did not like me though. Got bad sun poison and sick for three days. Knocked out all three. My back was nothing but a welt.

Well, there's an easy fix for that... don't go in the sun! I mean... comfy all day in the house with the AC, or roasting/sweating/melting/gasping outdoors in the heat and humidity? Geez, that's a hard choice. :blech:



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Well, there's an easy fix for that... don't go in the sun! I mean... comfy all day in the house with the AC, or roasting/sweating/melting/gasping outdoors in the heat and humidity? Geez, that's a hard choice. :blech:


Well, I had not been in Florida at that point since birth. I was out mowing and just doing stuff. Had no idea of how bad it could be/was until the lady that was my dad's at the time wife, noted it. She gave me an antihistamine to keep the itch down, brought in script strength sol-a-cane from the nursing home she worked at then the next morning. That lit my back afire almost as bad as the sun when she sprayed it on, but then it went blissfully numb.

Found Louisiana heat a little more nice the few times I visited there with a friend. There's actual moisture in the heat there at least. We did not get out to go there often enough. He was setting me on a path toward being an actual real McCoy of a wizard. It was what he is, as well as a damn fine silversmith, blade smith. Far too much to teach in such short little outings.

Mrs. Lucy's :coffee: for her. :) A few :hug: :hug: and a hearty GFY to pass round to everyone. Not sure I'm into today. Been too hot to really dive into mowing with the motor scythe, despite a bit of that needing done. Picked beans a few days ago. Got enough for a supper servings. Might pick more this evening. Will let my dogs out into their yard again today. They plop up under their house to stay cool, stay there near all day too.

Early and at a still this morning. :) Kind of nice but then that blasted anxiety comes along. Oh well, I'll do the gratitude list and distract myself. :)

The Cromwell

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To me FL is just the opposite of lets say Michigan.
In Michigan hide inside in the winter, in Florida hide inside in the summer.
FL winters are nice but summers suck.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Thanks for the java Morley

The rest of you GFY


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In Michigan hide inside in the winter, in Florida hide inside in the summer.

Hide? Oh yes, keep forgetting you were Scott once. That was spelled hyde in old English I think. It was like a village of ten families or so that were scattered all over. Got a friend in Michigan that shows me pictures of their "beaches". He keeps saying I need to get up so we can go out on the lakes. Maybe some day, ...

Now, let me see which version of me this is coming in from outside. Hm, ah a tree point oh version, he says it done got plumb too hot again. Crap shoot, cannot get on the hill while it's wet with dew to mow. Then it gets too hot. *sigh* Might afix to get it this evening when sun starts downing. The tree point oh is nodding, waves to the tee six one me and says they gonna be mutiny. "Well piss, i gotta go ..."


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Well, I had not been in Florida at that point since birth. I was out mowing and just doing stuff. Had no idea of how bad it could be/was until the lady that was my dad's at the time wife, noted it. She gave me an antihistamine to keep the itch down, brought in script strength sol-a-cane from the nursing home she worked at then the next morning. That lit my back afire almost as bad as the sun when she sprayed it on, but then it went blissfully numb.

Found Louisiana heat a little more nice the few times I visited there with a friend. There's actual moisture in the heat there at least. We did not get out to go there often enough. He was setting me on a path toward being an actual real McCoy of a wizard. It was what he is, as well as a damn fine silversmith, blade smith. Far too much to teach in such short little outings.

Mrs. Lucy's :coffee: for her. :) A few :hug: :hug: and a hearty GFY to pass round to everyone. Not sure I'm into today. Been too hot to really dive into mowing with the motor scythe, despite a bit of that needing done. Picked beans a few days ago. Got enough for a supper servings. Might pick more this evening. Will let my dogs out into their yard again today. They plop up under their house to stay cool, stay there near all day too.

Early and at a still this morning. :) Kind of nice but then that blasted anxiety comes along. Oh well, I'll do the gratitude list and distract myself. :)

Yeah, FL sun is really intense, that's for sure -- I've always been able to tan very easily (back when the threat of skin cancer was just a theory to me, instead of something I saw my stepdad and aunt dealing with!), but down in FL? Sunburn FAST.

I guess what wised me up the most about skin cancer was my aunt -- my stepdad is VERY, VERY fair skinned, so he NEVER EVER tanned, even when he played softball all the time and cut the grass, etc... but my aunt, she always tanned so darkly, she had darker skin than Obummer... but now, she has to get cancerous lesions removed from spots all over her body. If someone with that much melanin in their skin can still get skin cancer, then I'm keeping my ass INDOORS! :D I put on sunblock just to go out and do some light gardening, plus a big sunhat.



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I've always been able to tan very easily (back when the threat of skin cancer was just a theory to me, instead of something I saw my stepdad and aunt dealing with!), but down in FL? Sunburn FAST.

I tan up like a Mexican, Middle-Eastern, Indian, Native American, Hispanic, Asian (from the jungles). Never thought much regarding skin cancer. Yes, I know it exists. Do I take a lot of precaution against it? No.

Reckon I'll be poking something with a stick as well when my time is due, finally, again. Of course my wife says she ain't letting me retire and it's okay if I'm late, or never show for my cremation. She done got me afore her mast and says it's eternal, even harsher than Davy Jones. I tell ya, she's a sadistic bitch. And yes, I do call her that to her face, usually after she pokes a cut, bruise, fracture on me and asks "does that hurt?"

I'm her insensitive bastard though, figure it all squares out. :giggle:


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I tan up like a Mexican, Middle-Eastern, Indian, Native American, Hispanic, Asian (from the jungles). Never thought much regarding skin cancer. Yes, I know it exists. Do I take a lot of precaution against it? No.

Reckon I'll be poking something with a stick as well when my time is due, finally, again. Of course my wife says she ain't letting me retire and it's okay if I'm late, or never show for my cremation. She done got me afore her mast and says it's eternal, even harsher than Davy Jones. I tell ya, she's a sadistic bitch. And yes, I do call her that to her face, usually after she pokes a cut, bruise, fracture on me and asks "does that hurt?"

I'm her insensitive bastard though, figure it all squares out. :giggle:

I think the ancestry responsible for the coloring of my grandmother, mom, aunt, and myself, is southern French, so Mediterranean, either greek or italian. My grandmother's eyes were so black, it was hard to differentiate the pupil from the iris; my mom's were brown, but more like chocolate. My aunt and I both have green/almost-hazel eyes, but her father had blue-green eyes, and my father was a blue-eyed blonde -- but we still got the mediterranean complexion. She used to practically make a career of tanning, darkest tan I've ever seen; mine was more like, oh I was outdoors and didn't wear sunscreen, so I guess I'm sorta tan -- I used to wear sandals a lot, and my feet would tan in the strap pattern even if I stayed entirely in the shade!



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My son and I both read pretty much constantly, but we also like some TV shows. None of that "reality TV" total bullshit, though -- great stories!

Let ya off then ;) I love TV but reading is always so much better, like the Harry potter books beat the films hands down but I agree that reality TV sucks!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Let ya off then ;) I love TV but reading is always so much better, like the Harry potter books beat the films hands down but I agree that reality TV sucks!
Hey now! Being a Reality TV star will get you elected president.
Must be something going on there? :D

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Reality TV is acting like a total asshole and getting paid........................ Well you really can't knock it but do not have to watch it.
i watched a couple of the reality shows when they first started up. The one about building motorcycles and another one I forget. Not bad for the first season.
Then the forced false drama and such started so I quit watching them.
Never even cared for Lost. Just a soap opera of a different type.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Reality TV is acting like a total asshole and getting paid........................ Well you really can't knock it but do not have to watch it.
That asshole chef needs to be trumps personal chef :)
Can't remember his name which is how I like it.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Let ya off then ;) I love TV but reading is always so much better, like the Harry potter books beat the films hands down but I agree that reality TV sucks!

I agree about Harry Potter, though I did enjoy the movies, I was sad at how much of the humor they left out -- I cracked up pretty much start-to-finish with that series. I only got started on it because one day I was completely without something to read (O the horror!!!), and my (then 13-yr-old) son says "read Harry Potter! It's great, you'll love it!" About 5-10 pages in, I totally did. :D Now he keeps trying to get me to watch Game of Thrones, but I'd really rather read it, since he mentioned that it gets very gory, and I HATE that. And I love RR Martin's writing! My husband would probably love the TV show though, since my son said it's "like dungeons and dragons with tits and ass." :giggle:

One of my foremost favorites to read is also easy to find on TV: cop shows, detectives, mysteries, etc. And though I haven't been a comic book fan since I was about 14, I'm enthralled with Agents of SHIELD; the acting is fantastic! Coulson seems like such a mealymouth goody two shoes... but has balls like elephants! And Gotham.... I confess, Penguin is my favorite character; that Robin Lord Taylor is a scenery-chewer on the scale of Jack Nicholson, just fucking mesmerizing! And I've been a huge fan of Donal Logue since Grounded for Life, Life, and Copper.



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I think the ancestry responsible for the coloring of my grandmother, mom, aunt, and myself, is southern French, so Mediterranean, either greek or italian. My grandmother's eyes were so black, it was hard to differentiate the pupil from the iris; my mom's were brown, but more like chocolate. My aunt and I both have green/almost-hazel eyes, but her father had blue-green eyes, and my father was a blue-eyed blonde -- but we still got the mediterranean complexion. She used to practically make a career of tanning, darkest tan I've ever seen; mine was more like, oh I was outdoors and didn't wear sunscreen, so I guess I'm sorta tan -- I used to wear sandals a lot, and my feet would tan in the strap pattern even if I stayed entirely in the shade!


Mom's dad and his dad were German. Think her mom was German by way of Spain. Somewhere part of her mom's family did hitch up with indigenous Americans, also they got with some black. Her dad's family had horse thieves. Think her mom's family had wiccans. Dad's family has some Czechoslovakian(?), English, Scottish. Don't know much more on his side and not greatly concerned. That's a bridge he burned on his own, twice. I love him and he's my actual dad. I had better dad's that weren't even my dad, also had myself a good bit.

My tan is just tan from being out, working or just needing to be out. I used to try to set and do nothing but tan up. That was the worst two minutes of sitting still I ever did. ;) :) Got to move and even do it in my sleep it seems. Wife's complaining I punch and kick her in my sleep. Well, I'm dead to the world asleep and have no clue of it. She says I did, guess I did. Were not intentional. Plan on letting the GP know, as well as my actual psych doctor. I do not want that continuing.

I'm American born, means I'm from everywhere and nowhere. American isn't about the land and those what say it is ain't American, go away from them. Ah. Snapped some beans this evening, did mow a wee bit. Still got way too hot and did nothing. Kind of still think the Earth goes through natural cycles. All that mumbo jumbo about climate change, err, well yeah it changes as it cycles through, duh.


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... "Fantasies are free," the corner vendor hawks while adjusting the straps on his Causes for sale tray hanging from his shoulders.
"NO!! NO!! It's the thought police!!!!" Comes a yell from the next corner. Suddenly all is a maddening blur of swirls, running footfalls clatter back as said police draw near. ...

All y'all GFY this merry day. :coffee: for Mrs. Lucy and don't look but a plate of mixed veggies fixed up but e-spec-ial! :) My morning routine seems done. Rain & storms inbound which limits anything out of doors today. Did do a wee bit last night before it got too dark to see, around our mailbox. Thinking the air conditioning is putting me to sleep. Not sure the how fors or why tos but lately it seems I nap too much.


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I agree about Harry Potter, though I did enjoy the movies, I was sad at how much of the humor they left out -- I cracked up pretty much start-to-finish with that series. I only got started on it because one day I was completely without something to read (O the horror!!!), and my (then 13-yr-old) son says "read Harry Potter! It's great, you'll love it!" About 5-10 pages in, I totally did. :D Now he keeps trying to get me to watch Game of Thrones, but I'd really rather read it, since he mentioned that it gets very gory, and I HATE that. And I love RR Martin's writing! My husband would probably love the TV show though, since my son said it's "like dungeons and dragons with tits and ass." :giggle:

One of my foremost favorites to read is also easy to find on TV: cop shows, detectives, mysteries, etc. And though I haven't been a comic book fan since I was about 14, I'm enthralled with Agents of SHIELD; the acting is fantastic! Coulson seems like such a mealymouth goody two shoes... but has balls like elephants! And Gotham.... I confess, Penguin is my favorite character; that Robin Lord Taylor is a scenery-chewer on the scale of Jack Nicholson, just fucking mesmerizing! And I've been a huge fan of Donal Logue since Grounded for Life, Life, and Copper.

They always miss bits in films. Lmao "dungeons and dragons with tits and ass" I found that so amusing.
I like game of thrones but my favourite series is sons of anarchy even though I'm in a motorbike club & we are nothing like that!

I still need to watch Gotham, it's on my list bit agents of shield is amazing isn't it!


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Good news. Our neighbor reported us again for our dogs being a menace.

The hilarious parts to this are real fun. The animal shelter got called
by my wife after we got a notice on our door.

They alleged to have photos taken by the person that complained our dogs
were out running around.

1. I had been out this morn to feed. Between two different weather
sites, and my own observation outside I decided. it best to leave my
dogs locked in their hut today.

2. Her sister had phoned from her mom's up above us to say our dogs were
out. Her mom can't see and well, yeah she thought they were ours. We can
excuse that. I also went out and checked, it had started raining, my
dogs were still in their shut up hut and dry as a bone.

3. Well the neighbor alleges to know us. They also alleged our dogs
chased them near knocking them down. They also allege good eyes.

Well, wife got us ready and we went to the shelter to look at pictures.
From the angle of the pictures we can tell it was the neighbors what took the

4. They were not our dogs, period, full stop and have a nice day. :)

5. Since these were not ours, it's likely that the one accused of
chasing someone was not ours either.

6. Likely it may not have all been our dogs what caused any of the
trouble before.

7. Once the dog warden clears it up with the neighbor that it were not
our dogs, we get copies of pictures, paperwork for this time. Then,
we're going back to have last time's hearing overturned and ruled back
to our favor.

8. Wife is going to contact neighbor on Facebook "Please get your
eyesight checked. Not our dogs. Have a nice day."

This is good news because the shelter could have taken our dogs. I would have been well I go beyond pissed off. i dive right into sociopath cold rage, black out, leave a mess that i do not recall. Yes, i know i've a big problem with passion, anger. Yes, I do work diligently to maintain control. it has been years since i've had any kind of incident at all.

What is bad is usually my anger is justified and usually i'm on the mark about stuff. i just have to curb primal urges.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Bad news guys

Spent half the morning and most of the afternoon in the ER

Mr Juicy had another TIA

After mucho testing, scans, etc, Drs said go home and stop smoking or you are going to die soon

End of story

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Bad news guys

Spent half the morning and most of the afternoon in the ER

Mr Juicy had another TIA

After mucho testing, scans, etc, Drs said go home and stop smoking or you are going to die soon

End of story
DAMN! Can't like that. Hang in there girl.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Bad news guys

Spent half the morning and most of the afternoon in the ER

Mr Juicy had another TIA

After mucho testing, scans, etc, Drs said go home and stop smoking or you are going to die soon

End of story


I guess if this doesn't motivate him to switch to vaping, nothing will.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I guess if this doesn't motivate him to switch to vaping, nothing will.


I've tried everything everything I can think of and a few things others thought of

He just won't get out of the mindset that "smoking will kill you" someday but that someday is here now

This was a small one, not like the big one that robbed him of part of his vision that he had last September but you can only have so many of these before your number is up

I'm not ashamed to admit this - I'm scared and don't know what to do


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Bad news guys

Spent half the morning and most of the afternoon in the ER

Mr Juicy had another TIA

After mucho testing, scans, etc, Drs said go home and stop smoking or you are going to die soon

End of story
WOW Lucy!! I hope Mr Juicy heeds the doctors warning. (((((Hugs)))))


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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WOW Lucy!! I hope Mr Juicy heeds the doctors warning. (((((Hugs)))))

Thanks Lynn, me too

I did get him to drink a big ass glass of kale, broccoli, carrots and an apple from the juicer I finally got, lol

He needs to stop eating crap too, but the doctors didn't even lecture about food, just the smokes


Diamond Contributor
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Bad news guys

Spent half the morning and most of the afternoon in the ER

Mr Juicy had another TIA

After mucho testing, scans, etc, Drs said go home and stop smoking or you are going to die soon

End of story


I'm not ashamed to admit this - I'm scared and don't know what to do

Tell him like my "old Lady" told me. "Hey jackass, I want you here longer." Then you need to let it be to him. Know that might sound like 'rough' or 'harsh', not meaning it to be. He needs to make the change.

We're still not sure my one brother is getting away from m*th or not. In some regard he "seems" to be. Of course, we're all versed enough in the world to not be so naive. It comes down to him making the change too.

Pointing three back at myself, well, I need to change something to focus and maybe get started writing and selling it effectively on a pro level. I can do it, or so I think. Focus, discipline keep eluding me though, yes I know, "excuse, excuses, excuses".

I'm not a mental guy, in as much as working mentally. More of a physical guy, as in "get me there point me to the target, let me 'get 'er done." Like concrete in my hands evidence I did something, not some ethereal copy of text I tap buttons and scribble out for someone, somewhere at the end of wire to paste into a site, magazine article.

Damn. Sorry for the run on, but damn it we need to change that grammar rule. :p It's written as I speak it, not as I would sit all suit and tied to dress it up on flimsy pompous stilts. Also, I got Scot in my blood, I got cadence, rhythm and write and speak to that drummer. All else failing, "fuck the Bozos!"

He needs to stop eating crap too, but the doctors didn't even lecture about food, just the smokes

Get different doctors. No, seriously, get different doctors. You need doctors what see the whole and not merely a singular aspect. Granted I've broken off being full on vegan so many times now, but I still have taken keener interest in my nutrition. Eventually the Jolly Green Giant will pick me! ;)

ETA: *scrawls note to self, "hire editor to punctuate, ensure good sentence structure ... for now just toss out your box of punctuation symbols and let the reader have a buffet."*
Last edited:


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Member For 4 Years
I've tried everything everything I can think of and a few things others thought of

He just won't get out of the mindset that "smoking will kill you" someday but that someday is here now

This was a small one, not like the big one that robbed him of part of his vision that he had last September but you can only have so many of these before your number is up

I'm not ashamed to admit this - I'm scared and don't know what to do
Don't give up, never give up! :)

The Cromwell

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From A relative of the wife's journal from 1940:

The temperature this morning was 74 clear and no sine of rain I thought it might rain last night but it dident. The law cought Earl Thomas Berrimans car this morning with 13 stolen sheep sheep in it, There were 4 men in it But Earl and another one got away, They got 2 of them, pone was shot twice, and they think two was het, shot the car all up. Earl Thomas wife was with them and got shot through the arm and brok it. I went down and sold Robinson a screen dore and put it up for him, there were two or three rains went around and it is stell cloudy tonight but did not rain here any, but it is a lot cooler, temperature tonight is 78.

Spelling punctuation, etc is as was in the journal.

13 stolen sheep 4 men and a woman in a 1940's car....


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13 stolen sheep 4 men and a woman in a 1940's car....

Almost sounds like a very tasteless joke's punchline. :giggle:

I would be afeared to steal one of my millionaire neighbor's sheep not next door but next door up. I'd not worry he'd call the law, nor worry he'd make me pay for the sheep. I'd be skeered he would sick his wife on me. That gal would half kill someone as to look at them, you mess around on her farm. And what's more she be capable and then some.

He earned his million or so by starting as apprentice electrician, then buying out the company he worked for, electrical supply outfit. He checked that me and wife's granddad had rewired our house here one year, correctly and up to code. "Damn it, you guys are beyond code. Don't need my help at all," he said. We chuckled, just two poor old boys what do little this, little that.
Last edited:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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From A relative of the wife's journal from 1940:

The temperature this morning was 74 clear and no sine of rain I thought it might rain last night but it dident. The law cought Earl Thomas Berrimans car this morning with 13 stolen sheep sheep in it, There were 4 men in it But Earl and another one got away, They got 2 of them, pone was shot twice, and they think two was het, shot the car all up. Earl Thomas wife was with them and got shot through the arm and brok it. I went down and sold Robinson a screen dore and put it up for him, there were two or three rains went around and it is stell cloudy tonight but did not rain here any, but it is a lot cooler, temperature tonight is 78.

Spelling punctuation, etc is as was in the journal.

13 stolen sheep 4 men and a woman in a 1940's car....

Almost sounds like a very tasteless joke's punchline.

^^^^Says it all



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Well Fugees - it's off for a long Sunday drive - 300 miles to Anchorage

David Wolf

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From A relative of the wife's journal from 1940:

The temperature this morning was 74 clear and no sine of rain I thought it might rain last night but it dident. The law cought Earl Thomas Berrimans car this morning with 13 stolen sheep sheep in it, There were 4 men in it But Earl and another one got away, They got 2 of them, pone was shot twice, and they think two was het, shot the car all up. Earl Thomas wife was with them and got shot through the arm and brok it. I went down and sold Robinson a screen dore and put it up for him, there were two or three rains went around and it is stell cloudy tonight but did not rain here any, but it is a lot cooler, temperature tonight is 78.

Spelling punctuation, etc is as was in the journal.

13 stolen sheep 4 men and a woman in a 1940's car....
Ahaha fun times! :p


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yes sir!

Five hours - thanks to the massive parade of motorhomes, trucks pulling trailers with 4-wheelers and of course, road construction

Good vibes and warm thoughts sent in your general direction... to paraphrase Monty Python.;)



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Hope Mr JuicyLucy finally listens to You and his Doc. Best of luck Juice...!

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