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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Actually it shows more love than letting them reproduce willy-nilly and then having to euthanize a bunch of unwanted animals.


I know all that and am now agreeing. Still doesn't help me feeling disrespecting of an animal's right to procreate, their choice or not. To me it is dual sided argument either way.

Then, as I told my wife "remember I have to pretend to be jealous for you, pretend to be the big mean domineering husband telling you no when you go spending money." I tend toward having trouble with either of those. She is usually practical and a fair judge of what can be spent or not, and if she does have an outside friend so much the better for her. I know at times I'm no Don Juan. I do not own her, i do love her and without any conditions but I refuse owning.

Being me is not always the easiest living there is to be had, it is though all I can be and live. There's times people might understand and take advantage, or understand but get afraid and then hate. This is why friends to me are precious rare gems, few, scattered in the winds like a family of dusts. If nothing else I am far too overly passionate, even to a fault.

People, human beings are animals for all the blather they toss out to suggest they're not. That's how it all relates for me, the bigger picture even in the grain of sand. It's foolish to think other animals lesser than us and foolish too to grant them a pedestal and conversely the same for ourselves. All animals are all, and all are equal. That mean I'm some meathead what don't eat animals? No it doesn't, I do eat animal flesh. I do try tempering that but can admit lacking saint hood in such endeavors.

Sorry, I just follow a different piper, a kilt wearing bag piper no less. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Tuxie's mad because we had a brief shower so we made her come in. :D And the ol man is mad because he was trying to mow the backyard, and it got just wet enough to make finishing it impossible. :facepalm:



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I just ran across this vape meme that made me *actually* LOL, so I thought I'd share the mirth:


And then there's this one I found yesterday, which expresses how my week will be, until the shisha strawberry finally arrives:




Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Holy shit, batman!


It's moving SW-to-NE, so I think we may get a long bout, that biggest SW-to-NE splotch.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I'm finally starting to feel good - but it's like super good all of a sudden

Be sure to watch your protein levels. This is what can drive you to crash from the insulin bit. Keep good protein levels and you keep steady energy through the day, and your body processes the energy from your food correctly. Rice, beans have lots of protein. If you're in doubt run to natural and organic yams & sweet potatoes. These are a "super food" used by NASA for the astronauts, kale is another, sea kelp too.

I would suggest you try getting roughly 60-90 grams of protein per day. You may need to consult a doc / dietician about that though, ensuring what's right for you. Load protein in the mornings to stay active longer into the day, high protein breakfasts keep us from petering out. If you load of an evening for supper then too, it gives your body energy to use during the sleeping / healing cycle.

Yep, and remember the vegan and raw foods mantra, "eat the rainbow". Try to eat as wide a variety of colors in your meals as you can. You can also get back to eating like a three year old child, grazing and eating when hungry. Once you feel full, stop grazing or eating, go on and live. Your body will let you know it needs nutrients when the time is right.

Don't be afraid of herbs and spices either. They can help keep you from tasting bland food. Use what you need to taste. Your body again does its own natural thing. It won't let you overdo any spice or herb, granted it might let you eat enough to pass out for a bit. That happens and can in fact be a good thing, too. All in let your body have a bigger vocal role. Try not to overthink it and crave all the junk foods, and not only candy bars but things like too much carbohydrates.

Carbs turn to "empty sugars" which in turn grow into empty fats. You need some natural fat too. But we don't need empty fats that start clogging up an efficient motor in our bodies. It takes more energy to burn off empty fats than good solid fats that also turn out benefits to your body. Good fats can be found in nuts, berries, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

Boggle, I need to quit yapping. There's a good bit I know, a good bit I don't. Check in with your GP (general practitioner/doc) when you go fiddling with diet too much. Don't simply say, "well, Morely knows it all and would not tell me something wrong", because he doesn't and wouldn't intentionally but there's always that chancing it. Figure you got your own brain too, so there you are hon. :)

Well just a wee more, spun back on me though. Need to go to a neurological center in Parkersburg for a sleep study thing. New endocrinologist feels like me on testosterone might lead to that sleep apnea stuff. If that's the case and it can be wrangled to help out, maybe I can get beyond the Edgar Poe melancholic flatitude as I call it. "How do you feel? " "SSDD." For me that's different decade and not day.

I would like to get enthused about stuff, never have genuiely felt that. I don't get all yippie about anything really. Never have. Sure I might like something but I don't get consumed like most and I mean that in a good way. Folks get hobbies like say wrench on cars, programing computers, making crafts, playing games, sports. I don't "get into" stuff like that. More of a meh most of the time.

Aw well, get me sorted about the time I should go to retire but the wife says I'm not retiring. She'll keep me busy enough I'll not see my next being dead until too late, by then may as well keep on keeping on. Alright, I hush. Got to get going today.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Had to work hard yesterday evening & this morning. It was difficult keeping a straight face and playing at being the gruff papa. Sherlock has taken up a bit of a hobby. It is one he might regret too if Grouch decides taking to it the wrong way.

Sherlock gets up close to Grouch, lowers his head and barks loudly at Grouch, nearly in his face. He is in a playing mood as his body is relaxed. Still it seems as though he is trying to 'bait' Grouchy into a fight. So far Grouchy is playing the happy 'dumb' Buddha & merely staring at him blankly, "Huh?"

I told them both once two makes a fight. Seems it sank in despite it not seeming to have done so. It was funny though watching the two of them, Sherlock tossing "words" at Grouchy and Grouchy with glazed over eyes sitting there unaffected. I had to act all gruff papa though, couldn't laugh, lest they think such is acceptable.

*sigh* I recall the universal mother's curse. "May you be blessed with one or two just like you." Guess smart ass does transfer inter-species too.

Off to see the P cylist PA to be asked the same basic questions.

"Medication seem to be improving your energy?"

"No, still the same."




"No, although I generally feel crappy, flat, obsolete."

"Okay, see you again in three months."

I tried asking about feeling like a complete failure, yet feeling elated and contented with that all in unison once. Got told feeling two exclusive emotions or feelings at the same instant was completely normal. Kind of don't think so but I'm no P cyclist, so ... . The above fairly sums up my visit every three months. Seems to me they do think I've some problem/s, yet cannot classify ergo don't want to bother even treating or doing anything.

I know there's no magic pill. I also know a lot of it kind of relies on me to "take hold". Well I'm stuck two ways there. A lot of external vectors come into play for one, and no I'm making excuses, merely being aware of what is being what is. Then, I'm kind of up the creek not having the "normal" "gumption" thing due to being born as I am. These for me are things which appear difficult to hm, shortcut around to "take hold" to maybe "feel better".

Be kind of nice to have that help stuff. That though isn't there. I muddle along ... but that's all I seem to do. Not sure I exactly want "more" out of life, but at least some sense of enjoyability would be nice. Excuse me whining. I'll digress now as I need to go get ready.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Afternoon everyone! Off and on rain here. I'm good with it though because we need the rain. :) Off to work soon. :)

I love kale chips!! Better than potato chips even! YUM!! :D With an abundance of yellow squash from my neighbor and a determination that nothing goes to waste, I've discovered I actually like raw squash dipped in a homemade ranch dressing made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo. I really want to try using the squash as a substitute for zucchini in a zucchini bread recipe.
Hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to GFY at some point or multiple points in the day.


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ECF Refugee
Afternoon everyone! Off and on rain here. I'm good with it though because we need the rain. :) Off to work soon. :)

I love kale chips!! Better than potato chips even! YUM!! :D With an abundance of yellow squash from my neighbor and a determination that nothing goes to waste, I've discovered I actually like raw squash dipped in a homemade ranch dressing made with Greek yogurt instead of mayo. I really want to try using the squash as a substitute for zucchini in a zucchini bread recipe.
Hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to GFY at some point or multiple points in the day.

I dont see any reason why yellow squash wouldnt work as well as Zucchini. Probably would work out real well.


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ECF Refugee
Evening fugee's. I just had the day from hell :(

Last night the water pressure was acting up and this morning it was pretty much no pressure so went and looked over the pump. Found a cracked pipe and to repair it would take re-plumbing the whole damn thing. Went and got what I really had no budget for and came home to start replumbing the damn water pump. Now I cant work for long or I am gasping for breath. All the shit I been thru this last year ended up with me not able to breath. SO I do some, go sit down on the mower, do some more, go into my moms house and drink some cold water, do a little more and on and on.
Then the ex called, said she was fishing and told her what was going on so she went home, unhooked her boat and came over here to help. Was glad for the help and wanting her to leave as soon as she got here. :giggle: I was pretty wore down at this point and she wanted to push me. Blood was boiling and told her to go her ass home. She didnt of course and finally we got it all together. Turned the pump on, it ran for 15 to 20 second and shut down. Sounded like it wasnt spinning fast enough like when a capacitor goes out on a motor. Im so wiped at this point that I had to run to the house to get a wrench and hoped on the riding lawn mower and colors started changing on me. The grass was bright orange to me and crap like this. I grab the wrenches, go back to the pump and give them to the ex and told her I gotta go inside moms place and sit for a bit, that it was becoming dangerous for me and I really didnt want to die today. She tells me she didnt give a fuck where I went and she is about to go. I tell her once again to go her ass home!

After 15 or 20 mins I went back out there and she has pulled the covers off the motor and sprayed lubricant in it. Actually now a bad idea but now it runs for 15 or 20 seconds and smokes :wait:. Ended up we wnt to Lowes, spent another couple hundred and bought a new pump. Brought it home, we plumbed it in, the relay box was on the wrong side so we had to fight the wire and dig up some tree roots to be able to get enough wire to hook it up and all was ready to turn it on. Primed it, turned it on and instantly had water. Glued the last couple joints we left off in case it needed more water poured into the pump to prime it, turned it back on and one of the pipes blew right off. I told that girl that pipe was not glued until we knew if the length was correct or not and she needed to glue it. :gaah:

Finally after over 9 hours, $350 that I couldnt afford, we have water. And poor Rascal was alone all day and not happy about it. :( Yall wont believe how many puppy kisses I got and every scratch and boo boo on my legs and arms have been well doctored by him.....

So, how was yalls day Fugee's? Do I get to win the GFY award for the day :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:
OMG that sucks!!!!!!!!


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ECF Refugee


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That storm hit us last night. It was LOUD.

We ended up getting a LOT of rain, but only a little sound and fury; the thunder was mainly just distant rumbling, and the wind didn't seem too bad either. *whew* Now that the SE is well into hurricane season, I'm constantly in dread of tornadoes. Or massive rains that pincer Atlanta between the Atlantic and the Gulf -- got those in 2009, massive flooding all over GA, including the SW parts of Atlanta (it's flatter there).



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ECF Refugee
We ended up getting a LOT of rain, but only a little sound and fury; the thunder was mainly just distant rumbling, and the wind didn't seem too bad either. *whew* Now that the SE is well into hurricane season, I'm constantly in dread of tornadoes. Or massive rains that pincer Atlanta between the Atlantic and the Gulf -- got those in 2009, massive flooding all over GA, including the SW parts of Atlanta (it's flatter there).

San Antonio flooded BAD this morning.

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