I dunno if the *climate* is changing, but the weather has lost its fucking mind.
The climate does change, in natural cycles, with or without human beings. I am not saying we had nothing at all to do with effecting our environment. I do though believe we've had less of an impact than we're led to believe by all the fear mongering propaganda spewing scientists who continually require grant money. Prisons always ultimately need to rely upon human guards. It is the same in any field. Humans are flawed, subjective, corruptible. Why would science be any different?
I figure like George Carlin says, "we've made plastic, now we're done." Nature obviously could not discern how to recycle dead cells. Or, perhaps water is finished using us to carry itself uphill.
Apologies if I'm "dodging" bleaker subjects. Difficult for me to envision and think about them.