Been talking with my wife. We may dwell in an apartment two years. That grants enough time for saving a down payment.
Got a small chuckle out of a television advertisement. One of the local news shows is exploring the costs of funerals. The advertisement features a voice over, "Can you afford to die?"
My chuckle come in realizing it seems at times they may as well have asked, "Can you afford to live?" Leave it to someone like me, a sufferer of chronic clinical depression to find humor in that. It is hilarious though seeing how our world at large is always upon the brink of the
Last Great War, or the justice system only capable of metering out injustice, total
surplus of food enough so that every man, woman, child could eat five pounds daily indefinitely and still none would ever have
want for food and yet we have
starvation know as a form of genocide.
My apologies if thinking of larger issues, discussing them is not considered bantering small talk, or I don't do much small talk. If I could literally switch my brain off to let me have the peace of small talk, I wouldn't be myself, but then I guess being myself is all wrong too.