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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I remember hearing that "under god" was added to the anthem and to money back around the 50's.

I seen people sit during the anthem before and it was never a big deal to me. My mom who is a witness wont stand for it but its not out of disrespect to the nation. Her allegiance is to God not man she says and I have to respect her beliefs. Those who kneel, it is their right to kneel if they so chose just like it is my right to boycott the whole thing if I chose :)

I boycott all televised sports since they hold no interest for me.

Curling maybe.
Like the high action factor of it.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I have an old camper trailer they can use....
Even has a sun window for them and beds.

I now fully understand why people with no workshop type hobbies have trouble with retirement....

I also ordered a new TV antenna since the one I had was mounted on the workshop....

A little propane heat and you and :cat::cat::cat: will be good to go!!!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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One I have not seen had a habit of sleeping in the attic of the workshop....
Do not hold out much hope for her.

You never know - cats are some of the ultimate survivors and are astounding escape artists

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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You never know - cats are some of the ultimate survivors and are astounding escape artists
Ohh I still have some hope but not a lot for her.
Fraidy and Sam are wandering thru the remains today with a like what happened attitude....
tomorrow I move their feeding station from the front stoop to a shed beside the old camper.
Have to get another freeze proof water bowl for them tomorrow.

Have to find a chair to put in the camper to spend some time out there to get them acclimated to it.


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Ohh I still have some hope but not a lot for her.
Fraidy and Sam are wandering thru the remains today with a like what happened attitude....
tomorrow I move their feeding station from the front stoop to a shed beside the old camper.
Have to get another freeze proof water bowl for them tomorrow.

Have to find a chair to put in the camper to spend some time out there to get them acclimated to it.

When they see you putting their food there they will know. :teehee:

I have to laugh at my outside kitties. A few of them are real skiddish and even tho they know I am the guy who feeds them they still run if they think I might <gasp> touch them :giggle: Yet due to weather at times I have to feed them elsewhere than normal and they all follow me to where the food gets put out as long as I have that big food cup in my hand lol


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Me too! I have 2 of them. The one in my picture is Oreo. She is the ideal cat. She doesn't meow or growl, and always uses the litter box. She will go into the kitchen and sit by the bowls and patiently wait for food and water if I forget to fill one or the other.
I haven't had a cat in many years. But if I ever did get another one I would love it to look like that! That's a beautiful cat


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Wow! I posted a kitty picture and shut the thread down! :giggle: No more posting of kitty pictures for me.

Good morning fugees :wave: Life returns to normal for me today. My team lost, no more football for a year and back to work tonight. :( Oh least I have the fact that spring is coming to look forward to. I'm off to get stuff done around here after more coffee. 1 cup isn't enough this morning. Don't forget to GFY merrily! :)


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My team did not win either.
But then I have no team :)

I guess that means that my team did not lose either?
True... I've been a Tom Brady fan since he was at Michigan. When he retires I'll find another team to root for. I catch a lot of static for being a Patriots fan since most people abhor them. Oh well...I've always walked to the beat of a different drummer and that won't change now. :)


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Oh gawsh. I'm going to end up having to get my chin hairs lasered. I am plucking three to five a day now. And I do not want a gray beard. In fact I don't want a beard at all. Just random thoughts of the day


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Here’s my other tuxedo baby. This is Shadow. He sleeps next to me every night. <3

We had Tuxedo boy a while back named "Mick". He would get up at the kitchen sink and look at the faucet. We could not quite understand his strange action until one day I cut the water on. He sat and took his paw over to the water, drew up a paw full at a time to drink, then ducked his head over and started drinking like one drinks from a fountain.

After that Mick would only drink from the faucet. He was a strange boy. Let a dog chase him up a phone pole. Mama "Lucky" come running out, bopped him on the head then turned and dared the dog to come at them. Poor dog, I felt sad for him as mama Lucky had swatted Mick into staring him down too. Mick would curl up at night draped up over my head, careful to not smother me too.

Well just a few pots and pans left for dishes. I'll go finish those off in a few minutes and today's housework is done. Only needed to collect rubbish from our trash cans and put it all into the main trash. Everything is still looking alright, figure I might dust & vacuum Thursday/Friday.

Hope every is well or getting there as best they can. Y'all gfy and have a good one. Been twisting more wire, can only do so much though. Well, ... run 'er slow.

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