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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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ECF Refugee


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Whatchu talkin bout, Willis! I love me some brussels sprouts. :D Lil itty bitty cabbages are so CUTE!!!!

Anyway, I finally mustered the energy to get up off the couch, where I've been parked since early yesterday, and make it to the PC. Woke up yesterday with a fever of 100.4 -- this is straight out of sleep mind you, when it really oughta be around 97-ish -- and have been suffering all this bullshit since then. The only good news to report is that I have diarrhea rather than vomiting -- neither is pleasant, but I'm an emetophobe, which makes vomiting A Fate Worse Than Death. The shortness of breath continues to plague me; just walking across the room, or even a coughing fit, requires me to assume the asthma-attack position -- seated, legs spread and elbows on knees, leaning forward to take pressure off the diaphragm, so I can breathe more easily. I did manage about 3/4 of a bowl of oatmeal yesterday morning and this morning, chicken soup last night and the night before. Tomight I plan to try some chicken fettucine alfredo. May not eat a lot of the chicken, but fettucine alfredo is the only version of "mac n cheese" I can tolerate, and cheese has protein.

Anyway, I think it's time for more aspercreme all over my torso, for the pain from all the muthafuckin coughing. Plan to sleep on the couch again tonight; I seem to sleep a lot better there for some damn strange reason. Maybe just knowing that my family could hear me, if I needed them.

No vaping all day yesterday or today; thought about it a few times, but then I think of how short of breath I am, and I think, I could really do without vape for the moment, so I can fucking BREATHE. Which was never the case the cigarettes; I could be suffering a full-on asthma attack, and would still try to smoke. Haven't really missed the vape too much either, which surprises me... but it's nice that with all this coughing, I don';t have a chestful of shit I put there, just a chestful of shit from the flu, which will be gone soon. If I was still a smoker and got this flu, I would either be in the hospital, or already dead.



My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Whatchu talkin bout, Willis! I love me some brussels sprouts. :D Lil itty bitty cabbages are so CUTE!!!!

Anyway, I finally mustered the energy to get up off the couch, where I've been parked since early yesterday, and make it to the PC. Woke up yesterday with a fever of 100.4 -- this is straight out of sleep mind you, when it really oughta be around 97-ish -- and have been suffering all this bullshit since then. The only good news to report is that I have diarrhea rather than vomiting -- neither is pleasant, but I'm an emetophobe, which makes vomiting A Fate Worse Than Death. The shortness of breath continues to plague me; just walking across the room, or even a coughing fit, requires me to assume the asthma-attack position -- seated, legs spread and elbows on knees, leaning forward to take pressure off the diaphragm, so I can breathe more easily. I did manage about 3/4 of a bowl of oatmeal yesterday morning and this morning, chicken soup last night and the night before. Tomight I plan to try some chicken fettucine alfredo. May not eat a lot of the chicken, but fettucine alfredo is the only version of "mac n cheese" I can tolerate, and cheese has protein.

Anyway, I think it's time for more aspercreme all over my torso, for the pain from all the muthafuckin coughing. Plan to sleep on the couch again tonight; I seem to sleep a lot better there for some damn strange reason. Maybe just knowing that my family could hear me, if I needed them.

No vaping all day yesterday or today; thought about it a few times, but then I think of how short of breath I am, and I think, I could really do without vape for the moment, so I can fucking BREATHE. Which was never the case the cigarettes; I could be suffering a full-on asthma attack, and would still try to smoke. Haven't really missed the vape too much either, which surprises me... but it's nice that with all this coughing, I don';t have a chestful of shit I put there, just a chestful of shit from the flu, which will be gone soon. If I was still a smoker and got this flu, I would either be in the hospital, or already dead.


Get well Lady :wave:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

*Sits over here grinning & chuckling*

Me and my wife have been keeping a running joke going. "Quick feed your baby a Tide pod, it helps them grow grow hair on their chest!" "Baby got the farts? Feed it new Tide ultra Pods, freshen it's shit up!""Need a new vape flavor? Try Tide Pods, you'll appreciate the minty clean your lungs get.""Need a nut for a bolt to hold your motor on? Try a Tide pod instead, known to be the new Super Glue."

Yeah, we're being royal twaty fucking shites over Tide Pods. *LOL* Why not? Seems all of stupid thinks of new ways to use Tide Pods.

Go mad if you don't laugh, of course in my case there's no going. *chuckle*


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Nope! You're not crazy. If you're crazy, then we all are!

See? Bob's crazy. You must have not got the memo. Sorry i think it was due o a printing error, or my ass. Oh that was the printing error, I was printing my ass out in multiple hundreds of copies. Figured I'd go stand on the street corner and sell my ass for a few bucks to help my wife. This is why the *whispering* management *normal voice* took away our printing privileges, ergo no memo for you.

*wanders on to find these management folks who are never around when you need work done *

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Big trouble here. My workshop burned up and house is singed but ok.

Status unknown on cats.
will find out tomorrow when survivors come out of hiding.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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got a steamer bag of green giant lightly sauced brussel sprouts.
Horrible with massive amounts of black pepper.

Sounds great to me. Bit I've been a big fan of broccoli since i could demand TREES! in the grocery store, and sprouts just taste like overcooked broccoli.

Scuse the typos.. back on my phone which sucks forfthis forum.


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Are you uninjured?????????????
Dunno it went up quick. was out there not an hour before.
Either cats or woodstove pipe fire is my guess.
Yep we are fine. of course will not be able to know abut cats till the come out tomorrow.
Still have fire trucks here now.
Wehn I saw it was fully engulfed and only 35? ft from the house. I took wife and weiner to the blazer at the other end of the property, started it threw blankets on them and got hose and kept house from catching on fire till the FD showed up.
One end of house is pretty singed. Fire chief said if not for the old fashioned asbestos based siding on it it would have caught fire.

So still have snug place and ok.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Dunno it went up quick. was out there not an hour before.
Either cats or woodstove pipe fire is my guess.
Yep we are fine. of course will not be able to know abut cats till the come out tomorrow.
Still have fire trucks here now.
Wehn I saw it was fully engulfed and only 35? ft from the house. I took wife and weiner to the blazer at the other end of the property, started it threw blankets on them and got hose and kept house from catching on fire till the FD showed up.
One end of house is pretty singed. Fire chief said if not for the old fashioned asbestos based siding on it it would have caught fire.

So still have snug place and ok.

Man oh man - glad you are okay and the main house is livable!!!

Barely missed out on a Weiner roast!


VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
Whatchu talkin bout, Willis! I love me some brussels sprouts. :D Lil itty bitty cabbages are so CUTE!!!!

Anyway, I finally mustered the energy to get up off the couch, where I've been parked since early yesterday, and make it to the PC. Woke up yesterday with a fever of 100.4 -- this is straight out of sleep mind you, when it really oughta be around 97-ish -- and have been suffering all this bullshit since then. The only good news to report is that I have diarrhea rather than vomiting -- neither is pleasant, but I'm an emetophobe, which makes vomiting A Fate Worse Than Death. The shortness of breath continues to plague me; just walking across the room, or even a coughing fit, requires me to assume the asthma-attack position -- seated, legs spread and elbows on knees, leaning forward to take pressure off the diaphragm, so I can breathe more easily. I did manage about 3/4 of a bowl of oatmeal yesterday morning and this morning, chicken soup last night and the night before. Tomight I plan to try some chicken fettucine alfredo. May not eat a lot of the chicken, but fettucine alfredo is the only version of "mac n cheese" I can tolerate, and cheese has protein.

Anyway, I think it's time for more aspercreme all over my torso, for the pain from all the muthafuckin coughing. Plan to sleep on the couch again tonight; I seem to sleep a lot better there for some damn strange reason. Maybe just knowing that my family could hear me, if I needed them.

No vaping all day yesterday or today; thought about it a few times, but then I think of how short of breath I am, and I think, I could really do without vape for the moment, so I can fucking BREATHE. Which was never the case the cigarettes; I could be suffering a full-on asthma attack, and would still try to smoke. Haven't really missed the vape too much either, which surprises me... but it's nice that with all this coughing, I don';t have a chestful of shit I put there, just a chestful of shit from the flu, which will be gone soon. If I was still a smoker and got this flu, I would either be in the hospital, or already dead.

Glad you are better Andria. This flu is a really BAD mutha. :)


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ECF Refugee
Dunno it went up quick. was out there not an hour before.
Either cats or woodstove pipe fire is my guess.
Yep we are fine. of course will not be able to know abut cats till the come out tomorrow.
Still have fire trucks here now.
Wehn I saw it was fully engulfed and only 35? ft from the house. I took wife and weiner to the blazer at the other end of the property, started it threw blankets on them and got hose and kept house from catching on fire till the FD showed up.
One end of house is pretty singed. Fire chief said if not for the old fashioned asbestos based siding on it it would have caught fire.

So still have snug place and ok.
OMG! So glad you're all ok. You da man!!!!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Ohh 2 lawnmowers, tractor big and small. pickup truck many many tools, welders, Air compressors, etc...


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Wow! Sorry to hear of the fire, Bob. Glad everyone seems to have kept safe & the house is still livable, ultimately that positive is what matters.

My news of life isn't as extreme perhaps. Met yesterday with the psychologist physician assistant, asked if it was alright to come off the Effexor. I am now working on the step down process to that end. Not sure it was genuinely helping anything. So, one less medication.
Well, I'm kind of talked out I reckon. Early morning, need a :coffee: or three yet for the day to start. Even then it's the same eternal day it was the day before and the day before that, least to me. Feel that with or without the Effexor so it's not a matter of it causing me to feel stuck.

Y'all enjoy life, GFY and be safe. :wave: :hug:

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