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I was feeling sorry for myself on Monday when my son said he wasn't going to pay his student loan anymore (the one I co-signed for). It's $250 a month. So, I can't retire in 2 years like I wanted. But I went outside, wiped my tears and drove to the park for a vape..........I noticed an elderly man digging through trash cans. He had an old Target buggy/cart filled with junk. I thought to myself things could be worse. Don't get me wrong, it felt GOOD to vent and let a few cuss words fly. But my attitude was changed a little after seeing that. Wonder how long that will last. :giggle:
Said son would be told that oh yes he would continue to pay his student loan until it was paid for. But yeah, there's always people out there that have it a lot worse than we do. I KNOW that I'm truly blessed! :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I was feeling sorry for myself on Monday when my son said he wasn't going to pay his student loan anymore (the one I co-signed for). It's $250 a month. So, I can't retire in 2 years like I wanted. But I went outside, wiped my tears and drove to the park for a vape..........I noticed an elderly man digging through trash cans. He had an old Target buggy/cart filled with junk. I thought to myself things could be worse. Don't get me wrong, it felt GOOD to vent and let a few cuss words fly. But my attitude was changed a little after seeing that. Wonder how long that will last. :giggle:

Couldn't he have the courtesy to default on loans you are not liable for???

You need to get him to a financial counselor right away - just to see what can be done - he has a filial and moral obligation to do so


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we've had this
Said son would be told that oh yes he would continue to pay his student loan until it was paid for. But yeah, there's always people out there that have it a lot worse than we do. I KNOW that I'm truly blessed! :)
We've had this argument for 3 years now and I'm just so tired of it I'm just going to drop it. In order to keep my sanity. He is actually saving 150 a month in an IRA. And that's what really upset me. Last night I took his Pokemon card collection out. And I found some rare cards that are worth about $3,000 in total. I will be selling those and applying them to the loan.


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Couldn't he have the courtesy to default on loans you are not liable for???

You need to get him to a financial counselor right away - just to see what can be done - he has a filial and moral obligation to do so
He has married a woman who doesn't like to work. And now her grandmother who also doesn't like to work has moved in with them. It's a losing battle that I've tried to fight for a long time. I finally give up. I have such a small family he's my only child. And I've been alone for so long. I just can't chance losing him. As for Christmas presents he knows he doesn't get any of that. And he knows why. I bought him Dave Ramsey booklets and he has not picked up a 1 to read.


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we've had this

We've had this argument for 3 years now and I'm just so tired of it I'm just going to drop it. In order to keep my sanity. He is actually saving 150 a month in an IRA. And that's what really upset me. Last night I took his Pokemon card collection out. And I found some rare cards that are worth about $3,000 in total. I will be selling those and applying them to the loan.
Go you!!! Make sure you tell him that you’re selling them and why.


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Okay as for happy news, I got Vape mail yesterday!

Had some vape mail the day before last. I ordered a Vision spinner II for my **** vaping :D

Had to do a ton of running around today and I wanted to swing by Wendys to get a sandwich for me and one for Rascal on the way home. Right past Wendys is a vape shop so swung in there and got some Vanilla Custard juice. Every once in a while I like to get some juice that I didnt mix just for a change of pace. :ejuice::ejuice:

And yes, Rascal was very happy with his jr bacon cheeseburger :teehee:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I would wait until they are sold and then tell him after you paid off his loan from the sale of his cards. ;)

Agreed he may not notice for years....
Just tell him if he misses the cards.

I agree with Chop and Robert - don't say shit, just do it

And don't wait, the market falls out on the bottom of shit like that at the drop of a hat


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So what...he thinks there are loans you can take out for your retirement after your credit is ruined?

Okay, I will keep my mouth shut now :devil:
That's just it. he KNOWS I will end up paying it off.
It's ok. I have a mobile home, 2 acres, all paid off. And I'm just going to pay the loan off too and then work an extra 3 years to save save save.


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I agree with Chop and Robert - don't say shit, just do it

And don't wait, the market falls out on the bottom of shit like that at the drop of a hat
Yea I spent 2 hours last night researching and taking pictures of the cards. This weekend I'll finish the spreadsheet and start an ebay account up.


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After a hellacious night at work last night I've made a decision about whether I want to work Saturday or not. The answer is Hell to the NO! I've got a ton of stuff I want to get done here so I'm just going to stay home and get shit done. I figure I'll save some money but not using gas to get there and back plus the money I'd spend for food won't be spent cause I can find stuff here to eat. Yep! The decision is made...the job can suck it tomorrow! :giggle:


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I'm a little crazy. Some days bat shit crazy, some days normal. Depends on who,what is going on in my life. I just want peacefulness. But drama always seems to seek me out. I'm finally after all these years, learning how to deal with it all.

The Cromwell

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I didn't say that. I don't think you are crazy either. I think your SIL is though.
SIL is bat shit crazy and wife is about half there.
It is a family genetic thing on their mothers side of things.
Kinda hard staying not crazy in my situation.

Bad thing for me is the crazy gene does not blossom until mid 30's in the women in that family...
So I iz caught...


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SIL is bat shit crazy and wife is about half there.
It is a family genetic thing on their mothers side of things.
Kinda hard staying not crazy in my situation.

Bad thing for me is the crazy gene does not blossom until mid 30's in the women in that family...
So I iz caught...
That sucks. Usually the real crazy stuff starts late teens, early 20's. Me and my sister get the anxiety gene from our mom. I also got an adhd gene from somewhere and a depression gene too. Although I don't know of any other relatives with those 2 problems other than me and my son. My dad died at 42 of a massive heart attack. Maybe I got those genes from him. I was to young when he died to know.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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That sucks. Usually the real crazy stuff starts late teens, early 20's. Me and my sister get the anxiety gene from our mom. I also got an adhd gene from somewhere and a depression gene too. Although I don't know of any other relatives with those 2 problems other than me and my son. My dad died at 42 of a massive heart attack. Maybe I got those genes from him. I was to young when he died to know.
I have all those genes plus the curse of the bitter gene.

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