Yes I understood what you meant...But how is their using p*t recreationally and in their own time while not at work any different from drinking?Actually if you drank so much and came to work under the influence you could be fired but that is not what I was talking about.
Here are a couple of links pertaining to what I referenced .*rijuana-even-when-its-legal/
And yeah if I came in to work super freaky hung over I'd expect to get canned.I think we both know how much I love bourbon.But there's maybe been 6 times in my whole life when I got absolutely completely shit faced drunk.I called in to work sick and spent the day recovering each time.No muss no fuss.However penalizing somebody for smoking p*t in their own time is alright it seems...Really?
I don't even partake of the stuff and I find it has a very offensive smell.It gives me a fucking crazy headache when I smell p*t smoke.
Yet it is legal now and we have to start treating it as such...Period and nuff said.