I ran into a few fake it till ya make it types. Problem is most of them only wanted to fake it and thats when I got rid of them. I didnt want anyone on my crew like that when I was a lead and they didnt last long. If I was given someone green, ok, I will train them if they are trainable. Some arent. But I always tried.
A gm in a fast food place taught me a simple rule. "You got three days to get it. If you don't get it in three days c'ya!" This came in handy when me and a rather good cook in another fast food place were being sent new kitchen crew, seemed corporate liked how we ran the place.
We were beating out Mikey D's drive through time's and accuracy rates, and our shop was clean, sure we worked there but it was clean and inside out, too. So me & Robby used the three day rule, the kitchen crew didn't get it we sent them up front to pester the gms. We knew of course that in them pestering the gm's the gm's got the hint and fired them.
We would get chewed out if we tried to fire them. Easier to just let them bumble along and get underfoot, then tossed out. No, I didn't think it was cruel, it was in fact proved out more often than not. If someone doesn't get the hang of it, whatever it happens being in three days, they won't get it ever. No need wasting time continually training someone that provides no effort.
Thinking of it, that's all fast food joints really want, show up and make an effort. I'm too set in my ways and too creaky to go back into fast food places, add in hypertension and idiot kids, nope not going to do it. i moved like I was a 17 yr old NFL pro linebacker when I was ten years or so younger, bah, fuck getting old. Now my joints and nerves, muscles go off on their own little trips leaving me trying not to double over in pain or sit and cry.
*smh* Damndest tripe of shite i ever saw. *chuckles* But oh they so warned me. "Son, slow'er down less ya stave yerself up like me." Me, listen? Pffft Bwhahaa!
Happy run around nakey Day