I been using that site for a couple years. Quick and very easy. ECF probably dont want it posted because they refuse to pay ECF the worship fee.
"Hail Caesar!"
Rarely peek in on ECF, anymore. Don't think I miss anything. That
stated, also know ... "believe what you want there's always someone
willing to tell you that you're wrong." That's where apathy helps out.
I can easily choose to not care, getting easier as I go along. Some
might say that I ought to care. Well, been there and done that. Found
out a person can care too much. Still care in a very low key sense but
on the grander scale I can reserve my caring for more important stuff.
Selective apathy helps avoid stress. Of course, so does having a good
toke or so off of something herbal. Not in a position for that so I rely
on the apathy. I could possibly drink. *sighs* No, that's not me either.
Not to say I mind having a drink or two every now and then, I do. I just
don't feel enthused to drinking and getting drunk simply because.
I know what it is, I need more sex. Shame I cannot afford a gigolo.
Even if I could I've not ever paid out directly for sex, don't plan on
starting now.Oh well, there's always Rosie and her sisters. All that to
simply remind me of what I tell y'all, ... go fuck yourself. Everybody
knows life is a state of mind over matter, you don't mind, it don't
Somewhere I had point in there aside from the rambling.
Ah, yeah that was my point. I need coffee, that singular gray brain cell
is not quite firing yet. It's not paid enough to think. Well, I better
follow number twenty, he's heading down to get coffee. If number 89
comes on here in a bit and starts typing in stuff about how the lunar
cycles of Venus are spectacular this season, tell him he needs to go
fuck himself.
Y'all run 'er slow 'til the other side come on.