What I consider is two facts:
1. Allegedly they're supposed to be enforcing this bit that nobody can sell Juuls to underage 18 and under kids.
2. Kids are still getting grubby paws on Juuls and will continue doing so no matter the enforcement.
Believe I recall you saying it would be exactly like prohibition with booze. Well, given those two facts stated and known, ... there you go your point is proven out. And the government, big tobacco both can see that's the case. Here's a bit of a snafu for you.
When we're all criminals are they going to lock us all up? And it is safe to assume that will be the perception. We're no longer going to be innocent until proved guilty, nope, we're all just guilty as sin.
Would they even bother trying? Can you imagine what happened after hurricane Katrina happening again, where the Feds come in and seized firearms from folks? Somehow I'm thinking that's not going to be forgotten nor are the counts of our government lying to us, the People. Do you see the probability of a stalemate, a standoff in the works? I damn sure do.
What then, full on armed threat response against American by American military? Sure you might have some of the military willing to cross that line. But I would imagine you'd have just as many, or more not willing to do so, and instead standing for the People. I might be wrong and I would hate to see it come to that just to find out. I've got a gut instinct telling me I'm not wrong. That and the fact there's groups like Oath Keepers around lets me believe America's People are still trying to live to the lofty aspirations set forth at our nation's birth.
So ultimately, I am doubtful the FDA can/will do much of anything judge, twenty judges or not. Then again, I'm just some idealistic young pup what thinks the world still needs heroes, not those that show up for badges and medals either. No, those aren't real heroes, just glory dogs. Real heroes never hear folks say thank you, they're already busy fighting the next fight to save as many as they can. Real heroes never die because that means they stopped long enough for death to catch up. So, don't stop, keep moving!
Apologies to thread rules. I don't see it as political matter but a matter of right versus wrong. Though I respect folks thinking the two might be the same.
And no,
@AndriaD , I am not merely saying "oh tut tut, it'll all be alright" and dismissing your views, concerns. I've given a lot of consideration to such quagmires and am not naive enough to think "it'll be alright" and we just go on. At the same time I know that as people we all need to have a point where we tell this shit, .... "go fuck yourself!" If you don't you'll only keep worrying over what might not even ever happen and be driven mad by a lot of useless "doom and gloom". Fuck that. I'm going to stay positive even despite, ... whatever. I know it may seem someone with anhedonia is a great one to say their staying positive but, if I can do it, ...
Sunshine, nobody ever gets out alive anyway.