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ENDED Backwoods Blends The Banned Game giveaway Estimated end date 5/13/2016


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I Ban those who weren't aware of the possible future altruistic motives of others.
But I still ban @SteveS45 until I win one.
Lol, maybe a pony.


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I Ban @Georgetheturtle for Banning @SteveS45 in the 1st place. It was a sneaky thing to do. SteveS45 should forgive Georgetheturtle however and just handover his prize if he wins in the name of reconciliation.


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I ban @giving George the win and will give it to someone else because of his selfishness.


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I BAN @Georgetheturle from posting anymore and mentioning me in his comments

For a guy with so few posts why did you decide to mess with me? I am not in the mood and I have not been vindictive.


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I Ban people with no sense of humor. Sheesh. (Just a game dude, like it says in the title, I thought maybe we could have a little fun. Develop a rapport. I didn't know you didn't have a sense of humor. Sorry.)


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I BAN @ people who start shit and then do not like how things turn out.



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I BAN @ people who start shit and then do not like how things turn out.

What are you talking about? You're the one who's pissed. I'm trying to make nice with you dumbass. Why are you getting angry bro? I was just playing, I thought you'd think it was funny but then you flipped the hell out. What's your deal? Nothing about what I was saying was directly insulting to you, it was just banter or do you swing at everyone who makes a snarky or sarcastic remark.
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I BAN @The A-Hole who started this nonsense and is now resorting to childish behavior by using fowl language.

A joke is not funny if your the only one laughing...............


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I BAN @The A-Hole who started this nonsense and is now resorting to childish behavior by using fowl language.

A joke is not funny if your the only one laughing...............
I Ban Fowl Language.
Is that some kinda bird language? "Fowl speak?" And it wasn't funny because you became a red faced idiot about it. When somebody farts at the dinner table, it's funny. When somebody farts at the dinner table and somebody starts screaming like a little girl about how horrible it is, it loses its humor. See what I'm sayin'? Loosen' up dude. NONE of this was about you in the first place. Get over yourself. You won a contest, I thought it would be funny to say "HA Ha, I ban this guy until I win" and then banter back and forth a bit. In NO universe where crazy people live did I ever ponder a place where someone like you would take it seriously and FLIP OUT on me and then accuse me of speaking in some kinda bird language. (What's THAT about?) Get OVER yourself, It could've JUST as easily been ANYONE else snowflake. I'm NOT picking on YOU! I don't even know you. It was just banter, oh my frickin' gawd. I have never met anyone like you before........ Like ever........ And that's good. Hello, welcome to the Internet.
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Diamond Contributor
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I BAN @The tight ass telling me to lighten up.

I told you to stop freaking quoting and mentioning me. At this point you could kiss my ass and I still have NO Desire to be your friend. You do not know me and decide you are going to join the VU and start crap with me. So you stuck your foot in your mouth now STFU. I am tired of freaking hearing you. Got it?


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I BAN this @ASSHOLE who is not playing the game

Next time put your brain in gear before your mouth. You started it and this is what you get because you deserve it. Now GFY and have a good night! I asked you to stop but you just keep opening your orifice and stinking up this thread. Go back and read there was none of this until you joined in.

Edit: Will this be the first ignore?


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I Ban people who get on their soapboxes and complain about other's behavior but all they REALLY have to do to stop the others behavior is to shut up......... But they can't. So they keep ranting & raving and namecalling, behaving poorly and all around offering a terrible example of how the forum operates ALL the while screaming about HOW GREAT it was when he joined A WHOLE 4 or 5 weeks before the other guy. (Even though the other guy had probably been reading the forum longer. Only not contributing.)

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