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ENDED Backwoods Blends The Banned Game giveaway Estimated end date 5/13/2016


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I BAN @crowded flower shops on Holidays and the inconsiderate people


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I ban Ants. These little bastards have invaded my computer desk and I don't know why there is no food and they don't seem to be paying any attention to my juice which I removed off my desk just to be sure. Even put out a bait trap hoping to get rid of them. The bait trap worked in the kitchen but the ones on my desk are totally ignoring the bate trap ugh.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I BAN @ those surefire pesticides that don't work!

I thought vaping was a natural insecticide? Maybe chain vape and fog out your desk?


Silver Contributor
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I Ban people who ask you whether or not something is true on a bulletin board when they have THE WHOLE INTERNET TO SEARCH AT THEIR FINGERTIPS............... (Ex. "I thought THIS was supposed to do THAT......" The person is speaking aloud hoping you will fill in the blanks for them so they don't have to do any work. I Ban Them.)
(If I have to tell you why that's retarded, you're retarded.)
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Silver Contributor
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I Ban Self-Checkout lines. (What a scam, they lay people off just so YOU can do the work FOR THEM!)


Silver Contributor
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I Go for a dangerous and unheard of TRIPLE BAN on Morelymagicmist's FDA double BAN. I would've left it at the Double ban but I was afraid that much like a double negative, it might cancel itself out. Now? Now We got our bases completely covered just in case.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Three in favor of banning of the FDA. If no nays are heard, let it carry, FDA is banned. So mote it.

I further now ban the wearing of the green shoes as punishment for stealing leprechaun treasures. Leprechauns now must come up with a more original form of punishment than forcing one to dance a jig eternally.


Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Three in favor of banning of the FDA. If no nays are heard, let it carry, FDA is banned. So mote it.

I further now ban the wearing of the green shoes as punishment for stealing leprechaun treasures. Leprechauns now must come up with a more original form of punishment than forcing one to dance a jig eternally.
River dancing should be a capital offense.

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