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ENDED Backwoods Blends The Banned Game giveaway Estimated end date 5/13/2016


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I ban the news people they keep saying e-cigs are poisoning kids


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I ban the fucken FDA, the FDA'S secretarial pool, the fucken FDA'S computers!!!!

Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk


Silver Contributor
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I Ban guys that are WAY too comfortable just hanging out naked in the locker room at the gym. Seriously dude, put some clothes on and step back from the sink. People brush their teeth there!
I'd like to ban the one lady that deserves, without a doubt deserves not to benefit from vaping. Hilary Clinton! Bengali that.


Gold Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I ban people who call and get pissy with me for no reason


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I BAN @ not doing what you can about the FDA Deeming Regs.



Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I BAN @ calling vaping gear and e-Liquid Tobacco Products!

I second your ban. We get a third it'll have to hold water accordingly to parliamentary rules. At which point it'll be an effective ban as long as no nays challenge it. If any nays do, we debate and persuade them to our cause, to carry on the ban. We continue this until we have say hundreds, thousands, millions and it will be a full solidified ban then. Even at one hundred nay sayers then to motion for their own ban to ban our ban. I don't see that happening.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I ban headaches

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Seems headaches and migraines have both gotten three bans each. They are now banned unless someone for some odd reasons says, "nay, no banning them, I like them." Migraines are screwy. I used to get them but have been fortunate. Someone gave me a two pound bag of assorted chocolate candies. "Eat it all up, see if your migraine don't go away." I did, it did. Now, if I feel a migraine, which is rare, I go grab up a bunch of chocolate and pig down. Not saying it'll work for everyone but know it did for me. YMMV & Standard Disclaimers Apply, Void Where Applicable.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ms Brew has upped the win from 30 to 60ml bottle of Backwoods Blends e juice so it's time to play!!!

So far nothing but rave reviews on her e juice so please take the time to check Backwoods Blends site and do a little drooling.

The Banned Game is just what it sounds like so here is your chance to ban someone so do your best or your worst.
Think of it as a Roast

With the power to

Ban any person who posted above you or anyone on this forum. If you choose someone on the forum that is not playing then use @ before their name.
Heck ban an object that irritates the crap out of you or ban anyone you want. Sometimes revenge is sweet.:D

I'll start....
I banned hubby's Kindle Fire for arriving with a glitch.
Continue on..............

No back to back posting.
Please keep post work friendly because that is how I advertise it.


Estimated end date 5/13/2016
I’m going with an estimated end date because I have a new grand baby on the way and mom is having a rough time. Then there is a three year old thrown into the mix so grandparents are stepping up to the plate. Otherwise I have no idea from one day to the next what my schedule will be. All I can say is if the giveaway runs late all post will count.

Thanks for understanding.

I ban back to back posting.
(just like it says in the rules)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I ban all these asshat people that support the new FDA regulations.


Silver Contributor
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I BAN Pipes exploding in your apartment ending in damage and the resulting cleanup & repair effort WEEK 2!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've had it for 8 days and its pissing me off big time! :xD::cuss2:
Ughhhh I feel your pain, that really sucks! I tried everything to get rid of it.. Nothing worked I just had to wait it out :( I had it for 3 days the first time and 4 the second but then right after it went away I started taking antibiotics which left a metallic taste in my mouth so all my vapes tasted nasty...

I ban early morning infomercials!

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