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I was definitely pushing my poor computer to it's limit tonight, that video showed me how bad, the sound quality and jumpy audio is from my computer going through hell trying to keep up with the cast, and two other people in there with me, while recording, I won't be pushing it that hard again anytime soon, gotta upgrade next year when i can afford to, don't want to kill this before then.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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A bit of trivia, Ghost peppers were originally wild peppers in India that became cultivated to extract Capsaicin for pepper spray and crowd control agents. With Humans, naturally we wanted the hottest pepper out there and the Ghost was for a while. When I was in London a few years back I had some Fal Vindaloo curry. It was made with Ghost peppers. Let's just say that after the first few spoons, my lips were numb and my tongue was desperately trying to detach itself and find the nearest bucket of ice to dive into.


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Good morning to all of you on the Vapingwatch thread and Vapingwatch themselves! I am hoping that you all have the greatest day possible! I am going to try to make the best of my day and hope that it works out for me and everyone else as well! I will talk to you all later today!!!

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Vape mail FREE VAPE MAIL AT THAT .....can't wait to try this baby out its the IJOY-Asolo I won on fb

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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@vapinange23 I need to know where your at I'm coming out of my corner to rub on you to barrow some of your luck
Good things to good ppl I know @vapinange23 very well she my bestie and she deserves all theses wins she doesn't have the $to buy vape gear but would give the last she has and gives already even what she doesn't have to others ♡iam so happy for you ang♡

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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@vapinange23 I need to know where your at I'm coming out of my corner to rub on you to barrow some of your luck
I really don't have any this is the first time I have ever been a winner in my whole life and I am hoping it doesn't stop any time soon! I get so excited when I see that I won my poor husband is like you came running like something was wrong with you!?!

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Good things to good ppl I know @vapinange23 very well she my bestie and she deserves all theses wins she doesn't have the $to buy vape gear but would give the last she has and gives already even what she doesn't have to others ♡iam so happy for you ang♡

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)
Thanks! You deserve it too! If it was not for you I would still still be smoking on top of everything else I owe you my life! You are the best friend anyone could wish for and I would be a shadow of myself without you! Sorry for being mushy but it is the truth!!!

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Vape mail FREE VAPE MAIL AT THAT .....can't wait to try this baby out its the IJOY-Asolo I won on fb

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)
I don't know how but I knew it was coming today!?! It's beautiful and I can't wait to see it in person!!! How is it working so far??? I am so happy for you!!

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Have you got a response from them yet


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Ss shhhh I also like rubbing on people so it was two fold
I hear that I kind of like rubbing on people too!!! I honestly cannot believe all the luck I have been having lately and I wish all of you get some of it too!!!

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Have you got a response from them yet
No not yet! You only had one post for the tank right? They might be trying to decide what to do about the crazy chef having 5 choices but I don't think that should effect us!?!

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From where? Lol. I didn't get a notification of this competition I don't think...


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yeah, I'm kinda not getting some of these contest in the contest section of the forums lately, I prefer it to be post once for 1 chance to win, not the whole spam the most you can to win, make it fair to the people who actually have a life and can't spend all day posting over and over. Some of the post counts of these winners are artificially inflated, just because of spam contests.


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Same here I this one Was supposed to be once
Yes it didn't say "once "in big bold letters but one would have assumed it was 1 entry due to the wording of post the link to you favorite sub ohm tank......but that's just my opinion so who knows
yeah, I'm kinda not getting some of these contest in the contest section of the forums lately, I prefer it to be post once for 1 chance to win, not the whole spam the most you can to win, make it fair to the people who actually have a life and can't spend all day posting over and over. Some of the post counts of these winners are artificially inflated, just because of spam contests.

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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Was this contest on a different thread/media outlet?


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You would find it more fun to run by rub and be gone? At least if you are asking for permission you can actually enjoy the rubbing!!!

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