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Its ap rogram you lkink to youtube that puts ads on your tube is how you make some money off youtube. i submitted my application buti t said i was in some country half way across the world. told me to delete my account then it locked me out. finally got it figured out


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Lol wow that's pretty shitty. Glad you got it sorted out though. Make those g's! Lol


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I wanna start reviewing but am always daunted by the followers of twisted 420 and rip trippers


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Everyone starts at the bottom. In this world it is all about who you know and who you can contact. Power comes in numbers


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Well i am gonna start eventually just because I want to do it, and can be reasonably funny and informative. Mainly cause I like a good review that is to the point and honest, and not only trying to get me to buy such and such product.


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Thats what people want. to the point here it is. What am I buying.


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Just takes a little practise is all.


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Shes always finding new ways to send you there lol


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Good evening! I am talking to my daughter! How is everyone doing tonight?

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Is it a real game or college football? Who is playing? My 6 yr old likes Katy Perry I think that is so funny! I am still vaping the Glenn Coco and I couldn't remember where I put it down and was going crazy cause the flavor in the other vape isn't cutting it now!?!

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Pro football. Houston and new Orleans Houston won. Vaping white chocolate peanut butter


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Cool! One of my best friends loves football and I try so hard to understand the game but I just don't get it! He has been trying to teach me for years and he said to I am doomed cause if I haven't figured it out by now I probably never will!!! You like that one? I'm not sure if I could vape a peanut butter but I do like the idea of the white chocolate! That is one of the no frills flavors right? I me have to try it son it won't cost an arm and a leg to do and I won't be that mad if I don't like it and end up giving it to someone else!!!

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Yup it's in my new review. I just started looking peanut butter vapes


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Monkey Fart is my favorite peanut butter type vape. Strawberry, banana, and peanut butter. Fricking amazing!


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But no seriously it is probably my all time favorite vape.


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Wow that is a great price for a 32 ml! I don't think I would like it though cause I usually don't like banana flavors in the candy or anything else I only like real bananas when they are at the perfect ripeness right between ripe and going bad! So I am really not in a rush to get a banana vape especially since I am already iffy on the peanut butter!?! But I do like the price is that online?

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Wow that is a great price for a 32 ml! I don't think I would like it though cause I usually don't like banana flavors in the candy or anything else I only like real bananas when they are at the perfect ripeness right between ripe and going bad! So I am really not in a rush to get a banana vape especially since I am already iffy on the peanut butter!?! But I do like the price is that online?

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Yes my dear it's on a site called the vape mall. They have slews of flavors. That one just happened to be a favorite of mine. Excellent prices!


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I am going to have to check that out cause I really don't care the money for the $20-$30 bottles my friends are usually buying! I am lucky if I can get $20-$30 for the month for juices! I wish I could buy the Cutt Wood and all the other name brands but I think that there are some better vapes that are cheaper than those are!?!

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I am going to have to check that out cause I really don't care the money for the $20-$30 bottles my friends are usually buying! I am lucky if I can get $20-$30 for the month for juices! I wish I could buy the Cutt Wood and all the other name brands but I think that there are some better vapes that are cheaper than those are!?!

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Yes your absolutely right. Sometimes the more obscure the company the better the juices. It all depends on your palate too.


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Yes I am always the one with the different take on the juice it is almost funny how like 4 of us will try a new flavor and everyone else will be like I taste melons and I will say I taste grape! I will usually like what they don't and can taste flavors that they don't or can't! I tend to like the strange tastes!?!

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Ok I can prob make it on about 9


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cool, tonight's gonna be a little bit fun, one of my friends made a special juice for me to try on air, I'm a little scared, but the crazy in me will be good for this one.


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Good day all been busy kids start school tomorrow .....sigh of relief summer is over :)

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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cool, tonight's gonna be a little bit fun, one of my friends made a special juice for me to try on air, I'm a little scared, but the crazy in me will be good for this one.
Special juice that has you a little scared? I am definitely curious about what the of juice would be scary?!? So if I want to check this out I have to go onto the forum and look at your profile to find the link right? I just want to be sure I know what I am doing???

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I have had the worst too so I will not put anything in the tank now unless I taste a drop first! I kept thinking that if was just me and ruined 3 coils with that crap before I realized it was the juice and not me!?! It was so bad that my icy hot type menthol couldn't get it out of the coil!!!

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nope, wasn't crab bisque, was a ghost pepper extract juice, and I've uploaded that part of the show to youtube for anybody who missed it.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Your friend really put you at risk. The Capsaicin level in Ghost peppers can cause your throat to close up and your lungs to get fluid in them as they try to rid themselves of an ultra potent irritant, especially if you inhale mist, smoke, or vapor from them. I'm not kidding here.

I'm a hot pepper freak and grow my own Trinidad Scorpions, Chili's, Habanero's, and Serrano's.


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before he had anyone else vape any, he vaped it himself for a few weeks, I had vaped it prior to tonight's show, it IS extracted from ghost peppers, but he didn't make it strong enough to cause much more of a reaction than coughing, and the hot food sweats. That being said, I was still scared to do the nose vape, because that just burns no matter what you're vaping. I don't recommend anyone else try to make their own though, ghost is very nasty to work with if you're not careful, and as Zamazam said it could cause very bad reactions if done wrong.


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That was crazy! I would have done it before the problems with my stomach but it would literally kill me now!!!

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