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Nice. I have an Atlantis v1 I love the thing
Yeah I have the v1 and the v2 and I have always loved the v1! The v2 is a great tank too but after having just v1 for so long it took some getting used to! I really liked the extra airhole on the bottom but the drip tip was so wide I almost felt like I could drink the juice if I tipped it! I have recently got the adapter for the tip though and I am really enjoying it! I did the used to it when I didn't have the adapter but I think it depends on what I'm going to be vaping which tip I prefer! I actually did a triple flip slam onto the pavement accidentally of course with the v1 once and I thought it was done for and I picked it up and it didn't even have a scratch that is the moment I was truly in love!!!

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk


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I I work construction and have dropped mine so many times but not a scratch on it. My mod on the other had is all scratched and I crack the screen


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What kind of set up you got Rogue? Are you a cloud chaser or a flavor chaser? Or the latter? Lol


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I have a mutation v3 a royal hunter and a,mad hatter clone you
I got me an authentic doge, doge v2, doge x, doge x v2 lol, mutation x v3, velocity, and a marquis :)


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Currently only,mod I have. Is a vapor shark clone with tc. I do like flavor a lot but who doesn't like to give fog machines a run for,their money. Usually build to .4 ohm but that's just due to my lack of watts


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Think my,nickel Atlantis coils run .12 ohm


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Currently only,mod I have. Is a vapor shark clone with tc. I do like flavor a lot but who doesn't like to give fog machines a run for,their money. Usually build to .4 ohm but that's just due to my lack of watts
What's next on your list Mr reviewer :)


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Yeah everyone says the same thing. They are extremely durable and great to build on. Chucks clouds like a competition lol


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Funds are short right now,but really eyeing the sigelei 150w tc


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Funds are short right now,but really eyeing the sigelei 150w tc
Yeah that's my mod as of now I love the little bulky bastard lol.

With sponsorship your mods will grow exponentially :)


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Lol that would be nice. Just got to find sponsorships. Gave my uncle my kbox and Eleaf melo tank for his first set up and he hasn't had a smoke in 3 weeks. Have an ipow to a friend who wanted to quit as well. So I just have this little guy


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Lol that would be nice. Just got to find sponsorships. Gave my uncle my kbox and Eleaf melo tank for his first set up and he hasn't had a smoke in 3 weeks. Have an ipow to a friend who wanted to quit as well. So I just have this little guy
These are the moments I love. The up and coming guy who will prosper! You will do well sir trust me


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I have a mutation XV4! I love it but @ vapingbeauty is the one who likes the rda's I don't really know how to put the coils on and then like the tanks cause I don't have to add juice every few minutes unless I really like what I am currently vaping and then I will fill up the tank 4 or more times a day and that is not including what I have in my other tank!!!

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk


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I have a mutation XV4! I love it but @ vapingbeauty is the one who likes the rda's I don't really know how to put the coils on and then like the tanks cause I don't have to add juice every few minutes unless I really like what I am currently vaping and then I will fill up the tank 4 or more times a day and that is not including what I have in my other tank!!!

Sent from my A1-830 using Tapatalk
Every single tank I have used leaked out so it pissed me off lol. So I went back to RDA's. Once it's built it last a,month or 2 before replacement. As for the juice I drip after 7 or 8 pulls. But I don't mind doing that because I'm used to it lol


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I fill my tank about 4 times a day.. Thank you started off as a hobby hopefully will tur, into something. Would love to work,from home,ha ha


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Wow you get that much I drop every 3 or r or I get dry hits lol


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I use 20g wire broseph. It heats up slower and makes the vape eperience that much better :)


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got ya i usually do 26g wire dual coil 5 wraps on a 3mm post


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Yeah I guess you would get used to it! It would probably not be to fond of tanks if I had that kind of trouble with them! I have only had a problem with leaking one time and the funny thing is the it happened right after I had are that the V2 is known to leak a lot! I changed the coil out for a new comment and I haven't had a problem with it since!!!

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I have the worst luck with them. Stick to what you know lol


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Evening everyone! Lots of posts to catch up on, love it! Great reviews, Rogue, and I appreciate you posting them here, too. Tomorrow better be sleep-in morning! I need to catch up on some snoring, lol. Hugs to all, lipstick-heart-smiley-emoticon.gif


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Good morning all enjoy this last day of the weekend. ....yikes school starts Tuesday ...yeahhhhhhh

It's not smoke it's Vapor ! :)


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Haven't seen @vapeon56 I'm a while hope everything is ok


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Morning all, I'm sure @VapeOn86 is just lurking around, wondering WTF we've been doing to her thread, thinking about who to send to other corners and stuff.


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Or she's busy setting up random giveaways here :)


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that could be true, it's been a while since I've seen one of those, and she is known to be sneaky like that.........


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Lol yes she is. How is everyone doing


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doing pretty good, woke up late, made breakfast, enjoying vacation so far......


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Awesome. Sounds nice. Watching yesterday's football games and setting up adsense.


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Yeah this totally turned into the chat room for a dozen or so of us.


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This is my main forum on this site. Dont really see any others but contests


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I'm pretty sure that's a good thing :)


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Yeah so far most of my favourites people are here. In fact even though I am 33 and online a lot VU is the first Forum i have ever been pretty active in. The contests are definitely fun, but I learn a lot reading advice from you guys and others on here. For sure part of my daily internet experience


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Well this Thread has definitely become like time with friends for me, alot of great people in here, I may not post a whole lot, but I do read every day.


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I still haven't had a chance to upload a pic of my messed up mod, I am for some reason not able to download anything in android because it keeps sending me a message saying my email verification failed.


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I still haven't had a chance to upload a pic of my messed up mod, I am for some reason not able to download anything in android because it keeps sending me a message saying my email verification failed.
Through tapatalk bro?


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Yeah when i go to the play store for some reason I can't download anything. It keeps saying my email verification failed. I tried to delete my account settings, but when I set it up again i get the same message. Frustrating as hell.


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Google adsense is pissing me offf


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Yeah when i go to the play store for some reason I can't download anything. It keeps saying my email verification failed. I tried to delete my account settings, but when I set it up again i get the same message. Frustrating as hell.
I had to change my email here. Everything has been working out ever since. I don't know if that has anything to do with uploading pics. But it's worth a shot using an alternate email


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three hours later i got it figured out


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What's Google adsense?
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