First, I am so glad to hear that people are feeling better! That is most important!
Then..."the DAY". I am so tired. I taught a young man, and then on phone with his girlfriend, all day long re: vaping.
A little back story.
In late 2010 I introduced this young man (30ish) to vaping in an attempt to get him to quit smoking. He really liked the idea so I made a mod from an 18650 flashlight and gave it to him with some supplies and juice. He soon ran out of everything, but moved out of state. A couple of months ago he showed up with his new girlfriend. She had already been vaping for a few months and quit smoking. She was using a very weak ego with Green Smart Living cartos. She was tired of going through so many cartos. I gave her my GLV mini, an adapter, a Pro Tank style atty, and some juice. She was in love with it. So much so that she got the young man interested again. He had used up or lost all the old stuff, so I was only able to recommend what he should look for. A local B&M tried to sell him a $60 Sigelei tube for $125.00.
Now for yesterday. He showed up with a brand new ZNA clone, no battery and a small aero tank dual coil. First we had to go through finding and printing the instructions, as the B&M did not give him the box or anything. We figured he needed either a 18490 to 18500. So off he went to get the battery. He promptly forgot all I had said about protected, and amps, etc. In short the battery could not handle the Aero Tank, 2 ohms, at 30 watt. The battery was just above 1/2 charged. When at the shop for the battery, the contacts needed adjustment because it was not firing. He let the counter person, who said "Oh, I can fix that!" have a go. Counter guy promptly screwed the atty so far down and so tight it took a pair of vise grip pliers to get it apart. Still no contact. Part of the center pin assembly, plastic, was punched through. Dead atty! (I don't have any Aero Tanks) He was not thrilled with that style anyway so I set up a package for him. An UD W6, an Aqua, Kanthal A1, Japanese cotton, and juice. I charged him $10.00. A token so it would mean something. Then set about the rest of the day teaching him how to coil, atty and battery safety, about juices, and printed out all I could with a list of sites if he needed them. The whole endeavor was made a little more difficult because I had to deal with his ADD, keeping him interested enough to pay attention.
We got through it. I had put his battery on slow charge, so when he left he was set, vaping, and happy! I know he will show up today with more questions, but I feel the hard part is over.
Except for me...I'm tired. Not just tired, but t-i-r-e-d! Somehow I feel good though. With this happy little tale, take heart and enjoy your day!