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Just Me

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Beer garden is packed lol band is loud strawberry ritas are yummy


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I have to "babysit" every weekend lately. I think I am going to have to pull the plug on this horse and pony show. It is not worth it. I just want to be home....

Just Me

Platinum Contributor
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Ok so i want to upgrade my moms gear. Problem is i have to go to her house and change coils clean it ect. Any suggestions on something better then a twist but still simple for her? I was thinking a itaste vv but i think there is something better


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If she's not opposed to something a bit bigger, I would suggest an MVP or an MVP 2. They are 2600 mah(I think), which will last a long time in between charges and she can continue charging with a cord, like she's used to. Most upgrades at the same level require buying lots of batteries, charging them all the time and carrying extras with her. The MVP 2 can do voltage/ wattage, read resistance and all that cool stuff, but otherwise is almost as simple as a twist. Also you can get them for $40. So they are pretty all around good to have. :)


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If she's not opposed to something a bit bigger, I would suggest an MVP or an MVP 2. They are 2600 mah(I think), which will last a long time in between charges and she can continue charging with a cord, like she's used to. Most upgrades at the same level require buying lots of batteries, charging them all the time and carrying extras with her. The MVP 2 can do voltage/ wattage, read resistance and all that cool stuff, but otherwise is almost as simple as a twist. Also you can get them for $40. So they are pretty all around good to have. :)
I second this idea. Mom rock a pair of MVP2s one of them is mine.
I need to scrounge up the cash to get her into a aerotank.


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Vaping some Hand Check...mmm mmmm good! I'm enjoying it and wondering how it got its


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@VaporWatch please send me some business cards, had people asking me what i was vaping and where they could get it all day. Just love these outdoor marketing events.

Shoot me a message here with your address and how many you want. I'll send em Monday or Tuesday

So I turned my wattage down on the Nautilus with the 12:50 in it down to 10 watts. MUCH better. No chemical taste at all. Kinda getting a German Chocolate Cake taste out of it now. SO GOOD.

Oh yea, I guess I shoulda pointed out both of my flavors, and all the ones I'm currently working on, are not made for high wattage. They're extremely complex and all the subtle flavors get burned out at high heat. I'm sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.

I thought about getting the 12:50 but I've never really enjoyed any chocolaty vapes that I've ever tried.
But all of you guys make it sound like I should have given it a try.

One thing I always suggest to everyone is to try everything....even if it's not in your "wheelhouse". I truly do not's too polite a way to say it......I absolutely loath black licorice. If it wasn't for my willingness to try everything I can, I would have never found Pluid, which I have been vaping nearly exclusively for almost 2 years. You just never know how that flavor is going to hit you so it's a good idea to at least try em all.

I just need the biggest bottle they have of 12:50. Working on a new mod and tank as well. The orchid is way to airy for me.

We're working on a new website, hopefully to be live before the October 8th release of Mellow Melange, and we should have all MMR, Wacky Vapes, and Vaping Watch flavors in 16oz bottles available.


First, I am so glad to hear that people are feeling better! That is most important!

Then..."the DAY". I am so tired. I taught a young man, and then on phone with his girlfriend, all day long re: vaping.
A little back story.
In late 2010 I introduced this young man (30ish) to vaping in an attempt to get him to quit smoking. He really liked the idea so I made a mod from an 18650 flashlight and gave it to him with some supplies and juice. He soon ran out of everything, but moved out of state. A couple of months ago he showed up with his new girlfriend. She had already been vaping for a few months and quit smoking. She was using a very weak ego with Green Smart Living cartos. She was tired of going through so many cartos. I gave her my GLV mini, an adapter, a Pro Tank style atty, and some juice. She was in love with it. So much so that she got the young man interested again. He had used up or lost all the old stuff, so I was only able to recommend what he should look for. A local B&M tried to sell him a $60 Sigelei tube for $125.00.

Now for yesterday. He showed up with a brand new ZNA clone, no battery and a small aero tank dual coil. First we had to go through finding and printing the instructions, as the B&M did not give him the box or anything. We figured he needed either a 18490 to 18500. So off he went to get the battery. He promptly forgot all I had said about protected, and amps, etc. In short the battery could not handle the Aero Tank, 2 ohms, at 30 watt. The battery was just above 1/2 charged. When at the shop for the battery, the contacts needed adjustment because it was not firing. He let the counter person, who said "Oh, I can fix that!" have a go. Counter guy promptly screwed the atty so far down and so tight it took a pair of vise grip pliers to get it apart. Still no contact. Part of the center pin assembly, plastic, was punched through. Dead atty! (I don't have any Aero Tanks) He was not thrilled with that style anyway so I set up a package for him. An UD W6, an Aqua, Kanthal A1, Japanese cotton, and juice. I charged him $10.00. A token so it would mean something. Then set about the rest of the day teaching him how to coil, atty and battery safety, about juices, and printed out all I could with a list of sites if he needed them. The whole endeavor was made a little more difficult because I had to deal with his ADD, keeping him interested enough to pay attention.

We got through it. I had put his battery on slow charge, so when he left he was set, vaping, and happy! I know he will show up today with more questions, but I feel the hard part is over.

Except for me...I'm tired. Not just tired, but t-i-r-e-d! Somehow I feel good though. With this happy little tale, take heart and enjoy your day!

Now that's what I like to hear! That's the way to "Pay It Forward"! Thank you for sharing that with us!!!!!

Ok so i want to upgrade my moms gear. Problem is i have to go to her house and change coils clean it ect. Any suggestions on something better then a twist but still simple for her? I was thinking a itaste vv but i think there is something better

I always recommend the MVP2 for folks who don't want to get into the "hobby" aspect of vaping. It's simple, plenty of power for the largest majority off vapers, and you don't have to buy batteries and chargers. I'd suggest the Aro tank and a handful of replacement coils. Give her a bottle of Everclear 190 proof (if you can get it....otherwise 150 will work) and she can clean those coils when they get gunky. It's a great daily setup that will work perfectly for everyday use. Just my opinion. (of course, I just read below your post and saw @VapeOn86 and @BigNasy said the same I third that suggestion! lol)

Just Me

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If she's not opposed to something a bit bigger, I would suggest an MVP or an MVP 2. They are 2600 mah(I think), which will last a long time in between charges and she can continue charging with a cord, like she's used to. Most
upgrades at the same level require buying lots of batteries, charging them all the time and carrying extras with her. The MVP 2 can do voltage/ wattage, read resistance and all that cool stuff, but otherwise is almost as simple as a twist. Also you can get them for $40. So they are pretty all around good to have. :)
That one was a thought i have one she thinks its a lil big. Trying to keep her off analogs 4 years so far and at 3mg nic


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I always recommend the MVP2 for folks who don't want to get into the "hobby" aspect of vaping. It's simple, plenty of power for the largest majority off vapers, and you don't have to buy batteries and chargers. I'd suggest the Aro tank and a handful of replacement coils. Give her a bottle of Everclear 190 proof (if you can get it....otherwise 150 will work) and she can clean those coils when they get gunky. It's a great daily setup that will work perfectly for everyday use. Just my opinion. (of course, I just read below your post and saw @VapeOn86 and @BigNasy said the same I third that suggestion! lol)

Just further proof that great minds think alike! Lol ;)


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Ok so i want to upgrade my moms gear. Problem is i have to go to her house and change coils clean it ect. Any suggestions on something better then a twist but still simple for her? I was thinking a itaste vv but i think there is something better
I would say anything with a pass through and
Vv or vw. Keep it simple but if it dies can stand by the wall charger and vape


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AAAAAaaaalllllrighty then! We've past the 1000th post so it's time to give some stuff away! Here's the prize pool!

3rd place: 3 people will win a $50 credit to the site.
2nd place: 2 people will win a $75 credit to the site.
1st place: One person will win a $100 credit to the site.
Grand Prize: One lucky person will win a brand new Provari of their choice from! (Sorry, no substitutions this time)

Here's how we're gonna do it. The first person (below this post) to guess what vehicle I drive (Make, Model, and year) will win the ProVari! (Please, if you don't need a ProVari, either don't enter or enter with the intent to PIF it)

That person who guesses correctly what car I drive will kick off all the other prizes.

In other words, the next post after the Provari winner will win the $100 credit.

The next 2 after the $100 winner will win the $75 credits.

Finally, the next 3 after the last $75 winner will win the $50 credits.

Is that confusing enough? Now, I know there are going to be people who are sitting there wondering, "how in the hell am I gonna guess what car this asshole drives?" Well, I just might have mentioned it several times during my show....if you watch it. Also, the answer is definitely out there in the internet....somewhere. You just have to find it!

So.....have fun! Good luck!


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Wow! What a great prize package! I will guess a 2012 Range Rover! You would look sexy in it :)


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The 1983 black and metallic grey GMC Vandura van.

That's my best guess.


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Oh yea, I guess I shoulda pointed out both of my flavors, and all the ones I'm currently working on, are not made for high wattage. They're extremely complex and all the subtle flavors get burned out at high heat.

One thing I always suggest to everyone is to try everything....even if it's not in your "wheelhouse". I truly do not's too polite a way to say it......I absolutely loath black licorice. If it wasn't for my willingness to try everything I can, I would have never found Pluid, which I have been vaping nearly exclusively for almost 2 years. You just never know how that flavor is going to hit you so it's a good idea to at least try em all.

I will need to remember to not sub ohm the juices I have coming from you.

I've decided that I'm convinced enough to give all the juices you have in your juice line a shot.
They sound like they have really had a lot of thought put into them and I think I could find something enjoyable in each and every one of them.
Thanks for the heads up brother.


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Thank you everyone, I'm pretty out of it lately so I might not be on as much for a few days. Thank you so much especially @VaporWatch, and everyone who has given so many kinds words. My order is on its way and I definitely plan to pay it forward, even if just a little bit, when I'm able to!


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Ugh. My Google-fu isn't strong enough - can I buy a vowel? I'm gonna go with a 2012 Honda Pilot. :)

Thanks for the chance, @VaporWatch!
My Googl-fu failed as well.
That's why I just went with the van.
You know, the whole howling mad Murdoch thing;)
Last edited:


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Thank You everyone for the grats and @VaporWatch I dont know what to say really but Thank You truly Thank You


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Well, your blog keeps re directing I can't read the blog entries. I'm going with 2010 Toyota Camry


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I wish I could access his blog.


Smile through the rain
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hmmm first guess I think was wrong lol .......I think this is the one 2014 Toyota Sienna :)
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