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Sry I'm kinda new at the chat room thing what makes them better than pen style or machanical mods
I think a lot of it just has to do with what you can reasonably fit inside of them.
For example, you can get a mechanical box mod that fits 2 batteries, so you will get more battery life and, in theory, a higher amp limit.
If we're talking about regulated vv/vw box mods, you can fit additional batteries to provide more power and more easily fit whatever chips are needed to regulate said device.
There are also bottom feeder mods or the billet box where the extra space is used to store juice (either in a bottle or in the case of the billet box, in a square tank). Also, some mods, like the Kato Square, have the tank on the side to reduce the height.


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I think a lot of it just has to do with what you can reasonably fit inside of them.
For example, you can get a mechanical box mod that fits 2 batteries, so you will get more battery life and, in theory, a higher amp limit.
If we're talking about regulated vv/vw box mods, you can fit additional batteries to provide more power and more easily fit whatever chips are needed to regulate said device.
There are also bottom feeder mods or the billet box where the extra space is used to store juice (either in a bottle or in the case of the billet box, in a square tank). Also, some mods, like the Kato Square, have the tank on the side to reduce the height.


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Hey everyone! I swear I don't know if I'm going to make it through this heat wave. I almost don't even want to vape. I remember back when I smoked, no amount of cold or rain or snow could stop me from going out to smoke. But when it was really hot, I barely smoked. Lol. Like a couple of you, I'm not feeling so well and this heat is not helping. :(
Anyway, how is everyone doing today?


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Not bad was at the hospital yesterday bud not feeling to bad today I tried hitting my dripper a minute ago and it just about killed me back to vaping some menthal cinnamon blend till I feel a bit better


Diamond Contributor
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Hey everyone! I swear I don't know if I'm going to make it through this heat wave. I almost don't even want to vape. I remember back when I smoked, no amount of cold or rain or snow could stop me from going out to smoke. But when it was really hot, I barely smoked. Lol. Like a couple of you, I'm not feeling so well and this heat is not helping. :(
Anyway, how is everyone doing today?
When I smoked in the heat I switched to menthol esp f it was humid.
It is supposed to be 95 here today... just not sure if I am going to wander down to the pool tonight, floating and star gazing rocks.


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Hey everyone! I swear I don't know if I'm going to make it through this heat wave. I almost don't even want to vape. I remember back when I smoked, no amount of cold or rain or snow could stop me from going out to smoke. But when it was really hot, I barely smoked. Lol. Like a couple of you, I'm not feeling so well and this heat is not helping. :(
Anyway, how is everyone doing today?
Sorry to hear that. We're getting Fall weather here in PA now and it's AMAZING! I hate vaping in the heat; my hands get too sweaty and I feel like I'm going to drop my mod.


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I dripped Infected by Wacky Vapes once yesterday, and since then, no matter what I drip tastes like it has melon in The downside to cotton is that you can't completely get one flavor out before starting another. Infected is yummy, but some things just don't go well with melon.


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@BigNasy - I'd jump in right now! Lol

@bluraff3 - yep! I usually like to hang on to the mod I'm using pretty much all the time when I'm home. Right now I'm just picking it up for a hit and putting it back down.


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@VapeOn86 No it is cold as sin right now it went high 50s last night it has cooled way off.
I might before 3pm to test the waters, I might hit up the smaller one before the horde of semen demons get out of school.


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I hear ya I got bronchitis and ear infection just like two of my kids bet you can't guess where I got it

I don't think I got sick all summer, but my daughter just went back to the cesspool- I mean back to school (first grade) and suddenly I'm not feeling well.


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I think a lot of it just has to do with what you can reasonably fit inside of them.
For example, you can get a mechanical box mod that fits 2 batteries, so you will get more battery life and, in theory, a higher amp limit.
If we're talking about regulated vv/vw box mods, you can fit additional batteries to provide more power and more easily fit whatever chips are needed to regulate said device.
There are also bottom feeder mods or the billet box where the extra space is used to store juice (either in a bottle or in the case of the billet box, in a square tank). Also, some mods, like the Kato Square, have the tank on the side to reduce the height.
Thanks bluraff3

Just Me

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Hope you feel better Thayer and gratz on the interview stay positive!! I wish we had hot or warm weather right now Just worked an event for my company outside all weekend it was cold and rainy just surprised i'm not sick.. I keep trying to get one of the BnM shops here to do events, I get bombarded with questions when people see me with mine. Everyone tells me I am in the wrong business LOL

Just Me

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Ok so I have a question, can someone tell me a decent mod that holds up pretty well and wont break the bank? I managed to break my vamo V5 this weekend no clue how it just got really hot when i put the battery in and poof. I am really picky about juice dripping so I know it wasn't that. I also broke the button on my SVD and my Vamo V3 has a touchy trigger lol. The Itaste VV seems to be holding up but I just don't get enough out of it. I currently use either an aspire nautalis or iclear 30s, I hear dripping makes juices taste better and seeing as i think i have what ive heard called vapors tongue( everything tastes like nothing) I would like to try that any ideas on whats good for someone with no patience for that kind of stuff?? Ok sorry a couple questions.


Diamond Contributor
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Ok so I have a question, can someone tell me a decent mod that holds up pretty well and wont break the bank? I managed to break my vamo V5 this weekend no clue how it just got really hot when i put the battery in and poof. I am really picky about juice dripping so I know it wasn't that. I also broke the button on my SVD and my Vamo V3 has a touchy trigger lol. The Itaste VV seems to be holding up but I just don't get enough out of it. I currently use either an aspire nautalis or iclear 30s, I hear dripping makes juices taste better and seeing as i think i have what ive heard called vapors tongue( everything tastes like nothing) I would like to try that any ideas on whats good for someone with no patience for that kind of stuff?? Ok sorry a couple questions.
Honestly if you want a bullet proof regulated mod.. VTR is a brick of heavy duty vaping gear.

Just Me

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Not bad was at the hospital yesterday bud not feeling to bad today I tried hitting my dripper a minute ago and it just about killed me back to vaping some menthal cinnamon blend till I feel a bit better

Is the menthol cinnamon a DIY?


Diamond Contributor
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Thats the one i was thinking about anyone have one that can tell me how it holds up? What about a tank? whats better then aspire nautilus and iclear 30s? Thanks guys..
As much as I like the VTR it is my kayfun rig, I have been putting my 30s though the paces and it just is not there for me YMMV.


Silver Contributor
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Hope you feel better Thayer and gratz on the interview stay positive!! I wish we had hot or warm weather right now Just worked an event for my company outside all weekend it was cold and rainy just surprised i'm not sick.. I keep trying to get one of the BnM shops here to do events, I get bombarded with questions when people see me with mine. Everyone tells me I am in the wrong business LOL
Which B&M shops are you referring to, and what other ones do you go to?


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Sad day :(

My Hana Clone officially died just a few minutes ago. It was working up until yesterday, but when I picked it up earlier and tried to use it, the device just started smoking. I took it outside as it was getting pretty hot and was afraid it might explode. I let it cool for a little while, then I opened it up and took the battery out - the side where the chip is is burnt. :(

I had high hopes for it, but it didn't even make it three weeks before it bit the dust. So disappointing. :(


Gold Contributor
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@bystander that sucks I have been thinking about a box mod like that but have been hearing about this with with some of the clone a I don't like that chance can you replace the board in it

Just Me

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Which B&M shops are you referring to, and what other ones do you go to?
I use to tell Chris over at Cigtechs and now Chi-Town vapors. I have spoken to the people that run the indoor events about letting them in and even got them a discounted price to try it out. The outside events are a no brainer in my opinion, I just think if they did some of the events it would create more awareness. I have even picked up starter kits for people at events that didn't know where to go or what to get. I am really not the best person to ask questions as all i can really say is "I have one it works haven't smoked in over 4 years".


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Sad day :(

My Hana Clone officially died just a few minutes ago. It was working up until yesterday, but when I picked it up earlier and tried to use it, the device just started smoking. I took it outside as it was getting pretty hot and was afraid it might explode. I let it cool for a little while, then I opened it up and took the battery out - the side where the chip is is burnt. :(

I had high hopes for it, but it didn't even make it three weeks before it bit the dust. So disappointing. :(

Did it come with any kind of warranty? I got the IPV2 and it came with a 1 year warranty, but I'm not sure if it's from the manufacturer or the vendor.


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Did it come with any kind of warranty? I got the IPV2 and it came with a 1 year warranty, but I'm not sure if it's from the manufacturer or the vendor.
Alas, I got it from another VU'er, and (the short) warranty's out. :(

Anyone know if I can do anything with this? If not, can someone else put it to good use?


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If you like building things, you can get a brand name chip and install it in the casing. Or you can clean it up and sell the casing. If you don't want to build it, there are a lot of people who do.


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I am really not the best person to ask questions as all i can really say is "I have one it works haven't smoked in over 4 years".

That is the important thing! The hobby part can be really fun, but the important thing is that you have what you need not to smoke. Well, in my opinion. :)


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If you like building things, you can get a brand name chip and install it in the casing. Or you can clean it up and sell the casing. If you don't want to build it, there are a lot of people who do.
@bystander, what she said. If the case, buttons and 510 are salvageable, you could fairly easily upgrade it to a legit dna30 (if you can get your hands on a chip). Not sure if any of the crazy chips from china would fit or if the rest of the circuit would handle the amperage (my guess is that there's a way to make it work). How are your soldering skills?


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I saw a co-op on another forum (I'm definitely not advising you to join which was for all the parts so they could all build DNA30s with Evolv chips. If you know what you're doing, or are even a fast learner, you can replace any part. I personally have no idea how to solder and would probably mess up the wiring in a way that would blow my hands off or But some people love to build their own mods. I wish I was one of them, but building atties is as far as I'll probably ever go.
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Silver Contributor
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If you like building things, you can get a brand name chip and install it in the casing. Or you can clean it up and sell the casing. If you don't want to build it, there are a lot of people who do.
Two options - the latter one sounds more convenient. :)


Silver Contributor
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@bystander, what she said. If the case, buttons and 510 are salvageable, you could fairly easily upgrade it to a legit dna30 (if you can get your hands on a chip). Not sure if any of the crazy chips from china would fit or if the rest of the circuit would handle the amperage (my guess is that there's a way to make it work). How are your soldering skills?
Seems like everything else is salvageable - I'll post a pic for everyone to decide...

Soldering skills are rusty at best - haven't had any reason to solder anything in a long time. :(


Bronze Contributor
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Hope everyone is feeling better than I am today. Got a cold and am blowing through Kleenex like nobody's business!
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