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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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Oh children! It's almost time to play! Mamajsjuice has NF organic ginger on the way! Then we can all buy HICs ginger recipes!! Go Wllmc! GO WLLMC!!
I hope Mama J's has a sample size. I've been wanting to try it. Since I don't care for ginger cookies, I'm not about to buy a big bottle from NF, but will purchase a 5ml sample.


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I hope Mama J's has a sample size. I've been wanting to try it. Since I don't care for ginger cookies, I'm not about to buy a big bottle from NF, but will purchase a 5ml sample.
Yes, you can probably get 3ml.'s not up on his site yet. I made Hicks puckered ginger ale and tastes just like Canada dry to me. Caddisfly, I think you'll like it.


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Yes, you can probably get 3ml.'s not up on his site yet. I made Hicks puckered ginger ale and tastes just like Canada dry to me. Caddisfly, I think you'll like it.
Yes, I checked also. You know... I do like Ginger ale, It's not what I think of when I think ginger. I probable will find a use for it. At least I hope so.


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Yes, I checked also. You know... I do like Ginger ale, It's not what I think of when I think ginger. I probable will find a use for it. At least I hope so.
HICs got some bakery ginger recipes out there...I'll try one next. In this recipe it turned out nice and bright. I am thinking it'd go right along with cinnamon, in a pumpkin pie. I know it pairs well with lemon.


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HICs got some bakery ginger recipes out there...I'll try one next. In this recipe it turned out nice and bright. I am thinking it'd go right along with cinnamon, in a pumpkin pie. I know it pairs well with lemon.
Yeah, I've been planning on picking up a few of HIC's recipes, but with work being so crazy these past few weeks, I haven't done it yet. Perhaps now is the time.


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Yeah, I've been planning on picking up a few of HIC's recipes, but with work being so crazy these past few weeks, I haven't done it yet. Perhaps now is the time.
He's got some good ones on vu too with ginger. I loved the ginger ale! There's a dark n stormy in the coconut grove, ginger lemon cream cookies, and a ginger brulee. I don't know what to make next. But then I wanted to do a pumpkin cheesecake w a drop of ginger and I want to try tiramisu. And I haven't even tried papaya or mango. I need more ME clones!


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Some of my favorite recipes that use NF Ginger: (super quick to mix) (predecessor to the previous one) (the Trader Joe's version) (uses lots of other flavors, but Ginger was the one most people needed) (see pix in that thread of the cookie it tastes like. yum!) (if you also have Inawera Sesame!) (the one Daintanee mentioned; it's ginger ale here) (it's ginger ale here, too - peppy, perky punch) (flashback to fall) (the vape and the real cookies are favorites of mine)üsse.37358/ (darker bakery flavor) (cocktail-inspired, yummy, rummy, ginger-beer-like)

Have I mentioned how much I like NF Ginger? lol


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Some of my favorite recipes that use NF Ginger: (super quick to mix) (predecessor to the previous one) (the Trader Joe's version) (uses lots of other flavors, but Ginger was the one most people needed) (see pix in that thread of the cookie it tastes like. yum!) (if you also have Inawera Sesame!) (the one Daintanee mentioned; it's ginger ale here) (it's ginger ale here, too - peppy, perky punch) (flashback to fall) (the vape and the real cookies are favorites of mine)üsse.37358/ (darker bakery flavor) (cocktail-inspired, yummy, rummy, ginger-beer-like)

Have I mentioned how much I like NF Ginger? lol
well hell, I meed to clone myself and my pocket book...or my husbands.


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Wow, enjoying this thread - learning so much! Thanks! :) I'm on page 50. :confused::D

How bad is flavor fade with FA? I like to mix in batches of 100ml, about 2 weeks' worth. Mostly bakery/ice-creamy/custard-like stuff.
Welcome fellow threadie. For the most part I haven't noticed any flavor fade except with the citrus and mint flavors. But that is just me. Others say they don't fade, they just calm down. Take you choice. :)


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You're probably good for two weeks. Anise is the one flavor I can think of that might fade a little in that timeframe, but I make lots of things with their citrus and they're good for a couple of weeks.


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Some of my favorite recipes that use NF Ginger: (super quick to mix) (predecessor to the previous one) (the Trader Joe's version) (uses lots of other flavors, but Ginger was the one most people needed) (see pix in that thread of the cookie it tastes like. yum!) (if you also have Inawera Sesame!) (the one Daintanee mentioned; it's ginger ale here) (it's ginger ale here, too - peppy, perky punch) (flashback to fall) (the vape and the real cookies are favorites of mine)üsse.37358/ (darker bakery flavor) (cocktail-inspired, yummy, rummy, ginger-beer-like)

Have I mentioned how much I like NF Ginger? lol
Eenie meenie miney moe. That's all can do now.


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Wow, enjoying this thread - learning so much! Thanks! :) I'm on page 50. :confused::D

How bad is flavor fade with FA? I like to mix in batches of 100ml, about 2 weeks' worth. Mostly bakery/ice-creamy/custard-like stuff.
I like the same types you mentioned and don't experience flavor fade with those. The only one I have that "fades" would be lime, but even with that, it's more like mellows, as Caddisfly said.

I'm loving your avatar, btw!


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Lemon and ginger are great buddies. They also like anise, as strange as the 3 may sound. One I've always liked for a light change from heavy flavors:

Lemon Zing!
FA Lemon Sicily 3%
FA Anise 0.5 to 1% (for the cool sweet, lovely little flavor)
NF Ginger 1%
INW Pear 1%

FA Pear works at the same %, but I had INW when I made this and like it a lot, so never bought both. People that have both, have said it's interchangeable.


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Tried a juice I liked at a Band M not looking to clone it or anything but one of it's elements was a strawberry perserve taste I don't think it was my brain playing tricks on me. How would somebody accomplish making a strawberry flavor taste thick and yummy like a jam or perserve. Is there a trick to do this and will it work with other fruits as well


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Not many people are posting so I thought I share a project I've been working on all day. I've been wanting to give Red Wine a shot and this is what I came up with.

Mulled Bilberry Sangria

3% FA Lemon Sicily
2% FA Red Wine
2% FA Bilberry
1% FA Clove
1% FA Cinnamon Ceylon

It shake and vapes fine, but I also mixed a 15ml so I could judge it over time. I believe it will do fine if the Lemon doesn't "relax" too much.


The FA Lemon Sicily: I tried it above 3% and it did not increase the flavor, so I backed off. I also tried using CAP Juicy Lemon at 3% and worked almost exactly the same as the FA. It tasted about the same also.

The Red Wine: 3% was too much and a vinegar taste happened. While it was not unpleasant, it was not what I was looking for. Note to self; try it with cucumber. I backed off to 2%. Perfect.

The Bilberry: I needed a sweet fruit to for the Sangria part. I thought about apricot, but went with something I knew fairly well. It fits.

The clove and Cinnamon: These spices completed the Sangria and provided the mulling. Sort of like FA Liquid Amber, but cleaner.

Give it a try if you please. I be curious to know of any changes you make. It is still a work in progress, a weird one, but oddly tasty.


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OK so I have a question concerning steeping. Say for instance I were to get a few 5ml bottles of single flavors mixed and let them steep. What's the general consensus on blending said flavors? Would I need to steep again?



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OK so I have a question concerning steeping. Say for instance I were to get a few 5ml bottles of single flavors mixed and let them steep. What's the general consensus on blending said flavors? Would I need to steep again?

I would like to have that answer also. It seems to work in the half dozen times I've tried it, but I really don't know. I could be fooling myself.


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OK so I have a question concerning steeping. Say for instance I were to get a few 5ml bottles of single flavors mixed and let them steep. What's the general consensus on blending said flavors? Would I need to steep again?


Yes, but not as long. The flavors will still need to incorporate, but they have already "matured."


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Yes, but not as long. The flavors will still need to incorporate, but they have already "matured."
Sounds good! Reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out some recipes I'd like to start with, but need to taste the flavors individually, once they've matured a bit, and go from there.



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I never found any difference in steeping FA single flavors (well, except Oba Oba and probably tobaccos - I'm not a tobacco person, though so can't say for sure). The fruits won't change, neither will the other nontobacco flavors. Unlike Caps flavors, many of which need time (particularly vanilla custard).


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Slowly trying to wean myself off Sucralose, but my crazy sweet tooth isn't cooperating. Out of the alternatives (Torrone, Meringue, Marzipan, Marshmallow, et al) what's good to sweeten Catalan Cream and Pandoro without changing them?

Just trying to get a simple, decent creme brulee and lemon poundcake out of these. Been mixing for awhile, but these two I just can't seem to nail (especially cake). Trying One On One Flavors too now, but I'm finding that OoO is not much stronger than TFA/Cap/FW (so about the same high percentages for a lot more money) and, although they're more accurate, getting crazy flavor fade on top of that. That's what prompted me to order FA Catalan Cream and Pandoro - good, but just not sweet enough for me.


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Little something i was playing with today.
Come on summer

1.5% vienna
1% kiwi
1% strawbery
0.5% tutti frutti
0.5% classic
0.5% marshmallow
0.25% coconut


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Apricot ginger peasant cobbler in progress..
  • 2.5% FA apricot (I did shake, but was told to do so vigorously as this flavor separates a lot, so will retry. W/o vigorously shaking the heck outta it I couldn't taste at 1.5-2%)
  • 1% FA Apple pie
  • .5% FA Cookie
  • .5% FA Vienna cream
  • .5% FA Amber
  • .5% FA Vanilla classic
  • .5% FA Jamaican Rum
  • .5% NF organic ginger
  • .5% FA Walnut
  • .5% FA Fresh cream
It must sit one day and is a good cobbler, but not correct yet. The ginger is quite strong in here. I have mixed up a variation and shall test tm.
Last edited:


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Apricot ginger peasant cobbler in progress..
  • 2.5% FA apricot (I did shake, but was told to do so vigorously as this flavor separates a lot, so will retry. W/o vigorously shaking the heck outta it I couldn't taste at 1.5-2%)
  • 1% FA Apple pie
  • .5% FA Cookie
  • .5% FA Vienna cream
  • .5% FA Amber
  • .5% FA Vanilla classic
  • .5% FA Jamaican Rum
  • .5% NF organic ginger
  • .5% FA Walnut
It must sit one day and is a good cobbler, but not correct yet. The ginger is quite strong in here. I have mixed up a variation and shall test tm.
Oops...pretty sure I put .5% FA Fresh cream in there too.


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Not many people are posting so I thought I share a project I've been working on all day. I've been wanting to give Red Wine a shot and this is what I came up with.

Mulled Bilberry Sangria

3% FA Lemon Sicily
2% FA Red Wine
2% FA Bilberry
1% FA Clove
1% FA Cinnamon Ceylon

It shake and vapes fine, but I also mixed a 15ml so I could judge it over time. I believe it will do fine if the Lemon doesn't "relax" too much.


The FA Lemon Sicily: I tried it above 3% and it did not increase the flavor, so I backed off. I also tried using CAP Juicy Lemon at 3% and worked almost exactly the same as the FA. It tasted about the same also.

The Red Wine: 3% was too much and a vinegar taste happened. While it was not unpleasant, it was not what I was looking for. Note to self; try it with cucumber. I backed off to 2%. Perfect.

The Bilberry: I needed a sweet fruit to for the Sangria part. I thought about apricot, but went with something I knew fairly well. It fits.

The clove and Cinnamon: These spices completed the Sangria and provided the mulling. Sort of like FA Liquid Amber, but cleaner.

Give it a try if you please. I be curious to know of any changes you make. It is still a work in progress, a weird one, but oddly tasty.
Yea CLOVE! Did you make this for me? Oh, no¿ What? I'd add 3% that what you think? Lol! I'm giving this one a go for sure! YOU ROCK CADDI!


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Lemon and ginger are great buddies. They also like anise, as strange as the 3 may sound. One I've always liked for a light change from heavy flavors:

Lemon Zing!
FA Lemon Sicily 3%
FA Anise 0.5 to 1% (for the cool sweet, lovely little flavor)
NF Ginger 1%
INW Pear 1%

FA Pear works at the same %, but I had INW when I made this and like it a lot, so never bought both. People that have both, have said it's interchangeable.
Looks like a Tball certified bad ass vape! Looks really good, Huckleberried! After I get my apricot ginger right I'll give her a taste! Vaping Zeeli's absolute sin currently. Tried all variations of my big red and don't notice much difference....I guess at 3-4% tfa red hots...after a while you can't taste much else....Numb tongues!!!


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I need to step up my game. Here are all of you making these awesome recipes and I am just sitting here vaping INW Kaktus as a solo flavor. Drew must be a slave driver keeping me from mixing :p
Give me a heads up when vg and vg based nt. Is in stock! Maybe try mixing that crab with some lemon & butter to make it taste yummy. Lol!


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I need to step up my game. Here are all of you making these awesome recipes and I am just sitting here vaping INW Kaktus as a solo flavor. Drew must be a slave driver keeping me from mixing :p
thats a good single flavor. you have a duty to the people so no fun for you hahahaha. I know I appreciate you guys. I asked drew one time what it was like to be surrounded by flavors and how can he just not make 100 mixes a day. said he was to busy to have fun. I feel that pain now lol. I got that bell pepper today. holy guacamole. smells fun !


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thats a good single flavor. you have a duty to the people so no fun for you hahahaha. I know I appreciate you guys. I asked drew one time what it was like to be surrounded by flavors and how can he just not make 100 mixes a day. said he was to busy to have fun. I feel that pain now lol. I got that bell pepper today. holy guacamole. smells fun !
Lol. I asked Drew today if you knew what you got yourself into. He laughed and said "He will". We do stay busy so we don't have time to play. We talked about making a mix station but we are afraid we would never get any work done.

By the way. Your Custard was a hit and I must admit it is damned good. Hope some of those testers that people tried will send some business your way.


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thats a good single flavor. you have a duty to the people so no fun for you hahahaha. I know I appreciate you guys. I asked drew one time what it was like to be surrounded by flavors and how can he just not make 100 mixes a day. said he was to busy to have fun. I feel that pain now lol. I got that bell pepper today. holy guacamole. smells fun !

You did?? OMG that one does sound fun!!


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Looks like a Tball certified bad ass vape! Looks really good, Huckleberried! After I get my apricot ginger right I'll give her a taste! Vaping Zeeli's absolute sin currently. Tried all variations of my big red and don't notice much difference....I guess at 3-4% tfa red hots...after a while you can't taste much else....Numb tongues!!!
Yeah, TFA Red Hots is strong to me at 4%, but very good, still.

And, yes, Tball certified that one, lol.


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Bell Pepper. Hmm. Such a versatile fruit (vegetable?) in real life - sweet, but with a little crunch and a tingle on the tongue..... wiith CUCUMBER. Maybe a sprinkling of black pepper. Now what for the acid to bring it out? I've never tried, but what would Red Wine do with just enough of a top note of lemon (not enough to actually taste the lemon-) just enough to 'tang' .

Crab for Cajun Boil.... Gosh, I'm hungry. That's the problem with not being at home. I don't want to disturb anyone downstairs. BUT, I always have a protein snack right before bed. I'll read this during 'normal' hours and feel like a doofus. LOL. I've taken sleeping meds tonight, so I won't remember this and can completely surprise myself. Good night, DIY peeps. Asta Mana.


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Apricot ginger peasant cobbler in progress..
  • 2.5% FA apricot (I did shake, but was told to do so vigorously as this flavor separates a lot, so will retry. W/o vigorously shaking the heck outta it I couldn't taste at 1.5-2%)
  • 1% FA Apple pie
  • .5% FA Cookie
  • .5% FA Vienna cream
  • .5% FA Amber
  • .5% FA Vanilla classic
  • .5% FA Jamaican Rum
  • .5% NF organic ginger
  • .5% FA Walnut
  • .5% FA Fresh cream
It must sit one day and is a good cobbler, but not correct yet. The ginger is quite strong in here. I have mixed up a variation and shall test tm.
Jeeze, I take one evening off and now I'm 15 posts behind the times. This looks good Daintanee. I just wish I had the NF Ginger to mix it up. I guess I am going to have to break down and order from Nature's Flavors.


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Yea CLOVE! Did you make this for me? Oh, no¿ What? I'd add 3% that what you think? Lol! I'm giving this one a go for sure! YOU ROCK CADDI!
Perhaps in the back of my mind i did since you opened up the whole clove discussion. I was just trying to get some spices in there to make the Sangria work. I just tried it again and discovered two things. First, you won't taste it if you dump it on top of CAP's Chocolate Fudge Brownie in a dripper. Use a new wick. Second, it tastes the same after a couple of days as it did when first mixed. Upping the clove and perhaps cinnamon could be a good idea. If you do, let me know. Third bonus point (no charge), unless you have weird eating habits like me, it's not really a breakfast vape.

Teresa P

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Perhaps in the back of my mind i did since you opened up the whole clove discussion. I was just trying to get some spices in there to make the Sangria work. I just tried it again and discovered two things. First, you won't taste it if you dump it on top of CAP's Chocolate Fudge Brownie in a dripper. Use a new wick. Second, it tastes the same after a couple of days as it did when first mixed. Upping the clove and perhaps cinnamon could be a good idea. If you do, let me know. Third bonus point (no charge), unless you have weird eating habits like me, it's not really a breakfast vape.
My chocolate fudge brownie gets an atty all to itself. It's a!

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