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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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Teresa P

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HAILING ALL MOD PEOPLES, it is probably a . Piece of crud, but o so pretty!

Tell me It's good, please??
I served a guy in the restaurant that was using one of these and I didn't hesitate to ask him about it. Oh, he loved it but claimed they were pretty much "special ordered" for "medicinal purposes" (????)
I proceeded to go home and find a crap load of them on eBay. Never tried one though.


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Ayear or so ago Vamos were really popular. They are inexpensive and fairly durable. If you use protank style atomizers they are a nice device. That one says it tops out at 55 watts or 7.4 volts which isn't bad.
So if I got the kanger sub ohm tank mini and built coils over 1.2 ohms would they work together... but they got matching rainbow atty' s!


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Vamos in the past have been fairly reliable given the price point but I have no reference to go on with this particular model.

You wouldn't be able to sub ohm using this mod however since it requires a 1 ohm or greater load be applied.
I don't want to sub ohm. I want to 1.5-1.8 ohm.:D. You guys must think I've lost my marbles! Ha you gotta b laughing at or with me, that's cool!


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HAILING ALL MOD PEOPLES, it is probably a . Piece of crud, but o so pretty!

Tell me It's good, please??
A vamo was like the fist vv mod I got after getting off the ego stuff. It worked well for what it was. I used an aspire something or another tank on it. After about six months the battery cap busted on it. It is made from a very thin piece of metal. Maybe they improved it with the newer ones. Also, a guy at work has the v2 and it seems to be working fine for him. It is cheap enough that it is worth a shot.

ya lol, if you are brave enough I'll share some with you. it was free to me and sharing makes the world go round right lol.

For the love of all that is holy... DO NOT TRY IT! It's a trap! Lol. Oh brave souls I salute you.


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I have a few vamos v5. Use them around house occasionally. Mainly use istick now. Used only vamos for about a yr. Istick fits in pocket easier. And work s fine for me with kanger aerotank. And 1.5 coil


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I have no personal knowledge of the vamo, but do know they have been popular. My only real reservation is the ohm limit. I didn't think I would ever sub-ohm, but I do now. I didn't ever think I would drip, but I do now.

On the other hand, for the price, even if it is just one way station on the way to other things, that's cool.

Oh, I do not see mention of a usb charging port, so you will need a good battery charger if you don't already have one.


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HAILING ALL MOD PEOPLES, it is probably a . Piece of crud, but o so pretty!

Tell me It's good, please??
I've had a few Vamos in my day, includinng one of those rainbow-colored ones (a V5, with 15w limit) for the wife. I loved mine and used the heck out of the first one I had with an original Protank, got a second one in the same time I jumped to mods and really never touched it. What kind of wattage are you thinking you'd be vaping it at? I'm almost curious to see how the super high-wattage new versions perform, it could be a cheap alternative to get my non-married batteries back into regular rotation now that I'm rarely using tube mechs...


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I've had a few Vamos in my day, includinng one of those rainbow-colored ones (a V5, with 15w limit) for the wife. I loved mine and used the heck out of the first one I had with an original Protank, got a second one in the same time I jumped to mods and really never touched it. What kind of wattage are you thinking you'd be vaping it at? I'm almost curious to see how the super high-wattage new versions perform, it could be a cheap alternative to get my non-married batteries back into regular rotation now that I'm rarely using tube mechs...
Hmmmm, I wish I could say, but my istick 20watt and clone spinner run so hot my lips burn inn spinner over 3.7 volt s on 1.8 0hm kangertech protank mini 3 @ 1'6 ohm aspire bvc coils over 6 watt o n istick. Screen going bad on kindle, not typing right and broke phone today so hard . To reply. Sry. G uhh ess I get new phone now, n o rainbows vvamo.


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I might have to pick up a couple of the vamo rainbows myself. I think my daughter would like it and might help get her off of the cigs. She hates the box mod form factor. I have a 50w I stick and she asked why it was shaped like a box. I just watched a Pbusardo review of the Vamo 5 or 6 not sure which one. If my memory is correct he said it was a accurate device (of course that one only goes to 15w) and it looked really easy to use..I am not sure if he has reviewed the 10 or not. At that price if you like the looks I would jump on it. Is not one of the company's that I have heard reviewers bad mouthing (and I watch 5 to 10 reviews a day.) At it's max voltage output you would be able to fire anything above 1.0 ohms at it's max wattage. I would not want to but you could without needing more voltage then it allows


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I've been lurking here and there and haven't had much time to post...belated Happy Birthday Daintanee! Mine is on the 18th so definitely gotta send a shout out to the March folks! I made up a batch of cinnamon dolce latte last night and vaped it like crazy last night. So many good recipes on gumroad from HIC that I'll be busy mixing for months


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Make the trade if you really want to try sub ohming. Today, before she comes to her senses. Just kidding, each to their own.

The Kanger subtank is a really good tank. There are some things you need to know though.

The good:

A big tank. It's needed as you will go through juices faster at low ohms.
Prebuilt coils. They are available in 1.2 and .5 ohms and they work without you having to do anything but screw them in. It is fairly simple to rebuild the prebuilt coils.
A rebuildable head similar to other chimney type tanks. Simple to build with a single coil. 26g wire, 5 full wraps (ends sticking out in opposite directions) wrapped on a 3/32 drill bit or a 2.5mm rod (as in a coil builder) will give you about a .7ohm coil. works well, and is a good place to start.
Both the prebuilt and the RBA heads have good flavor, and if you want, big clouds. Excellent adjustable airflow for a tank.

The Bad:

You'll need some tools and supplies.
An ohm reader $10, This is a must. It is also convenient stand to build upon.
needle-nosed pliers $5,
flush snipping wire cutters $7,
3/32",7/64",and 1/8"drill bits $2.50 each or a coil builder $15
a set of precision screw drivers $6,
wire in 26g 28g, and most likely 30g if you wish to build high (above 1.2) ohm duel coils (100' rolls for $5 to $10. Less in smaller lengths).

The initial cost can be high to rebuild, but actually it is dirt cheap.

You will have to make a decision on which kind of wicking material you are going to use. This decision is bound to win you friends and make you enemies. Weigh your choices carefully., as you don't want to be caught using cotton balls while vaping with the Ready X Wick aficionados, or using Koga Cotton around the Cotton Baconers. Lord forbid you think about Silica. You'll be banned from vape meets. Its so 2013ish.

The Ugly:

The original Kanger Subtank has a flaw in the RBA head This does not apply if you use only prebuilt heads.

Open up the RBA head (unscrew the chimney from it) and look at the coils. In your case it probably has not been used and is still in the box along with other parts. Look at the blocks with a screw in them for attaching the coils. You will notice that the larger of the two blocks is sitting on a piece of plastic. That plastic insulates the positive post from the rest of the atty so it doesn't short out. If that plastic is a white color. DO NOT USE the rba until you replace the plastic with a grey colored insulator that Kangor will send you free of charge in about two weeks if you send them an email. It is a simple thing to do. You can continue to use the Kangor Subtank as you have been with the prebuilt coils.

The reason for this is that they used an inferior material to make the insulator. The white one will melt in certain eliquids and then short out. Kanger immediately fixed this when they found out. Benefit of the doubt given here.

All in all, I would make the swap. That's just me. If you do swap and then go on to rebuild, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. is a regular subtank and insulator is white! Do I need anything to contact kangertech? Receipt?


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Member For 5 Years is a regular subtank and insulator is white! Do I need anything to contact kangertech? Receipt?
Just tell them where you bought it and the date. Then add the all the serial numbers on the original box. and email them with your shipping address and they will send you two replacement insulators. One will fit and one will not. Don't ask me why. :D


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Ordered an Istick 50w last week, only because the button on my Provari is acting up.
I may have to send it in.
Still got a Vamo V5 and some egos for backups tho.


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I love my I stick 50w have had it for 2weeks and have no complaints. Right now I am using it with an Orchid v4 with a .6ohm build at about 24 watts and am getting a nice vape. Also use it with by Tugboat RDA around 40watts on a .35ohm build and great. Battery life is about what you would expect vaping 25 and 40 watts I get about a day and a half. With the pass thru charging I often just throw it on the usb charger in the car while running around and then throw it on a charge overnight when it gets below half. Think you will really like this product. Mine is the pink one my wife did not think I would like it but it was the only one they had so she bought it for me as a gift. I like the pink and I will probably get a Jwrap for it anyway. Maybe the vaping underground logo one have not decided.


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So if I got the kanger sub ohm tank mini and built coils over 1.2 ohms would they work together... but they got matching rainbow atty' s!

You have other choices in rainbow, too. The Taifun comes in Rainbow, the Fogger & Mini Fogger, I've seen some others, too (but am having a brain malfunction and don't remember what) LOL. I have a rainbow eGo and matching Vivi Nova shoved in my glove box - in case of emergency.. I should probably throw a small bottle of Skittles in there, too. ;)


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Hey girls and boys you are going to be so JEALOUS! I got my order today from MamaJ and not only did I get pink smiley faces, it came in.....(drum roll here) a pink package! I wanted to take a picture for proof, but alas I'm phoneless. If wllmc signs in pink with smileys I am taking a picture too!


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Hey girls and boys you are going to be so JEALOUS! I got my order today from MamaJ and not only did I get pink smiley faces, it came in.....(drum roll here) a pink package! I wanted to take a picture for proof, but alas I'm phoneless. If wllmc signs in pink with smileys I am taking a picture too!

Lol, you can be "In the Pink" when mixing now...


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I wrestled my package away from my mailman, too. Really pretty fushia, has to be Jessica's influence! And they sent a few samples, esp at work 'cuz they sent the ones I was debating on. Mixing some tomorrow :D
Yep, next Wllmc will put crab stickers on them:eek: ¿


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HAILING ALL MOD PEOPLES, it is probably a . Piece of crud, but o so pretty!

Tell me It's good, please??

Just a lurker here... waiting for 2 big FA orders to arrive, I'm in Canada so it takes a while.

I do buy a fair amount on Fasttech. One really useful feature is the product reviews and ratings. If you look at the reviews for the stainless steel versions of the V10 you'll see it only got 2.4 stars out of 5. The main problem seems to be a low voltage warning if you are using an 18650 battery - it wants 2 18350's stacked to work properly which is not the safest setup.


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Yoo hoo, @Daintanee this one is for you:
Edit: Edit: (The link is the best I can do - I hate this tablet and the tablet hates me, too)

I burned the crap out of my finger today, so can't type, so I'm over & out. I just saw this over at VapoRider and thought of you.
Vape the rainbow!

Edit: well, dang! Let me try it again.... be back with your candy.
Last edited:


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Just a lurker here... waiting for 2 big FA orders to arrive, I'm in Canada so it takes a while.

I do buy a fair amount on Fasttech. One really useful feature is the product reviews and ratings. If you look at the reviews for the stainless steel versions of the V10 you'll see it only got 2.4 stars out of 5. The main problem seems to be a low voltage warning if you are using an 18650 battery - it wants 2 18350's stacked to work properly which is not the safest setup.
Thanks for the heads up, I truly appreciate it! Bum deal....I figured it would be.


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Just a lurker here... waiting for 2 big FA orders to arrive, I'm in Canada so it takes a while.

I do buy a fair amount on Fasttech. One really useful feature is the product reviews and ratings. If you look at the reviews for the stainless steel versions of the V10 you'll see it only got 2.4 stars out of 5. The main problem seems to be a low voltage warning if you are using an 18650 battery - it wants 2 18350's stacked to work properly which is not the safest setup.
I should mix you up something special...what are your favorite flavors?

Teresa P

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Big variety there. Any custard or probably not all at!

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Teresa P

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Oops.....need to learn to read. HA!

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Teresa P

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Uh, but the only rainbow is on the box!
I'm not much of a rainbow girl. I'm more the dark, deep "Kiss my ass" type.....LOL!! But I think you'd be lovely with that rainbow Vamo!

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I'm not much of a rainbow girl. I'm more the dark, deep "Kiss my ass" type.....LOL!! But I think you'd be lovely with that rainbow Vamo!

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Figures we are opposites! Well if it wasn't for the bad rating, people would have definitely noticed my sexy hand!


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I should mix you up something special...what are your favorite flavors?

Why thank you! ... but it would be a real hassle to get anything to Canada. Besides which you guys have all already been so kind to share your knowledge here. I started reading this thread a week ago. Since then I've ordered over 60 new flavours to try my hand at your recipes. Of course I'm now missing at least 10 more flavours!

I've been DIYing for a couple of months but so far only a few keepers. My orders should arrive Friday and I'm looking forward to a weekend of mad mixing.


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Now that I've gotten my feet wet... I have an FA flavour called King Arthur's Pipe that I got from It's not what I would have thought a tobacco would taste like at all. It's kind of an earthy chocolate taste with a tobacco feel in the mouth and throat. I really like it at 6% but I have no clue what to do with it next. Has anyone else ever tried it?

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