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Girlfriends mother is forcing her to break up with me


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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.
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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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The benefit is that you won't have to stand her as a mother in law.


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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.
No... Just, no


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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.

Its pretty easy to tell who the single guys in the room are... :D:p


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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.
That is the most idiotic thing I have ever read on this forum.


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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.

Were you fapping when you wrote this. Sounds like you have everything planned out. If a girl ever gets past the whole douche bag factor, maybe you'll get to live your dream. Maybe you can impress her with some huge clouds brah. Remember, the key to not looking like you're hung like a 12 old is the camera angle.


Vapid Vapetress
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Did you try to bang her mom or something? Why dies she think you're a piece of shit? Are you?

I say shit can her and tell her you love her and want to marry her and blah blah blah but your not going to bc her mom is a cnut. Then at least maybe she'll hate her mom forever. ..
Did it ever occur to you that her mom is just going along with her idea, she thinks your a piece of shit and thought blaming her mom was easier than telling you herself. ?
Either way I say you can her then post some videos on a revenge porn website. ..send her mom a link.

you're just evil, aren't you?


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Well! Well!

I was in a similar situation about 29 years ago, the mom & dad hated me. I was some rich kid who came into there daughter's life and was going to take her away. That is how they felt. At the time I was 30 and my wife was 26. Well after dating the daughter for 2 years, they still hated me. My wife did not listen to the parents and still married me. Today I have 4 children, 1 grandchild on the way and we are still married.
Been with mine 27 years! Nice to meet another lifer. LOL Congrats.


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Well, perhaps he will have better luck getting laid in the future I'm sure they like fake ciggy forum bullies in prison. You will have street rep from the start.

You could be all like, Man dog, I'm from the web. I sit in my moms basement trying to make people down on their luck cry. I'm gangsta doe, straight out of computer. I come at you wit a keyboard, cuz I smacked my ex girl and cant own a firearm. You don't know how strong my wrists and forearms are.


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Well, perhaps he will have better luck getting laid in the future I'm sure they like fake ciggy forum bullies in prison. You will have street rep from the start.

You could be all like, Man dog, I'm from the web. I sit in my moms basement trying to make people down on their luck cry. I'm gangsta doe, straight out of computer. I come at you wit a keyboard, cuz I smacked my ex girl and cant own a firearm. You don't know how strong my wrists and forearms are.


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That is the most idiotic thing I have ever read on this forum.

Bully or troll?... naaaaaah. Mouth breather / window licker? Well you can figure that out. That's hardly bullying and it's way to jv for a troll. You're giving him too much credit. Real trolling is an art... That's not displayed anywhere in there. Just some 16 year old mouth breathing brodown. That's all.

Now we all did avoid eye contact with obvious the elephant in the room right? There are at least 3 more sides to op's story. It's whatever at this point as op needed to vent and got the advice necessary

If you read between the heavy mouth breathing and slurps of his tongue off the monitor glass... He did question this. I mean you really have to dig for it, but it's there. Kind of? Maybe I just hear it through the breathing.

I in no way give a thumbs up on the response but why feed him and pull him out from the basement he's dwelling in? Shit, he already came out today for meatloaf. Now he's screaming at 12 year olds on CoD doing srsbznss.

Oh I do love a good trainwreck so disregard and carry on. I just doubt he'll ever be back to respond.


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Put ejuice in her coffee

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Rule #1......when you are dating a are to a degree, dating her mum. You will be miserable in the long term if mum detests you. What you don't want to do is put the lass in a position where she is having to choose you over family. Fortunately, the woman factory has a high enough output that there is always plenty out there to choose from. This is my input as asked for.
As a minister I always tell people that love is in the heart, not the brain....when the brain starts making love decisions....ABANDON SHIP.
youre dating the whole damn family. you think its bad now? wait till you get married.she wont be her mother any more. she'll be YOUR mother inlaw.


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I thought I'd be obvious I was kidding. . Are you kidding get rid of her and be grateful.
I can't believe this is like the most traffic I've seen on the forum. .possibly ever.


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Thanks guys. The biggest problem is my brain knows what's right. I know her mom is a mess and she has issues too but she was my first big relationship and I (literally, no lie) spent every single moment for her. I spent at least 22 hours a day with her. She was and still is my best friend and that's what's causing my heart to tell my brain to go Fuck itself.


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@Surgikill sucks to hear what happened, I'm sure you'll find someone that means more to you.


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The mother has head problems and tends to bow things out of proportions. Accused uncle of being a pedophile on the fact he got up in the middle of the night to take a piss and she thought he was molesting her child.
projected guilt maybe?

Celtic Fog

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Idk. All I can tell you is I've been crying for the past three days and it's not fucking fair.
no sir, its not fair. Life has a way of reminding us that it is not fair, quite often. Stay positive my man. If it was meant to be, things will change. Just keep positive.


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LOL, I take you've never been to the chat threads. ;-)
Our Alternate Universe is nearing 25,000 posts.
Geezzz, so that's where all the activity is on this forum, I think this thread was trending that's why I opened in the first place sorry, I was out of my element.

for the record, I dated the same girl from the time I was 15 to 25 , over ten years, best advice I'd say is if you want her, support her and take the power out of her mom's hands. I bet if you did that her mom wouldn't hate you anymore either.
Additionally, variety is the spice of life. Don't settle. That's where I stand. Good luck I'll try not to wonder in here anymore.


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makes me want to start up my advice column again......
in the meantime, here's a honey badger

Sometimes you have to let them walk away. The old saying "if you love someone set them free." It does hurt but at the same time it can give you the clarity you need about the whole situation. People make choices for a variety of reasons. Just remember that you should make yours not for your wants but your needs. We all confuse them. We are lead to believe they are the same. We want what we want. Don't make the mistake. Your needs are always more difficult but in the long run are always more fulfilling.

Now back to the horny badger show. Love that badger.

Clouded up One


Vapid Vapetress
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Sometimes you have to let them walk away. The old saying "if you love someone set them free." It does hurt but at the same time it can give you the clarity you need about the whole situation. People make choices for a variety of reasons. Just remember that you should make yours not for your wants but your needs. We all confuse them. We are lead to believe they are the same. We want what we want. Don't make the mistake. Your needs are always more difficult but in the long run are always more fulfilling.

Now back to the horny badger show. Love that badger.

Clouded up One

ummm......that's honey badger. :p


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ummm......that's honey badger.
I just reread it. Lmao. Guess my typing skills need some help. Or was I sub consciously stating a thought.

Clouded up One

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Girlfriends mother is forcing her to break up with me

Only the mother , dang man , i always had the father demand it as well . You got it easy .


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Hahaha - Horny Badgers make more Honey Badgers.

I love that video. Especially the commentator. I'd love to have him review a vape product. That would be so much fun.

Sorry we hijacked the thread.

Clouded up One

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Geezzz, so that's where all the activity is on this forum, I think this thread was trending that's why I opened in the first place sorry, I was out of my element.

for the record, I dated the same girl from the time I was 15 to 25 , over ten years, best advice I'd say is if you want her, support her and take the power out of her mom's hands. I bet if you did that her mom wouldn't hate you anymore either.
Additionally, variety is the spice of life. Don't settle. That's where I stand. Good luck I'll try not to wonder in here anymore.

Got to disagree with the above somewhat . Take all the power out of the mom's hands and you now alienate both of them and you will end up in the dog house eventually . A girl will always need her mother in her life (no matter how old she gets) and trying to keep her from doing that is a (proven) recipe for disaster .

The key is balance , don't do things that will make her mother hate you and as you said support your girl as well . Now regarding your "variety is the spice of life" comment , forget that if you really love and want to keep your girl .

If you want variety , then suck it up and be honest with your girl , do not put her through that crap , better to tell her straight out what your plans are than to prove yourself as a real scumbag of a boyfriend , and deservedly so i might add .


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By support I didn't mean tell her what she wants to hear. I mean monitarily; your both adults, support your woman, offer her a roof over her head with you instead of her mother. That decision should shine some light on your relationships future. . . Do you really think her mother would disprove of a man supporting her daughter. .

You don't have to drag her thru anything, you obviously want to stay together, im simply saying you should acknowledge how much shit you put up with, make sure she does as well, and if you move on don't sweat it to much there really are more fish in the sea ... hotter fish.. without shitty mother drama.


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My old lady moved on with me to get away from her mom. We were not a couple at that point though. Just really good friends. I met her right after my ex and I split. We got to be best friends realm quick. I had an extra bedroom and splitting rent was a plus because I lost a $12 an hour income in the house when the Exbox moved out. We didn't end up a couple till a month and a half ish later. I got drunk and hit her with a pipe, almost broke her cheek bone. That was the beginning to a beautiful thing. Who ever said nothing good ever came from violence wasn't entirely right.

Edit... Best friends not bed friends lol fuck auto correct.


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it's ok don't bother. really. and actually my post was about the one above yours. but still applies to yours too. gawd.


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I heard someone around might be looking for another fish in the sea.o_O

My mom has given me permission to date.
just thought I'd throw that out there:oops:

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By support I didn't mean tell her what she wants to hear. I mean monitarily; your both adults, support your woman, offer her a roof over her head with you instead of her mother. That decision should shine some light on your relationships future. . . Do you really think her mother would disprove of a man supporting her daughter. .

You don't have to drag her thru anything, you obviously want to stay together, im simply saying you should acknowledge how much shit you put up with, make sure she does as well, and if you move on don't sweat it to much there really are more fish in the sea ... hotter fish.. without shitty mother drama.

I had to step out or i would of responded sooner , everybody has a right to their own opinion but i see it differently again . My opinion is you SHOULD NOT try and alienate your girls relationship from her mother in the first place , offering her alternative plans only applies to me if the mother refuses to have anything to do with her and leaves her on the street .

I am talking from personal experience on this one , a girl i dated long ago went through this , her father thanked me over and over numerous times in the following years because i took her in .

When i used to run into him (a cop no less) we got along great .

I never tried to keep her away from her parents and encouraged her to get together with them and work it out . Thats what you do when you have the best intentions for her regardless if you are in her future or not .

Now regarding your" there's more fish in the sea " comment , i expect this out of a younger mans mouth i really do , it's an all too common thought pattern with men in general imo , and thats what has caused such big problems in relationships over the years.

For me personally and i'm only speaking for me , i want more out of a relationship then "she's hot" , being attracted to someone is definitely important but we also have to be connected in other areas , her viewpoints , her sense of humor , how is her relationships with other people etc...

No relationship will last based on looks alone , many young people think it will but trust me it won't , you can take that one to the bank .

The problem , especially nowadays, is a huge majority of woman have barriers up from being treated like shit and being cheated on , lets face it a ton of men out there are real scumbags or at the very least treat woman terribly .

The next time your buddies say woman are so hard to approach there's a very good reason why but it goes right over the head of most men of today , and makes things especially tough on the guys who really do know how to treat a woman lol.
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Funny you say that. Her dad loves me and so does the rest of the family.


Vapid Vapetress
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I had to step out or i would of responded sooner , everybody has a right to their own opinion but i see it differently again . My opinion is you SHOULD NOT try and alienate your girls relationship from her mother in the first place , offering her alternative plans only applies to me if the mother refuses to have anything to do with her and leaves her on the street .

I am talking from personal experience on this one , a girl i dated long ago went through this , her father thanked me over and over numerous times in the following years because i took her in .

When i used to run into him (a cop no less) we got along great .

I never tried to keep her away from her parents and encouraged her to get together with them and work it out . Thats what you do when you have the best intentions for her regardless if you are in her future or not .

Now regarding your" there's more fish in the sea " comment , i expect this out of a younger mans mouth i really do , it's an all too common thought pattern with men in general imo , and thats what has caused such big problems in relationships over the years.

For me personally and i'm only speaking for me , i want more out of a relationship then "she's hot" , being attracted to someone is definitely important but we also have to be connected in other areas , her viewpoints , her sense of humor , how is her relationships with other people etc...

No relationship will last based on looks alone , many young people think it will but trust me it won't , you can take that one to the bank .

The problem , especially nowadays, is a huge majority of woman have barriers up from being treated like shit and being cheated on , lets face it a ton of men out there are real scumbags or at the very least treat woman terribly .

The next time your buddies say woman are so hard to approach there's a very good reason why but it goes right over the head of most men of today , and makes things especially tough on the guys who really do know how to treat a woman lol.
^ this times a gazillion likes

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^ this times a gazillion likes

Yeah , thanks Kelli , i had a feeling you girls would like that one . Thats really what i believe though there is no doubt in my mind about it , it doesn't take a female to tell you thats the way it is , i think it's extremely obvious thats the way it is.

The vast majority of Men suck, plain and simple , most should put themselves in the womans shoes and see how they would feel being treated that way , then they will hopefully get a clue , no they probably wouldn't , dumb bastards.


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I love how men are cheating skumbags when statistically girls cheat more often and are more likely to be repeat offenders. They are also more likely to fall in love with the person they commit adultery with. Females always play the cheating victim, but most ladies have cheated on the spouse at least once. But men, remember we are dogs, and skum bags. It may also interest people to know that men are the more emotional half in a relationship and their love is less likely to die out over time. But you guys better feel like mutts.


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I love how men are cheating skumbags when statistically girls cheat more often and are more likely to be repeat offenders. They are also more likely to fall in love with the person they commit adultery with. Females always play the cheating victim, but most ladies have cheated on the spouse at least once. But men, remember we are dogs, and skum bags. It may also interest people to know that men are the more emotional half in a relationship and their love is less likely to die out over time. But you guys better feel like mutts.
There is truth to what you are saying.
But the love is more like LOYALTY. Still love, but LOYALTY is a driving factor to some.

Let's just be honest, men cheat as much as women statistically. Not all men, nor all women are like that though.

That women are more likely to fall in love with who they are screwing, doesn't matter. If my wife were doing that to me, good riddance! He can have her. I would EXPECT her to feel the same, would I sink THAT LOW to do something like that. (Which AIN'T gonna happen)

Women and Men are not wired the same. Both want sex for different reasons. Both feel differently about things.


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There is truth to what you are saying.
But the love is more like LOYALTY. Still love, but LOYALTY is a driving factor to some.

Let's just be honest, men cheat as much as women statistically. Not all men, nor all women are like that though.

That women are more likely to fall in love with who they are screwing, doesn't matter. If my wife were doing that to me, good riddance! He can have her. I would EXPECT her to feel the same, would I sink THAT LOW to do something like that. (Which AIN'T gonna happen)

Women and Men are not wired the same. Both want sex for different reasons. Both feel differently about things.

Even if the numbers are dead even, it is still screwed up that men get labled this way. The all men are dogs idea could just as easily or possibly more accurately could be all chicks are whore. Could we get away with that? Hell no and frankly it would be down right disgraceful, the same goes for the idea many females have about us.

My point with my post was not a matter of who is better or worse. It simply means people should not throw stones at glass houses.

Relationships and marriage's can sometimes overcome someone going outside of the relationship and believe it or not, sometimes an affair can save a marriage that was doomed before the fact. But, that takes two very understanding people who are willing to hurt, work and forgive themselves and each other. If a man or woman cheats, it is not the others fault they cheated, however they more than likely play a major role in why it happened.

It takes time and a lot of work, maybe even therapy, but it can happen.

Just saying. Most people say they would be out, but when they find themselves in that situation they look at things differently.


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Damn, I am sorry I stopped by here.

Been out of this freaking mess for over,well none of your damn business anyway.

Wait until a great woman comes along and drags you into a very comfortable cage with meat, drink and smokes (or vape gear).

Then give in even after you have seen her mother (by mistake in full female armor meaning industrial bra and girdle and some stuff that was not meant to be seen by man).

Then you decide to run or not.

Give her a church wedding a couple of kids in exchange for a large flat screen TV, a Land Yacht for a car and a comfy chair and an endless supply of beer/wine, bourbon and hard cider.

And potato's with plenty of charred animal flesh.

Then you as a man die happy!

In the Comfy Chair.


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Damn, I am sorry I stopped by here.

Been out of this freaking mess for over,well none of your damn business anyway.

Wait until a great woman comes along and drags you into a very comfortable cage with meat, drink and smokes (or vape gear).

Then give in even after you have seen her mother (by mistake in full female armor meaning industrial bra and girdle and some stuff that was not meant to be seen by man).

Then you decide to run or not.

Give her a church wedding a couple of kids in exchange for a large flat screen TV, a Land Yacht for a car and a comfy chair and an endless supply of beer/wine, bourbon and hard cider.

And potato's with plenty of charred animal flesh.

Then you as a man die happy!

In the Comfy Chair.

Lol. Well said sir, well said. You forgot a little naughty naughty time, but as men we are usually pretty easy to please. All I need is a good vape, a good meal, good beer and my man cave/haunted house and I'm pretty good.

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