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Girlfriends mother is forcing her to break up with me


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I love how men are cheating skumbags when statistically girls cheat more often and are more likely to be repeat offenders. They are also more likely to fall in love with the person they commit adultery with. Females always play the cheating victim, but most ladies have cheated on the spouse at least once. But men, remember we are dogs, and skum bags. It may also interest people to know that men are the more emotional half in a relationship and their love is less likely to die out over time. But you guys better feel like mutts.
Yea I can agree with this. I'm usually always the more emotional one.


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Och...we are still banging on about this?


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I guess. Worst part is I lost my bestfriend.

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I love how men are cheating skumbags when statistically girls cheat more often and are more likely to be repeat offenders. They are also more likely to fall in love with the person they commit adultery with. Females always play the cheating victim, but most ladies have cheated on the spouse at least once. But men, remember we are dogs, and skum bags. It may also interest people to know that men are the more emotional half in a relationship and their love is less likely to die out over time. But you guys better feel like mutts.

Have to disagree with some of your points , others i have no issue with though . There are a lot of females who cheat, your right but i think their reasons are a lot different . Most men cheat because they want sex plain and simple , most woman cheat because they feel neglected , unloved and forgotten about .

Of course there are woman who cheat just for sex but those #'s are considerably lower and you don't want to be with this type anyway , trust is everything , without it you really have nothing.

I don't believe most woman have cheated on their spouse at least once , i really don't . Not saying it's not true i just don't buy it. I have lived long enough and have been around more than enough men over the years to believe a huge majority are scum and untrustworthy.

Most woman do not brag and try to sleep with as many men as they possibly can , they just don't , a huge # of men however, will and do if they have that opportunity .

Thats a big problem, it's men allowing whats in their pants to make ill advised decisions for them that destroy most relationships and devastate woman who only showed them loyalty and love .

Woman are not all innocent , i fully understand that but when a relationship ends , It's the man who is far more likely to have done something unforgivable to the woman than the other way around .


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Have to disagree with some of your points , others i have no issue with though . There are a lot of females who cheat, your right but i think their reasons are a lot different . Most men cheat because they want sex plain and simple , most woman cheat because they feel neglected , unloved and forgotten about .

Of course there are woman who cheat just for sex but those #'s are considerably lower and you don't want to be with this type anyway , trust is everything , without it you really have nothing.

I don't believe most woman have cheated on their spouse at least once , i really don't . Not saying it's not true i just don't buy it. I have lived long enough and have been around more than enough men over the years to believe a huge majority are scum and untrustworthy.

Most woman do not brag and try to sleep with as many men as they possibly can , they just don't , a huge # of men however, will and do if they have that opportunity .

Thats a big problem, it's men allowing whats in their pants to make ill advised decisions for them that destroy most relationships and devastate woman who only showed them loyalty and love .

Woman are not all innocent , i fully understand that but when a relationship ends , It's the man who is far more likely to have done something unforgivable to the woman than the other way around .
Promiscuous Man = hero
Promiscuous Woman = slut

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after you have seen her mother (by mistake in full female armor meaning industrial bra and girdle and some stuff that was not meant to be seen by man)

A mother in law with an industrial grade girdle , fully outfitted and equipped with bull dike body armor with a strong possibility of having man parts .

You would have a better chance of getting your hands on the last remaining pastry at an "all you can eat" luncheon buffet held by Rosie O,Donnell than for me to be caught up in the above situation.

Give her a church wedding a couple of kids in exchange for a large flat screen TV, a Land Yacht for a car and a comfy chair and an endless supply of beer/wine, bourbon and hard cider.

Man that sounds like a lot of work

Then you as a man die happy!

I can tell you with certainty that i would not die a happy camper .
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Damn, I am sorry I stopped by here.

Been out of this freaking mess for over,well none of your damn business anyway.

Wait until a great woman comes along and drags you into a very comfortable cage with meat, drink and smokes (or vape gear).

Then give in even after you have seen her mother (by mistake in full female armor meaning industrial bra and girdle and some stuff that was not meant to be seen by man).

Then you decide to run or not.

Give her a church wedding a couple of kids in exchange for a large flat screen TV, a Land Yacht for a car and a comfy chair and an endless supply of beer/wine, bourbon and hard cider.

And potato's with plenty of charred animal flesh.

Then you as a man die happy!

In the Comfy Chair.
No you will die like Elvis, all lonely bloated and on the shitter.


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I guess. Worst part is I lost my bestfriend.
Doesnt mean its over.. You can try to talk to her. Most here are just concerned that you dont give in to her mothers wishes concerning this, and that your girlfriend makes the choice whether to listen to and obey her. If she decides not to listen to her on this, then her relationship with her mother is still gonna be ok in the long run. If you force her, then they both will end up hating you. That is all, really. It must be your girlfriends choice.. But that doesnt mean you cant talk to her.


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Doesnt mean its over.. You can try to talk to her. Most here are just concerned that you dont give in to her mothers wishes concerning this, and that your girlfriend makes the choice whether to listen to and obey her. If she decides not to listen to her on this, then her relationship with her mother is still gonna be ok in the long run. If you force her, then they both will end up hating you. That is all, really. It must be your girlfriends choice.. But that doesnt mean you cant talk to her.
I've been talking to her dad. My ex basically has to make a decision now about what she wants and she has to realize she's being manipulated. Whether see realizes in two weeks, two months, or two years, I don't know yet, but my life must still continue.


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I've been talking to her dad. My ex basically has to make a decision now about what she wants and she has to realize she's being manipulated. Whether see realizes in two weeks, two months, or two years, I don't know yet, but my life must still continue.
Yes, it must go on..


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Have to disagree with some of your points , others i have no issue with though . There are a lot of females who cheat, your right but i think their reasons are a lot different . Most men cheat because they want sex plain and simple , most woman cheat because they feel neglected , unloved and forgotten about .

Of course there are woman who cheat just for sex but those #'s are considerably lower and you don't want to be with this type anyway , trust is everything , without it you really have nothing.

I don't believe most woman have cheated on their spouse at least once , i really don't . Not saying it's not true i just don't buy it. I have lived long enough and have been around more than enough men over the years to believe a huge majority are scum and untrustworthy.

Most woman do not brag and try to sleep with as many men as they possibly can , they just don't , a huge # of men however, will and do if they have that opportunity .

Thats a big problem, it's men allowing whats in their pants to make ill advised decisions for them that destroy most relationships and devastate woman who only showed them loyalty and love .

Woman are not all innocent , i fully understand that but when a relationship ends , It's the man who is far more likely to have done something unforgivable to the woman than the other way around .

I respect your opinion, but most the peer reviewed journals, save very few would disagree with you. As would many articles written by marriage and family councilors. Woman will admit they cheated if surveyed, but the are a lot less likely to get caught. I'm not trying to have some huge ongoing debate about the sexes, I am just saying because woman put out the all men are digs line, it is a preconceived notion that aids in destroying a man before he has a chance.

As I said before, it is not about who is worse, but untill we can openly start a woman are Scarlett's campaign (and we shouldn't) the notion that men are skum should be stopped. If I went around openly degrading the integrity of the female public, I would be drawn, quartered, tared, feathered, stoned and sued.

If people as a group or populist want to be respected by others, they should act according to the same standards.

And the main reason for all affairs in a marriage is that one person feels they are under appreciated or they do not belong. That is regardless of sex.


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Yes, it must go on..
I mean, she left me a message saying she really wants to work it out and she really loves me. She's just been waffling back and forth and it's annoying and frustrating and emotionally taxing.


Custard Junkie
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I say stick it out and hope that the mom croaks in a few years lol. How's her health? (yes I have a twisted sense of humor)

Hopefully you are not living with the mother because that's a rough situation.


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I say stick it out and hope that the mom croaks in a few years lol. How's her health? (yes I have a twisted sense of humor)

Hopefully you are not living with the mother because that's a rough situation.
The only way that bitch is going to die soon is if she gets hit by a truck.


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The only way that bitch is going to die soon is if she gets hit by a truck.

Well just throwing it out there.. I know a guy who drives a truck who has priors lol..


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I mean, she left me a message saying she really wants to work it out and she really loves me. She's just been waffling back and forth and it's annoying and frustrating and emotionally taxing.
Well, on the bright side, you will get first hand experience on how she handles tough situations.. ;)

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I respect your opinion, but most the peer reviewed journals, save very few would disagree with you. As would many articles written by marriage and family councilors. Woman will admit they cheated if surveyed, but the are a lot less likely to get caught. I'm not trying to have some huge ongoing debate about the sexes, I am just saying because woman put out the all men are digs line, it is a preconceived notion that aids in destroying a man before he has a chance.

As I said before, it is not about who is worse, but untill we can openly start a woman are Scarlett's campaign (and we shouldn't) the notion that men are skum should be stopped. If I went around openly degrading the integrity of the female public, I would be drawn, quartered, tared, feathered, stoned and sued.

If people as a group or populist want to be respected by others, they should act according to the same standards.

And the main reason for all affairs in a marriage is that one person feels they are under appreciated or they do not belong. That is regardless of sex.

I respect your opinion as well my friend , all i will say is there is a very good reason why men these days have the reputation they have among woman , it's not a "lets bash men because we can " type scenario . They get the bad rap for continuing to prove themselves as A holes .

Men by nature are not very good at picking up on clues by their partner and need to make a much larger effort imo to keep their partner happy . Woman are far far better at realizing when things are not going well than the man is . Men usually miss the clues woman give out and tend to always think things are A OK when they are not.

I do not blame men for that , men really are from Mars apparently and they are wired how they are wired , very different than woman i might add. It's the poor choices they continually make without thinking about how it will effect their better half that they really screw up with.

There are quality men out there for sure who don't act and do stupid things but they are not as common as the typical "must get laid at all costs and who cares who it effects type " .

Anyways , we can all wish for the perfect relationship but in reality perfect relationships don't exist .

Very good and satisfying relationships are achievable but it requires lots of work from both parties and communication , knowing your partner well and doing things that you may not want to do at first but you should do them anyway to please your partner.

Think about what your partner does for you , i doubt she likes going to look for worms for your next fishing trip but they usually say enjoy yourself babe , bring home dinner if they don't actually stand by you the whole time .

How can you not love a girl like that , just about perfect lol. Remember this and go pick blueberries with her if she asks , we men are not traditional lovers of picking blueberries , at least i'm not but i'm willing to learn .

Give and take , all take will doom you every time.
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I say stick it out and hope that the mom croaks in a few years lol. How's her health? (yes I have a twisted sense of humor)

Hopefully you are not living with the mother because that's a rough situation.

Jesus man lol, you do have a twisted sense of humor , a very admirable trait to have i might add .


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Yes you're right. I suspect from people I knows opinion that men are not up to par because of the standard of females as well. In reality, I think just about every one does it once in their life, maybe not with a spouse or long time partner. I haven't, but I have old school beliefs. I don't sleep around, never have. I didn't sleep around with people when I was single. I am by no means a person who says wait till marriage, but I think that sleeping with some should have a deeper meaning than hey your hot nice shoes wanna screw. If other look at it differently, that's fine. I just have my own thought and feelings on the matter. One that now a days is pretty scarce, unfortunately.

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I mean, she left me a message saying she really wants to work it out and she really loves me. She's just been waffling back and forth and it's annoying and frustrating and emotionally taxing.

Hey pal , what your going through is one of the toughest and emotionally taxing things someone deals with in life , it really is . Well death of a loved one and broken hearts are the worst imo , they both destroy you.

Unfortunately there is no quick relief from these , if there was a pill someone could take to avoid the pain involved it would be the most popular drug on the planet.

I am just baffled as to how the mother turned after a year and a half , i don't get it . Was she OK in the beginning ?

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Yes you're right. I suspect from people I knows opinion that men are not up to par because of the standard of females as well. In reality, I think just about every one does it once in their life, maybe not with a spouse or long time partner. I haven't, but I have old school beliefs. I don't sleep around, never have. I didn't sleep around with people when I was single. I am by no means a person who says wait till marriage, but I think that sleeping with some should have a deeper meaning than hey your hot nice shoes wanna screw. If other look at it differently, that's fine. I just have my own thought and feelings on the matter. One that now a days is pretty scarce, unfortunately.

Include me in that rare breed , i never cheated either , i always said if you are not interested in continuing our relationship at any point just be honest with me , it's better than doing something behind my back . I will never hurt you by going behind your back either .

In reality though unless your the person who actually loses interest your partner is likely to be very hurt anyway but i feel it's better than just starting up with someone new.

You have to communicate though , sometimes some minor changes you can make can really save a relationship if you have a deep love for your partner , all relationships get less exciting over time but thats normal .

People who need that puppy love feeling all the time and move on after it fades away will always be unfulfilled.


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Include me in that rare breed , i never cheated either , i always said if you are not interested in continuing our relationship at any point just be honest with me , it's better than doing something behind my back . I will never hurt you by going behind your back either .

In reality though unless your the person who actually loses interest your partner is likely to be very hurt anyway but i feel it's better than just starting up with someone new.

You have to communicate though , sometimes some minor changes you can make can really save a relationship if you have a deep love for your partner , all relationships get less exciting over time but thats normal .

People who need that puppy love feeling all the time and move on after it fades away will always be unfulfilled.



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Hey pal , what your going through is one of the toughest and emotionally taxing things someone deals with in life , it really is . Well death of a loved one and broken hearts are the worst imo , they both destroy you.

Unfortunately there is no quick relief from these , if there was a pill someone could take to avoid the pain involved it would be the most popular drug on the planet.

I am just baffled as to how the mother turned after a year and a half , i don't get it . Was she OK in the beginning ?
The mother is a manipulative sob. She called me her "other son". My half brothers mother is like this and all they want to do is make other people miserable because their life sucks. There is no reasoning with these people. There is no way to see things through their eyes. They do not have a soul. They will ALWAYS get what they want, no matter what. Life is a game of chess to them, and the only way to win the game is to not play it.

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The mother is a manipulative sob. They do not have a soul.

all they want to do is make other people miserable because their life sucks.
Now thats what i wanted to hear , good for you , it's always good to approach these things with a positive attitude and this shows your willingness to understand each other and work together .[/QUOTE]

In all seriousness , if your explanation is the real deal , i would get the hell out of there asap . Wouldn't be the first time a young chap ended up missing where authorities feared the worst .
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The mother is a manipulative sob. She called me her "other son". My half brothers mother is like this and all they want to do is make other people miserable because their life sucks. There is no reasoning with these people. There is no way to see things through their eyes. They do not have a soul. They will ALWAYS get what they want, no matter what. Life is a game of chess to them, and the only way to win the game is to not play it.
Have sis-in-law that is EXACTLY the same way... She wont even talk to me anymore as I call her on her BS :)

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Have sis-in-law that is EXACTLY the same way... She wont even talk to me anymore as I call her on her BS :)

Always call BS when you hear BS , there's way too much of it floating around .


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Oh, and the whole family is on Prozac, my ex since she was fifteen, if that makes a difference.


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Oh, and the whole family is on Prozac, my ex since she was fifteen, if that makes a difference.
In that case.. RUN! It only gets worse.. believe me. I am taking care of my 2 g'kids due to that crap. She, my son thought she was 'fun', but it just becomes 'crazy' after a few years..


Custard Junkie
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Um.. Internet is forever.. ya know?

Kidding.. kidding.. cmon now folks. I'm a tad smarter than that.. (just a tad but still - gimme a little credit :))

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Oh, and the whole family is on Prozac, my ex since she was fifteen, if that makes a difference.

The whole freaking family , Jesus man . SSRI's need to be switched every once in a while as most lose their effectiveness over time .

If she has been on it for many years without a break it definitely could have something to do with it , switching to Zoloft , Celexa , Lexapro (very similar to Celexa but cleaner) , may get her back to thinking normally .

SSRI's when matched correctly with the individual (the hardest part by the way) can have dramatic positive effects but when they are not matched correctly they cause things to go downhill quick.

On another note , if a relative or family member is on one and it's working well , chances are very high that one will work well on a related family member as well .

Keep that in mind , it helps cut through a lot of trial and error in finding a good match but make no mistake , staying on a single one for too long is not good and they will see their initial systems come back and get worse .

If they really need to be on one that is , some stop them and do very well and realize they don't need them anymore .

But if they do need to stay on them you got to switch it up , she needs to tell her doc to try something else for a few months and by then she can go back to Prozac and get good results again.
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The whole freaking family , Jesus man . SSRI's need to be switched every once in a while as most lose their effectiveness over time .

If she has been on it for many years without a break it definitely could have something to do with it , switching to Zoloft , Celexa , Lexapro (very similar to Celexa but cleaner) , may get her back to thinking normally .

SSRI's when matched correctly with the individual (the hardest part by the way) can have dramatic positive effects but when they are not matched correctly they cause things to go downhill quick.

On another note , if a relative or family member is on one and it's working well , chances are very high that one will work well on a related family member as well .

Keep that in mind , it helps cut through a lot of trial and error in finding a good match but make no mistake , staying on a single one for too long is not good and they will see their initial systems come back and get worse .

If they really need to be on one that is , some stop them and do very well and realize they don't need them anymore .

But if they do need to stay on them you got to switch it up , she needs to tell her doc to try something else for a few months and by then she can go back to Prozac and get good results again.
It all stems from her parents issues. As soon as she can figure out how to del with those emotions she won't need it. No fifteen year old should be put on prozac. Too many people want a pill to fix their problems.


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It all stems from her parents issues. As soon as she can figure out how to del with those emotions she won't need it. No fifteen year old should be put on prozac. Too many people want a pill to fix their problems.

Wait....she's 15 and you're 20?

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Wait....she's 15 and you're 20?

LOL. I think he meant she has been on Prozac since she was 15 years old , i believe he's 21 now and she's 16 .

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It all stems from her parents issues. As soon as she can figure out how to del with those emotions she won't need it. No fifteen year old should be put on prozac. Too many people want a pill to fix their problems.

Your point is valid , there are a lot of people out there that take pills for everything and thats wrong but there is also a lot of them who really do have a chemical imbalance and do need treatment .

This belief that you don't need medication for anything , it's all will power is complete bullshit . The problem is doctors prescribe it to nearly anyone who says they are depressed instead of probing further .

If someone loses a loved one or suffers a divorce , time is all thats needed to recover usually but there are some people who don't respond like others do . Some people become severely non functional and medication can and often does make a noticeable positive difference .

Everyone is different and some handle things a lot better than others , hereditary also plays a big role in what someone is likely to suffer from , not just mentally but also physical traits and potential health problems down the line.


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Your point is valid , there are a lot of people out there that take pills for everything and thats wrong but there is also a lot of them who really do have a chemical imbalance and do need treatment .

This belief that you don't need medication for anything , it's all will power is complete bullshit . The problem is doctors prescribe it to nearly anyone who says they are depressed instead of probing further .

If someone loses a loved one or suffers a divorce , time is all thats needed to recover usually but there are some people who don't respond like others do . Some people become severely non functional and medication can and often does make a noticeable positive difference .

Everyone is different and some handle things a lot better than others , hereditary also plays a big role in what someone is likely to suffer from , not just mentally but also physical traits and potential health problems down the line.
My mom's a medical professional and the she says the dose that she is on is not right at all. She's on TWO btw. And my exes doctor wants to up the dose again. She stopped taking then for three months last year and she was alot more stable emotionally. She wouldn't go from laughing to crying in three seconds (literally)

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My mom's a medical professional and the she says the dose that she is on is not right at all. She's on TWO btw. And my exes doctor wants to up the dose again. She stopped taking then for three months last year and she was alot more stable emotionally. She wouldn't go from laughing to crying in three seconds (literally)

Two different antidepressants or did you mean she takes two pills ? Taking two pills doesn't mean anything since you must know the mg , lots of people split up their meds by taking one early and one late . It depends on the Docs instructions.

Taking two different anti depressants is also very common but they need to be from two different classes , you shouldn't be taking two different SSRI's because if she is there may be your problem as that will really screw her up.

Lot's of people take, say, an SNRI with a SSRI and that combo works well for many people. Your mention that she stopped taking her medication for awhile and was doing very well leads me to ask why the hell is she still on it then.

Somethings not right here , one thing thats a certainty though , if she is still taking it regularly she needs to ween off of it , never abruptly stop it . Just stopping suddenly will usually cause all types of problems and none of it good .

Find out what dose she's on , SSRI's have a max dose level where if you go over that dose there is no improvement seen , just more side effects . Physicians will often go higher on some types of meds based on an individuals response to them after a few weeks have passed .

Many people do respond to higher than recommend doses of some types of meds but it's rarely seen with SSRI's , SSRI's reach a point where you have to either stop taking them due to their tendencies to lose effectiveness over time or you simply switch to another SSRI .

Thats what the overwhelming majority of people do who need to stay on these meds , sounds to me your girl doesn't need them at all or she is clearly on the wrong one .

Being on the wrong one will no doubt effect your relationship in a negative way , your mention of her going from crying to laughing in a matter of seconds is very troublesome .

SSRI's are probably not the best choice if she has mood swings to that extreme , sounds very similar to Bipolar disorder and that one can be a real bitch. I really hope she is seeing the right kind of physician , family practitioners are not the best choice for dealing with this type of disorder.

Typical SSRI's can help with depression but if she has bipolar she will need to be on a combination mood stabilizer and SSRI . First thing to do is get her to ween off of Prozac and set up an evaluation preferably with a more appropriate physician who specializes in mood disorders .

Her thought process can become much clearer and things can turn around for you guys IF she gets properly diagnosed and if she needs meds make sure she's on the right kind .

Leaving things as is will likely lead your relationship down the wrong path , if you love her as much as you say you do please try to convince her to take action and not let this continue.

You may also want to visit medical type websites (mental health websites in particular) and explain your story there , lots of medical professionals respond to those and i bet you the advice they give will really open up both your eyes.

You can then print out the conservations you had with other physicians and show them to her , maybe that will convince her to take action.


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She's taking 150mg of welbutrin, 40mg of fluoxetine, and 500mg of naproxen for headaches. Oh, and guess who texted me today? Yea, her.


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Sheese, this thread is still going on? Time to move on folks, Surgikill - Yea the situation sucks, but dwelling in it will only cause more pain. Get on with life.


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The never ending "Dear Abby" column that won't go away. Yay!
Then ask a mod to delete it. I'm not forcing any of you to read this. I'm talking with one person about it and it's not affecting you so why should you care?


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I don't care.

But your continued obsession and whining does not make your case look good. Get over it. You are beginning to make yourself, look like the one with the problem.

Time to move on, don't ya think?

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Then ask a mod to delete it. I'm not forcing any of you to read this. I'm talking with one person about it and it's not affecting you so why should you care?

Thats right Surgikill , your thread is in the proper forum (general discussion,non vaping related) and your allowed to talk about anything .

This is bothering you and it's much harder to move on and forget about it than people think , i don't see what the problem is , it seems we are moving along and getting more info .

If just talking about it comforts you then it's worth talking about it imo.

She's taking 150mg of welbutrin, 40mg of fluoxetine, and 500mg of naproxen for headaches. Oh, and guess who texted me today? Yea, her.

Well Wellbutrin is a popular anti depressant (it's actually Zyban , the quit smoking drug) but it works well for an anti depressant as well as thats why it's used . Fluoxetine is the Prozac and 40 mg is the most popular dose . Don't know much about the naproxen as it is not an anti depressant .

Any idea when she started Wellbutrin ? One thing i would recommend to help her get her head straight is i would say it's best that you get your situation under control before we continue to communicate .

If she feels she can talk to you anytime but still brings up that she is debating breaking up with you thats a bad situation, i would not communicate until she gets her feelings under control.

She is getting everything she needs right now , she has complete control . That may be why things are still stagnant , she is comfortable being able to talk to you and letting things stay as they are . She needs to know that it's time for her to make a decision because you will not wait around forever.

This is very unfair to you.

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