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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not there either mang.

Just face it... you got caught, plain and simple.
And all the deflecting in the world won't change that.
Here is a screenshot. Apparently the quote is listed twice in the article


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's very convenient to discredit all other opinions. You kniw so much more than everybody. If this were all democratic liberals stating this I would agree with you. But it isn't the case.

Well, I did read the whole article you quoted from. It appears you did not.

"Legal experts told ABC News that, based on news reports, it warrants investigation into whether Donald Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort violated any laws."

Apparently, you missed the parts, even in the title, that the "experts" say it "warrants an investigation" and Jr MAY have violated laws.

No where in that article do the "experts" claim that the emails are proof that Jr committed a fucking crime. All they say is, the emails show Jr MAY have committed a crime but they need more fucking information(investigation).

You should have read the whole thing. You say that the emails prove Jr committed a crime and you say that's what the experts say. But you only read what you needed to confirm your bias. Your "experts" do not make the claim that you make.:rolleyes:


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, I did read the whole article you quoted from. It appears you did not.

"Legal experts told ABC News that, based on news reports, it warrants investigation into whether Donald Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort violated any laws."

Apparently, you missed the parts, even in the title, that the "experts" say it "warrants an investigation" and Jr MAY have violated laws.

No where in that article do the "experts" claim that the emails are proof that Jr committed a fucking crime. All they say is, the emails show Jr MAY have committed a crime but they need more fucking information(investigation).

You should have read the whole thing. You say that the emails prove Jr committed a crime and you say that's what the experts say. But you only read what you needed to confirm your bias. Your "experts" do not make the claim that you make.:rolleyes:
I never claimed that article said anything was proven in a legally binding way. That post was a response to a request for the law that is supposed to have been violated


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, I did read the whole article you quoted from. It appears you did not.

"Legal experts told ABC News that, based on news reports, it warrants investigation into whether Donald Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort violated any laws."

Apparently, you missed the parts, even in the title, that the "experts" say it "warrants an investigation" and Jr MAY have violated laws.

No where in that article do the "experts" claim that the emails are proof that Jr committed a fucking crime. All they say is, the emails show Jr MAY have committed a crime but they need more fucking information(investigation).

You should have read the whole thing. You say that the emails prove Jr committed a crime and you say that's what the experts say. But you only read what you needed to confirm your bias. Your "experts" do not make the claim that you make.:rolleyes:
I said the emails prove that he had the meeting and his intent. I also said that it is clear that it is a crime to solicit damaging information about a political opponent from a foreign country. I also said that he admitted to his intent behind the meeting. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for violating. Until everything is known it is all pretty damning. So, we will just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

They are all corrupt and know exactly what they are doing. Why people feel the need to defend their actions amazes me. I do not defend politicians. I feel where there is smoke there is usually fire and it's just a matter of how fast they put that fire out before anyone finds it.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never claimed that article said anything was proven in a legally binding way. That post was a response to a request for the law that is supposed to have been violated

Yes you fucking did.

There are plenty of legal experts stating exactly that right now. So unless you are a legal expert, I will put more faith in what they are saying than your doubt.

You're putting more faith in what the fucking legal experts say but they have not fucking said it? :crazy:

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If there was in fact:

damaging information about a political opponent.

And that information was proof of illegal acts; than who cares where the information comes from?
Shouldn't we all know what that information is?
damaging information about a political opponent.

And on that note what is the information?
Do we have it?
If not why is she being protected?

Why is the focus on junior trying to obtain it rather than what IT is?

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes you fucking did.

You're putting more faith in what the fucking legal experts say but they have not fucking said it? :crazy:
The legal experts have said what I said. If there is sufficient evidence to show intent of soliciting the service of a foreign country to obtain valuable information it is a violation of the law. I also stated that it appears obvious that that has occurred.

People in this thread are stating there is no way, so who is claiming to know how this will pan out? I am only saying there is a law that appears to have been violated and people here were trying to state that no such law existed.

Alas, all anyone here is interested in is winning some stupid argument. This deflects from the real issue that regardless of any interpretation of the law that he lied repeatedly about having knowingly met with anyone that had involvement with the Russian government. These emails absolutely show that those statements were untrue.

Not only that, this meeting was not disclosed by Kushner in his application for security clearance. I bet all you guys will believe he simply forgot or didn't know better. How naive.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If there was in fact:

And that information was proof of illegal acts; than who cares where the information comes from?
Shouldn't we all know what that information is?

And on that note what is the information?
Do we have it?
If not why is she being protected?

Why is the focus on junior trying to obtain it rather than what IT is?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Again, you are willing to excuse law because you like what happened.

See my other post about the repeated lies that they never met with anyone affiliated with the Russian government.

But you know what I don't really care how you all look at this. It is your choice. As I said before it is what it is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The analysis they have done seems very solid to me. I wish they could prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but it certainly gives pause for us all to realize how we are being manipulated.

I always thought the hack was convenient. I don't trust any politician without some level of skepticism. I have said this before. They are pretty much all snakes. We will probably never know the truth about any of the election tampering claims.

Having said all that, the Republicans are just as shady and also have not earned my trust. I have voted Republican more often than Democrat, but not because of trust. It's always a case of the lesser of two evils. I really hate this reality but what can one do about it? Blindly follow a party? Not this guy.

The one thing I am good at is being subjective. I often play the devil's advocate to see how people react. This is a flaw for me but I can't help it. There is no better way to get an honest opinion out of someone. It is manipulative and I realize that. It's a skill that has done me good being a 26 year IT veteran.

I honestly believe nearly everything we think we know is in some way flawed. Our only option is to try and see other possibilities in or to get a more objective point of view.

My distrust of Trump started long before any of this Russian nonsense. I am so disappointed in the republicans for not giving me a better choice to vote for. He has shown that he is not suited for the office he is in and I keep hoping for things to turn for the better. This is my true opinion on all of this, regardless of who else believes it.

This thing with Trump Jr bothers me so much because it casts even more doubt on so many things it makes my stomach turn. Whether or not I am taking this all too seriously remains to be seen. It just exposes lie after lie by the Trump campaign.

I also swear to you that I didn't really believe the whole Russian connection at all. Then the Comey firing seemed sketchy at best. I still think there is way more to that story. The Jr thing is almost like the last straw for me that there is any hope of something positive coming out of this administration. I still hold out hope, as hard as that may be to believe.

I applaud you for taking the time to look at that objectively. Good start. You have taken the first Step into the understanding that you are being lied to on a regular basis by the media and government. There is A LOT MORE to the story.

I am the first to agree both parties are to blame. Thing is it is all a stage show to distract the masses from realizing that our 2 party Duopoly is all a scam because our politicians are corrupt in both parties and answering to the Deep State through bribery & blackmail. This shadow government is run by the Rothchild Banking Empire using the Intelligence communities of Isreal, England, Germany, Saudi Araba, and the US.

If you honestly want to end foreign influence over our elections, you need to realize that the DNC, Hillary, & the Deep State actually fixed the election so Hillary would win. The program they used tainted the results from 5 states electronic Voting machines in her favor before true Patriots in our Intelligence Community stopped the program from running. Trump might have lost if he wasn't actually 20% ahead in the real polls. Tough to hear but true.

Trump was the candidate approached by the true patriots in the Intelligence Community to champion the cause to oppose and fight the treasonous GLOBALIST DEEP STATE PLAN to establish a fascist WORLD GOVERNMENT from the United Nations and institute AGENDA 21, AGENDA 30, and OUTLOOK 2050 after they started WW3 with Russia to break the assault on the Petro Dollar & depopulate. Trump is opposed by most everyone in government, Dems & Repubs alike.
  • Syria is about:
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds. (& exploitation of resources as was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, (Iran, & North Korea)
    • Building a NG pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the EU.
    • Partitioning country so Isreal can annex expliot a huge oil field they found in West Bank/Syria. Genie Oil (Rothchilds, Dick Cheney, & others) out of NJ is set to develop.
  • North Korea is about
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds.
    • Kim has expanded ****** Trade to 10% of world production & Deep State, pappa Bush, HRC, DC, Rothchilds want to add that to their haul from Afghanistan.
  • NAFTA, TPP, & the EU one actually suborned individual countries sovereignty to International Corporations & Banks & sap wealth from USA.
  • The Paris Climate Accord was a global wealth redistribution & equalization effort designed to sap wealth from USA.
  • Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Outlook 2050 is plan to depopulate, confiscate wealth, suborn masses & heard remaining into mega cities so the land can be exploited.
Do some research & you will be appalled. It is all published on UN Websites & NASA Website (for their involvement). The more you learn, the more you will realize these are not conspiracy theories.

If you are truly a patriot & want to stop foreign influence, get involved in the #Unrig effort & educate your liberal friends in the truth you uncover. Do not believe the Media, not even Fox if you are indeed a republican. The USA has been run by foreign influence since before the Civil War. Wars are population control & strategic to benefit the Globalist banks.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This deflects from the real issue that regardless of any interpretation of the law that he lied repeatedly about having knowingly met with anyone that had involvement with the Russian government. These emails absolutely show that those statements were untrue.

Well, there is a fucking lie. She was not from the Russian government. She is a private fucking attorney. A private Russian national.

Jr, a private US citizen met with Natalia, a private Russian civilian. Not the fucking Russian government. :wait:

Not only that, this meeting was not disclosed by Kushner in his application for security clearance. I bet all you guys will believe he simply forgot or didn't know better. How naive.

There is lie number two in the same post. Kushner did not initially disclose the meeting but did so later. They say the NYT find out about the meeting because kushner disclosed it. ;)

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Again, you are willing to excuse law because you like what happened.

See my other post about the repeated lies that they never met with anyone affiliated with the Russian government.

But you know what I don't really care how you all look at this. It is your choice. As I said before it is what it is.
Negative sir...
1) if someone is raising hell and screaming that junior
damaging information about a political opponent.
Than where is the information; which should lend credence to the aforementioned claim.
2) if this information existed and it was so damaging
A) what damage did it cause to present it's value
B) was she conducting illegal activity?
ii) why isn't she being charged or going through this ridiculous public debate.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I applaud you for taking the time to look at that objectively. Good start. You have taken the first Step into the understanding that you are being lied to on a regular basis by the media and government. There is A LOT MORE to the story.

I am the first to agree both parties are to blame. Thing is it is all a stage show to distract the masses from realizing that our 2 party Duopoly is all a scam because our politicians are corrupt in both parties and answering to the Deep State through bribery & blackmail. This shadow government is run by the Rothchild Banking Empire using the Intelligence communities of Isreal, England, Saudi Araba, and the US.

If you honestly want to end foreign influence over our elections, you need to realize that the DNC, Hillary, & the Deep State actually fixed the election so Hillary would win. The program they used tainted the results from 5 states electronic Voting machines in her favor before true Patriots in our Intelligence Community stopped the program from running. Trump might have lost if he wasn't actually 20% ahead in the real polls. Tough to hear but true.

Trump was the candidate approached by the true patriots in the Intelligence Community to champion the cause to oppose and fight the treasonous GLOBALIST DEEP STATE PLAN to establish a fascist WORLD GOVERNMENT from the United Nations and institute AGENDA 21, AGENDA 30, and OUTLOOK 2050 after they started WW3 with Russia to break the assault on the Petro Dollar & depopulate. Trump is opposed by most everyone in government, Dems & Repubs alike.
  • Syria is about:
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds. (as was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, (Iran, & North Korea)
    • Building a NG pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the EU.
    • Partitioning country so Isreal can annex expliot a huge oil field they found in West Bank/Syria. Genie Oil (Rothchilds, Dick Cheney, & others) out of NJ is set to develop.
  • North Korea is about
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds.
    • Kim has expanded ****** Trade to 10% of world production & Deep State, pappa Bush, HRC, DC, Rothchilds want to add that to their haul from Afghanistan.
  • NAFTA, TPP, & the EU one actually suborned individual countries sovereignty to International Corporations & Banks & sap wealth from USA.
  • The Paris Climate Accord was a global wealth redistribution & equalization effort designed to sap wealth from USA.
  • Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Outlook 2050 is plan to depopulate, confiscate wealth, suborn masses & heard remaining into mega cities.

Do some research & you will be appalled. It is all published on UN Websites & NASA Website (for their involvement). The more you learn, the more you will realize these are not conspiracy theories.

If you are truly a patriot & want to stop foreign influence, get involved in the #Unrig effort & educate your liberal friends in the truth you uncover. Do not believe the Media, not even Fox if you are indeed a republican. The USA has been run by foreign influence since before the Civil War.
So, I don't doubt any of that is real. But if you expect me to trust Russia and Trump because they have such good intentions I don't really buy into that. If it takes two evils to keep the others in check, ok.

But it still doesn't make me like or trust Trump. I just don't see him for anything more than an opportunist. Just look at all of his appointees. I just can't reconcile so many choice with anything other than their money and lust for power.

So, if his election averted WW3 then great. But we will still never truly know what is really going on.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
See my other post about the repeated lies that they never met with anyone affiliated with the Russian government.

Again, Einstein. Natalia is not affiliated with the Russian government.

You're getting too much "expert" opinion. lol


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Negative sir...
1) if someone is raising hell and screaming that junior
Than where is the information; which should lend credence to the aforementioned claim.
2) if this information existed and it was so damaging
A) what damage did it cause to present it's value
B) was she conducting illegal activity?
ii) why isn't she being charged or going through this ridiculous public debate.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
It makes no difference if they ultimately received any information. The fact they agreed to a meeting for that purpose is enough.

If you solicit someone to get assistance in order to kill, injure, destroy their life, etc. it is a crime regardless of whether you do it or use it. This is a matter of intent.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes Sherlock, but they thought she was and it's the only reason they agreed to meet with her.

So what Einstein? If you thought you were going to meet with a porn star and it turn out to be Chris Hanson, a news reporter, would tell people you met a porn star?

They were asked, months after the meeting, if they had met with any Russian government people. Their answer was no. It was truthful.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, there is a fucking lie. She was not from the Russian government. She is a private fucking attorney. A private Russian national.

Jr, a private US citizen met with Natalia, a private Russian civilian. Not the fucking Russian government. :wait:

There is lie number two in the same post. Kushner did not initially disclose the meeting but did so later. They say the NYT find out about the meeting because kushner disclosed it. ;)
More excuses. How many will you make? They met with her under the premise of her ties to the Russian government and the promise of damaging information on a political opponent. Pretending it doesn't matter if she was lieing is ludicrous.

Tell me what their intent was genius.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, there is a fucking lie. She was not from the Russian government. She is a private fucking attorney. A private Russian national.

Jr, a private US citizen met with Natalia, a private Russian civilian. Not the fucking Russian government. :wait:

There is lie number two in the same post. Kushner did not initially disclose the meeting but did so later. They say the NYT find out about the meeting because kushner disclosed it. ;)
Kushner amended his paperwork likely because he knew it was going to come out. Why wasn't it disclosed in the first place? You think you would get away with that?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
More excuses. How many will you make? They met with her under the premise of her ties to the Russian government and the promise of damaging information on a political opponent. Pretending it doesn't matter if she was lieing is ludicrous.

Tell me what their intent was genius.

More excuses for your lies?

You said they met with a person from the Russian government. That's a lie.

You said Kushner did not disclose the meeting. That's a lie.

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It makes no difference if they ultimately received any information. The fact they agreed to a meeting for that purpose is enough.

If you solicit someone to get assistance in order to kill, injure, destroy their life, etc. it is a crime regardless of whether you do it or use it. This is a matter of intent.
So this
damaging information about a political opponent.

Never existed?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I applaud you for taking the time to look at that objectively. Good start. You have taken the first Step into the understanding that you are being lied to on a regular basis by the media and government. There is A LOT MORE to the story.

I am the first to agree both parties are to blame. Thing is it is all a stage show to distract the masses from realizing that our 2 party Duopoly is all a scam because our politicians are corrupt in both parties and answering to the Deep State through bribery & blackmail. This shadow government is run by the Rothchild Banking Empire using the Intelligence communities of Isreal, England, Germany, Saudi Araba, and the US.

If you honestly want to end foreign influence over our elections, you need to realize that the DNC, Hillary, & the Deep State actually fixed the election so Hillary would win. The program they used tainted the results from 5 states electronic Voting machines in her favor before true Patriots in our Intelligence Community stopped the program from running. Trump might have lost if he wasn't actually 20% ahead in the real polls. Tough to hear but true.

Trump was the candidate approached by the true patriots in the Intelligence Community to champion the cause to oppose and fight the treasonous GLOBALIST DEEP STATE PLAN to establish a fascist WORLD GOVERNMENT from the United Nations and institute AGENDA 21, AGENDA 30, and OUTLOOK 2050 after they started WW3 with Russia to break the assault on the Petro Dollar & depopulate. Trump is opposed by most everyone in government, Dems & Repubs alike.
  • Syria is about:
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds. (& exploitation of resources as was Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, (Iran, & North Korea)
    • Building a NG pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the EU.
    • Partitioning country so Isreal can annex expliot a huge oil field they found in West Bank/Syria. Genie Oil (Rothchilds, Dick Cheney, & others) out of NJ is set to develop.
  • North Korea is about
    • Installing a Central Bank run by Rothchilds.
    • Kim has expanded ****** Trade to 10% of world production & Deep State, pappa Bush, HRC, DC, Rothchilds want to add that to their haul from Afghanistan.
  • NAFTA, TPP, & the EU one actually suborned individual countries sovereignty to International Corporations & Banks & sap wealth from USA.
  • The Paris Climate Accord was a global wealth redistribution & equalization effort designed to sap wealth from USA.
  • Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Outlook 2050 is plan to depopulate, confiscate wealth, suborn masses & heard remaining into mega cities.
Do some research & you will be appalled. It is all published on UN Websites & NASA Website (for their involvement). The more you learn, the more you will realize these are not conspiracy theories.

If you are truly a patriot & want to stop foreign influence, get involved in the #Unrig effort & educate your liberal friends in the truth you uncover. Do not believe the Media, not even Fox if you are indeed a republican. The USA has been run by foreign influence since before the Civil War. Wars are population control & strategic to benefit the Globalist banks.

thank you!!!



Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So what Einstein? If you thought you were going to meet with a porn star and it turn out to be Chris Hanson, a news reporter, would tell people you met a porn star?

They were asked, months after the meeting, if they had met with any Russian government people. Their answer was no. It was truthful.
I am glad you think a question on meeting a open star is equivalent to their attempt to get assistance in an election by what they thought was a Russian official or affiliate.

I suppose you think it would be ok for a man to agree to meet an underage child as long as it wasn't really an underage child?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Kushner amended his paperwork likely because he knew it was going to come out. Why wasn't it disclosed in the first place? You think you would get away with that?

Yes. Having had a clearance, if I had forgotten something and disclosed it later, I would still have had a clearance. Kushner still has his clearance and did so before and after the story became public.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am glad you think a question on meeting a open star is equivalent to their attempt to get assistance in an election by what they thought was a Russian official or affiliate.

I suppose you think it would be ok for a man to agree to meet an underage child as long as it wasn't really an underage child?

What the fuck are you babbling about?

They never met a russian government person. Period.

It's not a lie to say you never met with a person you never met with.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
More excuses for your lies?

You said they met with a person from the Russian government. That's a lie.

You said Kushner did not disclose the meeting. That's a lie.
Dude your revisionist statements are getting more ridiculous. I said they agreed to a meeting with someone they truly believed was tied to the Russian government. Legally it is the intent that matters. And they knew they made this judgement to meet and figured they would get away with not disclosing because they didn't get what they wanted from it and they could use your excuse to get out of it.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes. Having had a clearance, if I had forgotten something and disclosed it later, I would still have had a clearance. Kushner still has his clearance and did so before and after the story became public.
Keep telling yourself it was just an innocent oversight. How does that koolaid taste anyway?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the fuck are you babbling about?

They never met a russian government person. Period.

It's not a lie to say you never met with a person you never met with.
So if your wife went to meet someone for sex and when they met she realized he wasn't who he said he was and didn't have sex, she did nothing wrong? Next you asked her if she met someone for sex and she said no and you believed her. But then you find out months later that she did meet someone for sex. She didn't lie to you?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, I don't doubt any of that is real. But if you expect me to trust Russia and Trump because they have such good intentions I don't really buy into that. If it takes two evils to keep the others in check, ok.

But it still doesn't make me like or trust Trump. I just don't see him for anything more than an opportunist. Just look at all of his appointees. I just can't reconcile so many choice with anything other than their money and lust for power.

So, if his election averted WW3 then great. But we will still never truly know what is really going on.
Don't trust me. Don't Trust Russia. Don't Trust Trump.

Educate yourself. Youtube is your friend here. Just remember that your entire reality is not what it seems.

Think about this though. Russia's economy was bankrupted by the banks a few years ago and Putin drove them out. He is rebuilding his country and his economy is running very strong now. He is rebuilding his military and much of it is more advanced than ours because Deep State is stealing 65% of the budget in addition to the black budget.

Deep State want war with Russia that can & probably will destroy the planet. Trump realizes this & is working to stop them. Trump is doing things that are in the best interest of our constitution. He is trying to revitalize our economy. He has attacked Pedophile networks with 4,000 arrests. He is opposing refugee immigration that the Globalists created for a reason that is not altruistic. Personally, I'll gladly let Trump try to work with Putin against the Globalists. Your beliefs are your own.

Just do me a favor, before you join ANTIFA opposing Trump in the rapidly approaching civil war, do some research. You may find yourself changing your mind and praying they don't do to him what they did to Kennedy when he opposed them.
Last edited:


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude your revisionist statements are getting more ridiculous. I said they agreed to a meeting with someone they truly believed was tied to the Russian government. Legally it is the intent that matters. And they knew they made this judgement to meet and figured they would get away with not disclosing because they didn't get what they wanted from it and they could use your excuse to get out of it.

Bitch please. I'm not revising anything. You are.

This deflects from the real issue that regardless of any interpretation of the law that he lied repeatedly about having knowingly met with anyone that had involvement with the Russian government. These emails absolutely show that those statements were untrue.

Not only that, this meeting was not disclosed by Kushner in his application for security clearance.

You said "he lied repeatedly about having knowingly met with anyone that had involvement with the Russian government". He didn't lie. He didn't meet anyone with involvement with the Russian government. YOU lied.

You said, "this meeting was not disclosed by Kushner in his application for security clearance." It was disclosed. You lied.



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So if your wife went to meet someone for sex and when they met she realized he wasn't who he said he was and didn't have sex, she did nothing wrong? Next you asked her if she met someone for sex and she said no and you believed her. But then you find out months later that she did meet someone for sex. She didn't lie to you?

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

Here is a simple yes or no question. Did Jr meet with a person that had involvement with the Russian government?

No beating around the bush, just answer the fucking question.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Keep telling yourself it was just an innocent oversight. How does that koolaid taste anyway?

The koolaid tastes better than that liberal cock you're working on. :p

Having filled out some paperwork in my life, I don't pretend that I remember every fucking meeting I've ever had.

It's fairly common, even for job applications, credit apps and yep, government clearance forms, to add stuff later. It's just a fact.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Here is a screenshot. Apparently the quote is listed twice in the article

So it was fake news you were quoting.
Because as we see now, that last part was added... and is utter bullshit.
The law says no such thing.

Turns out ya can't believe every meme on the internet... Who knew?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, I don't doubt any of that is real. But if you expect me to trust Russia and Trump because they have such good intentions I don't really buy into that. If it takes two evils to keep the others in check, ok.

But it still doesn't make me like or trust Trump. I just don't see him for anything more than an opportunist. Just look at all of his appointees. I just can't reconcile so many choice with anything other than their money and lust for power.

So, if his election averted WW3 then great. But we will still never truly know what is really going on.
Almost forgot to mention:

Don't forget to look up the Map of the FEMA Camps they set up all over the USA. That will definitely be an eye opener for you!
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

Here is a simple yes or no question. Did Jr meet with a person that had involvement with the Russian government?

No beating around the bush, just answer the fucking question.
Of course you won't answer the question because it would force you to realize covering up the truth is lieing. As a matter of fact I don't even know that they knew she wasn't truly affiliated with the government until she interviewed on TV the other day. She may also be lieing about her true relationship with the government.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The koolaid tastes better than that liberal cock you're working on.

Having filled out some paperwork in my life, I don't pretend that I remember every fucking meeting I've ever had.

It's fairly common, even for job applications, credit apps and yep, government clearance forms, to add stuff later. It's just a fact.
Such a mature response. Ignorance is bliss. And it wasn't just some meeting. But go ahead and keep pretending. None of this has anything to do with being liberal but keep hiding behind labels. It makes it easier to ignore reality.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So it was fake news you were quoting.
Because as we see now, that last part was added... and is utter bullshit.
The law says no such thing.

Turns out ya can't believe every meme on the internet... Who knew?
It's not fake news if there is truth to it. So if you don't believe it that is fine, but it's not a statement of fiction. Just how accurate it is will be discovered soon enough.

You guys sound like you have been programmed quite well.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Such a mature response. Ignorance is bliss. And it wasn't just some meeting. But go ahead and keep pretending. None of this has anything to do with being liberal but keep hiding behind labels. It makes it easier to ignore reality.

I don't think anyone is trying to deny it was a stupid thing to do or excuse it . We are only trying to tell you he committed no crime in doing so . This is a waste of time and distracts from anything getting done for Americans . Keep in mind this happened way before the whole media being about Russia. The Red scare has only started since Trump won . You agree if Hillary won there would be no media questions on her foreign ties .
It is the undermining of a fairly elected president that the media does not like . I personally don't care for Trump but the guy is getting railroaded from the start .

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The koolaid tastes better than that liberal cock you're working on. :p

Having filled out some paperwork in my life, I don't pretend that I remember every fucking meeting I've ever had.

It's fairly common, even for job applications, credit apps and yep, government clearance forms, to add stuff later. It's just a fact.




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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why? Because they want to benefit themselves from this presidency.
They have ZERO interest in benefiting the American People.

That's obvious bro....
And the fan boys can't see it...
All of a sudden Qatar support terrorist cuz they wouldn't loan KUSHNER?!
Come on now!
I already said when trump started talking shit about Qatar, its all BULLSHIT!
All of them are professional bullshiters!!

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