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As soon as you acknowledge you could be misinterpreting I will.

I don't see how it seems black and white to me . But I am no expert on the subject so I could be incorrect. If I'm proven incorrect by the investigation I will make a public apology to you and admit I was wrong . Is that fair ?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is finished.

I saw on CNN, ABC, NBC and a host of others there is now confirmed proof, pictures and video, of President Trump meeting with a high ranking and ex KBG official. It's from real sources with real names. And they even released the name of the high ranking Russian operative.............. PUTIN!



Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh my god. Answer the fucking question. Is he a US citizen?
Oh my God the question was answered. Dual=yes for both countries. I would think you could figure that out.

I am not your child and this is not a court. You have no ability to make any demands about anything I say.

You keep asking leading questions and I will keep providing leading answers. Simple as that.

Next you will say you aren't asking leading questions. You asked your question so you could follow up with some statement about how that negates him being affiliated with the Russian government. I effectively cut you off at the pass. Too bad.

He is affiliated with the Russian government and nothing you say will change that. He attended that meeting and nothing you say will change that. His presence was not disclosed and nothing you say will change that either.

The importance of it all will work itself out. Nothing for you or I to do here.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh my God....I didn't seriously think there were people as stupid as this fraleywp clown still around......been reading through the last couple of pages of the
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is finished.

I saw on CNN, ABC, NBC and a host of others there is now confirmed proof, pictures and video, of President Trump meeting with a high ranking and ex KBG official. It's from real sources with real names. And they even released the name of the high ranking Russian operative.............. PUTIN!


Holy crap time ! I may have to check out of this tread . It's like we are not speaking the same language to these guys ? Facts and laws don't seem to matter to these "truth seeking American patriots " . Where is Ej and bird when you need them . We need Hazey in here to kick some ass

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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't see how it seems black and white to me . But I am no expert on the subject so I could be incorrect. If I'm proven incorrect by the investigation I will make a public apology to you and admit I was wrong . Is that fair ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't want you to be wrong or right, but so far everyone here has tried to talk me out of my opinion. If you presented your opinion as an alternate instead of a fact it would be different.

My opinion is it seems obvious what happened and yours is that it seems obvious it wasn't an issue. I think it's safe to say we could both be missing key data that could change either opinion.

I am not trying to convince you I am simply being my typical self and seeing how far people will go to be right. It is a defect in my personality online but easier to get when talking to me in person. None of what we think here will make any difference.

Nobody here will ever make me angry over words. I swear to you about that.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is finished.

I saw on CNN, ABC, NBC and a host of others there is now confirmed proof, pictures and video, of President Trump meeting with a high ranking and ex KBG official. It's from real sources with real names. And they even released the name of the high ranking Russian operative.............. PUTIN!

Ok, now that is funny.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy crap time ! I may have to check out of this tread . It's like we are not speaking the same language to these guys ? Facts and laws don't seem to matter to these "truth seeking American patriots " . Where is Ej and bird when you need them . We need Hazey in here to kick some ass

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lies is all they got left....well that and suckerpunching people on the streets....


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh my God....I didn't seriously think there were people as stupid as this fraleywp clown still around......been reading through the last couple of pages of the
Thank you for your provided value. Useful input.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't want you to be wrong or right, but so far everyone here has tried to talk me out of my opinion. If you presented your opinion as an alternate instead of a fact it would be different.

My opinion is it seems obvious what happened and yours is that it seems obvious it wasn't an issue. I think it's safe to say we could both be missing key data that could change either opinion.

I am not trying to convince you I am simply being my typical self and seeing how far people will go to be right. It is a defect in my personality online but easier to get when talking to me in person. None of what we think here will make any difference.

Nobody here will ever make me angry over words. I swear to you about that.

I'm not saying it isn't a issue . I agree fully it was a stupid shitty thing to do I think it was also the wrong thing to do . I was only pointing out to you the law that you think he should be prosecuted under does not apply to what he did .

It was not an attack on your beliefs or leanings . It was a clarification of your interpretation of that law .

I fully understand if you dislike Trump or any politician. I personally do not care for trumps ways of doing many things . But I do think it is important to keep in check calling for prosecution of people who have not violated the law . Just because they are scumbags . There has been extensive investigation into Russian ties with no real violations to date only speculation.
Yet there is no investigation of government spying under Obama . Loretta lynch ordering james comey not to call a investigation a investigation. Or the fact Obama knew the Russians were trying to influence and did nothing .

Seems very one sided

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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What ? How is that faith based ? Either you violated it or you didn't . No faith no opinion just was it violated or not .

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you opinion is based more on faith and not totally on fact.
all the data is not in yet on this issue, yet you state innocent without any qualifications.
Faith based.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not saying it isn't a issue . I agree fully it was a stupid shitty thing to do I think it was also the wrong thing to do . I was only pointing out to you the law that you think he should be prosecuted under does not apply to what he did .

It was not an attack on your beliefs or leanings . It was a clarification of your interpretation of that law .

I fully understand if you dislike Trump or any politician. I personally do not care for trumps ways of doing many things . But I do think it is important to keep in check calling for prosecution of people who have not violated the law . Just because they are scumbags . There has been extensive investigation into Russian ties with no real violations to date only speculation.
Yet there is no investigation of government spying under Obama . Loretta lynch ordering james comey not to call a investigation a investigation. Or the fact Obama knew the Russians were trying to influence and did nothing .

Seems very one sided

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fair enough, but I am still not convinced there was no wrongdoing or law breaking here. We are going to hear about it for quite some time though.

The biggest difference with Obama is he didn't constantly alienate the press. Trump needs to learn to utilize what he can't control as tools. I would respect him of he did that. He also needs to stay away from Twitter and making it all look like a Big Brother episode.

I really thought he would be capable of taking the stupid out of republicans so the good parts could finally shine through. It doesn't seem like that is happening anytime soon. Like it or not, it isn't the same as being CEO of a corporation. People don't work for you they work for America(supposedly anyway) and are not as compelled to listen.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh my God the question was answered. Dual=yes for both countries. I would think you could figure that out.

I am not your child and this is not a court. You have no ability to make any demands about anything I say.

You keep asking leading questions and I will keep providing leading answers. Simple as that.

Next you will say you aren't asking leading questions. You asked your question so you could follow up with some statement about how that negates him being affiliated with the Russian government. I effectively cut you off at the pass. Too bad.

He is affiliated with the Russian government and nothing you say will change that. He attended that meeting and nothing you say will change that. His presence was not disclosed and nothing you say will change that either.

The importance of it all will work itself out. Nothing for you or I to do here.

LOL. You cut me off at the pass by not answering a simple question?

I ask you simple questions that you won't answer because you don't like the answer. It does not fit your narrative, so you ignore the questions. They are simple questions to make a very simple point. Rather than simply answer the questions, you add to them to try and complicate the issue. If you have to add to the narrative, then your position is not very strong. You have to complicate and confuse the issue, otherwise known as "muddying the water".

So, I keep asking the same simple questions.

Was Natalia a person working for the Russian government?

Is the other dude a US citizen?

First we must agree on these basic facts. They are quite relevant. We can move on after you acknowledge the most basic of facts, without the muddy water. We'll talk about other things later.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
LOL. You cut me off at the pass by not answering a simple question?

I ask you simple questions that you won't answer because you don't like the answer. It does not fit your narrative, so you ignore the questions. They are simple questions to make a very simple point. Rather than simply answer the questions, you add to them to try and complicate the issue. If you have to add to the narrative, then your position is not very strong. You have to complicate and confuse the issue, otherwise known as "muddying the water".

So, I keep asking the same simple questions.

Was Natalia a person working for the Russian government?

Is the other dude a US citizen?

First we must agree on these basic facts. They are quite relevant. We can move on after you acknowledge the most basic of facts, without the muddy water. We'll talk about other things later.
I am not about to get into another debate with you. If a person is a dual citizen they are a dual citizen. You want to say he is an American citizen exclusively so you can say aha. But that is a leading question that you asked, plain and simple.

It doesn't matter anyway. The reality is we will find out what they want us to barring some crazy person involved stepping forward and spilling their guts. Not that anyone would believe them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fair enough, but I am still not convinced there was no wrongdoing or law breaking here. We are going to hear about it for quite some time though.

The biggest difference with Obama is he didn't constantly alienate the press. Trump needs to learn to utilize what he can't control as tools. I would respect him of he did that. He also needs to stay away from Twitter and making it all look like a Big Brother episode.

I really thought he would be capable of taking the stupid out of republicans so the good parts could finally shine through. It doesn't seem like that is happening anytime soon. Like it or not, it isn't the same as being CEO of a corporation. People don't work for you they work for America(supposedly anyway) and are not as compelled to listen.
dude the world is changing in revolutionary ways under your feet, and you are clinging onto a bankrupt and dying paradigm you haven't uttered a word that seems the least bit relevant to the present the propoganda mills you are trying to hold a narritive together that is DOA.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude the world is changing in revolutionary ways under your feet, and you are clinging onto a bankrupt and dying paradigm you haven't uttered a word that seems the least bit relevant to the present the propoganda mills you are trying to hold a narritive together that is DOA.
That is pure nonsense that is meaningless. Please provide details around what you consider present reality! The world has been changing in revolutionary ways since I was born.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am not about to get into another debate with you. If a person is a dual citizen they are a dual citizen. You want to say he is an American citizen exclusively so you can say aha. But that is a leading question that you asked, plain and simple.

It doesn't matter anyway. The reality is we will find out what they want us to barring some crazy person involved stepping forward and spilling their guts. Not that anyone would believe them.

Damn dude. The questions are not that hard. There is nothing to debate about them. They are nothing but a starting point. If you can't even acknowledge the most basic of facts, I find it difficult to take you seriously at all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Today's special..... a nothing burger with a side of fake news and extra bullshit.........the same thing we have been served since Trump announced his candidacy


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Damn dude. The questions are not that hard. There is nothing to debate about them. They are nothing but a starting point. If you can't even acknowledge the most basic of facts, I find it difficult to take you seriously at all.

Come on Time this is Russia! It's not like he meet with good people like the Muslim Brotherhood! Oh wait that was Obama who did that . Come on time Russia is serious!

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Come on Time this is Russia! It's not like he meet with good people like the Muslim Brotherhood! Oh wait that was Obama who did that . Come on time Russia is serious!

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no shit...Hilary is passing classified material around like it's Bill's old porn collection, setting up illegal servers, smashing devices with hammers..deledteing 30,000 e-mails and I'm supposed to listen to some butthurt snowflake bitch about a 15 minute conversation.....with a russian's not like he was grilling loretta lynch on the tarmac for an hour.....about how attached she was to being a grandmother.....and lethal childhood accidents.
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Holy crap time ! I may have to check out of this tread . It's like we are not speaking the same language to these guys ? Facts and laws don't seem to matter to these "truth seeking American patriots " . Where is Ej and bird when you need them . We need Hazey in here to kick some ass

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Huh? I said what I could about this... Sorry work gets caught up

I still think the whole thing is a little funny. Besides rocky beat the Russian

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And then there is this.
LOL...the DNC stole the votes of half the democrats in America., but hey no big deal right...and you obsess on a child's fairytale .....that the DNC/RNC pulled out of their you follow every shiny objects that passes in front of your no attention to the numberless retractions, and baseless accusations made by nameless phantoms behind the curtain.just keep parroting the great and wonderful CNN of OZ.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I tried using the coupon code: I jack off to Alex Jones video. But it didn't work. Do you have a code? I want to buy some of that "Super male vitality."
Well I know it's a bit of stretch for a cuck, but has the idea ever occured to you to try jacking off to images of.....I don't know say...a naked lady? But hey that maybe a cis gender micro agression...instead of a naked lady how about a naked Michelle Obama......

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I have no use for any talking head commentators.
I just want the news as in the facts.
No ohhing or ahhing or false sorrow or outrage.


Under Ground Hustler
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That ALEX JONES is a fucking JOKE!!
He's a FAT CR*CK H***!


A fat cr*ckhead who offered $25,000 to whoever made the best Trump / CNN meme and put an infowars logo in it somewhere.
That is why there are the dumbass infowars logos on some of the memes.

But hey, if i was a meme maker i'd probably be trying to get the 25 grand too though. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Infowars. Where you can find hard hitting news and a hard boner again.
wow....the left has come full circle...they have comes to the point where they beat people at free speech rallies, try and convince people the Russians are hiding under everybodies bed, and think nutritoinal supplements are no replacement for Big Pharma.....hey dude those vape pen thingys are all bullshit ....go out and get ya one of them Chantrix patches.
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VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
A fat cr*ckhead who offered $25,000 to whoever made the best Trump / CNN meme and put an infowars logo in it somewhere.
That is why there are the dumbass infowars logos on some of the memes.

But hey, if i was a meme maker i'd probably be trying to get the 25 grand too though. ;)

D fuck!



Under Ground Hustler
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wow....the left has come full circle...they have comes to the point where they beat people at free speech rallies, try and convince people the Russians are hiding under everybodies bed, and think nutritoinal supplements are no replacement for Big Pharma.....

Shit, pretty soon they are going to try to turn us into communis.... oh wait.
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