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The Cromwell

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He will always be Sauramon to me :)

Just wait for it....

"Trump:'I did not know he was a crook'.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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He's worth 1.5 billion can't be that bad

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Actually it can be a bad indication.
Did he help or hinder the USA in making that money?
Did he take advantage of the wall Street bailout?

Are you saying that ALL people with money are good?
Hillary has money :rolleyes:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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From the clips I have seen and read about Sauramon he is a double dealing bullshit slinging back stabbing jerk.
Just my opinion of course though, yours may vary.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Well he does share a lot of traits with Trump.

I hope Sessions makes Trump have to fire him to get rid of him.

No wonder congress can't repeal Obamacare. Too busy approving Trumps cabinet appointments.


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From the clips I have seen and read about Sauramon he is a double dealing bullshit slinging back stabbing jerk.
Just my opinion of course though, yours may vary.

He raised money for Obama . Then switched to supporting Republicans . He obviously likes people who can't do shit or have a plan . The Republicans are the only party that can win big then do everything in their power to blow it . 7 years to come up with healthcare 7 years did nothing not a clue or a thought .

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Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the Republican Party.
I disagree. We need both sides to balance things out. Destroying the party is a worst case scenario.

The last thing I want is a liberal takeover. There are politicians on both sides I agree with and politicians on both sides I disagree with.

Generally I agree with those who at least consider doing the right thing. Most on either side would never let that thought enter their minds. It's mostly mob mentality.

We need to be conservative when necessary but also concerned about the welfare of Americans. Why is this so hard to grasp for some people?

A big reason is we have been conditioned to admire greed and power. Pathetic really.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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yes a blend of socialism and capitalism is the answer.
But most are absolutist and see only liberal or conservative.
Which in truth we have almost none of either now.
We have the best government that money can buy and therein lies the biggest problem.


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yes a blend of socialism and capitalism is the answer.
But most are absolutist and see only liberal or conservative.
Which in truth we have almost none of either now.
We have the best government that money can buy and therein lies the biggest problem.

That's what we have right now don't we?
Sociacapitalism? If they want to?!



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