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well, that was one of the dumbier rants I've heard in awhile
That was the dumbest rant you’ve ever heard? Go back over some of your skreeds all over this thread and the other. First you’ll figure out the difference between a rant and a statement then what’s dumb and what isnt.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just don’t get why the trump folks hate Obama so much. Other than rhetoric and some tweets, I can’t tell much of a difference between the two.

- They both love war/
- They both love the banks.
- They came up with the same health care plan expect one was supposed to reform the other.
- One wanted to loosen immigration and the other makes speech about reform but cuts back room deals.
- They both use race and stupid social issues to create division.
- They both talk about gun control and do nothing (I want my national CCW).

Obama did three things in 8 years I consider achievements. The Iran deal, the Cuba deal and reforming laws. That’s pretty sad for 8 years considering two of those things are so old and arbitrary it made no sense to continue. The bar is set pretty low for ol’ Donny boy.
yeah the Iran deal was not only a bullshit deal..he also lied about it..of course he also lied about Obamacare, fast and furious,the IRS scandal and Bengahzi.......and spying on Trump....Cuba...who gives a fuck...doesn't effect the average American at all...same with pot ...who cares stoners think the world revolves around their banal drug of choice.who cares...both love war?....... OK Trump has only been in office a short time and there is a possibility her could do anything, but to date your statement is bullshit..Obama toppeled the goverment of libya he bombed it against the war powers act...and by so doing he opened the door to ISIS and rapeugees invading europe he is also resposible for the fact there are now open slave markets in the streets of libya, after his famous nobel prize he increased the number of troops 5 fold in the point that the people that gave him the Nobel prize publicly said they wished they could take it back...he toppeled the goverment of eygpt and created violent chaos...and he helped install a member of the Muslim brotherhood into offfice..he attempted to overthrow the goverment of Syria he ran guns illegally into syria, he tried to topple and provoke a war in the far Trump looks like a pacifist compared to Obama...every single day Obama was in office he was dropping missles on one country or another.....
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The Cromwell

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Some love sucking up to a corrupt government as long as it is their party who is in charge.
Because their party can never be corrupt it is always the other party.
And there are only 2 sides for them.
Their side and the wrong side.


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pulse is correct, you can’t compare trump to obama.
Cuz obama was a very SMART president, for him to be able to pull all that shit in 8 years is amazing...

Trump, so far, he is proven to be a FUCKING IDIOT!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Some love sucking up to a corrupt government as long as it is their party who is in charge.
Because their party can never be corrupt it is always the other party.
And there are only 2 sides for them.
Their side and the wrong side.
Trump is not a republican......he was and is hated by the GOP...he got a huge slice of crossover voted from are obssessing over party alligences the people who voted for Trump went against the grain of both parties.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
pulse is correct, you can’t compare trump to obama.
Cuz obama was a very SMART president, for him to be able to pull all that shit in 8 years is amazing...

Trump, so far, he is proven to be a FUCKING IDIOT!

oh it had nothing to do with brains it had to do with he had the support of both parties.....the GOP never gave Obama any serious pushback...that is why the the rank and file GOP refused to support any of the republican candidates for president the GOP had to offer. and choose Trump instead....fucking Obama couldn't run a lemonmade stand on his own ....


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oh it had nothing to do with brains it had to do with he had the support of both parties.....the GOP never gave Obama any serious pushback...that is why the the rank and file GOP refused to support any of the republican candidates for president the GOP had to offer. and choose Trump instead....fucking Obama couldn't run a lemonmade stand on his own ....

THE GOP liked obama n the rank n file GOP did not like obama... aren’t you talking about the SAME fucking group people called



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just don’t get why the trump folks hate Obama so much. Other than rhetoric and some tweets, I can’t tell much of a difference between the two.

- They both love war/
- They both love the banks.
- They came up with the same health care plan expect one was supposed to reform the other.
- One wanted to loosen immigration and the other makes speech about reform but cuts back room deals.
- They both use race and stupid social issues to create division.
- They both talk about gun control and do nothing (I want my national CCW).

Obama did three things in 8 years I consider achievements. The Iran deal, the Cuba deal and reforming laws. That’s pretty sad for 8 years considering two of those things are so old and arbitrary it made no sense to continue. The bar is set pretty low for ol’ Donny boy.
they hated him mostly because he was a marxist.
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THE GOP liked obama n the rank n file GOP did not like obama... aren’t you talking about the SAME fucking group people called

no ..the rank and file republicans don't support the GOP and have been trying to otherthrow the GOP leadership for over a decade....their first attempt was Regan....then the Tea Party was an attempt to unseat the Leadership...the last fight against the GOP by the rank and file was Trump...the candidates the GOP put up for the nomination were thrown off the stage the endorsment of the GOP was the kiss of death to the rank and is yet to be seen what the democrat ran file will do ....alot crossed over and voted for Trump....a huge number of Sanders supporters refused to support Hilary after they found out she stole the nomination, but so far it doesn't look as if they will abandon the DNC even after all that...the libtards are good Germans they do what they are told by the party...the right not so much...there is much more dissent.independence, debate, and differences among them...the right is the new counter culture...the left is the status quo


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no ..the rank and file republicans don't support the GOP and have been trying to otherthrow the GOP leadership for over a decade....their first attempt was Regan....then the Tea Party was an attempt to unseat the Leadership...the last fight against the GOP by the rank and file was Trump...the candidates the GOP put up for the nomination were thrown off the stage the endorsment of the GOP was the kiss of death to the rank and is yet to be seen what the democrat ran file will do ....alot crossed over and voted for Trump....a huge number of Sanders supporters refused to support Hilary after they found out she stole the nomination, but so far it doesn't look as if they will abandon the DNC even after all that...the libtards are good Germans they do what they are told by the party...the right not so much...there is much more dissent.independence, debate, and differences among them...the right is the new counter culture...the left is the status quo

You my friend is repeating yo self bout how hrc and the dnc colluded to steal the nomination that lead to a trump presidency?!

It’s funny that you try to differentiate a GOP vs RANK N FILE GOP, DUDE! Really?!
Do you even realize what you are saying?!
the libtards are the German And they do what they are being told?! And not so much the RIGHT!?
Dude... based on what you just said, who the fuck is the RIGHT THEN?
You got to be clear on this shit man!

Here’s what I know!

We don’t have to try to fucking justify shit dude... come on now!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You my friend is repeating yo self bout how hrc and the dnc colluded to steal the nomination that lead to a trump presidency?!

It’s funny that you try to differentiate a GOP vs RANK N FILE GOP, DUDE! Really?!
Do you even realize what you are saying?!
the libtards are the German And they do what they are being told?! And not so much the RIGHT!?
Dude... based on what you just said, who the fuck is the RIGHT THEN?
You got to be clear on this shit man!

Here’s what I know!

We don’t have to try to fucking justify shit dude... come on now!


are you also a MENSA wanna be ej?......yes we all know that Hilary stole the nomination....that is the point.......everybody knows it right?...and so after a year of us ALL knowing it.......there hasn't been a single repercusion among democrats about it....the rank and file democrats have still not demanded that anybody be brought to account for it.the DNC is more concerned about the illegal scum, that the head democrat in the senate stands up for 8 hours demanding forgien criminals be given amnesty, and yet she hasn't spent a single minute making sure the votes of American democrats is secured.there has been no corresponding movment among democrat rank and file over the globalist stealing their party that rank and file republicans had with their tea party...there has been no inquiry by the media over the theft of the nomination not a peep it was all swept under the rug...probablly the biggest violation of the democratic process in my lifetime and the media has ignored it.the congressional Democrats have ignored it and most importantly the fank and file have legitamized it....yes both parties are corrupt...but only one party's members are doing much about it.the rank and file democrats are obssessing over a fairytale of russian collusion that has not a shred of evidence to it,,,when they should be obssessing over their votes being stolen which as you say everyone knows happened....


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are you also a MENSA wanna be ej?......yes we all know that Hilary stole the nomination....that is the point.......everybody knows it right?...and so after a year of us ALL knowing it.......there hasn't been a single repercusion among democrats about it....the rank and file democrats have still not demanded that anybody be brought to account for it.the DNC is more concerned about the illegal scum, that the head democrat in the senate stands up for 8 hours demanding forgien criminals be given amnesty, and yet she hasn't spent a single minute making sure the votes of American democrats is secured.there has been no corresponding movment among democrat rank and file over the globalist stealing their party that rank and file republicans had with their tea party...there has been no inquiry by the media over the theft of the nomination not a peep it was all swept under the rug...probablly the biggest violation of the democratic process in my lifetime and the media has ignored it.the congressional Democrats have ignored it and most importantly the fank and file have legitamized it....yes both parties are corrupt...but only one party's members are doing much about it.the rank and file democrats are obssessing over a fairytale of russian collusion that has not a shred of evidence to it,,,when they should be obssessing over their votes being stolen which as you say everyone knows happened....

What the fuck is MENSA?!
Is it really that important to you what the hrc and dnc done? Does it really bothers you that they stole the nomination from sanders, do you really think sanders wasn’t aware of what’s happening?! Come on now?!

That pelosi thing is something ain’t it? She does good job acting like she cares? But that just prove my point, she’s a career politician, she’s one of the richest congress member in the house, she’s been there for a long time, she knows how play the game bro... none of those motherfuckers are for us! They can blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
All they want, in the end of the day, guess what?! They give you the middle fucking finger!


Dude,COME ON! Trump is a CON MAN bro,he doesn’t give a fuck about you nor America, he’s acting the role BRO!

like I said before, TRUMP HAS CONNECTIONS IN RUSSIA, we all know that, he’s a business man!
Those connections are large enough for the opposition to connect the dots and to make it into a thing, “russiagate”!
It’s out there we are all witnessing it!

I don’t believe the Russians help trump win the election!
I do believe that trump and his organization/business committed something that we still don’t know and that would be the reason for his impeachment or resignation!

Do you wanna see his TAXES?
No? OK!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the fuck is MENSA?!
Is it really that important to you what the hrc and dnc done? Does it really bothers you that they stole the nomination from sanders, do you really think sanders wasn’t aware of what’s happening?! Come on now?!

That pelosi thing is something ain’t it? She does good job acting like she cares? But that just prove my point, she’s a career politician, she’s one of the richest congress member in the house, she’s been there for a long time, she knows how play the game bro... none of those motherfuckers are for us! They can blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
All they want, in the end of the day, guess what?! They give you the middle fucking finger!


Dude,COME ON! Trump is a CON MAN bro,he doesn’t give a fuck about you nor America, he’s acting the role BRO!

like I said before, TRUMP HAS CONNECTIONS IN RUSSIA, we all know that, he’s a business man!
Those connections are large enough for the opposition to connect the dots and to make it into a thing, “russiagate”!
It’s out there we are all witnessing it!

I don’t believe the Russians help trump win the election!
I do believe that trump and his organization/business committed something that we still don’t know and that would be the reason for his impeachment or resignation!

Do you wanna see his TAXES?
No? OK!

no you idiot of course Sanders knew ..that is not the fucking point you wooden headed sod...the rank and file democrats didn't know.


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no you idiot of course Sanders knew ..that is not the fucking point you wooden headed sod...the rank and file democrats didn't know.

They all knew.... stop acting like a fool!
You cant differentiate a rank n file vs the norm
They’re all the same... STOP IT!

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They all knew.... stop acting like a fool!
You can differentiate a rank n file vs the norm
They’re all the same... STOP IT!

ok lets start at the begining I'll get the crayons out for you you understand the term ..rank and file?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They all knew.... stop acting like a fool!
You cant differentiate a rank n file vs the norm
They’re all the same... STOP IT!

So, let me get this straight...all the people who went to the convention with their Sander's signs all those people who went to the Sanders rallies all those people who walked the precints banging on doors and passing out leaflets and having vegan bake sales for Sanders...they all knew the nomination process was rigged, but they just didn't have anything better to do with their time that about right ej...

The Cromwell

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So, let me get this straight...all the people who went to the convention with their Sander's signs all those people who went to the Sanders rallies all those people who walked the precints banging on doors and passing out leaflets and having vegan bake sales for Sanders...they all knew the nomination process was rigged, but they just didn't have anything better to do with their time that about right ej...
Pretty much with those on the right as well :)
Sheep are sheep.


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So, let me get this straight...all the people who went to the convention with their Sander's signs all those people who went to the Sanders rallies all those people who walked the precints banging on doors and passing out leaflets and having vegan bake sales for Sanders...they all knew the nomination process was rigged, but they just didn't have anything better to do with their time that about right ej...

Those people are IDIOTS,
sheeps, worshippers, mostly young folks, they are unaware of shit bro, and most of them are PAID!

People need to stop acting like a fool if they really want change!

Sanders attracted a lot of young idiots because of the shit he says

STUDENT LOANS! do you remember!?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Those people are IDIOTS,
sheeps, worshippers, mostly young folks, they are unaware of shit bro, and most of them are PAID!

People need to stop acting like a fool if they really want change!

Sanders attracted a lot of young idiots because of the shit he says

STUDENT LOANS! do you remember!?

so did fucking Obama and you called that knuckeldragger a genius...and no those people thought that the DNC would respect their votes..and follow their own rules.

The Cromwell

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I said SMART!
He was a very smart president, for him to achieved all the shit you said he did!
Pay attention bro!

Same thought I had during the Obama presidency.
Never been a president in our history that was as powerful to cause all the bad that the right says that Obama did.

I recall talking to an apparently intelligent right winger neighbor who was calling Obama the Antichrist.
But anyway I asked him if he really believed that and he said yes....
Well he was wrong the world is still a spinnin :)


VU Donator
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Same thought I had during the Obama presidency.
Never been a president in our history that was as powerful to cause all the bad that the right says that Obama did.

I recall talking to an apparently intelligent right winger neighbor who was calling Obama the Antichrist.
But anyway I asked him if he really believed that and he said yes....
Well he was wrong the world is still a spinnin :)

TOo much faux news bro, talking about propaganda or agenda! Lol



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He IS smarter than Trump.
Genius no prolly not.
A scumbag politician? definitely.
yeah I bet you two crammed together for your MENSA tell me what leads to to believe that Cletus...I mean here is aguy who got into Harvard as an afferamtive action baby,got on the law review because he was black and became the editor for the same reason...a guy who has accomplished nothing other than hanging out in a racist church in chicago being a ward healer. never had a real job in the real world...what exactlly has he displayed that leads you to the conslusion he's a smart guy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Same thought I had during the Obama presidency.
Never been a president in our history that was as powerful to cause all the bad that the right says that Obama did.

I recall talking to an apparently intelligent right winger neighbor who was calling Obama the Antichrist.
But anyway I asked him if he really believed that and he said yes....
Well he was wrong the world is still a spinnin :)
whereas pussyhated dimwits such as yourself call Trump a I know alot of people who think Obama is a POS, but never the antichrist...but then I don't have the sort of religous background as yourself....we usually left the snakes alone.

The Cromwell

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whereas pussyhated dimwits such as yourself call Trump a I know alot of people who think Obama is a POS, but never the antichrist...but then I don't have the sort of religous background as yourself....we usually left the snakes alone.
have I ever called him a Nazi?

He is an asshole ego maniac who thinks he should have imperial power.
And all who do not applaud his great majesty are guilty of treason.

He is also very insecure.
And requires constant lies to attempt to boost his self esteem.

Don't think I ever called him a nazi but I am not totally certain on that.
I would hate to think that I had insulted Nazi's like that.


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have I ever called him a Nazi?

He is an asshole ego maniac who thinks he should have imperial power.
And all who do not applaud his great majesty are guilty of treason.

He is also very insecure.
And requires constant lies to attempt to boost his self esteem.

Don't think I ever called him a nazi but I am not totally certain on that.
I would hate to think that I had insulted Nazi's like that.

That’s what they like about him!
He is an asshole ego maniac who thinks he should have imperial power.
And all who do not applaud his great majesty are guilty of treason.

He is also very insecure.
And requires constant lies to attempt to boost his self esteem.

He adores Putin... we all know that And he even said it...



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Holy shit!


The Cromwell

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"Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation," the President tweeted. "Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?"

Sez they guy who said those not applauding him were guilty of treason?
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