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The Cromwell

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Purveyor of fake news.
But as long as it is fake news supporting trump[ then all is well with his minions.


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Because the majority of humans are herd creatures and will find someone or something to follow no matter how stupid or bizarre they are.
Political partys, sports, religions, cults (only different from religion in the number of followers), Celebrities, etc.

All humans are social creatures as are many many animals. But in nature, these social groups are small. You don't see any species where the entire species is grouped together in one bunch. You don't see every goose fly south in one large group. They fly south in thousands of small groups. There never was A herd of buffalo. It was always herds of buffalo. Herds of elk. Packs of wolves. elephants, ants, bees, wasps and ect. Successful groups split into other groups.

There is a reason for it and try as they might, people cannot escape nature. The larger the group, the sicker it is. That's why governments fail. They come and go. Because there are too many people in the group.

Humans are no different than any other social group, except they fight nature and think they can have large groups with a central government(leaders). We don't need leaders. We need smaller groups.

The Cromwell

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We don't need leaders. We need smaller groups.
So total anarchy?
No laws?
Murder would not be illegal or would be in some small groups and not in others?
Constant bickering and fighting between small groups?

you are talking past history.
But then cons do not study history.
They like making the same mistakes over and over.
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Oh oh oh! I know I know!...View attachment 102833
To keep whining moonbats from looting the nation???
Simpler method:


The Cromwell

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I don't want anyone telling me what to do. The rest of you though, you all need someone to keep you in line. Maybe I should be in charge...

That is the way it has always worked out thru human history.
Pecking order, Alpha dog, etc.

The Cromwell

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John Moody, executive vice president and executive editor of Fox News, ignited controversy when he skewered the US Olympic Committee in a Wednesday opinion piece titled, "In Olympics, let's focus on the winner of the race -- not the race of the winner."

"Unless it's changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been 'Faster, Higher, Stronger,'" Moody wrote. "It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to 'Darker, Gayer, Different.' If your goal is to win medals, that won't work."

Moody went on to deride the US Olympic Committee for boasting about how this year's team was "the most diverse" ever sent to the Winter Olympics.

"That was followed by a, frankly, embarrassing laundry list of how many African-Americans, Asians and openly gay athletes are on this year's U.S. team," Moody wrote. "No sport that we are aware of awards points -- or medals -- for skin color or sexual orientation."


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Hey Crommie... yer girl had some things to say today at the sammich makers feminist convention.
It's pure gold. ;)



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John Moody, executive vice president and executive editor of Fox News, ignited controversy when he skewered the US Olympic Committee in a Wednesday opinion piece titled, "In Olympics, let's focus on the winner of the race -- not the race of the winner."

"Unless it's changed overnight, the motto of the Olympics, since 1894, has been 'Faster, Higher, Stronger,'" Moody wrote. "It appears the U.S. Olympic Committee would like to change that to 'Darker, Gayer, Different.' If your goal is to win medals, that won't work."

Moody went on to deride the US Olympic Committee for boasting about how this year's team was "the most diverse" ever sent to the Winter Olympics.

"That was followed by a, frankly, embarrassing laundry list of how many African-Americans, Asians and openly gay athletes are on this year's U.S. team," Moody wrote. "No sport that we are aware of awards points -- or medals -- for skin color or sexual orientation."


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The NFL, MLB and NBA are overwhelmingly black, is he mad about that too? What a snowflake that guy is.

The Cromwell

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The NFL, MLB and NBA are overwhelmingly black, is he mad about that too? What a snowflake that guy is.
Naah he hates the NFL because of his failed attempt at being a football team owner.

Just one of his many failures...
Remember Atlantic city and similar ventures?


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Naah he hates the NFL because of his failed attempt at being a football team owner.

Just one of his many failures...
Remember Atlantic city and similar ventures?

Now your talking about the
almighty, smartest president ever elected in the USA!


The Cromwell

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Trump loves private property rights.
Seems that most have forgotten this so.

For more than 30 years Vera Coking lived in a three-story house just off the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. Donald Trump built his 22-story Trump Plaza next door. In the mid-1990s Trump wanted to build a limousine parking lot for the hotel, so he bought several nearby properties. But three owners, including the by then elderly and widowed Ms Coking, refused to sell.

As his daughter Ivanka said in introducing him at his campaign announcement, Donald Trump doesn’t take no for an answer.

Trump turned to a government agency – the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) – to take Coking’s property….

Peter Banin and his brother owned another building on the block. A few months after they paid $500,000 to purchase the building for a pawn shop, CRDA offered them $174,000 and told them to leave the property. A Russian immigrant, Banin said: “I knew they could do this in Russia, but not here. I would understand if they needed it for an airport runway, but for a casino?”

Ultimately, as Boaz notes, Trump and the CRDA lost in court in CRDA v. Banin, an early victory for the Institute for Justice – the public interest law firm that later litigated Kelo v. City of New London and other landmark property rights cases.

As Boaz notes, this was not the only time that Trump sought to use eminent domain to seize property from unwilling owners. In 1994, he also lobbied the city of Bridgeport to condemn five small businesses so he could build an office and entertainment complex that he absurdly claimed would turn Bridgeport into a “national tourist destination.”

On this issue, unlike most others, Trump has been consistent over time. When the Supreme Court narrowly upheld “economic development” takings that transfer property to private parties in the 2005 Kelo case, the ruling was widely denounced on both left and right. But Trump defended it stating that “I happen to agree with it 100%. if you have a person living in an area that’s not even necessarily a good area, and … government wants to build a tremendous economic development, where a lot of people are going to be put to work and … create thousands upon thousands of jobs and beautification and lots of other things, I think it happens to be good.” The feral cats who currently occupy the condemned land probably agree. Trump did not merely claim that the decision was legally correct; he argued that it was “good” to give government the power to forcibly displace homeowners and small businesses and transfer their property to influential developers on the theory that doing so might promote “economic development.”

Both the Kelo case and Trump’s efforts to benefit from eminent domain exemplify a longstanding pattern under which that power is used to take land away from the political weak and transfer it to influential private interests. In the long run, as cities like Detroit have learned, such assaults on property rights undermine development far more than they promote it.

The Cromwell

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Maybe Obama?

or maybe...who is that rich democrat backer?
I forget his name...

The Cromwell

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So now we believe polls because they are in trumps favor? Noted.
Yep all of a sudden the trumpeteers start believing in polls.

Seems like I made a statement about this in a previous post...

As I said so predictable little sheeple.


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Trump won't declassify Democratic memo, sends back to committee - CNN Politics
Is this fake news? Or should I go to other fake news!



Silver Contributor
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Hey Crommie... yer girl had some things to say today at the sammich makers feminist convention.
It's pure gold. ;)

There is something seriously wrong with this woman. She coughs like a person that smoked for 130 years. Stupid feminist still supporting a woman that protected a rapist


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I just don’t get why the trump folks hate Obama so much. Other than rhetoric and some tweets, I can’t tell much of a difference between the two.

- They both love war/
- They both love the banks.
- They came up with the same health care plan expect one was supposed to reform the other.
- One wanted to loosen immigration and the other makes speech about reform but cuts back room deals.
- They both use race and stupid social issues to create division.
- They both talk about gun control and do nothing (I want my national CCW).

Obama did three things in 8 years I consider achievements. The Iran deal, the Cuba deal and reforming laws. That’s pretty sad for 8 years considering two of those things are so old and arbitrary it made no sense to continue. The bar is set pretty low for ol’ Donny boy.
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Yep all of a sudden the trumpeteers start believing in polls.

Seems like I made a statement about this in a previous post...

As I said so predictable little sheeple.
Did they do a equal sampling of democrats and republicans this time? That is why other polls were skewed they over sampled democrats


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I just don’t get why the trump folks hate Obama so much. Other than rhetoric and some tweets, I can’t tell much of a difference between the two.
Obama was adopted by man from Indonesia. Indonesia doesn't allow dual citizenship.


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Obama was adopted by man from Indonesia. Indonesia doesn't allow dual citizenship.

I really don’t give a shit about that. It didn’t effect his presidency one way or another. Unless you are one of those people that believes he is secretly a mooslim working with the brotherhood to bring down America.

If his father was born here, do you think it would have made him any less of a corrupt, shit President?
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I really don’t give a shit about that. It didn’t effect his presidency one way or another. Unless you are one of those people that believes he is secretly a mooslim working with the brotherhood to bring down America.

Off course he does believe that shit!
he Also believe, Obama’s wife is a dude and the kids are adopted!



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Off course he does believe that shit!
he Also believe, Obama’s wife is a dude and the kids are adopted!

I don’t know what he believes. I do know that GWB stole an election using rigged diabold machines and a certain people seemed to have no issue with that... He was also as red blooded as you can get and was worse than Obama. Is there a science to all this or is it all drawn up along racial and idiotic party lines? They are all indefensible. Each and every politician deserves nothing but ridicule and scorn. I don’t care how they get into office, no one should be supporting these scumbags or lowering themselves to stand up for them.


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HUH?! The stable genius wouldn’t release the memo because according to the DTN aka faux news, it contains NATIONAL SECURITY RISK !
The memo is going back NUNEZ for audit?! LOL
I hope the Dems made copines of the original
ILL BET $20 bucks DEM MEMO will release on MONDAY?!



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Off course he does believe that shit!
he Also believe, Obama’s wife is a dude and the kids are adopted!

I just stated Obama was adopted which he was and the immigration policy of Indonesia. Left it up to you where your little mind went.


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I just stated Obama was adopted which he was and the immigration policy of Indonesia. Left it up to you where your little mind went.

So people hated on him cuz he was



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Nope it was because many things the biggest one is being a socialist.

There it is,
he’s a socialist!
Say it like a real man
Why mentioned INDONESIA?



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Nope it was because many things the biggest one is being a socialist.

It’s a real interesting brand of socialism he practiced. For me that goes into the same catagory as he’s a secret mooslim working with the Al Qaeda’s to bring down America.

Now I’m going to be accused of loving Hillary and being a Democrat who is butt hurt because trump
won. Not by you Ralph but someone will come along.
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