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He fat loser too

Because, that is the most important thing. Its so fun to watch how some people resort to that as an insult. You would think someone at his advanced age could come up with something a little better than that. I guess the people at the assisted living facility, need to work on their tutoring sessions.

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Because, that is the most important thing. Its so fun to watch how some people resort to that as an insult. You would think someone at his advanced age could come up with something a little better than that. I guess the people at the assisted living facility, need to work on their tutoring sessions.

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That's really nothing compared to what him and his partner said before... LETS PLAY!


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So now not only is Trump Hitler, but anyone who disagrres with you is now a nazi...LOL
Kind of like anyone who disagrees with you is, in your words a 'libtard.'
Oh, I'm sorry let me be more accurate with your descriptions: a fat, slobbering, whiny libtard.

Why else do you think it's fun to play you like a violin? You're so predictable it's funny. Sad that you have not 1 original thought or conversational method other than vile, juvenile anger- but it's funny as hell to watch.

Trying to have any conversation with you and the other one is pretty much pointless. We're Left with just having fun, since you two can't keep yourselves in the 'drink all of trumps koolaide' thread.

What happened you got bored in there?

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That's really nothing compared to what him and his partner said before... LETS PLAY!

Was it something along the lines of who's gonna go first?

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Kind of like anyone who disagrees with you is, in your words a 'libtard.'
Oh, I'm sorry let me be more accurate with your descriptions: a fat, slobbering, whiny libtard.

Why else do you think it's fun to play you like a violin? You're so predictable it's funny. Sad that you have not 1 original thought or conversational method other than vile, juvenile anger- but it's funny as hell to watch.

Trying to have any conversation with you and the other one is pretty much pointless. We're Left with just having fun, since you two can't keep yourselves in the 'drink all of trumps koolaide' thread.

What happened you got bored in there?

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Hey you and Junior Nazi hunter team are doing a bang up job keeping Democracy safe keep up the good work Jabba.


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I don't drink.....I leave that shit to fat losers like you, how's the exercising going ..can you see your toes yet?....and I am not alone......have you decide to actually read a book yet or are you still the resident Don of tinfoil hat youtube videos.and Dean of SNL political theroy.....ain't TV grand.
Really? The best insult you can come up with is fat loser?.... Wow color me impressed.

It's really a shame. So many excellent ways to put curse words together to create amazing insults, and you're using fat loser.

Take your damn midol pulse, your vagina is showing again.

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Hey you and Junior Nazi hunter team are doing a bang up job keeping Democracy safe keep up the good work Jabba.
Well if that's all you got, it says alot more about your lack of intelligence than anything else.
Such a sad weak little man.... you are alot like fuhrer Trump

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Completely pointless... Other than picturing the old man's wittle hands banging on the keyboard while the drunk hamster is running around wheel is funny.

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Hey fat ass ....I thought I'd go swim some to put down the crispy cremes and join me ...or do you have to follow up a lead on the secret nazi base on the darkside of the moon...I'd like to say it's funny imagining you swimming a mile or two, but then the image of you in a speedo no laughing matter....


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Rex Tillerson
Jeff Sessions
Betsy DeVos
Tom Price
Steven Mnuchin
Ben Carson
Steve Bannon
Rick Perry
David Shulkin
Linda McMahon
Mike Pompeo

These are the people that will bring the country back from the brink of economic ruin and nuclear war.


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We are 17 trillion or more in debt...we passed economic ruin 3 exits back....I'm just hoping we avoid anymore wars with the idiotic saber ratteling,and blood lust of Hilary and Obama and Bush.

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Hey fat ass ....I thought I'd go swim some to put down the crispy cremes and join me ...or do you have to follow up a lead on the secret nazi base on the darkside of the moon...I'd like to say it's funny imagining you swimming a mile or two, but then the image of you in a speedo no laughing matter....

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Clever... You're so goddamn brilliant you need your own book.

I'm out. Someone call me when the insults get better. I left elementary school a long time ago
Damn Katie Perry badasses aren't gonna win the revolution with an attitude like that.oh well don't forget your pussyhat and your yoga mat.


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There was a time you were actually an OK person. I could talk vaping with you and you wouldn't flip your shit and turn into a scumbag troll. Now all you do is run around doing your best to piss people off and then throw hissy fits when they don't stoop to your level. I've never seen such an angry person in my life


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There was a time you were actually an OK person. I could talk vaping with you and you wouldn't flip your shit and turn into a scumbag troll. Now all you do is run around doing your best to piss people off and then throw hissy fits when they don't stoop to your level. I've never seen such an angry person in my life
There was never a time I even noticed you for angry people...dear you need to get out of your double wide occasionally and see the real world...where I come from this shit is called foreplay.I couldn't give a rat's ass about being an OK person in the eyes of nitwits...

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There was never a time I even noticed you for angry people...dear you need to get out of your double wide occasionally and see the real world...where I come from this shit is called foreplay.I couldn't give a rat's ass about being an OK person in the eyes of nitwits...
What's it like to spend every hour of every day an angry, vile, pile of vomit running around the interwebs looking to argue over shit you have no control over?
You think you have control because a billionaire with as much hatred as you, has been chosen (by forces that let you think you are in control) to be the sock puppet mouthpiece.

You really were once a decent person. I don't know what happened to you, but God damn dude, you need to either get your blood pressure checked, unplug the interwebs, or see a doctor. Living life without a sense of humor or in as much hatred and misery as you have, is certainly unhealthy.

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Not liking Trump doesn't mean I like those particular people either. Try as you might, not everyone fits neatly in this 2 party bullshit system.

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Not liking Trump doesn't mean I like those particular people either. Try as you might, not everyone fits neatly in this 2 party bullshit system.
Yes it does.... You must drunk the koolaide.
It's purple and yummy and makes everyone love you.

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Hylton is a real piece of trash but I take comfort in the fact she has no power and few backers. The tortures I'm afraid of are running around capitol hill and in the pentagon.


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What's it like to spend every hour of every day an angry, vile, pile of vomit running around the interwebs looking to argue over shit you have no control over?
You think you have control because a billionaire with as much hatred as you, has been chosen (by forces that let you think you are in control) to be the sock puppet mouthpiece.

You really were once a decent person. I don't know what happened to you, but God damn dude, you need to either get your blood pressure checked, unplug the interwebs, or see a doctor. Living life without a sense of humor or in as much hatred and misery as you have, is certainly unhealthy.

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LOL...wanna try and fit into a tent and join me for a two mile swim........

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Well, while pulse is trying to get enough oxygen to survive a swim.....

How about the court Vs trumps golden pen?

Anyone see how huge those folders are in his tiny hands?

You would think he would have them use smaller folders.

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Hylton is a real piece of trash but I take comfort in the fact she has no power and few backers. The tortures I'm afraid of are running around capitol hill and in the pentagon.
comfort .....this insane fucking sadist was given legitamcy by the left and the ant-trumpsters, just as the left has given legitamcy to using violence against peacefull citizens who voice dissent or rather attempt to voice dissent...there is nothing fucking comforting in seeing a psycopath who shoved a three foot steel bar up another human beings anus...being applauded and drooled over by a bunch of white snowflakes who call Trump displays a mindless, thoughtless sheep like following of mass media buzzwords and hype., an ability by massive nimbers of people to turn a blind eye to not simple murder, but inhuman sadisim.


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Not liking Trump doesn't mean I like those particular people either. Try as you might, not everyone fits neatly in this 2 party bullshit system.
oh have a fucking pinhead like bird brain here trying to fit Trump into the uniform of a Nazi...but when a bunch of affluent white SJW's cheer a murderer and sadist, and then get called scream...not fair.

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oh have a fucking pinhead like bird brain here trying to fit Trump into the uniform of a Nazi...but when a bunch of affluent white SJW's cheer a murderer and scream...not fair.
It's worth it to see your reaction.
You're so easy to get ruffled that it only takes a few pics and sheer suggestion of tritler.....
When left with no options to have a discussion.... Go with humor and the drinking game that you time helped to create.


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