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you're not leaving oh damn dude, you're just another Lena Dunham.....Modanna..whoopiseGoldberg cock tease...Canada is wonderfull for 2 weeks in the'de love it.Besides I thought you said you never saw Milo, and now you say you have which is it.
Damn you got me there, I'm pretty sure I said I had never heard of him before trump. If that isn't what i said its what i meant. You seem concerned so go run and do a quote mine, then tweet about it. You might even get a re-tweet from the president.


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the only economic Wizadry the Clintons can claim is how they raped the people of Hati through the Clinton Foundation and laundered untold millions of illegal dollars through the same foundation...hopefully Jeff Sessions can help us figure all that wizadry out....
yeah Jeff Sessions, the maverick anti-establishment crusader is going to white knight on in to the rescue. Are you fucking delusional?


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yeah Jeff Sessions, the maverick anti-establishment crusader is going to white knight on in to the rescue. Are you fucking delusional?
nah I just want him to enforce immigration law and indite the Clintons...and arrest George Soros.oh and shut down about 2 dozen soros non profits....and after that I want him to get medeival


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the most overturned court in america.
Doesn't really matter at this point, now does it?

He will also lose the case IF he appeals it to the supreme court. He's acting like a damn fool, and no one is going to give in to someone acting like a loon.

While I agree, it's within his duties and power to be able to control immigration to some point, he SUCKED at presenting his case to the 9th, and acting like a damn child only makes the case against him even stronger.

Trump does not have the savvy to be president. What HAS been created however, is the perfect storm for RINO's to jam down the throat of the people, whatever they want. They can use the judiciary branch, and both houses to do whatever they want, including bypassing the president to do just exactly whatever they want.

No one, including you, is going to do a damn thing about it.


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nah I just want him to enforce immigration law and indite the Clintons...and arrest George Soros.oh and shut down about 2 dozen soros non profits....and after that I want him to get medeival
Not going to happen. Bet on it?


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This is how it happens.

Last night while you were sleeping the Senate voted to steal $150 billion dollars from the Social Security Trust Fund. I joined 34 of my colleagues in a vote to prevent this raid. I would like to thank Senator Rand Paul for leading the fight to protect to Social Security from the thieves in Washington, who seem to think that if they steal from the American people at night while they are sleeping that they will get away with it. I was proud to vote with Senator Paul on his point of order that would have protected Social Security, and I ask you to help me shine a light on what Washington has tried to hide from you in the darkness of night.

If everyone who sees this message shares it, it will reach millions of Americans. As someone who has been fighting for years to reform our broken government in Washington, I know it is exhausting, I sympathize with your frustration, and I understand your impatience. But don't give up. Washington wants you to give up.

Just remember, a vote to raid social security in the middle of the night in a desperate attempt to perpetuate an unsustainable spending addiction isn't a sign of strength. It is a sign of weakness.

LOL. That's a couple years old(October 20, 2015), happened under Obomba.


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You're the third one from the left aren't you?....come on now you know the words sing along...course it didn't quite work out how you thought huh.....If I remember correctly Obama dropped something like 1 bomb every 20 minutes for 8 years and night.



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The Governor of Washington just declared Donald Trump an enemy of the United States.This is powerful.
Yeah where was this asswipe when Obama and Hilary was running guns, destabelizing the middle east,bombing people,and arming ISIS...which is what led to there being refugees in the first place...duuuuuh why didn't he ask for the impeachment of Obama for creating the fucking refugees in the first place....The DNC is looking like a whore crying about her pussy being grabbed...she don't really mind she just wants to profit from it.
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I'm not leaving.

I have denounced the rioters several times but even if I didn't, does that mean I condone it? Come to think of it, I have not heard you condemn the political repression of Joseph Kabila in the Eastern Congo, should I assume you condone it? I don't like Milo, I've seen him here and there and think he's obnoxious. So I along with trump and his entire cabinet, I have to like his court jester as well?

You're going to have to show me where you denounced the rioters. I have not seen you mention them until pulse called you out about it.

You did condone the punching(by rioters) of the white nationalist. You never did say anything against the rioters on inauguration day, only that you left the city.

You did downplay the lefts violent speaker as if it's no big deal. I think you even said "BFD".

Building a strawman and naming it Joseph Kabila, doesn't change your words. You are literally on the same side as the rioters. You literally posted a video with praise of rioters punching a person. You literally said a violent person as speaker for the left is BFD.

Yes, that is condoning it.


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You're going to have to show me where you denounced the rioters. I have not seen you mention them until pulse called you out about it.

You did condone the punching(by rioters) of the white nationalist. You never did say anything against the rioters on inauguration day, only that you left the city.

You did downplay the lefts violent speaker as if it's no big deal. I think you even said "BFD".

Building a strawman and naming it Joseph Kabila, doesn't change your words. You are literally on the same side as the rioters. You literally posted a video with praise of rioters punching a person. You literally said a violent person as speaker for the left is BFD.

Yes, that is condoning it.

I thought the video was funny, nay, hilarious. People are gonna get punched in the face, that's a fact of life. If people are going to get punched, let it be the racist obviously paid for provocateur. Put that in your dossier.

I'm not afraid of fringe lunatics out on the street yelling back to idiots. When I see them, my reaction is BFD. Your reaction is apparently to be afraid. I'm not worried about the rioters as they are small in number and have little support, especially from me. The rioters left soon after I did and DC is still standing last I checked.

So to sum it up...

- I don't like racist and laugh when they are punched in the face.
- I'm not afraid of every lunatic with a podium and a microphone.
- I'm not afraid of rioters in small numbers playing for the cameras.


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I thought the video was funny, nay, hilarious. People are gonna get punched in the face, that's a fact of life. If people are going to get punched, let it be the racist obviously paid for provocateur. Put that in your dossier.

I'm not afraid of fringe lunatics out on the street yelling back to idiots. When I see them, my reaction is BFD. Your reaction is apparently to be afraid. I'm not worried about the rioters as they are small in number and have little support, especially from me. The rioters left soon after I did and DC is still standing last I checked.

So to sum it up...

- I don't like racist and laugh when they are punched in the face.
- I'm not afraid of every lunatic with a podium and a microphone.
- I'm not afraid of rioters in small numbers playing for the cameras.
to sum it up you are fucking coward who thinks violence is a legitimate political tool

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I thought the video was funny, nay, hilarious. People are gonna get punched in the face, that's a fact of life. If people are going to get punched, let it be the racist obviously paid for provocateur. Put that in your dossier.

I'm not afraid of fringe lunatics out on the street yelling back to idiots. When I see them, my reaction is BFD. Your reaction is apparently to be afraid. I'm not worried about the rioters as they are small in number and have little support, especially from me. The rioters left soon after I did and DC is still standing last I checked.

So to sum it up...

- I don't like racist and laugh when they are punched in the face.
- I'm not afraid of every lunatic with a podium and a microphone.
- I'm not afraid of rioters in small numbers playing for the cameras.

As I said, you condone the violent left.

verb: condone; 3rd person present: condones; past tense: condoned; past participle: condoned; gerund or present participle: condoning
accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.

And frankly, I'm disappointed to see it from you. I had thought you more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,level headed than that.

I didn't say I was afraid. I said you condone it. You're batting 1000 with strawman building today.

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"someone doesn't agree with me, omg NOOOEESS they must be crazy/stupid/libtard/fat"
OOOOOHHHH somebody doesn't agree with me...they're Hitler...they need to be beaten in the streets, they don't have a right to hold a speech or a rally....WWWWWWAAAAA

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Always have to have the last word some things never change. Let alone how far you're reaching at this point, it really is sad

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Sure that's not what you use to get yourself ready for the horsey

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Meh. The horse weighs less than you, doesn't stink nearly as bad and has a higher IQ. But you do have something in common, you've both had your balls removed, so there's that.

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Meh. The horse weighs less than you, doesn't stink nearly as bad and has a higher IQ.
So the horse has a genius IQ and uses nice Cologne.. No wonder you love him much, that you take the time to use special equipment for 'Happy time' preparation.

And yet you still think it's OK to talk about a woman's private parts .....
You've reached a whole new level of low ... And shown what a truly vile piece of shit you are.... It's the fucking internet and a dumb political thread... If you can't leave a woman's body out of it than you really need a break from the web.... Maybe check yourself into a halfway house.

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So the horse has a genius IQ and uses nice Cologne.. No wonder you love him much, that you take the time to use special equipment for 'Happy time' preparation.

And yet you still think it's OK to talk about a woman's private parts .....
You've reached a whole new level of low ... And shown what a truly vile piece of shit you are.
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Yes, compared to you the horse is a genius. I mean, you see the horse and your only thought is sex. But when it comes to pussy, you are against even talking about it.

You're fucking weird.

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Yes, compared to you the horse is a genius. I mean, you see the horse and your only thought is sex. But when it comes to pussy, you are against even talking about it.

You're fucking weird.
Yeah I'm the weird one....
You go talking about a woman's private area on the internet forum and think that line is OK to cross.

You seriously need a shrink to separate reality from the interwebs and realize that women are not here for your entertainment... sick fuck.

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Yeah I'm the weird one....
You go talking about a woman's private area on the internet forum and think that line is OK to cross.

You seriously need a shrink to separate reality from the interwebs and realize that women are not here for your entertainment... sick fuck.

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LOL. Stupid fuck.

Sandy Vagina
adj:/ title for a person who is in a bad mood.

Sandy Vagina
When somebody is cranky for a reason that does not seem to be sufficiently bad enough to bitch about.

Sandy Vagina
To have sand in one's vagina means to be bothered, annoyed, or angry about something. The vagina in question is a proverbial vagina; people of either gender can have a sandy vagina.

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