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LOL. Stupid fuck.

Sandy Vagina
adj:/ title for a person who is in a bad mood.

Sandy Vagina
When somebody is cranky for a reason that does not seem to be sufficiently bad enough to bitch about.

Sandy Vagina
To have sand in one's vagina means to be bothered, annoyed, or angry about something. The vagina in question is a proverbial vagina; people of either gender can have a sandy vagina.

People here are not as stupid as you are.

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You two should get back to the barn....

The only reason either of you jump into this thread, is to stir shit and name call. And it's mostly name calling.

Something about the FEW rules the VU has, I guess doesn't register with either of you dense fuckers. Oddly enough, neither of you two would act this way in person with someone, or you know you'd be swallowing your teeth.

I'll even send Time some chapstick and I'll send Pulse a bag of napkins, if you two will just go the fuck away. A cheap investment to keep the stupid name calling OUT of this thread.


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You two should get back to the barn....

The only reason either of you jump into this thread, is to stir shit and name call. And it's mostly name calling.

Something about the FEW rules the VU has, I guess doesn't register with either of you dense fuckers. Oddly enough, neither of you two would act this way in person with someone, or you know you'd be swallowing your teeth.

I'll even send Time some chapstick and I'll send Pulse a bag of napkins, if you two will just go the fuck away. A cheap investment to keep the stupid name calling OUT of this thread.
OK bitches you can have your ball back....


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Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.[2]

Fallacious ad hominem reasoning is normally categorized as an informal fallacy,[3][4][5] more precisely as a genetic fallacy, a subcategory of fallacies of irrelevance.


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You two should get back to the barn....

The only reason either of you jump into this thread, is to stir shit and name call. And it's mostly name calling.

Something about the FEW rules the VU has, I guess doesn't register with either of you dense fuckers. Oddly enough, neither of you two would act this way in person with someone, or you know you'd be swallowing your teeth.

I'll even send Time some chapstick and I'll send Pulse a bag of napkins, if you two will just go the fuck away. A cheap investment to keep the stupid name calling OUT of this thread.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. Did I invade your safe space, Cupcake? Are you triggered?



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Invade my space? No....

I'm just tired of the two of you coming here just to name call with a few members. Since neither of you are capable of growing the fuck up, and actually arguing/debating a point without acting like a dumb fucking child, I'd just prefer you two go away from this thread. We actually get along fine and talk to each other with respect.

If you want to talk shit and act like a stupid kid, find somewhere else to do it. Be happy I don't have a ban button, because if I did, you both would never have to worry about acting stupid here again.


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Invade my space? No....

I'm just tired of the two of you coming here just to name call with a few members. Since neither of you are capable of growing the fuck up, and actually arguing/debating a point without acting like a dumb fucking child, I'd just prefer you two go away from this thread. We actually get along fine and talk to each other with respect.

If you want to talk shit and act like a stupid kid, find somewhere else to do it. Be happy I don't have a ban button, because if I did, you both would never have to worry about acting stupid here again.

Is that your 'mad face'? LOL.



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You really wouldn't want to see my mad face. It's usually followed by my pissed off fists.
LOL....well you wouldn't be in this boat if you and birdbrain and Modanna had delivered on those free blow jobs. like you have nobody but yourselves to blame.


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LOL....well you wouldn't be in this boat if you and birdbrain and Modanna had delivered on those free blow jobs. like you have nobody but yourselves to blame.
Why don't you get brave and bring your pinky sized dick over here and see what I do to it........

P.S. I do NOT appreciate you sexually harassing me.


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Why don't you get brave and bring your pinky sized dick over here and see what I do to it........

P.S. I do NOT appreciate you sexually harassing me.
LOL....yeah I already told you and Madonna both I'm voting for Trump..... thanks for the offer, but I'm not bringing my dick anywhere near either one of you

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Maybe we should go back to that shitstain, fucking praise trump thread.
We left there to let you all have your peace but apparently the concept of live and live is to fucking complicated for you miserable fucks.
Evidently the two of you come to the forum for no other reason than to piss people off and prove what assholes you really are.

We get it, you're both miserable assholes. You proved it ... Time and time again (see what I did there?)

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Maybe we should go back to that shitstain, fucking praise trump thread.
We left there to let you all have your peace but apparently the concept of live and live is to fucking complicated for you miserable fucks.
Evidently the two of you come to the forum for no other reason than to piss people off and prove what assholes you really are.

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good idea there's about a dozen pricks over there just like us.....

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good idea there's about a dozen pricks over there just like us.
Good get the fuck back there

I can't believe I fucking defended both of you assholes when I was a mod here - I must have been crazy.

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Good get the fuck back there

I can't believe I fucking defended both of you assholes when I was a mod here - I must have been crazy.

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OK.....keep up the Nazi hunting you're doing a bang up job.


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LOL....yeah I already told you and Madonna both I'm voting for Trump..... thanks for the offer, but I'm not bringing my dick anywhere near either one of you
Keep on laughing. You are nothing but an internet commando, sunshine patriot.

If you were half as smart, and half as brave as you tout yourself to be, you would be something more that just the lip flapping POS that you are.

Sexually harass me one more time asshole, and I'll report your posts. You may be gay, but I am not. I do not appreciate some asswipe talking to me that way, Nor will I tolerate it, nor do the rules of this place allow for it. Last warning.

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I can think of two

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Gonna just leave this here and all apply anywhere in this forum.

This is a forum for adults, there will be cussing, there will be sexual innuendos.
If you find something offensive, you have the option to ignore the poster and have their posts removed from your forum experience.


Be an Adult! (and yes, that means members are 18+, no exceptions)

1. No Drug/Dry Herb/CBD/Wax related pics, videos, posts, or Drug/Dry Herb/CBD/Wax references in comments please or in a user name.

2. No racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist terms will be tolerated, including in a user name.

3. Only one user membership per person.

4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine

5. No affiliate, referral links or hot linked memes, and pics are permitted. Also no raffles or charity funding are to be sold for profit or otherwise including GoFundMe links, and others. Please contact an Admin about legal 501c3, c6, etc Charity raffles or any other types.

6. No pictures or videos of TRUE violence against people or animals.

7. You are not allowed to post anyone's personal information.This is something we take very serious, and may just ban you for it.

8. All above rules also apply to your avatar pic.

9. Threads, and Posts must be in the appropriate sections. Please NO spamming outside the appropriate sections, this also includes Profile, PM, and Tag Spamming. Moderators will move or delete it, and issue warning points. If there is no appropriate section for your thread or post that is unrelated to vaping e-cigs then more then likely it does not belong in the forum.


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Keep on laughing. You are nothing but an internet commando, sunshine patriot.

If you were half as smart, and half as brave as you tout yourself to be, you would be something more that just the lip flapping POS that you are.

Sexually harass me one more time asshole, and I'll report your posts. You may be gay, but I am not. I do not appreciate some asswipe talking to me that way, Nor will I tolerate it, nor do the rules of this place allow for it. Last warning.
LOL....I've had more women than you and Madonna combined.....although offering physical violence like you have to other members is forbidden.


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Not only is he an internet historian, a political pundant/expert, he is also a gigolo.

I guess when you create a user name on a board, you can pretend to be ANYTHING. Even though we all know, you are a liar.....


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Not only is he an internet historian, a political pundant/expert, he is also a gigolo.

I guess when you create a user name on a board, you can pretend to be ANYTHING. Even though we all know, you are a liar.....
being a liar is not against the forum rules...threatening people with violence like you did is....,.and I'm no gigolo(haven't heard that term in 30 years)....I give my love away for free.....

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Not only is he an internet historian, a political pundant/expert, he is also a gigolo.

I guess when you create a user name on a board, you can pretend to be ANYTHING. Even though we all know, you are a liar.....
Amazingly that's what he got out of what you said.
First it's arguing about politics and name calling. Now he wants to compare conquests.
Jeabus Christ whatever happened to him going the fuck back to the praise trump thread like he said he would.

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Amazingly that's what he got out of what you said.
First it's arguing about politics and name calling. Now he wants to compare conquests.
Jeabus Christ whatever happened to him going the fuck back to the praise trump thread like he said he would.

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No kidding.

At least he admitted he was a liar. ONE positive thing came from his post.......

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No kidding.

At least he admitted he was a liar. ONE positive thing came from his post.......
Right? Not like we didn't know that already. But at least he de-legitimized himself.

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Please show me what violence I threatened you with.....

"Why don't you get brave and bring your pinky sized dick over here and see what I do to it......."

what do you call that?....I spent 12 years living in S.F. and I was a pretty young I've had hundreds of men sexually proposition me......but this doesn't sound like what else could you want with my dick....what were you going to do with it.

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Remember when everyone didn't hate each other?

Good times.
... Then again, I guess people get sick and tired of juvenile delinquency
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bitches be crazy....

And stoopid.

He's been talking about blowjobs, horses and jiz for weeks and now he doesn't like to be sexually harassed? He claims to not be liberal but just like a fucking liberal he thinks he can say whatever sick shit he wants but nobody better do it back to him or else he'll tell on us. LOL.


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And stoopid.

He's been talking about blowjobs, horses and jiz for weeks and now he doesn't like to be sexually harassed? He claims to not be liberal but just like a fucking liberal he thinks he can say whatever sick shit he wants but nobody better do it back to him or else he'll tell on us. LOL.
yeah birdbrain as well has made so many beastiality comments I just assumed he was in the fourth grade..

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And stoopid.

He's been talking about blowjobs, horses and jiz for weeks and now he doesn't like to be sexually harassed? He claims to not be liberal but just like a fucking liberal he thinks he can say whatever sick shit he wants but nobody better do it back to him or else he'll tell on us. LOL.

yeah birdbrain as well has made so many beastiality comments I just assumed he was in the fourth grade..
That's both of your problems...

Both of you have been plugged into the interwebs so fucking long, that you can't see the difference between the real world and the fucking interwebs.

You both probably have miserable lives, zero friends and absolutely not a single fucking soul in the real world who will deal with your shit. Hence you come here to feel like a big man on campus and spew your hate, shove people around and try and create drama to entertain your sad lonely selves.

You start bringing in real shit about people, and your fucking shocked when they bite back?

Go the fuck back to your goddamn thread like you said you would and fuck off.

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Geezubus. C'mon. get more creative with the English Language. Sophistry and Quotes from Moliere are appreciated.
how about Napolean...I heard a couple recently I really liked

"One does not reason with an shoots them"

"Chess is to difficult to be a game,and not serious enough to be a science or an art"

oh and by the way Fuck sophistry...or was that sodomy...nope,nope I had it right the first time fuck sophistry......You like Moliere?...I was really into him in my early twenties..he was pretty cool...
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That's both of your problems...

Both of you have been plugged into the interwebs so fucking long, that you can't see the difference between the real world and the fucking interwebs.

You both probably have miserable lives, zero friends and absolutely not a single fucking soul in the real world who will deal with your shit. Hence you come here to feel like a big man on campus and spew your hate, shove people around and try and create drama to entertain your sad lonely selves.

You start bringing in real shit about people, and your fucking shocked when they bite back?

Go the fuck back to your goddamn thread like you said you would and fuck off.

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Well, let's see. I've been here at VU four months longer than you. You have 15,138 posts. I have 3,493 posts.

Your life is so much better, you have so many more friends and so much else to do that your able to take the time to post 12,000 more times than I do in four months less than me and I'm the one without a life?

You have well over fifteen thousand posts on a vaping forum and think you can lecture someone else about the real world?

Now that's fucking funny right there.:teehee:

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At least Napoleon could admit he was too stupid to debate someone intellectual.......
Of course he had to go the sodomite route.... Says alot about someone's 'deep thoughts.'

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