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Well, let's see. I've been here at VU four months longer than you. You have 15,138 posts. I have 3,493 posts.

Your life is so much better, you have so many more friends and so much else to do that your able to take the time to post 12,000 more times than I do in four months less than me and I'm the one without a life?

You have well over fifteen thousand posts on a vaping forum and think you can lecture someone else about the real world?

Now that's fucking funny right there.:teehee:
And I've managed to make all those posts without pissing off half the forum.
You're right, you have accomplished so much with such little effort.

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Well, let's see. I've been here at VU four months longer than you. You have 15,138 posts. I have 3,493 posts.

Your life is so much better, you have so many more friends and so much else to do that your able to take the time to post 12,000 more times than I do in four months less than me and I'm the one without a life?

You have well over fifteen thousand posts on a vaping forum and think you can lecture someone else about the real world?

Now that's fucking funny right there.:teehee:
you fuck, you've gone and brought math into I have to sit and watch him count his fucking toes for the next two weeks.

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I'm curious though... Isn't time a convicted felon?
Can he still vote?

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Yes and yes.
So, Should all citizens be allowed to vote? Should that right ever be taken?

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That's up to the state.
Lol... The one issue you have a vested, personal interest in; and, you have no opinion?
But yet you have an opinion on almost everything else? But no, you're not a sheep.

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Lol... The one issue you have a vested, personal interest in; and, you have no opinion?
But yet you have an opinion on almost everything else? But no, you're not a sheep.

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I have no vested interest. There is no attempt in my state to change the current law so there is nothing for me to have an opinion about. I certainly have no say, nor do I want one, in other states. That's their fucking business, not mine.


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Lol... The one issue you have a vested, personal interest in; and, you have no opinion?
But yet you have an opinion on almost everything else? But no, you're not a sheep.

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Is this your way of saying to Time


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You're still here?
I guess you really don't have anything to go home too.....

Y'all have a nice night and play safe

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You're still here?
I guess you really don't have anything to go home too.....

Y'all have a nice night and play safe

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as has been pointed out...I have been on this forum for 6 months longer than you, and you have twice as many posts as I do.....if anyone needs a life it's you....


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In a desperate attempt to steer the conversation...

I think unless you are locked in a prison on a certain level felony, you should be allowed to vote. I've never understood why a person who is supposedly "rehabilitated" can't be trusted to vote for someone who's probably more of a criminal than they could ever hope to be. I know a few people who had serious drug problems at some point of their lives, got arrested on a felony drug charge and straightened their lives up along the way. One good example - My first job out of school was with an investment and brokerage firm and I worked in the mutual fund group. Our managing director had been arrested in his 20's on a ****** charge and cleaned himself up shortly thereafter. 20 years later, he's managing millions of dollars a day, over seeing 30 employees and raising 2 kids. I think its wrong that someone who contributes so much to their community can be disenfranchised and excluded from the political process because of a few bad choices.


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For the record that's Trevor Noah, the host of the Daily Show. That's not Don Lemon from CNN. The last time a snipet of the Daily Show was posted on here, some idiot thought it was Don Lemon.
I know all black people look the same to some people here, but get your facts straight before you whine. Trevor is a product of miscegenation and was born in South Africa and is a hilarious comedian.

Sent from somewhere in Vietnam.

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He was a hilarious comedian, back when he stuck to comedy instead of getting all lefty partisan.
I'm sorry, but I can't take anything on comedy Central seriously. To me it's just that.... Comedy.
And the guys is hilarious. Not as funny as John Stewart was, but still funny.

Sometimes it's OK to laugh.

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John Voight because .... Somehow he fertilized the egg that became Angelina Jolie
or larry the cable guy

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A friend of mine is part of an organization in the DC area that is made up of mainly legal professionals who are republicans and big supporters of Trump. From what he tells me, there is a lot of frustration with Trump but most blame Conway and Bannon. He also tells me the consensus seems to be that Trump made a mistake with Sessions and should have chosen Trey Gawdy. Thought it was interesting to hear that perspective.

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A friend of mine is part of an organization in the DC area that is made up of mainly legal professionals who are republicans and big supporters of Trump. From what he tells me, there is a lot of frustration with Trump but most blame Conway and Bannon. He also tells me the consensus seems to be that Trump made a mistake with Sessions and should have chosen Trey Gawdy. Thought it was interesting to hear that perspective.
It's interesting to hear honesty from someone, rather than trying to explain it away.

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For me and a lot of people:
We are ready for real change. But the guy elected to do the job isn't the right person for it. Nothing will ever get accomplished when you act like a lunatic half the time. No one will ever side with you. Everything you do, will be tied up in court, and no one will care if they are doing what is constitutionally required of them. You are too busy pissing people off. You will be locked up in grid lock.

In the mean time, the "swamp" will do exactly whatever they want, bypassing the executive branch. In the chaos, what they do will go unseen, unchecked.

For being a guy who is supposedly educated and smart, he sure talks like his is as dumb as a box of hammers. Lots of meaningless words falling out of his mouth, with no power or meaning behind them. He's quite the delusional old fart.

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Gawdy is a no bullshit kind of guy. I would definitely have supported that over Sessions.
If memory serves: I saw Gawdy do an interview and he said he has no desire for any cabinet position.
Granted that was months ago, and who knows how much of that was political.

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For me and a lot of people:
We are ready for real change. But the guy elected to do the job isn't the right person for it. Nothing will ever get accomplished when you act like a lunatic half the time. No one will ever side with you. Everything you do, will be tied up in court, and no one will care if they are doing what is constitutionally required of them. You are too busy pissing people off. You will be locked up in grid lock.

In the mean time, the "swamp" will do exactly whatever they want, bypassing the executive branch. In the chaos, what they do will go unseen, unchecked.

For being a guy who is supposedly educated and smart, he sure talks like his is as dumb as a box of hammers. Lots of meaningless words falling out of his mouth, with no power or meaning behind them. He's quite the delusional old fart.

Problem is, he's so preoccupied with nonsense like SNL, his daughters businesses and what 2nd rate reporters have to say about him that it distracts from real issues. Then, when he does come out to talk about serious concerns, he just randomly blurts out poorly worded nonsense. Some people say its all an act to appeal to his supporters. IMO, that is an insult to his supporters.

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For me and a lot of people:
We are ready for real change. But the guy elected to do the job isn't the right person for it. Nothing will ever get accomplished when you act like a lunatic half the time. No one will ever side with you. Everything you do, will be tied up in court, and no one will care if they are doing what is constitutionally required of them. You are too busy pissing people off. You will be locked up in grid lock.

In the mean time, the "swamp" will do exactly whatever they want, bypassing the executive branch. In the chaos, what they do will go unseen, unchecked.

For being a guy who is supposedly educated and smart, he sure talks like his is as dumb as a box of hammers. Lots of meaningless words falling out of his mouth, with no power or meaning behind them. He's quite the delusional old fart.
Well, you know you're dealing with someone whose words are meaningless when his mouthpiece says that you can't take him literally.
At that point anything the man says is completely de-legitimized.

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If memory serves: I saw Gawdy do an interview and he said he has no desire for any cabinet position.
Granted that was months ago, and who knows how much of that was political.

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I would bet if Trump had asked him earlier, he may have been more inclined. Gawdy is no dummy and can see a sinking ship for what it is. He's got credibility on both sides of the spectrum and taking any cabinet position now would quickly mortgage that.
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